Compact Cities Are Complex, Intense and Diverse But: Can We Design Such Emergent Urban Properties?
Compact Cities Are Complex, Intense and Diverse But: Can We Design Such Emergent Urban Properties?
Compact Cities Are Complex, Intense and Diverse But: Can We Design Such Emergent Urban Properties?
Compact Cities Are Complex, Intense and Diverse but: Can We Design Such
Emergent Urban Properties?
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Compact Cities Are Complex, Intense and Diverse but: Can We Design
Such Emergent Urban Properties?
Hye Kyung Lim * and Jaan-Henrik Kain
Department of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, 41296 Gothenburg, Sweden;
E-Mails: [email protected] (H.K.L.), [email protected] (J.-H.K.)
* Corresponding author
Compact cities are promoted by global and local policies in response to environmental, economic and social challenges.
It is argued that increased density and diversity of urban functions and demographics are expected to deliver positive
outcomes. ‘Emerged’ urban area which have developed incrementally seem to exhibit such dense and diverse charac-
teristics, acquired through adaptation by multiple actors over time and space. Today, ‘design-based’ planning ap-
proaches aim to create the same characteristics here and now. An example of such is the City of Gothenburg, Sweden,
which strives to involve multiple actors to ‘design’ urban density and mixed use, but with unsatisfactory outcomes.
There is reason to investigate in what way current planning approaches need modification to better translate policy
goals into reality. This paper studied which type of planning approach appears to best deliver the desired urban charac-
teristics. Two cities are studied, Gothenburg and Tokyo. Today, these cities operate under different main planning par-
adigms. Tokyo applies a rule-based approach and Gothenburg a design-based approach. Five urban areas were studied
in each city, representing outcomes of three strategic planning approaches that have been applied historically in both
cities: 1) emergent compact urban form; 2) designed dispersed urban form; and 3) designed compact urban form. Plan-
ning outcomes in the form of density, building scales and diversity were analysed to understand if such properties of
density and diversity are best achieved by a specific planning approach. The results show that different planning ap-
proaches deliver very different outcomes when it comes to these qualities. To better support ambitions for compact cit-
ies in Gothenburg, the prevailing mix of ‘planning by design’ and ‘planning by developmental control’ needs to be com-
plemented by a third planning strategy of ‘planning by coding’ or ‘rule-based planning’. This is critical to capacitate
urban planning to accommodate parameters, such as timing, density, building scale diversity, and decentralization of
planning and design activities to multiple actors.
compact city; density; diversity; emergent urban form; rule-based planning; urban adaptability; urban resilience
This article is part of the issue “Urban Forms and Future Cities”, edited by Luca D’Acci (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The
Netherlands), Tigran Haas (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) and Ronita Bardhan (Indian Institute of Technology
Bombay, India).
© 2016 by the authors; licensee Cogitatio (Lisbon, Portugal). This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribu-
tion 4.0 International License (CC BY).
Figure 1. Policy characteristics of compact cities with properties delivered by a resilience approach to urban planning.
Based on Ahern (2011), OECD (2012), and UN-Habitat (2014a).
The city of Gothenburg has 544,261 in population and The ten study areas in Gothenburg and Tokyo (see Fig-
1,209 persons/km2 in population density (Gothenburg ure 2) were chosen according to the applied planning
City Council, 2015). approaches these include:
In Gothenburg, as in many other European cities,
much of the development has been planned top-down Type 1: Emergent compact urban form, evolved
by planners and architects through large-scale devel- incrementally by multiple actors through time and
opments. However, the small city core developed be- space
fore the 19th century has been left largely untouched.
The period from 1961-1980 has produced 42% of the A) Gothenburg Central area: Two areas developed
building stock constructed from 1931 until 2014 (Statis- from the 17th century representing one of the
tics Sweden, 2015). The city districts created during the oldest neighbourhoods in the city.
Million Program period are identified as problem areas 1) Inom Vallgraven: Until 1864, when the city
ridden with segregation issues (Lilja & Pemer, 2010). extended southwards, this area was the core of
Today, the City of Gothenburg is direly needs to in- Gothenburg and still is a very central area of the
crease its level of housing and to reduce socio-spatial city (Stadshem, 2015b), with a population of
segregation. The lack of housing and a constant in- 3,917 (Gothenburg City Council, 2014).
crease of the population leads to a waiting period, 2) Järntorget/Haga: Previously developed with
counting from start of the search to a rental contract, small wooden houses where port workers
reaching almost 4 years (Boplats, 2014). The persistent resided. Larger buildings were built densely in
socio-economic spatial segregation coupled with a divi- the area from around the 1840’s when industry
sion into ‘immigrant’ and ‘native Swedish’ populations began attracting larger numbers of workers
is also highly problematic (Lilja & Pemer, 2010). Inte- (Stadshem, 2015a). The population is 5,718
gration proceeds slowly and the quality of urban life is (Gothenburg City Council, 2014).
