UKenergy Future
UKenergy Future
UKenergy Future
Cm 5761 £18.60
EnergyWhitePaper 2/21/03 4:00 PM Page ii
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EnergyWhitePaper 2/21/03 4:00 PM Page 1
Foreword .................................................................................................................................................3
Section One
Overview .................................................................................................................................................5
Chapter 1 Cleaner, smarter energy ....................................................................................................6
Section Two
The low carbon economy .......................................................................................................21
Chapter 2 The Environment ...............................................................................................................22
Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies .......................................................75
Chapter 6 Energy reliability .................................................................................................................76
Section Four
Delivery through partnership ..............................................................................................111
Chapter 9..................................................................................................................................................112
Annex A Glossary.................................................................................................................................122
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Our analysis suggests that, by working with others, the costs of action
will be acceptable - and the costs of inaction are potentially much
greater. And as we move to a new, low carbon economy, there are major
opportunities for our businesses to become world leaders in the
technologies we will need for the future - such as fuel cells, offshore
wind and tidal power. Science and technology are vital, and we will be
supporting further research and development in these areas.
This white paper is a milestone in energy policy. It is based on the four pillars
of the environment, energy reliability, affordable energy for the poorest,
and competitive markets for our businesses, industries and households.
This white paper sets out a strategy for the long term, to give industry
the confidence to invest to help us deliver our goals - a truly sustainable
energy policy.
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1.1 Our country needs a new energy policy. 1.4 Until the 1990s the energy system in the UK
Despite the improvements we have made over - as in most other countries - was largely
the last five years, today’s policy will not meet owned and controlled by Government. Today
tomorrow’s challenges. We need to address the UK has one of the most open energy
the threat of climate change. We must deal markets in the world. Open and competitive
with the implications of reduced UK oil, gas markets will remain vital to delivering the
and coal production, which will make us a net energy we need. But it is Government’s
energy importer instead of an energy responsibility to set the overall goals for UK
exporter. And over the next twenty years or energy policy and to ensure that our energy
so we will need to replace or update much of markets and other policies deliver those
our energy infrastructure. goals. Energy producers, investors, business
and consumers need a clear, settled, long-
1.2 With these challenges, however, come new term framework within which they can plan
opportunities. The opportunity to shift the UK and make decisions with confidence.
decisively towards becoming a low carbon
economy where higher resource productivity 1.5 The new energy policy that we set out in
- producing more with fewer natural this white paper is designed to provide this.
resources and less pollution - will contribute It reflects, and will reinforce, our wider
to higher living standards and a better quality commitment to sustainable development1
of life. The opportunity to develop, apply and which challenges us to find ways to achieve
export leading-edge technologies, creating economic, social and environmental
new businesses and jobs. And the objectives at the same time.
opportunity to lead the way, in Europe and
internationally, in developing environmentally
The challenges we face...
sustainable, reliable and competitive energy
markets that will support economic growth in
1.6 The first challenge we face is environmental.
every part of the world.
Climate change is real. Levels of carbon
dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, one of the
1.3 From heating and lighting to transport,
main causes of climate change, have risen
industry and communications, energy is
by more than a third since the industrial
fundamental to almost everything we do.
revolution and are now rising faster than ever
We expect it to be available whenever we
before. This has led to rising temperatures:
want it, to be affordable, safe and
over the 20th century, the earth warmed
environmentally sustainable. It is only when
up by about 0.6˚C largely due to increased
something goes wrong - for instance, when
greenhouse gas emissions from human
families are left without heating and light
activities. The 1990s were the warmest
after severe storms or when the lights go out
decade since records began.
in California - that we realise how much
modern industrialised countries depend upon
extremely complicated energy systems.
6 ENERGY WHITE PAPER Our energy future - creating a low carbon economy
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Section One
Chapter 1: Cleaner, smarter energy
Variations in the earth’s surface temperature usage of the Thames Barrier has increased
from year 1000 to 2000. Line shows 50-year from once every two years in the 1980s
average. “SRES envelope” refers to the to an average six times a year over the past
range of emission scenarios used as a basis 5 years; and
for the climate change projections in the weather-related economic losses to
IPCC Working Group I contribution to the
communities and businesses have
Third Assessment Report.
increased ten-fold over the last 40 years.
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Gulf Stream or melting of the West Antarctic 1.10 Our ambition is for the world’s developed
ice sheet, which although they may have a economies to cut emissions of greenhouse
very low probability of occurring, would have gases by 60% by around 2050. We therefore
dramatic consequences. accept the Royal Commission on
Environmental Pollution’s (RCEP’s)
1.9 We cannot escape some climate change. recommendation that the UK should put
But the worst effects can be avoided if itself on a path towards a reduction in
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are carbon dioxide emissions of some 60%
stabilised instead of being allowed to go on from current levels by about 2050 .
increasing. The UNFCCC3 and its Kyoto Until now the UK’s energy policy has not paid
Protocol demonstrate that it is possible to enough attention to environmental problems.
reach global agreement on action, but far Our new energy policy will ensure that
energy, the environment and economic
more needs to be done. The UK will continue
growth are properly and sustainably
to show leadership but it cannot solve this
integrated. In this white paper, we set out
problem alone. UK emissions of carbon
the first steps to achieving this goal.
dioxide currently account for only about 2%
of the global total. Our own actions will have
1.11 We can get to a 60% cut in emissions by 2050
no impact on climate change unless they
in a number of ways. But leaving action until
are part of a concerted international effort.
the last minute is not a serious option. If we
A wider effort is also necessary, for example
do not begin now, more dramatic, more
in bringing forward technological changes,
disruptive and more expensive change will be
to keep down costs to the UK and to avoid
needed later on. We need early, well-planned
compromising our competitiveness. action to provide a framework within which
We will therefore continue to work with businesses and the economy generally,
other countries to establish both a including the jobs and skills base, can adjust
consensus around the need for change and to the need for change. This will for example
firm commitments to take action to reduce allow business to plan to act in the course of
carbon emissions world wide within the normal capital replacement cycles. It will also
framework of the UNFCCC. A key objective encourage new technologies to come forward
of the UK’s foreign policy in future will be to help to meet the challenges we face.
to secure international commitment to this
ambition. We also need to continue to 1.12 We have analysed carefully the likely impacts
develop our understanding of climate on the UK economy of cutting emissions by
change, so that we can forecast with 60% by 2050. A good deal of caution is
greater precision the effects which must needed in looking at economic changes over
be mitigated. We are investing in climate such a long period and given the sensitivity
change research and recognise that this
is a crucial underpinning of the knowledge 5 RCEP’s recommendation of putting the UK on a path to ‘reducing carbon
dioxide emissions by some 60% from current levels by about 2050’ was
base which informs our energy policies. based on a more detailed calculation of 58% reductions from 1997 levels.
This would lead to 2050 emissions of 64 million tonnes of carbon (MtC).
The Kyoto Protocol, and the UK’s current domestic targets, use 1990 as a
baseline. A precise reduction of 60% in emissions from 1990 would result
in emissions of 65.8 MtC in 2050. As the RCEP recommendation implies,
absolute precision five decades before 2050 is not possible. This white
paper uses ‘around 65 million tonnes’ to describe the level of carbon
4 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. emissions which a 60% cut would deliver by 2050.
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Section One
Chapter 1: Cleaner, smarter energy
1.14 As we shift from being a net energy exporter 1.15 Norway will be a major source of our gas
to being once again a net energy importer we imports over the next decade. But we will
may become potentially more vulnerable to also need to look for supplies from elsewhere
price fluctuations and interruptions to supply eg from Russia, the Middle East, North Africa
caused by regulatory failures, political and Latin America. This trade in energy will
instability or conflict in other parts of the involve relationships of mutual dependence -
world. But being an energy importer does not
7 The phrase energy reliability is used in this white paper to encompass all
aspects of energy security of supply.
6 Report of Working Group III of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
Mitigation, 2001. 8 Combined Heat and Power plant.
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Section One
Chapter 1: Cleaner, smarter energy
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1.22 We recognise, however, that this approach is of nuclear waste to be resolved. These issues
not enough on its own. In particular, specific include our legacy waste and continued waste
measures are needed to stimulate the arising from other sources. This white paper
growth in renewable energy that will allow it does not contain specific proposals for building
to achieve the economies of scale and new nuclear power stations. However we do
maturity that will significantly reduce its not rule out the possibility that at some point
costs. In January 2000 we announced our in the future new nuclear build might be
aim for renewables to supply 10% of UK necessary if we are to meet our carbon
electricity in 2010, subject to the costs being targets. Before any decision to proceed with
acceptable to the consumer. We introduced the building of new nuclear power stations,
the Renewables Obligation (which requires there will need to be the fullest public
suppliers in England and Wales to obtain an consultation and the publication of a further
increasing proportion of electricity from white paper setting out our proposals.
renewables year on year) in April last year.
We also exempted renewable generation 1.25 Coal fired generation will also have an
from the Climate Change Levy. By 2010 important part to play in widening the
these measures will provide the renewables diversity of the energy mix provided ways
industry with support worth around £1 billion can be found materially to reduce its carbon
a year. This is designed to deliver the emissions. We will continue to support
required expansion in renewables by then. relevant research projects, including
In this white paper we set the ambition of internationally, to develop options for cleaner
doubling renewables’ share of electricity coal technologies and for carbon capture and
generation in the decade after that. In order storage. Domestic coal production is likely to
to achieve this and to ensure that renewables continue to decline as existing pits reach the
make a growing contribution to the fuel mix ends of their geological and economic lives.
in the longer term it will be essential to
maintain a healthy research base. 1.26 However, where there is the potential for coal
companies to make worthwhile investments,
1.23 In reducing carbon dioxide emissions, our they have to date been prevented by EU
priority is to strengthen the contribution of rules from seeking government help in doing
energy efficiency and renewable energy so. In 2002 we negotiated the flexibility we
sources. This white paper sets out the require at an EU level to correct this anomaly.
policies we believe are necessary to achieve We now propose to introduce an investment
that. They mean energy efficiency and aid scheme to help existing pits develop new
renewables will have to achieve far more in reserves, where they are economically viable
the next 20 years than they have until now. and help safeguard jobs.
We believe that such ambitious progress is
achievable. But it is uncertain. How we will
achieve our goals...
1.24 Nuclear power is currently an important
source of carbon-free electricity. However, its 1.27 To achieve our goal of reducing carbon
current economics make it an unattractive emissions we need to continue to decouple
option for new, carbon-free generating economic growth from energy use and
capacity and there are also important issues pollution. Since 1970, overall energy
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Chapter 1: Cleaner, smarter energy
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1.31 On its own emissions trading will not be enough 1.33 In liberalised markets, forward prices will send
to deliver our environmental goals. We will signals about the need for future investment.
need additional measures, for example to Suppliers will act on these signals, and on
stimulate further energy efficiency in business, their own assessments of risk and opportunity,
in the public sector and in households. Policies to innovate and plan to meet those needs.
to raise the energy efficiency of products and For example, in response to current market
buildings will have an important role. We will signals some companies are already planning
develop the present energy efficiency to increase the amount of gas we can import
commitment, which requires electricity and through our existing pipeline to Belgium;
gas suppliers to encourage their domestic others are exploring options for gas storage
customers to invest in energy efficiency and new LNG importing facilities.
measures such as cavity wall insulation. We will
aim to bring forward to 2005 the next revision 1.34 These developments help to provide
of the Building Regulations to raise standards reassurance that the market will invest in the
for energy efficiency in new buildings and capacity we need to provide reliable energy
refurbishments. We will push in Europe for supplies - in particular to meet peak demand
higher energy efficiency standards in tradeable in exceptionally cold weather. Our market is
goods such as fridges and personal computers. not like the market in California in 2000, where
We will encourage improvements in efficiency overregulation undermined the ability of
and lower carbon fuels in transport. We will suppliers to respond effectively to market
provide further encouragement for renewable signals. However, a totally unregulated energy
energy and infrastructure investment through market would be unlikely to deliver sufficient
measures such as capital grants and a more
security. So the Secretary of State and the
supportive approach to planning. To this end, we
regulator - OFGEM9 - both have duties to
are increasing the funding for renewables capital
ensure that reasonable demands for electricity
grants by £60 million, additional to the £38
and gas are met. These duties are in turn
million of extra funding announced in the 2002
carried forward into a number of conditions
Spending Review. And we will set an example
in the licences held by generators, suppliers,
throughout the public sector by improving
electricity transmission and distribution
energy efficiency in buildings and procurement.
operators and gas transporters. We look to
OFGEM to enforce these conditions in a
1.32 Our second goal is to maintain the reliability
manner consistent with their duties. With
of our energy supplies. This requires action on
OFGEM we will continue and expand our
many fronts. We need the right infrastructure
monitoring of energy security. We will also
and regulatory system at home and liberalised
continue to improve our contingency planning
energy markets within the European Union.
and resilience in dealing with major incidents,
We will also pursue closer international
including terrorism, which could affect critical
relationships to promote regional stability and
energy infrastructure.
economic reform in key producing areas, mutual
understanding of the functioning of markets,
and conditions for foreign direct investment
to facilitate further infrastructure investment
in the world’s diverse gas and oil regions.
9 The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets.
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Section One
Chapter 1: Cleaner, smarter energy
1.35 Thirdly, we are determined to promote end fuel poverty in vulnerable households in
competitive energy markets, in the UK and England by 2010. We further aim that as far
beyond. This will help to raise the sustainable as reasonably practical nobody in Britain
rate of economic growth and support our should be living in fuel poverty by 2016-18.
industrial and business competitiveness Grant schemes and the energy efficiency
through reliable and affordable energy. commitment are already improving homes
Energy makes a significant contribution to the through better insulation, more efficient
economy, and represents a key input into all heating systems and minimising draughts.
other sectors. A competitive energy sector is Later this year we will review the results of
therefore important to the whole economy’s these policies and decide what more needs to
competitiveness and productivity. We need be done to achieve our fuel poverty objectives.
greater resource productivity in business so
that our firms use energy more efficiently,
Innovation is fundamental...
reduce carbon dioxide emissions and cut
costs at the same time. To do that we will
1.38 Technological innovation will have a key part
encourage firms to innovate and minimise
to play in underpinning all our goals and in
costs and to deliver better quality goods and
delivering a low carbon economy cost-
services. We will continue our commitment
effectively. We will support research,
to competitive energy markets and use
development and innovation both to
market-based instruments to deliver our
encourage the development of new, longer-
wider energy policy goals. And we will work
term options (for example in respect of the
with business to help them prepare for the
hydrogen economy) and where necessary to
low carbon economy of the future and to
enable emerging technologies (such as
seize the opportunities that it provides.
renewables and new energy efficiency
Through our new sector skills network we
technologies) to demonstrate their potential.
will work with the energy industry to develop
A new national energy research centre will
the skills that industry needs.
be established by the Research Councils,
targeted at research and development in the
1.36 Our final goal is to ensure that every home
appropriate physical, environmental and
is adequately and affordably heated.
biological sciences and including social and
In 1996, 51⁄2 million households had to spend
economic studies. Through the EU we are
more than 10% of their income on heating
strongly backing the international
their homes adequately (the normal definition
development of fusion power for electricity
of fuel poverty). Already, falling prices and
generation. We will promote the
higher social security benefits have helped
development of homes and communities that
reduce this number to around 3 million.
combine energy efficient technologies and
renewable energy to reduce radically their
1.37 And alongside our policies to cut poverty we
demand for energy from the grid. More
also need to tackle the problem of old, poorly
widely, we will encourage UK business to
insulated, draughty homes, where much
make the most of the opportunities
spending on energy is simply wasted. In 2001
presented both here and overseas by moves
our fuel poverty strategy set out policies to
towards a low carbon economy.
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1.39 In all of this we will work both through our own because a well-designed, transparent and
national programmes and through a range of open energy market is the best way of
international collaborations and multilateral achieving efficient outcomes, we will
programmes which will enable us to wherever possible use market instruments
maximise the return on our participation. We to achieve our goals. In particular,
will work actively with partners in the G8 and emissions trading will be at the centre of
the EU to develop climate change our energy markets from 2005 onwards;
technologies which will be of benefit not only
we will need to continue to use trading as
in helping us meet our own carbon reduction
well as other measures to reduce carbon,
ambitions but also in helping others,
in particular for the millions of domestic
especially in the developing world, to meet
and smaller business consumers not
theirs. Capacity building programmes in
covered by trading, along with measures to
appropriate areas of science, engineering and
drive up energy efficiency in homes,
technology will be increasingly important in
products and transport;
this process.
the nationwide and local electricity grids,
metering systems and regulatory
Looking to the future... arrangements that were created for a
world of large-scale, centralised power
1.40 It will be clear from this white paper that we
stations will need restructuring over the
believe we need to prepare for an energy next 20 years to support the emergence of
system that is likely to be quite different from far more renewables and small-scale,
today. It will be for the market to develop and distributed electricity generation;
invest in this. But we need to set clear goals
the future energy system will require
and a strategy within which the market has
the confidence, ability and sense of long-term greater involvement from English regions
commitment to do so. This white paper sets and from local communities, complemented
the way forward. In particular it is based on by a planning system that is more helpful
the following key principles: to investment in infrastructure and new
electricity generation, particularly
energy investments are generally long- renewables. Strong links with the
term. Energy companies, industry and Devolved Administrations, who are already
business and domestic consumers need us fully engaged on a wide range of energy
to set clear goals and a strategy that issues, will continue to be essential;
supports them in making the long-term
diversity is the best way of protecting
investments they need to make in energy
efficiency and supply; ourselves against interruptions of supply,
sudden price rises, terrorism or other threats
the cheapest, cleanest and safest way of to reliability of supply. As the UK becomes
addressing all our goals is to use less a net importer of energy we will need
energy. We have to improve energy many sources, many suppliers and many
efficiency far more in the next 20 years than routes. International relations in Europe and
in the last 20; worldwide will be increasingly important to
achieving our overall energy aims;
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Section One
Chapter 1: Cleaner, smarter energy
we will seek out the best ways to the Devolved Administrations to address the
influence outcomes in line with the energy challenges that we face.
principles of better regulation, maximising
use of market based and/or voluntary 1.44 Many of the challenges are international in
mechanisms, promoting regulations only scope and will need to be addressed through
where they are clearly necessary and well international collaboration. Addressing climate
designed. Where regulation is required we change and securing access to energy requires
will work to make sure it takes account of concerted international effort. The innovation
the impact on key stakeholders to necessary to address the long-term challenge
minimise the burdens particularly on of shifting to a low carbon economy also
smaller and medium sized enterprises; and requires greater international collaboration.
We will ensure that our domestic energy
when designing new energy policies, we
strategy is fully consistent with our
will consider their impact on all of our
international energy strategy and other
energy policy objectives, in line with our
international Government objectives.
overall approach to sustainable development.
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We envisage the energy system in 2020 being There will be much more micro-generation, for
much more diverse than today. At its heart will example from CHP plant, fuel cells in buildings,
be a much greater mix of energy, especially or photovoltaics. This will also generate
electricity sources and technologies, affecting excess capacity from time to time, which will
both the means of supply and the control and be sold back into the local distributed network.
management of demand. For example: Energy efficiency improvements will reduce
Much of our energy will be imported, either demand overall, despite new demand for
from or through a single European market electricity, for example as homes move to
embracing more than 25 countries. digital television and as computers further
The backbone of the electricity system will still penetrate the domestic market. Air conditioning
be a market-based grid, balancing the supply of may become more widespread.
large power stations. But some of those large New homes will be designed to need very little
power stations will be offshore marine plants, energy and will perhaps even achieve zero
including wave, tidal and windfarms. carbon emissions. The existing building stock
Generally smaller onshore windfarms will also will increasingly adopt energy efficiency
be generating. The market will need to be able measures. Many buildings will have the
to handle intermittent generation by using capacity at least to reduce their demand on
backup capacity when weather conditions the grid, for example by using solar heating
reduce or cut off these sources. systems to provide some of their water heating
There will be much more local generation, in needs, if not to generate electricity to sell back
part from medium to small local/community into the local network.
power plant, fuelled by locally grown biomass, Gas will form a large part of the energy mix as
from locally generated waste, from local wind the savings from more efficient boiler
sources, or possibly from local wave and tidal technologies are offset by demand for gas for
generators. These will feed local distributed CHP (which in turn displaces electricity demand).
networks, which can sell excess capacity into Coal fired generation will either play a smaller
the grid. Plant will also increasingly generate part than today in the energy mix or be linked
heat for local use. to CO2 capture and storage (if that proves
technically, environmentally and economically
A strategy for the long term... overall context. We review what we will need
to have achieved by 2020 if we are to be
1.46 In this white paper we set out a long-term confident we are moving in the right direction,
framework to deliver our environmental, fast enough, to deliver our aims for 2050.
security of supply, competitiveness and social
goals. Because energy requires very long-term
investment we look ahead to 2050 to set the
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Section One
Chapter 1: Cleaner, smarter energy
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The Low Carbon Economy
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Section Two
The Low Carbon Economy
Chapter 2: The Environment
A Government Economic Service working paper2 changes to the Gulf Stream), of social impacts
has suggested £70/tC (within a range of £35 to such as famine or mass migration, or of impacts
£140/tC) as an illustrative estimate for the after 2100. Nor does it include other benefits of
damage cost of carbon emissions. It also reducing emissions, such as improved air quality.
suggested that this figure should be raised in real These could increase the social cost of carbon
terms by £1/tC per year as the costs of climate considerably. Impacts will also vary significantly
change are likely to increase over time. across sectors and regions.
These values are under review in light of These values do not set a limit on the acceptable
developments in the academic literature and in costs of reducing emissions. Wider impacts on
the Government’s economic appraisal guidance. other energy policy objectives are also relevant.
Currently the estimate only represents a subset of Costs which initially look high may also be
damage costs, and the review will also consider reduced by economies of scale and innovation.
issues of coverage. While the suggested range Nevertheless, in looking at measures to reduce
covers impacts such as effects on agriculture, carbon it is important to consider abatement
wildlife and health, sea level rise and some costs. Most of the carbon savings we are looking
extreme weather effects, it does not include the at pre-2020 can, we believe, be delivered at costs
possible impacts of ‘climate catastrophes’ (e.g. lower than, or in line with, the illustrative range
melting of the West Antarctic ice sheet or for damage costs.
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Section Two
The Low Carbon Economy
Chapter 2: The Environment
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2.15 Discussions under the UNFCCC to tackle 2.17 In order to achieve our aims we must
climate change beyond 2008-12 will start accelerate this trend. If the UK economy
soon. On the basis of our current policies, were to grow at an average of 2.25% a year
including the full impact of the Climate between now and 2050 it would be three
Change Programme, our carbon dioxide times as large then as it is now. Reducing
emissions might amount to some 135 MtC in carbon emissions to around 65MtC (see
20207. To be consistent with demonstrating footnote 5) in the same period would require
leadership in the international process, we an improvement in the ratio between
will aim for cuts in carbon of 15-25 MtC emissions and economic output of around
below that by 2020. This would also put us seven-fold. We will achieve this by raising the
on course to reduce our carbon dioxide resource productivity of our economy -
emissions by some 60% by about 2050. producing more with less pollution.
2.16 If we are to cut emissions this much we will 2.18 The table below illustrates how cuts of 15-25
need to achieve a fundamental long-term MtC could be achieved by 2020. The exact
shift in the way energy is supplied and used. target figure will be determined in the light of
Already we have decoupled economic growth international negotiations, and the actual
from energy use and carbon emissions. mix of measures needed to reach it will be
Overall energy consumption in the UK has shaped by economic and technological
risen by around 15% since 1970, while the developments. We will put in hand
economy has doubled. measures now to ensure we are well placed
to deliver on our commitments.
Chart 2.1
GDP, primary energy consumption Table 2.1
and emissions How cuts of 15-25MtC could
be achieved by 2020
Estimated MtC
180 reductions
Index (1970=100)
Energy efficiency in households 4-6
Energy efficiency in industry, commerce 4-6
120 and the public sector
Transport: continuing voluntary agreements 2-4
80 on vehicles; use of biofuels for road transport
Primary energy consumption (Mtoe)
Mt Carbon
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Chapter 2: The Environment
2.19 The Kyoto Protocol’s project mechanisms 2.21 Modelling work shows that higher transition
provide for credits from international costs would occur if there were very tight
emissions trading, including from projects reduction targets in too short a time scale,
under the Clean Development Mechanism if policies such as emissions trading or other
and Joint Implementation, to contribute economic instruments were not used or if
towards emission reduction commitments. energy efficiency was not exploited. In the
They will provide another possible route to medium term, transition costs would also
savings, although it is not yet possible to increase if other countries did not take action
judge the scale of any contribution that they to reduce emissions. But the more other
may make. countries commit to move in the same
direction, the less direct impact there will be
on the UK. These impacts need to be
Maintaining our competitiveness
monitored and managed, both across the
at the same time...
economy and sector by sector. And there will
also be some economic benefits, for example
2.20 We have analysed carefully the likely impacts
through increasing energy efficiency or
on the UK economy of cutting emissions by
through enabling UK firms to benefit from
60% by 2050. A good deal of caution is
new opportunities in manufacturing, servicing
needed in looking at economic changes over
and exporting lower-carbon and renewable
such a long period and given the sensitivity to
energy technologies. We will ensure that we
the assumptions made. But analysis of data
continue to work closely with businesses to
assessed by the Intergovernmental Panel on
develop strategies to enable them to adapt
Climate Change suggests that action aimed
to these changes and exploit them as
at stabilising carbon dioxide atmospheric
concentrations at no more than 550ppm
would lead to a loss of around 1% in
projected GDP9. The outcome of our UK
analysis is consistent with that review,
assuming that the world’s leading nations all
act together. It suggests that the cost impact
of effectively tackling climate change would
be very small - equivalent in 2050 to just a
small fraction (0.5 - 2%) of the nation’s
wealth, as measured by GDP, which by then
will have tripled as compared to now.
And this figure takes no account of the costs
avoided by tackling climate change.