very much inferior to that in the Million Program areas
where the immigrating population consists of up to 80% B) Tokyo Central areas: Two mixed
of the total population (Gothenburg City Council, 2013). neighbourhoods with diverse functions located
As a response to these problematic issues, Gothen- in the central districts of Tokyo, selected to
burg is currently adopting a strategy based on involve- represent typical urban patterns found in the
ment of multiple actors, e.g. by employing a diversity central areas of the Tokyo metropolis. Both
of firms to ‘design’ new urban areas with mixed tenan- areas have been developed since the Edo period
cy types and functions (Gothenburg City Council, 2011, of the 1600’s.
2012, 2014). Although this strategy needs to be as- 1) Nishiazabu: Located in Minato ward, in central
sessed further after a longer time period, it has so far Tokyo, with a population of 10,523 (Minato City,
been criticized for failure to produce the desired com- 2012).
pact dense and mixed urban areas, especially with con- 2) Ebisu: Situated in Shibuya ward, also located in
troversial issues concerning gentrification (Thörn, 2013). central Tokyo, with population of 13,019
Tokyo houses more than 13 million people (Tokyo (Shibuya City, 2010).
Metropolitan Government, 2012). Its 23 central special
wards have a population of 9.2 million and a density of Type 2: Designed dispersed urban form, reductionist
14,818 persons/km2.. and top-down
Most of the urban areas of Tokyo has emerged
through continuous incremental adaptation over time. C) Gothenburg Million Program Area. The ‘Million
The post WWII land reform, saw 19,180 km2 of land Program’ refers to a Swedish public housing
force-purchased from 2,341,000 landlords and sold to program operated between 1965–1974 to
4,748,000 tenants significantly reducing the individual deliver one million housing units
size of holdings. This led to piecemeal development (Nationalencyklopedin, 2015).
with rather un-organized individual development initia- 1) Hjällbo: Among the 7,273 residents, around 60%
tives and composite mix of building types (Kawagoe, are born outside of Sweden. 15% are foreign
1999). The city is seemingly chaotic with a rather form- citizens and 45% have Swedish citizenship.
less urban structure due to it piecemeal developments Statistics show a persistently higher percentage
on narrow streets, but it still keeps its traditional urban of population on social security benefits in the
patterns quite intact. According to a study on residen- district, on average 8–10% from 2000–2007,
tial class segregation, Tokyo demonstrates low class compared to a 1–2% average in Gothenburg
segregations based on occupation distribution, providing during that period (TILLIT, 2012).
a juxtaposition of demographics (Fujita & Hill, 2012).
The building footprints were used as indicator for den- a. smaller than 300 m²
sity. The study of the built environment was achieved b. smaller than 750 m²
through analysis of open source maps retrieved from c. smaller than 1,500 m² The assessment of density was d. smaller than 2,250 m²
performed by analysing the raster image pixel count- e. smaller than 3,000 m²
ing. The vector shapes, which identify the borders of f. bigger than 3,000 m²
buildings, were separated from the rest of the infor-
mation, such as roads, paths and site boundaries (see Each identified built object for a scale was removed
image 3 in Figure 3). This gave a gross density including and color-coded (see Figure 4), leaving only those larg-
public and private streets as well as unbuilt surfaces. er than the values already analysed to be assessed fur-
Then the colour scale of the vector polygons represent- ther. The built objects larger than 3,000 m² were
ing building footprint was reduced to black, i.e. with grouped together without further subdivision.
Figure 6. Graph over building footprint densities in the ten study areas. The horizontal axis shows the density as a per-
centage of the total area.
Figure 8. Four graphs showing the distribution of density trends in both cities. The images to the left show the median
level density while the images to the right show the general pattern of density distribution between the cells.
Figure 9. Building footprints in the ten study areas color-coded according to their scale; first phase of analysis.
However, looking at the proportions between the types configuration of Gothenburg’s Type 3 areas exhibited
within the same cities, we observed a gradual decrease resemblance to the reductionist oriented Type 2 areas
of smaller scale buildings from Type 1, and to Type 3, of both cities, rather than the intended compact city
and then to Type 2. Also, more vacant lots are observed type seen in Gothenburg Type 1 areas (see Figure 9).