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A wide range of analytical work has supported the reduction and to assess how costs change if
white paper. This included work by the assumptions are varied. The analyses covered
Government’s interdepartmental analysts group business as usual cases as well as reductions
on long-term reductions in greenhouse gas in CO2 of 45%, 60% and 70% by 2050.
emissions, following which the DTI commissioned
The analysis suggests that for many of the
Future Energy Solutions to use the MARKAL
assumptions tested the cost of reducing CO2
modelling approach to look at the costs and
emissions by 60% by 2050 was in the range
options for a substantial CO2 reduction by 205010.
£200-300 per tonne of carbon. GDP in 2050 was
MARKAL uses a ‘bottom-up’ model of the UK
reduced by 0.5-2.0%, equivalent to an average
energy system, which selects the least cost
annual reduction of between 0.01 and 0.02
technologies to meet specified energy demands,
percentage points from a business as usual GDP
subject to constraints imposed on emissions.
growth rate of 2.25% per annum.
The results depend on the assumptions - on
Higher costs were indicated if innovation in low-
technology availability and costs - that are made in
carbon technologies was limited, if energy
the model. However, the assumptions used
efficiency improved only in line with past trends,
reflected expert opinion, informed by workshops
or if both new nuclear build and carbon capture
with industry experts.
and storage were completely excluded in the
The work was not intended to create a single longer term.
view or forecast. Instead a wide range of
To be on track for the 15-25 MtC reduction
sensitivity analyses was carried out to assess
beyond current baselines that we are aiming at,
which technologies and measures might be
MARKAL indicates costs of reducing carbon in
crucial to minimising the costs of emissions
2020 in the range £10-80 per tonne of carbon.
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The Low Carbon Economy
Chapter 2: The Environment
The levy is a tax which applies to business tradable allowances equal to its cap. To comply
and public sector use of gas, coal, electricity with the scheme, each participant must hold
and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). It gives allowances at least equal to its emissions.
those sectors an incentive to improve energy Participants will therefore have three choices:
efficiency and thereby to reduce greenhouse
meet their cap by reducing their own
gas emissions. It also involves 80%
discounts for energy-intensive sectors which
enter into climate change agreements to reduce emissions below their cap and sell
improve energy efficiency or meet emissions or bank the excess allowances; or
targets. Following the recommendations
let their emissions remain above their cap
of Lord Marshall, the levy was designed as
11 and buy allowances from other participants.
a ‘downstream’ energy tax, which makes it
possible to avoid impacting on domestic
energy users, and therefore avoid adding to 2.26 The best strategy for each participant will
the problem of fuel poverty. depend on the price of allowances in the
market compared to the costs of reducing
2.24 The first phase of the UK emissions trading their own emissions. In this way, emission
scheme has involved a range of organisations reductions from the participating sectors will
from the private and public sectors agreeing be achieved at minimum cost across the
to meet emissions caps in return for a share European Union.
of a financial incentive. Emissions trading has
expanded recently through the participation 2.27 We will make the new trading scheme a
of firms covered by climate change central plank of our future emissions
agreements, seeking to deliver their targets. reduction policies, through which the traded
carbon market can set a signal for the value
2.25 The development of emissions trading in the of carbon reductions in the economy. It will
next few years will primarily be dependent on be a mechanism for delivering part of the
developments at EU level. On 9 December carbon savings we need to make, helping
2002, the European Union Council of to save around a further 2-4MtC by 2020.
Ministers reached initial agreement on a new We will continue to work proactively with
European carbon emissions trading scheme. the European Commission, European
This is expected to begin in 2005.
12 Parliament and other member states to
Installations which are covered by other secure detailed plans for the implementation
equivalent arrangements may not need to of the scheme to help deliver this aim.
join the scheme until 2008. In the scheme, We will also work with them to extend,
each participant will be set a cap - a target where appropriate, the coverage of the EU
level of emissions. Each will then receive scheme in due course.
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2.31 The European Union is also close to agreeing also has binding international commitments
a directive on the taxation of energy to meet targets for emissions of air pollution
products. This would require all member and for local and regional air quality, including
states to introduce taxes on the business use cuts of 50% in sulphur dioxide and 20% in
of energy to encourage energy efficiency, oxides of nitrogen from current levels by
such as the climate change levy. Once 2010. Meeting these will require significant
agreement on the emissions trading directive reductions in emissions from electricity
has been reached, the Commission is generation, in particular current coal fired
planning to bring forward proposals to modify generation. Energy infrastructure, including
the rules on taxation of energy products in renewable energy, has effects on the
the light of the agreement on community- environment. Future analysis of energy policy
wide emissions trading, to ensure that the choices will continue to bear all these
two schemes are complementary. We will impacts in mind.
consider these proposals as part of our own
approach to linking the two measures.
Considering other
environmental impacts too...
13 Air quality is set out in The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland,
Wales and Northern Ireland, Cm4548, January 2000.
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3.1 Over the last thirty years, our economy has Chart 3.1
doubled in size, while energy use has barely Energy intensity ratio in “top 20”
1 OECD countries, 20004
increased . Nonetheless, we are still using far
more energy than we need, in particular Switzerland
because we are using it inefficiently. Energy Japan
is often wasted because of poorly insulated Austria
buildings or where heating, ventilation, air Germany
conditioning and lighting are poorly Italy
controlled. Products are less energy efficient Luxembourg
than they could be - for example, the average Norway
upright freezer on the market today uses Sweden
nearly three times as much energy as the Spain
2 UK
most efficient one. Energy saving light bulbs Belgium
use less than a quarter of the energy of Portugal
ordinary light bulbs, and also last ten times Finland
longer. Businesses and householders may Australia
not know how to cut energy use, which is just
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
one of many demands on their time and capital.
Energy consumption (thousand toe) per $US bn output
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Chapter 3: Energy Efficiency
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emphasis on energy services, building and introduced in April 2002. Similarly in Scotland,
product regulations, advice and information - higher standards were introduced in March
will be designed to reinforce each other. 2002, including for replacement windows,
and the Building Bill will be enacted in 2003
3.9 As chapter 2 explains, the new EU emissions with the aim of further improving standards.
trading scheme will play a central role from
2005. By setting strict limits on carbon 3.12 But standards elsewhere remain higher,
emissions, it will spur large energy users to particularly in Northern Europe. A detached
find cost-effective ways to reduce emissions. house built to the latest standards in England
We will press for the scheme to develop and Wales consumes nearly 20% more
so that other sectors can be added or linked energy than an equivalent home in Denmark7.
to it wherever possible. The energy efficiency We will raise standards over the next
commitment (see paragraph 3.32) will have decade, learning lessons from the
a major role to play in homes, and we will standards achieved in other comparable
consider whether to extend it beyond the European countries.
household sector. Higher efficiency standards
for products and buildings will be required. 3.13 We will also use the regulations further to
raise the standard required for new and
3.10 Tax measures will also have a role to play. replacement boilers to the level of the most
Lower taxation on lead-free petrol helped to efficient boiler types - A and B rated
shift consumer demand to the point where condensing boilers. Over 1 million boilers,
leaded petrol was phased out. The Chancellor heating and hot water systems are replaced
announced in the 2002 Pre-Budget Report each year, and we believe around 5 million
that we would consult further on specific condensing boilers need to be installed by
measures to promote greater energy 2010. Currently, our performance falls well
efficiency in households. short of what has been done elsewhere, as
the table below illustrates.
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Chapter 3: Energy Efficiency
The Netherlands UK
1980-1987: Subsidies for condensing boilers and a 1980s: Development and demonstration of
widespread information campaign. technology under the Government’s Energy
Efficiency Demonstration Scheme.
Mid 1980s: Demand outstripped supply so
manufacturers launched intensive installer training 1989-today: Promotion under the Government’s
programmes. Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme.
1990: Subsidies relaunched: government funding 1993-4: British Gas-funded cashback scheme.
matched by funding from energy companies
1996-9: Government-funded cashback schemes.
through a customer levy. Housing policy promoted
condensing boilers. 1997 onwards: ‘Energy Efficiency’ awareness-
raising campaign with labelling of condensing
1995: Building regulations require new build
to meet standards of energy efficiency only
achievable with condensing boilers. 2000 onwards: EESoP/EEC and Government
fuel poverty programmes installing condensing
1996: Long term awareness campaign started,
boilers; Energy Saving Trust working with
plus energy efficiency labelling.
manufacturing industry.
1996: Energy tax introduced with hypothecated
revenue for energy efficiency.
2002: Condensing boilers account for ~12%
2000: Subsidies (25%) for energy audits
of UK market.
To achieve much higher levels is likely to require
2002: Condensing boilers account for ~75%
measures such as:
of Dutch market.
a communications campaign raising awareness
of links between climate change and household
energy use;
training of heating engineers and gas fitters;
voluntary agreement with industry on
condensing boilers; and
higher boiler standards required by building
regulations for existing and new dwellings.
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3.14 A new EU directive on the energy performance buildings and those buildings that are sold or
of buildings is now in place11. This covers tenanted each year can be certified within
homes alongside business and the public the timescale required.
sector. It requires EU member states to set
minimum standards for building work on new 3.18 There is also a huge opportunity to deliver
and existing buildings, to review building improvements through our public investment
standards at least every five years, to in schools, hospitals and other public
introduce energy certificates for all buildings services. In February 2003, we launched
to show how efficient they are, and to test Sustainable Communities: Building for the
the efficiency of boilers and air conditioning Future12, a long-term programme to increase
systems in commercial and business premises. housing supply in high demand areas such
as the Thames Gateway. This includes a
3.15 We already have minimum standards for commitment that, from April this year, the
building work and a building certification system Housing Corporation will require that the new
for dwellings and welcome the impetus the homes they fund achieve the Building Research
directive will give to these. We also welcome Establishment’s EcoHomes13 standard for
the challenge the directive presents to extend sustainable residential development.
certification to all buildings and to introduce
boiler and air conditioning inspection 3.19 Achieving these bigger and faster changes
systems, or similar, that mean these can will require the concerted effort of all parts
be operating more efficiently. The Office of of the industry - customers (particularly in
the Deputy Prime Minister will take the lead industry, business and the public sector),
in responding to the directive, as it has architects and designers, the construction
responsibility for most of the legislation that industry, manufacturers and other suppliers,
can be used to transpose it into law; however, the professional bodies, energy companies
DTI and Defra will also play a full part. and government itself. The shift to far greater
energy efficiency is also an ideal opportunity
3.16 We will start work immediately on the next to intensify the efforts already being made to
major revision of the building regulations, improve the productivity of the construction
which we will aim to bring into effect in 2005. industry. Our sustainable communities action
Tighter building regulations will also encourage plan is a major opportunity to encourage
developers to use low carbon solutions such sustainable construction and maximise the
as solar water heating and photovoltaics. potential that energy efficient technologies
can play in the planned new housing
3.17 We will also make a start on developing the developments and refurbishment of existing
new provisions that will be needed to developments. We will therefore bring
implement the directive’s certification and together representatives of housebuilders,
inspection requirements, so that public the Housing Corporation, the construction
industry and others in a new working group
to consider how best to improve the
11 The EC directive on the energy performance of buildings came into force on
4 January 2003. Member states have three years to implement the directive
with an additional three years if needed to implement requirements on
building certification and inspection of boilers and air conditioning systems. 12
lex/en/dat/2003/1_001/1_00120030104en00650071.pdf 13
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Chapter 3: Energy Efficiency
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Our Market Transformation Programme14 It has estimated that such measures could
already works at national and EU level with save around 10% of total EU energy
Governments, industry, retailers and others. consumption by 2020 . We support these
proposals and will work proactively
3.26 We are already encouraged by industry’s to influence and speed their delivery.
response to this agenda, especially in its self-
commitments to improve efficiency 3.29 In particular, our analysis and consultations
standards and targets for such things as suggest that we should press for urgent action
electric motors, televisions, video recorders, in the EU to raise standards in air conditioning,
digital TV services, power supplies, water boilers and water heaters, power chargers,
heaters and washing machines. The European consumer electronics, office equipment, motors,
code of conduct on digital TV services has fans and pumps, washing machines, fridges
enabled the UK to avoid additional energy and other white goods and lighting, including
consumption equivalent to around 0.4MtC a significant reductions in standby power.
year. We will encourage and support such
industry self-commitments when these will 3.30 We will also reinforce other measures to
deliver earlier or higher standards than promote the sale of products above current
mandatory measures alone. EU minimum standards, including fiscal
instruments, information tools such as the
EU energy label, the Energy Saving Trust’s
3.27 The UK’s membership of the single European
Energy Efficiency Recommended logo and
market means that product standards on
the Energy Star label for IT equipment.
tradable goods and equivalent industry
voluntary agreements usually have to be set
or agreed at the EU level. Mandatory In the home...
standards to remove inefficient boilers,
fridges and fluorescent lamp ballasts from 3.31 Tougher building regulations will have an
the market are already in force and are very impact on new homes, alterations to the
effective. For example, even the least existing stock and all replacement windows
efficient new fridge freezer in the EU now and boilers. But they will not deal with long-
consumes only half as much energy compared standing problems like the 15 million homes
to products that were still on the market 5 with inadequate wall insulation - either solid
years ago. The standard for lamp ballasts alone walls or unfilled cavities.
will save nearly 0.25MtC a year in the UK.
3.32 We have already introduced - in April last year
3.28 The Commission is now proposing a new - an energy efficiency commitment (EEC) for
framework directive16, to set standards domestic energy suppliers, which runs until
for a wider range of products, and to revise 2005. Each supplier18 has an energy saving
the energy labelling regime which currently target, which they can meet by encouraging
deals only with household appliances.
17 European Commission background and discussion paper on a draft proposal
for a framework directive on energy efficieny requirements for end-use
14 equipment, April 2002. (This proposal is now integrated with the proposal in
footnote 16).
15 A ‘lamp ballast’ controls the current passing through fluorescent lighting tubes
18 Applies to licensed energy suppliers with at least 15,000 electricity and/or
16 Proposal for a framework directive on the eco-design of end use equipment gas customers.
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Chapter 3: Energy Efficiency
householders to install energy saving 3.34 While energy suppliers are selling energy
measures, for example by subsidising the saving measures under EEC, few have
cost of installing a condensing boiler, wall or sought to develop new markets in energy
loft insulation, energy efficient lights and services. Rather than simply selling electricity
appliances either directly or through retailers. and gas, energy services focus on the
At least half the target must be met in outcome the customer wants - such as warm
households whose occupants are either on a rooms and hot water - and offer the most
low income or disabled. It is already cost-efficient way of achieving it. Under an
accelerating the uptake of energy efficiency energy services contract a supplier might, for
measures, reducing the cost of measures to example, install insulation or a more efficient
the consumer, and encouraging the heating boiler in a customer’s home, and recoup the
and insulation industries to build up their investment through the quarterly bill over,
capacity to meet the increased demand. But say, 3 to 5 years. The householder uses less
by 2005, when the current EEC ends, there energy as a result, and the savings on the
will still be around 6-7 million homes where energy bill are used to repay the cost of the
cavity wall insulation would be relatively easy measures. So, worthwhile home
to install. Filling 4.5 million of these by 2010 improvements are installed with no upfront
would save around a further 1.2 MtC. cost to the householder, who benefits from a
warmer, more comfortable home and lower
3.33 Energy suppliers have responded positively, energy bills for years to come once the initial
and are working hard to meet their targets. investment has been repaid. Some have
We want their good work to continue, and called this approach selling ‘negawatts’
for it to become an integral part of their long- instead of ‘megawatts’.
term business strategies. So, we will consult
on an expansion of the EEC to run from 3.35 Energy services could help to overcome
2005 to at least 2008, at possibly twice its consumers’ reluctance to invest in energy
current level of activity. This will allow efficiency improvements. However, since the
energy suppliers and the energy efficiency energy markets were opened up to
industries to plan the level of EEC activity competition in the late 1990s, householders
over the medium and longer term. It will can switch supplier by simply giving 28 days’
require energy suppliers to take up a notice. Energy suppliers have little incentive
substantial proportion of the potential for to offer energy service contracts if customers
higher energy efficiency in homes, and can switch at short notice. We will therefore
deliver carbon savings of around 1 MtC by establish a working party with OFGEM,
2010, primarily by encouraging better home energy suppliers and others to explore how
insulation. As we introduce the new EU to create an effective market in energy
emissions trading scheme, we will consider services. This will address, among other
how the EEC can be best dovetailed with it. issues, the barriers caused by the current
Looking to the future, a continuation and 28-day notice period while maintaining
further expansion of EEC, or some successor adequate freedom of choice and consumer
mechanism, could deliver a further 3 MtC of protection for customers. It will report initial
savings by 2020. conclusions later this year.
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3.36 We will also continue to tackle poorly return for agreeing to meet challenging
insulated and inefficiently heated homes energy efficiency targets over a 10-year
through our fuel poverty and social housing period. The CCAs alone are expected to
programmes (see chapter 8). Because these achieve savings of around 2.5MtC by 2010.
focus on helping people heat their homes
adequately, in the short term their 3.39 We launched the world’s first economy-wide
contribution to carbon savings is relatively greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme in
small. But they will help to ensure that we April 200219. By December 2002, 34 companies
have a much more energy efficient housing had become members, while a further 6000
stock in coming decades. companies with CCAs can use the trading
scheme either to help meet their target or to
sell any over-achievement. The targets set for
At work...
participants in the scheme should deliver
1.1MtC of carbon equivalent savings by 2006.
3.37 In businesses and the public sector, there are
many ways to reduce energy use. Improving
3.40 Taken together, the savings generated by
insulation, heating, lighting and equipment
these schemes account for most of the
are important, particularly in the commercial
6MtC of savings identified under the Climate
and public sectors. There are also many other
Change Programme. Beyond that, three other
opportunities in day-to-day operations and
mechanisms help business improve efficiency:
production processes. Many savings can
occur at the time of investment in new or building regulations;
replacement plant. Technologies include
the Carbon Trust (see box below); and
more efficient motors, variable speed drives,
heating and cooling plant and proper pipe the Enhanced Capital Allowances Scheme21
insulation. Savings can also come through which enables businesses to claim 100%
making productive use of otherwise ‘waste’ first year capital allowances on
heat and cooling, and avoiding unnecessary investments in energy saving technologies.
heating and cooling through better design
and control. 3.41 Chapter 2 noted that policies will in future
need to be reviewed in the light of the
3.38 As chapter 2 explained, we have already put emerging EU emissions trading scheme.22
in place a range of actions to promote energy We will also consider whether to extend
efficiency in business. The climate change the EEC beyond the domestic sector,
levy (CCL) is a levy on business and public perhaps to businesses that do not pay the
sector energy use. Receipts (around £1 billion
a year) are recycled back to business, mainly
through reduced National Insurance but also
through £50 million for tackling business 19
energy efficiency. Within the CCL, climate 20 The UK emissions trading scheme includes all 6 greenhouse gases. All
savings are expressed in terms of the estimated global warming potential
change agreements (CCAs) have been on an equivalent basis to those from carbon dioxide.
22 In addition, the linkage with the integrated pollution prevention and control
Participants pay only 20% of the CCL in (IPPC) directive will need to be clarified.
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Chapter 3: Energy Efficiency
CCL, as a means of improving their energy NHS Trusts are already targeted to reduce
efficiency. We would consult fully on such the level of primary energy consumption
a proposal if we concluded that it was the by 15% or by 0.15 MtC equivalent from
right approach. March 2000 to March 2010 ; and
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Encouraging innovation...
Encouraging energy efficiency in
homes, business and the public sector
3.47 We need to develop even smarter ways to
Government and the Devolved Administrations satisfy our energy needs, through better
provide funding for the Energy Saving Trust and building techniques and products. Industry
the Carbon Trust to stimulate the uptake of needs to continue to develop more efficient
energy efficiency in homes, business and the manufacturing processes that improve resource
public sector. productivity. New types of meters will be
The Energy Saving Trust24 (EST) works in needed to enable homes and businesses to
partnership with manufacturers, retailers, installers, make the best use of on-site electricity
energy suppliers, local authorities, advice providers generation through renewables or CHP.
and others. EST seeks to ensure the most And once products have been developed we
effective delivery of energy efficiency to homes need to get them deployed into the market.
and small businesses for consumers, the ‘Energy We agree with the recommendation of the
Efficiency’ branding and marketing programme Chief Scientific Adviser’s Energy Research
aims to transform attitudes to energy efficiency. Review Group that energy efficiency should
The Carbon Trust , launched in April 2001, is be treated as a priority area in which increased
developing and implementing programmes to investment in research and development is
accelerate the take-up of energy efficiency in the particularly likely to yield major breakthroughs.
non-domestic sector. These include the ‘Action The research and development to enable
Energy’ information and advice service; an these technologies to make a contribution
interest-free loan scheme for small businesses; in the years to come needs to start now.
and stimulating innovation in new low-carbon The Carbon Trust’s Low Carbon Innovation
technologies. Programme26, launched in 2002, provides
funding to enable that to happen.
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Chapter 3: Energy Efficiency
Reporting progress...
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4.1 A new energy policy demands new thinking 4.4 This chapter looks at the role that we can
about energy supply. We need a shift towards expect renewables and CHP to play; examines
energy sources and generation technologies the obstacles to their greater take-up;
that produce much less or no carbon. We can reviews the short and longer-term technological
expect to see far more small-scale, opportunities and the role we can play in
distributed heat and electricity generation. promoting them; and sets out our
conclusions on the role of nuclear power.
4.2 In particular:
2 Renewable fuels will also be important in transport. This is discussed in 3 Options for a low carbon future (Future Energy Solutions, 2003)
chapter 5.
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Chapter 4: Low carbon generation
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demonstrate that they can meet our energy 4.14 As well as making progress towards our
needs both economically and in a carbon free 2010 target, and paving the way for our 2020
way. Technologies such as onshore and strategy, we need to make sure that we are
offshore wind and biomass are potentially - planning for the longer-term up to 2050.
after energy efficiency and alongside CHP - We are already reviewing innovation
the most cost-effective ways of limiting spending, including that for renewable
carbon emissions in the longer-term. We energy, across government. With respect to
expect industry to respond to the framework renewable energy, we will review the barriers
established by the Government and to successful innovation across the range
demonstrate they can achieve our goals at of renewables technologies and will set out
an acceptable cost. On that basis, our a programme for developing, with industry,
aspiration is by 2020 to double renewables’ strategies for the successful application of
share of electricity from our 2010 target and those technologies in the liberalised energy
we will pursue policies to achieve this. market. We expect this work to cover
advanced conversion technologies for
4.12 We remain firmly committed to the current biomass, wave and tidal, building-integrated
Renewables Obligation and will maintain the renewables, and hydrogen and fuel cells.
level of support it provides as planned until
2027. In 2005/06, we will review progress
and will elaborate a strategy for the decade Innovation, research and
to 2020. This will take account of the development are crucial...
experience of carbon prices arising from the
emissions trading scheme and of the costs 4.15 Key to realising the full potential of
of renewable technologies. renewables over time is the generation of
innovative ideas which will bring on new
4.13 We have already put in place a substantial technologies as well as improving existing
renewables support programme worth in total ones. The Chief Scientific Adviser’s Energy
£250m between 2002/03 to 2005/06. But we Research Review Group8 recommended that
recognise that further funding is needed to more needed to be spent on energy research
give us the best chance of reaching the 2010 and development and singled out two
target. We will therefore increase funding renewables technologies (solar PV and wave/
for renewables capital grants by a further tidal power) as areas in which increased
£60m within this period. This is additional investment was particularly likely to lead to
to the extra funding announced in the step-change breakthroughs. We accept these
2002 Spending Review, which allocated recommendations and have already
an additional £38m for energy policy increased funding for basic research into
objectives in 2005/06 . This funding will renewables (see paragraphs 4.60 and 4.61).
enable us to increase momentum and to take
forward a broad strategy for renewables
including ramping-up medium-term funding
for offshore wind.
8 Report of the Chief Scientific Adviser’s Energy Research Review Group,
Office of Science and Technology, 2001.
7 Compared with 2002/03
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Chapter 4: Low carbon generation
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as we consider and consult on the 4.19 These measures will be elaborated in the
expansion of the energy efficiency final version of our CHP Strategy to be
commitment (EEC) for households from published in the course of this year, on which
2005 onwards and on whether to we look forward to a continuing and
extend the EEC beyond the household constructive dialogue with industry.
sector (see chapter 3), we will explore
the opportunities for incentivising CHP 4.20 We will also monitor and reporrt on
technologies; developments on CHP as part of the
arrangements described in chapter 9.
we will support field trials designed to
evaluate the benefits of micro-CHP;
Structural barriers to
we recognise that the CHP target will
renewables and CHP...
require sustained effort from both the
private and public sectors, and can
4.21 Many renewable and CHP generators,
therefore only be achieved with the active
because of their small size and/or location,
collaboration of all the partner
need to be connected to local distribution
organisations which have a contribution to
networks rather than the national
make. We have invited the Energy Saving
transmission network. To achieve our targets
Trust and the Carbon Trust to review for higher levels of renewable generation and
their current and future programmes CHP plant, distribution networks will have to
to ensure that they reinforce the delivery be capable of accommodating many more
of the Government’s CHP target; and directly connected generators. Very
over time the measures outlined in this substantial changes will be needed in the
white paper - in particular emissions way in which our distribution networks are
trading - will encourage lower-carbon forms designed, organised and financed - greater
of generation and more efficient use of than anything we have seen in the last 50
fuels. Under the UK Emissions Trading years. Distribution Network Operators
Scheme, carbon savings from CHP can (DNOs) will also need to take a more
already be traded, and we will work on proactive approach to distributed generation.
a framework for pilot projects within
the Scheme for which CHP projects may 4.22 During the white paper consultation,
be eligible. This work would take into distributed generators expressed concern
account the forthcoming EU Directive on that their projects were being unduly delayed
emission reduction projects. Furthermore, because they could not obtain quick and easy
the EU emissions trading scheme will connections to the distribution network.
Under the present price control rules there is
encourage low-carbon technologies,
no financial incentive for the DNOs to
including CHP. And we expect to see a
connect distributed generation to their
new approach to electricity generation
networks. We therefore believe that the
developing that recognises and encourages
regulatory framework needs to be amended
local generation opportunities.
so that the DNOs connect and use higher
levels of distributed generation.