in Type 2 in both cities. However, when looking at the distribution/diversity of
the building footprints only, the results told a some-
5. Discussion what different story (see Figure 12). A comparison of
the scales of building objects within each city showed
The graph displaying the density analysis of the study an increasing scale from Type 1 to Type 2 and then to
sites showed generally higher density in Type 1 areas in Type 3. Also, the relative number of buildings found in
both cities. Gothenburg showed even higher density in the respective study areas was highest in Type 1 areas
those areas than Tokyo. The designed compact city ar- and lowest in Type 2 areas in both cities, while Type 3
eas of Type 3 in Gothenburg showed a much lower areas remained in-between. However, assuming that
density, which was rather similar to that of the mod- the whole of a Type 3 area would be developed in the
ernist designed Type 2 areas of Tokyo. The study of the same manner as the individual intensification projects,
median levels of density showed a much more even Gothenburg’s Type 3 actually began to resemble Type
distribution of density in overall Tokyo, with a more 1, while in Tokyo, this adjusted value of Type 3 resem-
consistently clustered density distribution throughout bled that of Type 2 areas (see Figure 12). The density
(see Figure 8). In Gothenburg, the highs and lows of the and mixed-use oriented design approach in Tokyo
density were greater, with urban areas varying signifi- (Type 3) had thus resulted in a lower quantity of build-
cantly from larger unbuilt sites to extremely dense ings in a dense composition, emulating the density of
sites. Type 1 Gothenburg areas showed much higher Type 1 but the building scale and distribution of Type 2.
density than that of any other Type in both cities. Also In Gothenburg, it was unclear if the densities or build-
here, extreme highs and lows were observed, com- ing scales exhibited any characteristics similar to the
pared to the more contained distribution of the Tokyo emerged urban form of Type 1. The slight increase of
sites (see Figure 11). density was rather insignificant. However, the increase
When looking at the scale and distribution/diversity of the number of buildings found in the two Type 3 ar-
of building footprints across the study areas, including eas, almost to the level found in Type 1 areas, seemed
streets and unbuilt surfaces, the building shapes and to indicate some of the characteristics found in Type 1.
Figure 12. Comparisons of scale distributions of the building footprints in the two cities. Numbers of buildings found in
each study area is shown. As a comparison, for Type 3 the figure also shows the projected number of buildings as if the
whole study area would have contained the same number of buildings as the intensification development sites. The
percentage of building footprint density is provided for reference.
Furthermore, it might be speculated that wider roads It is not surprising that the results showed reduced
and existence of larger public areas are contributing density and less diversity in areas designed with the
factors to the variation of density in Gothenburg seen reductionist approach (Type 2) compared to the areas
in Figure 11. A quick tracking of visible parking spaces designed with a density and diversity oriented ap-
in two of the areas in Gothenburg and Tokyo showed proach (Type 3) in both cities. However, the observa-
larger parking spaces distributed less evenly in the tion that areas designed compact city areas in ongoing
Gothenburg Type 1 area (see Figure 13). urban intensification programs in Gothenburg have a
Figure 13. The bird’s eye-view of Type 1 study areas in both cities with marked ground level spaces designated for parking.
Figure 14. Proportions of scale distributions of building footprints of Type 3 areas in Gothenburg re-analysed focusing
only on the newly developed parts of the study area.
Figure 16. Images show the information regarding the phasing of the project development. (Kvillebäcken, retrieved 2015).
If we apply Ahern’s (2011) resilience characteristics strategies with varying phases of construction assigned
shown in Figure 1, increased density and number of to multiple actors, Figure 16 shows that this incremen-
built objects potentially indicate the required multiplic- tality is designed already during the initial master plan-
ity of elements and components required for redun- ning process.
dancy and modularization. Benefits of multiple, diverse The images in Figure 16 also show how the planned
agents for resilient and adaptive urban systems have diversity of employed design firms and of urban func-
been pointed out by many researchers (Bettencourt, tions is already extant at this early stage. A certain de-
2013; Bettencourt & West, 2010; Glaeser, 2011; gree of density and variety of scales may possibly be
Quigley, 1998), and the characteristics of the emerged emulated in planning processes if the parameters are set
Type 1 seem to concur with those characteristics, if we to achieve such characteristics. However, it seems that
consider a parcel as an individual agent (Hoffmann- true diversity of scales as consequences of emergent de-
Axthelm, 1993, 1996, cited in Scheurer, 2007). For Type sign processes through adaptation and incremental de-
3 this is less obvious. An emergent system could be re- velopment is not delivered by pre-designed incremental-
garded as a process of incremental adaptivity by di- ity with a pre-assigned and controlled diversity.
verse agent’s self-modification, and interaction, and One critique of the Kvillebäcken and Eriksberg areas
the characteristics of emergent urban form is the out- in Gothenburg concerns the high rents and purchase
come of this process. Even though the urban intensifi- fees in the project areas. The average rent per m² per
cation projects in Gothenburg waterfronts, represent- year in Gothenburg for a one room apartment is 1,251
ed by the two Type 3 study areas Kvillebäcken and SEK (Statistics Sweden, 2015), while the lower rent
Eriksberg, aim to implement incremental development scale for a one room apartment is 2,101 SEK per m²