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Chapter 4: Low carbon generation
4.23 OFGEM has started working with the DNOs strengthen the network to enable the UK to
to address these issues10. OFGEM is increase substantially its deployment of
committed to publishing the detail of an renewables. The regulatory arrangements
incentive framework for connecting and are crucial to our ability to deliver
utilising distributed generation later this infrastructure which will, in turn, permit the
year, for implementation in April 2005. development of renewable generation
This will help distributed generators to obtain throughout the country - not least in those
quicker and easier connections to the peripheral areas where natural resources
distribution network in the interim period to are often greatest. Discussions are currently
the next price control and beyond. DNOs taking place between OFGEM and the
need to work closely with the industry to transmission operators on plans to upgrade
exploit the existing infrastructure by using the transmission network across the whole
innovative engineering solutions when country. We are also consulting on network
connecting higher levels of distributed issues across Great Britain (GB) in the
generation. context of the forthcoming British Electricity
Trading and Transmission Arrangements
4.24 We are also working with OFGEM to (BETTA) legislation (as discussed in
address the administrative burdens placed paragraphs 4.28 and 4.29). It is essential to
on smaller generators and to ensure that create a network infrastructure capable of
they are not unfairly disadvantaged in their supporting our environmental objectives.
relations with local suppliers11. Through the
Distributed Generation Co-ordinating 4.26 We are establishing with OFGEM a joint
Group12, we are also following up a range working group on environmental issues13
of wider changes designed to facilitate modelled on the successful joint working
group on security. One of the key priorities
distributed generation. We will report
for the group will be to monitor network
progress on this in the follow-up to the
operators’ progress in modernising the
white paper (see chapter 9).
transmission and distribution networks to
meet our carbon aims.
4.25 We need to develop the existing transmission
network to exploit our massive onshore and
offshore wind resources. Transmission The New Electricity Trading
companies must start preparing now to Arrangements (NETA) are
evolving to respond to industry
10 In January 2003 OFGEM published its initial thoughts on both the principles
for developing the regulatory framework for the next distribution price control 4.27 During the first few months of NETA some
and on interim arrangements for the period to April 2005 when the next
price control is implemented. generators, in particular renewables and CHP,
11 OFGEM has recently launched a help facility for smaller generators under were exposed to very high costs as a result
of the mechanism used to balance the
12 The DTI and OFGEM created and jointly chair the Distributed Generation
Co-ordinating Group. The Group is concerned with a wide range of issues
related to the connection and operation of distributed electricity generation
in Great Britain. The Group is also considering recommendations made by
an earlier group (Embedded Generation Working Group) on how to
encourage DNOs to connect higher levels of distributed generation 13 As discussed in chapter 9.
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16 The Balancing and Settlement Code covers the trading, balancing and
subsequent settlement of electricity.
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Chapter 4: Low carbon generation
BETTA... 17
for England . A separate guide containing
advice on best practice will also be
4.28 We have announced that we intend to bring published. These documents will provide
forward legislation to create a wholesale guidance to local planning authorities and
electricity market for GB as soon as developers about the best way to promote
Parliamentary time allows. The development renewables through the planning system as
of these new arrangements, is being well as encouraging a strategic approach to
undertaken with OFGEM and with the the deployment of renewable projects
involvement of industry. For planning through regional planning guidance and
purposes, we are working towards the development plans. We will also be
implementation of BETTA in October 2004. consulting on a new regional-level strategic
We intend to implement BETTA by April 2005 approach to energy issues, including
at the very latest. renewables, which we expect will incorporate
regional targets, as discussed further in
4.29 BETTA will mean that Scottish domestic and chapter 9. This approach will help to
business customers will benefit from the encourage regional bodies as well as local
same levels of competition that are now authorities to examine strategically the
established in England and Wales. The single resources and opportunities for renewable
set of trading rules, connection policies and projects within their areas and what they can
transmission charging arrangements under do to develop them in their region.
BETTA will reduce barriers for independent
generators across GB to getting their power 4.31 ODPM, in partnership with other
to market. BETTA will help to create a diverse government departments, will be examining
generating base in GB and encourage new how to bring consideration of the use of
transmission capacity, helping to support renewables and energy efficiency in
renewables development. developments more within the scope of the
planning system, in the context of the
review of PPG22 and the Government’s wider
Planning needs to be
planning reforms, and in a way that does
streamlined and simplified ...
not impose undue burdens on developers.
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Chapter 4: Low carbon generation
4.37 We see a clear benefit in local communities will provide advice to developers on any
becoming producers, as well as consumers, adjustments that could be made to the
of energy, establishing and benefiting from location of a wind farm in order to make it
the local ownership of some forms of acceptable to MoD. If this is not possible,
generation. To help promote ideas and good MoD will explain to developers the problem
practice we will collate and publish examples of siting a wind farm in the locality; and
of projects in which developers have gained
is supporting research to model the effect
added value by taking innovative
of turbines on radar and to identify ways
approaches to engaging and working with
in which adverse impacts could be
communities, in partnership with local
reduced, including technical adaptations
government and the renewables industry.
to turbine design.
We will simplify the procedures 4.40 MoD is also ready to engage with local
for accommodating our national authorities and regional bodies as they move
security needs... towards considering the best sites for wind
farms in the longer-term when they begin to
4.38 The Ministry of Defence (MoD) needs develop their regional strategies for energy,
to make sure that windfarm developments as discussed in chapter 9.
do not impair operational needs including
training and radar monitoring. MoD has
Learning to handle
objected to a third of all recent on and
offshore wind energy proposals21. We need
to work with the industry to reduce this.
4.41 Renewables contribute to certain aspects of
security of supply. Supplies will not be
4.39 To address these issues, MoD:
disrupted by international crises. But some
has contributed to the issue recently of will create additional system complications,
new guidelines for windfarm developers depending on the extent to which they are
through the Wind Energy, Defence and intermittent (wind energy, wave energy, tidal
Civil Aviation Working Group22, designed to and solar) and on the types of generation
increase the transparency of the process they displace. Intermittency causes additional
for assessing wind proposals; system costs. And as the proportion of
intermittent generation increases, the cost of
will provide more central guidance to those
maintaining stable supplies also increases23.
reviewing applications, develop a help line
for the industry and shorten proposal turn-
around times from the current 6-8 weeks;
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Chapter 4: Low carbon generation
A Renewables Timeline
2002 – 2012:
Implementation of solar PV demonstration PV may be
programme, in line with our competitors, as set economically viable
out in the “Opportunities for All” white paper. post-2020.
2003: 2005:
2005 onwards:
Second round Installation of offshore
Installation of further offshore wind farms
of allocation of wind farms from first
following the second and subsequent rounds
offshore wind sites round of allocation of
of allocating offshore wind sites.
offshore wind sites
2010 - 2015+
2005/06: Wave and tidal
We review the technologies
OFGEM sets the
Renewables Obligation may become
framework for commercially viable
generation, for 2005:
implementation in Next distribution price
April 2005 control implemented
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coming months, to take this issue forward. 4.50 To develop a stronger stimulus to provide a
A second round of windfarm site allocations biomass supply chain, we will undertake a
is planned for spring 2003, focusing on three statutory consultation in 2003 of the
strategic areas of the sea within territorial current requirement under the Renewables
waters, informed by a strategic Obligation that by 1 April 2006 75% of
environmental assessment. the biomass in co-fired stations should be
energy crops31.
4.48 To enable further rounds to extend the
opportunity for developers to exploit areas
beyond the UK 12-mile zone we will also
Elean Power Station -
bring forward legislation as soon as the UK’s first straw-fired power plant
possible to enable the granting of licences
Elean Power Station at Sutton near Ely,
for offshore windfarm developments
Cambridgeshire, is the UK’s first straw-fired
beyond territorial waters. We will identify
power plant. With an electricity output of 36MW,
and assess the difficulties that might be
it is the world’s largest such facility. The power
posed for aviation and other military and
station will generate enough power to heat and
civil interests before we offer areas of the light 80,000 homes.
sea to the wind industry for development.
The 200,000 tonnes/per year of straw needed to
fuel the facility is being procured through long-
Biomass and waste technologies term contracts with farmers and contractors
need to gain momentum... located within a 50-mile radius. Running currently
on 100% straw, Elean Power Station also has the
4.49 Biomass30 and waste can be used for capability of using a range of biofuels and up to
electricity, heat and liquid fuels. Unlike wind, 10% natural gas. Whatever the exact make-up of
biomass and waste generation is flexible - it its fuel in the course of its life, the plant
can be generated at any time. A strong represents an important first in the development
of renewables in the UK and a significant step
biomass supply chain can also revitalise rural
forward towards the Government’s objectives for
communities, offering diversification
renewables deployment over the coming years.
opportunities for farmers and foresters as
well as job opportunities in growing, supply
and electricity plant building. We are
supporting biomass projects through our
3-year £66m Bioenergy Capital Grants
Scheme and through our £29m Energy Crops
Scheme, to help farmers and foresters
establish energy crops.
31 Stations that are powered by co-firing may have an important role to help
deliver biomass and energy crops and in delivering renewable energy
capacity quickly at relatively low cost. Under the current Renewables
Obligation arrangements, electricity generated from biomass by co-firing in
30 Biomass is anything derived from plant or animal matter and includes existing generating stations are eligible for Renewable Obligation Certificates
agricultural, forestry or wood wastes/residues and energy crops. Energy (ROCs) subject to two restrictions. Only electricity generated before 1 April
crops are crops grown for the purpose of energy generation, such as short 2011 will be eligible and from 1 April 2006 at least 75% of the biomass
rotation coppice willow and miscanthus. must consist of energy crops.
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Chapter 4: Low carbon generation
4.51 The Government’s Strategy Unit published a expansion of generation from renewables.
report in November 200232 on its review into This in turn can create another significant
the delivery of our Waste Strategy 200033. opportunity, with world-wide application, for
The report includes the recommendation that our manufacturing sector.
we should ensure that there are financial
incentives to develop new waste technologies,
such as pyrolysis, gasification and anaerobic
Energy from the Oceans -
digestion. We are now considering the The Stingray Project
recommendations of the report.
Funded under the DTI’s Renewable Energy
Programme, a Northumberland-based company
Wave and tidal are further off The Engineering Business has successfully
but potentially very important ... developed its ideas for a tidal stream generator
system ‘Stingray’ from concept through to
4.52 Wave and tidal technologies are rather further demonstration stage. In September 2002,
from commercialisation, with a number of following early design work carried out under
competing designs. The UK is at the forefront Phase 1 of its project, a 150kW full-scale
of these technologies. On the island of Islay, prototype weighing 180 tonnes was built, installed
and successfully operated on the seabed in Yell
we have the only commercially operational
Sound, Shetland.
wave-power station in the world. Yet progress
from research and development to more general With early results encouraging, the technology
commercial application has been slow. But, as will continue to be developed with further
recognised in the Chief Scientific Adviser’s offshore testing planned this year. The company
review, the UK has an opportunity here to has plans to commence installation of a 5MW
develop world-leading expertise. ‘Stingray’ power station with connection to the
local distribution network in summer 2004.
4.53 Recognising this, we are supporting industry
to develop prototype wave and tidal
technologies in projects off the Western
4.54 Large-scale tidal barrages have the potential
Isles and Devon coasts. We are also
to make a significant contribution to carbon
supporting, along with the Scottish
Executive and others34, the establishment reductions in 2020 or beyond. But such
of a marine test centre off the coast of the schemes have a very substantial impact on
Orkney Islands. This centre, a first in the local and regional environment and are
Europe, is expected to open later this year. very expensive, though some of the costs
We are determined that wave and tidal could be offset by other benefits. It is clear
technologies should be given the opportunity that plans for a Severn Barrage would raise
to play the fullest part they can in the strong environmental concerns and we doubt
if it would be fruitful to pursue it at this
stage. Tidal barrages may be capable of
32 Waste Not, Want Not (Strategy Unit, November 2002)
offering major renewable projects which will
33 Waste Strategy 2000 for England and Wales (Defra, 2000). help us reach our goals and we will continue
to explore opportunities.
34 The Carbon Trust, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise,
Orkney Islands Council.
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4.55 The costs of solar PV technology have fallen 4.58 Fuel cells produce electricity from hydrogen
substantially over the last 25 years and are and air, with water as the only emission.
widely expected to fall further as global Potential applications include stationary
markets expand. We committed in the power generation, transport (replacing the
Opportunities for All white paper to internal combustion engine - as described
embarking on a major initiative with industry more fully in chapter 5) and portable power
and others to achieve a UK solar PV (replacing batteries in mobile phones, laptop
demonstration programme in line with those computers etc). Fuel cells also have the
of our main competitors. The current potential to help renewables produce more
programme, worth £20m over 3 years, is the stable supplies. Hydrogen can be generated
first stage of this process.
when electricity demand is less than that
being generated by the renewable energy
4.56 At present solar PV qualifies for the
source. This can then be converted to
Renewables Obligation. In practice almost all
electricity via the fuel cell when electricity
schemes are too small to generate the
demand exceeds that being generated by the
minimum 0.5MWh a month to qualify for a
36 renewable energy source.
ROC . We will explore whether there is
scope through the European renewables
4.59 To ensure that the UK is at the cutting-edge
Directive to help bring smaller sources of
of fuel cells technology, we will:
generation within the Renewables
Obligation. Through the Distributed following the Fuel Cells Market Study37
Generation Co-ordinating Group, we are funded jointly by DTI and the Carbon
also exploring the scope for developing Trust, work with industry to produce a
simpler metering arrangements to help Fuel Cells Vision for the UK;
micro generators (including solar PV)
launch a new industry network, Fuel
obtain a fair value for the surplus electricity
they export to the grid. Cells UK, in May through which the
industry can collaborate and work with
4.57 The Chief Scientific Adviser’s Energy Research us in implementing the vision (see Fuel
Review Group also identified solar PV as a key Cells UK box);
research area and specifically recommended develop a web-based fuel cells exchange
that work on novel emerging systems, such
so that global information can be
as organics and polymers, could offer major
accessed quickly and easily by UK industry;
decreases in the costs of production.
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Chapter 4: Low carbon generation
Small Business Service and Regional Fuel Cells UK will work closely with existing and
Development Agencies, support new new initiatives across the UK to build synergies
start-ups in this sector. and optimise the outcomes for both the industry
and other stakeholders (including Government).
One such DTI initiative will be Fuel Cells Forum, a
network for industry, academia, venture capitalists
and Government stakeholders in fuel cells to
exchange and disseminate information.
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Chapter 4: Low carbon generation
Credit Guarantee Department will make 4.66 We will integrate the WSSD agreements
available £50m per year to renewable energy and relevant follow-up into UK policy and
exports to developing countries. The action with a clear focus on the use of
Sustainable Energy Exports Committee will technological innovation to deliver
work to deliver this commitment. At WSSD, sustainable development. We will work
the UK also launched and is taking forward an with like-minded states to promote the
international partnership to promote the deployment of renewable sources of energy
growth of renewable energy and energy in developing countries, building on the
efficiency systems (REEEP). initiatives launched at WSSD as well
as encouraging investment in appropriate
energy infrastructure.
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5.1 The transport sector, including aviation, The PFV strategy provides a framework for
produces about one quarter of the UK’s total decisions and action, aimed at promoting the
carbon emissions. Road transport contributes development, introduction and take-up of low-
85% of this, with passenger cars accounting carbon vehicles and fuels; and at ensuring the full
for around half of all carbon emitted by the involvement of the UK automotive industries in
transport sector. the new technologies.
vehicles and fuels and by our action to to work proactively with EU and other partners
reduce the negative impacts of traffic growth. on international issues and standards;
to facilitate the quick and smooth development
5.4 Measures for promoting a shift to low-carbon of new fuel distribution infrastructures;
vehicles and fuels are brought together in our to ensure the continued development of
Powering Future Vehicles strategy, published appropriate taxation of low-carbon transport;
in July 2002. That strategy is in this and other ways, to encourage
complementary to this white paper. In the
consumers’ take-up of low-carbon vehicles
foreword to the strategy, the Prime Minister and fuels, including financial measures and
spelled out his objective that the UK should consumer information and awareness;
lead the global shift to the low-carbon
to make maximum use of new vehicles and
economy, building competitive advantage for
fuels in the Government and other public
the UK’s automotive industries as well as
sector fleets;
providing cleaner and better transport. We have
to work closely with all stakeholders in
set targets that within the next decade one in
establishing the Low Carbon Vehicle
ten new cars sold in the UK will be low-carbon
Partnership; and
vehicles with emissions of 100 grammes per
to set challenging targets for making the
kilometre (g/km) CO2 or less, and that one in
five new buses will also be low-carbon. UK a world leader in the move to low-carbon
We have made the UK the first country to set transport.
itself targets for shifting its mainstream
transport fleet to low-carbon technologies.
1 Powering Future Vehicles: The Government Strategy. DfT, DTI, Defra and
HMT, July 2002
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5.5 Action at both UK and European level has Innovation will continue to
already promoted significant technical improve vehicle efficiencies...
progress and innovation in the automotive
industries. We expect this progress to 5.8 The EU voluntary agreements on new car
continue. Since 1990, the average carbon fuel efficiency with the European, Japanese
efficiency of new cars entering the fleet - the and Korean manufacturers have proved a
distance travelled for a given amount of highly effective mechanism for improving
carbon emitted - has improved by 10%. Cars cars’ fuel efficiency and reducing carbon
have also become safer and cleaner, with air emissions. They have provided manufacturers
quality emissions down to one twentieth of with a stable long term framework within
what they were 20 years ago. These are which to plan, research and introduce fuel-
important achievements. At the same time, saving innovations. This approach, which
strong economic growth and the high priority focuses on the levels of carbon emitted
which people attach to mobility has led to rather than on dictating particular technologies,
increasing car mileage. The net effect is that gives manufacturers the flexibility to develop
total carbon emissions from car transport the best and most cost-effective solutions.
have been roughly flat. The agreements are on course to reduce
emissions from the average new car from
5.6 The Transport Ten Year Plan2 sets out a 190g/km in 1995, the base year for the
comprehensive programme of investment agreements, to 140 g/km by 2008 - a
and innovation. The strategy focuses on reduction of around 25%3.
addressing the negative impacts of congestion.
It promotes increased use of public transport 5.9 We strongly support this approach. We will
and a shift of goods traffic from road to rail, work with the Commission in developing
as well as sustainable patterns of land use. further voluntary agreements to continue
All help to reduce the need to travel and the reduction in average new car emissions
consequent environmental impacts. By 2005, or other arrangements with the same
we expect to see progress as a result of objective. We will draw on the expertise of
schemes to tackle traffic bottlenecks; a the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership in doing so.
growing programme of new bypasses and
other major road improvement schemes; 5.10 In the UK we have backed the voluntary
better traffic management, helping to limit agreements with a supportive fiscal
congestion on both motorways and in towns framework. We have moved to graduated
and cities; and increased use of public transport. Vehicle Excise Duty and Company Car Tax,
both now linked to the car’s CO2 performance.
5.7 The Plan will be reviewed in 2004. The review This is encouraging car buyers to consider
will roll forward the Plan, setting out proposals buying the lower-carbon vehicles coming
for transport up to 2015 and will continue to into car showrooms. We will keep transport
take full account of our objective to reduce taxes under review to ensure that they
the environmental impact of transport.
2 Transport 2010 - the Ten Year Plan, Department of the Environment, 3 All figures relating to the voluntary agreements are for ‘tank to wheel’
Transport and the Regions, July 2000. emissions.
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Chapter 5: Clean Low Carbon Transport
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The Low Carbon Economy
Chapter 5: Clean Low Carbon Transport
5.12 The creation of the Low Carbon Vehicle 5.13 Work6 commissioned by the Department for
Partnership is an important component in the Transport and the DTI indicates the scope for
Powering Future Vehicles Strategy. further reducing average new vehicle carbon
emissions. It suggests that full-specification
family cars with carbon emissions of
The Low Carbon Vehicle 100g/km (equivalent to about 75 miles per
Partnership - (LowCVP) gallon of diesel) or less may be achievable
within the next two decades, in particular
LowCVP - an action and advisory group - will
through hybrid and related vehicle technologies.
promote the UK’s shift to low-carbon transport,
help industry, consumers, environmental and
As the Foresight Vehicle Programme projects
other stakeholders to participate in the shift, and show,(see box, page 66) this is an area of
maximise the competitive advantage for UK technology where the UK has a strong
businesses. research, development and design presence.
6 Carbon to Hydrogen Roadmap for Passenger Cars : A Study for DfT and
DTI, Ricardo Consulting Engineering Ltd, November 2002.
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Hybrid vehicles
Hybrid vehicles use internal combustion engines performance with a 1.2 litre diesel engine.
in conjunction with electric battery power, to give A number of global vehicle manufacturers and
increased efficiency, lower fuel consumption and component suppliers are now applying i-MoGen
lower CO2 emissions. Hybrids usually incorporate technology in their future programmes.
energy recovery from braking systems, and
We are supporting development and road
eliminate engine idling in static traffic. This also
demonstration trials of hybrid and other
reduces noise and urban pollution. Hybrid vehicles
innovations through the Government’s New
will increasingly have the capability to switch to
Vehicle Technology Fund. Projects include a
electric-only driving for extended distances, giving
micro-turbine-engined bus developed by the
zero tailpipe emissions for example when driving
Wright Group of Northern Ireland; two other
through Low Emission Zones.
hybrid bus projects being carried through by EA
We support take-up of hybrid cars with £1,000 Technology and Environmental Transportation
purchase grants under the TransportEnergy Systems; and an LPG-fuelled hybrid urban delivery
programme, administered by the Energy Saving van being developed by ENECO Ltd. Projects in
Trust. Hybrids also benefit from lower Vehicle the pipeline include several demonstration pilot
Excise Duty and Company Car Tax. diesel hybrid taxis.
Two hybrid cars are currently available in the UK - Hybrid technologies provide direct and immediate
the Toyota Prius, a family saloon with CO2 emissions benefits in reducing cars’ fuel consumption,
of 120g/km7 and the Honda Insight, a two-seater driving costs and carbon emissions. They also
car at 80g/km. A four-door Honda Civic hybrid will provide a stepping stone to the development of
become available in early 2003, at 116g/km. mass-market hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicles,
since the electric traction and control systems
UK-based Ricardo Engineering Consultants have
used in hybrid vehicles will also be key
produced the i-MoGen - a demonstration hybrid
components in fuel cell vehicles.
diesel car, delivering full 1.8 litre diesel
7 A car which has a fuel economy of 55mpg will emit 120g/km of CO2
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Section Two
The Low Carbon Economy
Chapter 5: Clean Low Carbon Transport
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Section Two
The Low Carbon Economy
Chapter 5: Clean Low Carbon Transport
Hydrogen, transport
and future energy systems
Hydrogen looks likely to play a key role in future Hydrogen seems likely to play a key role in future
low-carbon energy systems, as an ‘energy carrier’ transport technologies. We are supporting the
through which non-fossil energy can replace fossil shift by:
fuels in stationary power units such as domestic exempting hydrogen from road fuel duty for
fuel cell based CHP units and in vehicles. Hence the a period to encourage its early development
very wide interest in the prospective shift to a and take-up;
future ‘hydrogen energy economy’.
granting Enhanced Capital Allowances with
Hydrogen fuelled vehicles have zero tailpipe a 100% first-year write-down for investment
emissions - they emit only water vapour at the in hydrogen fuel infrastructure;
point of use, improving local air quality. They will supporting fuel cell research (see paragraphs
also be low-noise. Industry experts agree that 4.59-4.60);
buses, utility vehicles and similar depot-based
giving hydrogen projects a high priority in the
fleets are likely to be candidates for the early
Carbon Trust’s Low Carbon Innovation
trialling and introduction of hydrogen fuel cell
technology, since larger vehicles can handle
funding the trialling of fuel cell buses by
hydrogen fuel tanks more easily and need only
depot supply of the fuel. Transport for London in 2003 and the
supporting hydrogen fuelling station being
There is considerable international interest in installed by BP;
developing hydrogen for transport. In the USA,
supporting the trialling of fuel cell cars as
increased funding for research and development
these come out of car-makers’ design
into hydrogen-powered vehicles was announced
laboratories; and
in the 2003 State of the Union address. The aim is
working with London and other local and
to take hydrogen powered vehicles from the
laboratory to the showroom within a generation, regional organisations on a wider network of
and to develop hydrogen production, storage and demonstration trials, including linkages with
distribution technology. This is expected to create existing local hydrogen distribution networks
further opportunities for US-UK collaboration. such as that on Teesside. We will encourage
projects that can demonstrate hydrogen
Hydrogen can be produced from a wide range of production in combination with other carbon
sources, including hydrocarbons, biomass and abatement technologies.
wastes, or the electrolysis of water. But these
sources must themselves be non-fossil for hydrogen
vehicles to deliver their full lifecycle carbon benefits.
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5.20 We expect both hydrogen and biomass fuels 5.22 Demand is rising in the aviation sector
to play major roles in a very low-carbon internationally at about 4% a year. We all
transport economy, with benefits also in benefit from the growth in business, services
terms of improved energy diversity and and our ability to travel. International aviation
security. But significant use of hydrogen for emissions currently do not count in the
transport has profound implications for the national inventories of greenhouse gas
long-term demand for non-fossil electricity as emissions. There is no international
well as for future energy infrastructures, agreement yet on ways of allocating such
including electricity and gas. Equally, emissions. The UK’s international emissions
significant use of biofuels for transport has currently amount9 to some 8MtC (9MtC
major implications for biomass production, including domestic). They are expected to
fuel production, and fuel distribution - as well rise to some 14-16MtC by 2020.
as for the rural economy and agriculture.
5.23 We are committed to ensuring that the
5.21 We need to adopt a strategic approach to long-term development of aviation is
both these important new technologies, sustainable and that it meets its external
bringing together the prospective uses of environmental costs. We are discussing
hydrogen and biofuels in transport with other with stakeholders the most economic
aspects of the energy system. We need to instruments for ensuring that the industry
understand more about the options and is encouraged to take account of, and
technologies for hydrogen and biofuel where appropriate reduce, its contribution
production. And we need a clear vision of the to global warming. We will set out our
way in which infrastructures can evolve in plans in an Air Transport white paper.
good time. With industry, we also need to Potential instruments to address CO2
reach a common understanding of the likely emissions from international aviation being
trajectory to the availability of affordable considered internationally include an en route
hydrogen vehicles. Drawing on the Low emissions charge and participation in an
Carbon Vehicle Partnership and other open emission permit trading system.
expert knowledge, we will over the next For domestic flights British Airways has
year produce an assessment of the overall joined the UK emissions trading scheme.
energy implications of both a hydrogen These may be opportunities for future
economy, and of large-scale use of participation in this scheme for other carriers
biomass-based fuels, and develop who operate UK-based routes.
roadmaps of the possible transition to
these new fuels and vehicles.
9 UK aircraft CO2 forecasts for 2030 are reported in Annex E of : The Future
Development of Air Transport in the United Kingdom: South East.
Department for Transport, July 2002 and February 2003.
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Section Two
The Low Carbon Economy
Chapter 5: Clean Low Carbon Transport
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Reliable, competitive
and affordable supplies
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6.1 Our goal is that people and businesses can than exporter. And we need to rise to even
rely on secure supplies of energy - gas, longer-term challenges in reconciling the use
fuel and electricity - at predictable prices of energy with long-term environmental
delivered through the market. Reliable objectives, both domestically and overseas.
energy supplies are an essential element of
sustainable development. 6.5 In preparing this white paper, we have
considered these issues carefully. The energy
6.2 To achieve this we need a resilient energy supply risks that we face are important. But
system, without significant weaknesses, we believe they are manageable. Our new
which works well and which recovers quickly arrangements for monitoring energy security
if problems occur. This means a diverse have given us better information on risks and
system based on a mix of fuel types, a opportunities and on the markets’ response
variety of supply routes, efficient international
to them. Energy markets are already
markets, back-up facilities such as storage,
responding2. Our role is continually to monitor
and a robust infrastructure. Developing low
developments, and to create a competitive
carbon options will also create opportunities
market place, including through good
further to increase energy reliability1.
international relations, within which liberalised
markets will deliver energy reliability.
6.3 Reducing demand also helps energy reliability.
Demand can be reduced through better
6.6 Our strategy is based on the following
energy efficiency (as described in chapter 3).
Technologies and pricing structures that enable principles:
and encourage users to manage their electricity the regulatory framework must give high
and gas demands away from peak periods priority to reliability. OFGEM and the
also help. Reliability can also be enhanced by Government both have duties to secure
decreasing our dependency on imported fossil that all reasonable demands for electricity
fuels, eg by investing in technologies which
and gas are met. OFGEM has agreed that
will enable us to diversify our fuel options.
in future it will report on how its
regulatory activities impact on energy
6.4 Energy reliability raises issues on a number of
time horizons. We need short-term contingency
plans against the possibility of geopolitical diverse sources, fuel types and trading
instability, terrorism, major technical routes should be promoted to avoid the UK
problems and extreme weather conditions. being reliant on too few international
The UK energy system has proved robust. sources of oil and gas. We will work with
But we cannot at anything like a reasonable producer nations and the private sector
cost completely eliminate all risks of supply to promote the conditions needed for
disruption, for example during extreme investment in energy infrastructure;
weather conditions. We also need long-term
strategies to secure sufficiently diverse fossil
fuel sources as the UK becomes, over the 2 For example, in the past year contracts have been signed, or definite
next two decades, a net energy importer rather interest expressed, for additional gas supplies and new infrastructure
projects. These are diverse and include Centrica contracting with Statoil and
Gasunie to import natural gas, Exxon -Mobil with Qatar for LNG, increased
1 The term energy reliability is taken to encompass all aspects of energy security; compression on the interconnector at Zeebrugge, and proposals for new
the words reliability and security are used interchangeably in this chapter. LNG terminals at Isle of Grain and Milford Haven.
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 6: Energy reliability
3 For gas: the need to secure that, so far as it is economical to meet them, all
reasonable demands in Great Britain for gas conveyed through pipes are met.
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 6: Energy reliability
already import significant proportions of their insufficiently diverse sources of fossil fuels.
energy needs without noticeable disruption. We should avoid becoming reliant on too
Import dependency has long been a fact of few international sources of oil and gas; and
life for all the G7 countries apart from the UK
global anti-competitive practices and
and Canada.
illiquid markets. Competitive and liquid
global markets, with oil and gas traded
6.15 World wide fossil fuel resources are very
freely are the most effective way to help
large. Oil is the world’s most important fuel,
deliver more stable energy prices and for
accounting for 40% of global primary energy
us to purchase what we need at any time.
consumption.6 Its share in 2020 is likely to be
at a similar level. Globally, conventional oil
We explain in the following paragraphs how
reserves are sufficient to meet projected
demand for around 30 years7, although new we will mitigate these risks.
discoveries will be needed to renew
reserves. Together with non-conventional8 Diversity in gas markets...
reserves such as oil shales and
improvements in technology, there is the 6.17 Norway has been and is likely to remain a key
potential for oil reserves to last twice as long. provider of gas to the UK, and the Netherlands
Proven gas reserves would meet at least may become a more important supplier of
45 years of demand and there remains vast gas to Western Europe. The world’s largest
potential beyond this. That there is no gas reserves are to be found in Russia, the
shortage of oil and gas resources globally Middle East and Africa. Russia has the largest
means that supplies are unlikely to be gas reserves, with around a third of the
disrupted for long. But just as today, there 9
world’s total and has been exporting gas
will be risks of price shocks resulting from
to Western Europe for over 30 years without
geopolitical disruption or damage to
interruption. Many other countries offer
infrastructure in the short-term. These risks
potential supplies of gas including Algeria,
need to be monitored and managed.
with a long track record dating back to
the late 1960s of providing gas to Europe,
International risks... and countries in the Caspian region, North
and West Africa and the Middle East (in
6.16 Moving from being largely self-sufficient to particular Iran and Qatar).
being a net importer of gas and oil requires
us to take a longer term strategic international 6.18 We are putting in place a new treaty with
approach to energy reliability. We need Norway to facilitate continued supplies of gas
continually to monitor and to manage the - as a primary fuel and as a source of feedstock
following international risks, while at the same for the UK chemical industry - and to simplify
time deepening international co-operation: cross-border developments, which will enhance
the UK’s production from the North Sea.
8 Oil not produced from underground reservoirs, for example oil shales, oil
sands, extra heavy crude, etc. 9 BP Statistical Review of World Energy
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6.19 Our priority has to be to bring diverse 6.21 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) offers a flexible
supplies on-stream and into the EU market. alternative to piped gas. International trade in
Substantial long-term investment is needed LNG is growing at about twice the rate of
to build the necessary infrastructure. For pipeline gas. This may over time lead to
example some estimates suggest that greater price convergence between regional
investments of US$170 billion may be markets given the increasing scope for
required to develop gas production in Russia arbitrage. The development of LNG import
alone to 2020. While the total sums are large facilities in the UK will need additional
there is already evidence of the market onshore pipelines in some locations. This is
expanding export routes, for example through being actively considered by Transco. It is
the development of the North European possible that gas imports from some
Pipeline which would provide a much more sources, particularly LNG, will vary in energy
direct route for Russian gas to the UK.
content and may require blending with other
The private sector has an incentive to
gases in the system, special processing on
undertake the necessary investment but
import, or the modification of certain gas
given the scale of the infrastructure
appliances. We will keep developments here
investments required and the long investment
closely under review. In particular we
lead times we will continue to monitor
will monitor the likely effects on gas quality.
infrastructure development and international
In general we welcome the expansion
gas markets closely and support efforts to
of the LNG market as a contribution to
encourage investment (e.g. by promoting
diversity and security and as a source of
stable financial regimes and working with
IFI’s to support project financing). competition to piped gas.
6.20 Companies importing gas into the UK have 6.22 The development of a gas cartel amongst
a strong commercial interest in diversifying pipeline gas and LNG producers could
their own risks by having supply contracts undermine long-term price security. We will
with a number of different suppliers and by work with the European Commission and
encouraging the development of appropriate other member states in monitoring the
infrastructure. The number and diversity situation closely, maintaining and developing
of participants in the UK gas market is also a dialogue with exporting countries,
making a valuable contribution towards encouraging diversification of gas supplies to
expanding arrangements for future supply Europe and addressing any emerging risks.
of gas into the UK. To support the creation
of an economic environment conducive to
Diversity in oil markets...
investment we will continue to engage
with Russia, Iran, the Caspian, Middle East
6.23 The bulk of world oil reserves are found in
and African countries and the potential
the Middle East, with Saudi Arabia alone
transit countries, focusing on good
governance and the development of stable holding around a quarter.12 The other major
investment and transit regimes. Gulf producers hold as much again. Other
significant reserves are found in South and
10 IEA, 2002
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 6: Energy reliability
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within the EU. The energy liberalisation Around 70%15 of global gas reserves are
package we instigated, which was agreed by within economic distance of the EU market.
EU energy ministers on 25 November 2002 Accessing these resources will increase the
(subject to co-decision procedure and diversity and resilience of our own gas supplies.
approval by the European Parliament), is
a major step towards this. It includes a
commitment to allow industrial and
Encouraging international
commercial electricity and gas consumers co-operation...
a choice of supplier by 1 July 2004 and all
consumers this choice by 1 July 2007. 6.31 Producers and consumers have a common
interest in ensuring effective trade in energy
6.27 The new liberalisation directives require the products. Both benefit from stable markets
legal separation of transmission and that help ensure that supply is sufficient
distribution from production and supply and to meet demand and thus contribute to
access to grids and downstream pipelines on relatively stable global prices.
published non-discriminatory terms. These
structural measures are essential to achieving 6.32 For over a decade oil and gas producing and
properly functioning internal EU markets. This consuming countries have been engaged in
will benefit consumers in terms of prices, dialogue on both a bilateral and - through the
efficiency, choice and service levels. International Energy Forum - on a multilateral
basis. The UK has been an active supporter
6.28 The directives also require member states to and participant. The dialogue has helped
establish independent economic regulators - improve mutual understanding, confidence
such as OFGEM in Great Britain - with and awareness of long-term common
specific duties in relation for example to interests as well as promoting the development
transmission and distribution access tariffs of specific initiatives such as the Oil Data
and the allocation of interconnector capacity Transparency exercise. As trade in energy
to third parties on a transparent and non- increases and the interdependence between
discriminatory basis. These steps will make new and existing oil and gas producer and
a major contribution to the reliability of our consumer countries deepens, such dialogue
energy supplies in the long term. will become more and more important.
6.29 We have been pressing for these changes for 6.33 Sustainable energy solutions also have the
a number of years. We will now work with potential to strengthen energy reliability
the Commission and with other member worldwide. We will work to promote the
states to make sure the agreement is deployment of renewable sources of energy
effectively implemented. We will also in developing countries (as covered in
continue to press the Commission to tackle chapter 4) as well as encouraging investment
competition issues vigorously. in appropriate energy infrastructure.
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 6: Energy reliability
6.34 Across departmental boundaries we need to work with IFIs to support financing for
give greater prominence to strategic energy energy infrastructure investment;
issues in foreign policy. Both in the UK and
work with OECD partners and the
through its network of overseas posts the
international oil companies to promote
FCO will work more closely with other
sound economic development, particularly
government departments to achieve
among the emerging oil and gas producers in
common objectives in international energy
Africa and Central Asia, for example through
security. Our aims are to maintain strong
the Extractive Industries Transparency
relations with exporting countries and to
Initiative multi-stakeholder coalition; and
promote the benefits - to both producers and
consumers - of transparent, liquid, and through the FCO develop an Environment
liberalised world energy markets and diverse Attachés network to follow up on the
supplies of energy. In promoting diversity we Kyoto Protocol and other sustainable
will also work to minimise the risk of policies, extend the Science and
disruption to supplies from regional disputes Technology Attaché network, and engage
or local instability and to promote sustainable key posts in promoting UK policies and
approaches to energy reliability issues. reporting developments relevant to the
international oil and gas markets.
6.35 To this end, we will continue to work with
consumers and producers and with the
Domestic issues...
international community to:
promote regional stability and economic 6.36 In addition to the international risks there are
reform in key producing areas; potential risks to energy reliability within the
structure of our own market. These are that:
improve mutual understanding and the
functioning of world energy markets, for the economic potential of our oil and gas
example through continued improvements reserves is not maximised;
to international data transparency;
electricity generation companies will not
promote conditions for Foreign Direct invest in new capacity in sufficient time to
Investment through stable financial meet future needs;
regimes, transparent legal frameworks,
our sources of electricity generation may
predictable domestic energy policies and
become insufficiently diverse;
predictable foreign investment terms;
supplies, particularly in gas markets, may
promote liberalisation of energy markets
not be sufficiently diverse and flexible; and
including through the World Trade
Organisation (WTO), the IEA and the potential short term disruption may arise
Energy Charter Treaty; from financial difficulties among network
work with other large consumers such as
China and India to encourage more
We examine each of these risks in turn below.
effective management of energy demand
through energy efficiency improvements;
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The UK is home to a number of world class Now in its third year, the PILOT initiative is
energy companies and companies specialising in promoting industry co-operation with Government
all aspects of the energy sector. The UK has to enhance recovery of the UK’s oil and gas
expertise ranging from niche extraction resources and so prolong indigenous supplies.
techniques and offshore engineering, to cutting
PILOT’s specific vision targets for 2010 are to:
edge renewable energy and environmental
prolong self-sufficiency in oil and gas for the UK;
protection technologies.
maintain production levels of 3 million barrels
We greatly value the contribution that these
of oil equivalent per day;
companies make to the UK economy and to
sustain investment levels of £3 billion per year;
our wider international goals. We will work with
our companies to ensure that their international deliver a 50% increase in the value of industry-
investments continue to make important related exports by 2005 (from 1999 level);
contributions to economic development, good bring additional revenue of £1 billion from new
governance and political stability in key producer businesses;
sustain 100,000 more jobs than there would
We will also continue to work with the industry have been; and
(for example within PILOT - see below) to maintain ensure that the UK is the safest place to work
the UK’s energy networks and to manage the in the worldwide oil and gas industry.
UK’s domestic resources to maximise economic
and security of supply benefits. Specific activities to maximise recovery include
stimulation of activity through the review of fallow
acreage and fallow developments, promoting
trading assets between operators, co-operative
work to enhance brownfield developments and
Maximising our the promotion and sharing of best practice.
oil and gas reserves...
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 6: Energy reliability
amongst major oil producing countries, It enables the system to respond reliably
along with all the other advantages of political and quickly to unexpected peaks in demand
stability, open and competitive markets, or unexpected interruptions in generation.
access to a skilled workforce and an In 2001/2 the installed plant margin in
extensive oil and gas infrastructure. England and Wales was around 27% falling
to around 20% in 2002/318. Chart 6.1 below
shows the plant margin over the past
Ensuring incentives to invest
decade. The decline has been partly due to
in electricity generation...
plant being mothballed. Recently mothballed
plant could be returned to service at relatively
6.39 Electricity cannot yet be stored economically
short notice and low cost if required. In future,
in large quantities. We therefore need to have
measures to make demand more flexible, for
sufficient spare capacity to deal with variations
example through new metering technology,
in supply or demand, especially at times of
may mean that a smaller margin could provide
peak demand. This is the plant margin16.
the same level of security.
Chart 6.1
Installed Capacity and Electricity
Demand, England and Wales
60 Plant margin
20 Average Demand
Peak Demand
Installed Capacity
1990/91 1991/2 1992/3 1993/4 1994/5 1995/6 1996/7 1997/8 1998/9 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03
Source: NGC. 2002/3 data are provisional to date, average for 2002/3 is DTI estimate
17 NGC Seven Year Statement Update January 2002. Since 1990/91 the
installed capacity margin has varied between 18% and 32%.
16 Installed Plant Margin is defined as (Installed Capacity - Peak Demand)/Peak 18 NGC Seven Year Statement Update January 2003. The margin in Scotland
Demand and is expressed as a percentage. is currently 28%.
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6.40 Wholesale electricity prices have been low 6.43 We have concluded that the case has not
recently. This is a result of the considerable been made for such an instrument in the UK
increase in investment in generating capacity market. The UK market already provides
following higher prices in the 1990s. Recent strong financial incentives for suppliers to
prices are lower than many companies contract for sufficient power. We also note
anticipated and some of them have found that experience with CMIs in other countries
themselves in financial difficulty. Given current has been mixed. Some have been subject to
prices and the amount of existing capacity material alterations within short time periods
available there is currently no need or the very sort of regulatory risk that the
incentive for significant investment in new instrument is supposed to offset. NERA also
generation plant apart from renewables. estimated that a CMI could increase costs to
These are not market failures. They are consumers by some £150 million per year.
proper market responses. But some people
have expressed concern about the longer 6.44 Licence conditions on NGC20 and electricity
term prospects for investment. 21
suppliers also play an important role in
maintaining security. OFGEM enforces
6.41 Over the next 20 years almost all our existing licence conditions, a breach of which can
nuclear power stations will close as they end lead to financial penalties of up to 10% of
their operating lives. Most existing coal-fired turnover. OFGEM can also modify licence
power stations will also close as they age conditions, or put new ones in place, with the
and as environmental controls become more agreement of electricity industry participants
stringent. There is inevitably a good deal of or after reference to the Competition
uncertainty as to the type and location of Commission. We will look to OFGEM to use
stations that will replace existing capacity as its powers vigorously to apply and enforce
market participants respond to evolving price appropriate licence conditions.
signals. But given current levels of capacity,
including mothballed plant, and our 6.45 OFGEM has confirmed that it considers that
expectations of growing renewables the current statutory framework, including
generation and energy efficiency the duties and functions set out within the
improvements over the coming years, we are
relevant Acts and contained within related
unlikely to need significant new investment in
documents such as the Grid Code, is
non-renewable power stations over the next
sufficient to help ensure the security of the
five years or possibly longer.
balancing of the electricity transmission
system. Through JESS we will keep this
6.42 A number of electricity markets elsewhere
under review.
employ a form of capacity margin instrument
(CMI) to seek to secure a fixed level of
capacity margin, often to counteract the
effect of price caps imposed elsewhere in
their electricity markets. We have reviewed 20 For example National Grid Company has a licence condition to promote
the security and efficiency of the electricity generation, transmission and
the case for such a measure here . distribution systems in England and Wales.
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 6: Energy reliability
6.46 In addition, OFGEM has agreed to publish a 6.50 Diversity goes beyond a simple choice of
report every six months on the performance fuels. It relates to how the fuel or energy is
of the electricity and gas industries in delivering moved and used and to the range of sources
security, detailing any issues which have given for any particular type of fuel. Additional
rise to energy reliability concerns and saying electricity interconnectors, like the existing
what, if any, actions had been taken or might one to France, would increase resilience.
be needed to address those issues in future. Projects are being developed for new direct
These reports will be in addition to the forward current electricity interconnectors to Norway
looking security monitoring role of JESS. and the Netherlands and discussion is
underway on a possible link to the Republic
A diverse mix of of Ireland. These are essentially market
electricity generation... decisions, driven by the commercial
assessments of electricity suppliers.
6.47 Some people argue that the UK Government We will continue to keep the diversity
should specify the mix of fuel sources in of the electricity mix under review.
electricity generation, allocating a proportion
to gas, a proportion to coal and so on. We
Gas supply flexibility...
have considered this proposition carefully and
have dismissed it. In our view Government is
6.51 Demand for gas in the UK is highly seasonal.
not equipped to decide the composition of
We have a relatively low level of strategic gas
the fuel mix used to generate electricity.
storage compared with France, Germany and
Our preference is for a market framework
Italy. This is not of itself a problem, provided
with the right regulatory framework.
that the market can continue to deliver
6.48 But neither should we allow ourselves to sufficient flexibility to meet demand,
become overly dependent on any one fuel especially as UK gas output falls and with it
source across the whole economy or in a the capability of UK gas fields to meet short-
specific sector, such as electricity generation. term periods of high demand. Alternative
It is our view that the policies we put forward ways of providing supply flexibility such as
in this paper will encourage the long-term new storage projects and flexible import
development of new, more diverse and cleaner contracts appear to be being delivered by the
energy technologies that will promote both market. The diversity that these projects can
energy reliability and our low-carbon objectives. bring to the market in term of flexibility of
entry points and means of delivery will be
6.49 Coal (UK produced or imported) and nuclear welcome. The provision of timely new
power have traditionally offered sources of infrastructure will be important in backing up
electricity relatively secure from sudden these commitments and, along with progress
changes in other international energy on EU liberalisation, provides confidence that
markets. The future of coal generation and access to flexibility can be maintained.
new measures to encourage the We will closely monitor and assess the
development of carbon capture and storage adequacy of provision of sufficient supply
are discussed below. The future of nuclear flexibility to the UK gas market.
generation is discussed in chapter 4.
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 6: Energy reliability
6.57 If ways could be found cost-effectively to Carbon capture and storage may
handle the carbon, keeping coal-fired offer a promising way forward...
generation in the fuel mix would offer
significant energy security and diversity 6.59 Carbon capture and storage (CCS) - and the
benefits. Coal is easy to store and transport potential value of carbon dioxide injection for
and can be sourced from diverse of stable enhanced oil recovery (EOR) as a means of
suppliers both domestically and worldwide. extending the life of the North Sea oil
Loads in coal-fired stations can also be varied reserves - is described in detail in the box
relatively easily, so coal fired generation is below. The recent review of cleaner coal
particularly useful in meeting peak demand or technologies23, shows that CCS is currently
covering for supply intermittencies in other constrained by a number of significant legal
fuels. This may encourage generators to keep and technical issues. Measures to address
some coal-fired plant so as to give these are the subject of a number of current
themselves the capacity to meet demand follow-up projects.
under a variety of circumstances. But by
itself this would be unlikely materially to
increase UK energy security more generally.
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CCS offers the potential to deal with the carbon Geological formations are capable of containing
emissions from using fossil fuels in electricity gas. They have done for thousands of years.
generation or from other large CO2 sources (such Geological sequestration should be capable of
as chemical plants and refineries). In coal plant retaining CO2 for a very long time, perhaps
it could be achieved either by capturing the CO2 indefinitely. But accessing reservoirs would
from flue gases or technically more easily by necessarily disturb them and leakage might occur,
gasifying the coal prior to electricity generation for example through geological faults, seismic
(in an integrated gasification combined cycle - activity, failure of pipelines or other engineering
IGCC - plant). components and groundwater movement.
The political and public acceptability of CCS is
Once it is captured the CO2 needs to be placed
likely to depend at least in part on a convincing
in some form of long-term storage. The Chief
risk analysis and on the ability to detect slow
Scientific Adviser’s Energy Research Review
leaks if they occur.
Group identified CCS as an area in which increased
research effort could yield major breakthroughs. A pilot project in the Norwegian sector of the
In particular, it suggested that effort be concentrated North Sea is the only example of offshore carbon
on fundamental research into storage which was dioxide injection currently in process. This takes
less well understood than capture. The theoretical CO2 that is co-produced with the gas in the
storage capacity of suitable geological formations Sleipner West field and injects it into an aquifer.
(depleted oil and gas fields and deep saline In North America a number of projects are
reservoirs) is massive, subject to cost and the injecting CO2 into oilfields to help increase oil
environmental and public acceptability. recovery (known as enhanced oil recovery or
EOR). During this process most of the CO2 used
European capacity for storing CO2 in geological
ultimately remains in the oilfield, so is effectively
formations could be around 200GtC, mostly under
the North Sea and mainly in the Norwegian sector
and the UKCS. About 95% of this potential is in EOR would allow additional oil recovery from
deep saline aquifers and only about 5% in the UKCS - 200Mt (1.5 billion barrels) may be
depleted oil and gas fields. The North Sea oil and achievable over 20 years. This compares to
gas well capacity in the UKCS is sufficient to current annual oil production of about 130Mt.
absorb all UK CO2 emissions at current levels for But the current rates of field depletion mean that
up to 15 years, potentially hundreds of years if this opportunity only exists in the short term and
saline aquifers are included. Theoretically there CO2 injection needs to start by 2006/8 if it is to
could be further capacity in unmineable coal have an impact on the largest fields before the
seams but further investigation is required. existing infrastructure is dismantled.
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 6: Energy reliability
24 The papers from this work are being published on 25 The papers from this work are being published on
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6.64 Coal will remain the dominant generating fuel 6.65 Disused coal mines continue to produce
in large parts of the developing world such as methane even after they are closed, although
China and India for many years to come. UK the amount of methane reduces over time.
industry is potentially well placed to promote Methane is significantly more damaging to
cleaner coal technologies, technology transfer the environment in terms of its global
and capacity building into developing countries. warming potential than carbon dioxide.
In the longer run it should be possible for UK Where it can be captured this gas can be
project developers to benefit from carbon used to generate electricity and heat, thus
credits through international trading under the contributing to the energy mix and reducing
Kyoto Protocol clean development mechanism. the greenhouse gas emissions from
With this in mind, we have already put in abandoned mines significantly. To help
place a programme of support for advanced stimulate the industry we indicated in the
traditional cleaner coal technologies which 2002 budget that we would, subject to
is intended to bring forward demonstrator Commission approval, grant coal mine
projects that may help to showcase the methane (CMM) plant an exemption from
relevant technology more widely. the climate change levy.
The current Cleaner Coal Technology Programme a Memorandum of Understanding with China
(worth £25m over 3 years) has two components: for collaborative R&D and the promotion of
cleaner coal technology;
Support for research and development into new
the production of a range of publications and
cleaner coal technologies. These include:
seminars, in collaboration with the International
support for 40 R&D projects covering new
Energy Authority, to promote cleaner coal
technologies for coal gasification, higher boiler
technology and help reduce the non-technical
efficiencies, co-firing with biomass and computer
market barriers to their development;
simulation of cleaner coal-fired generation;
help with initiating and establishing a major
a collaborative agreement with the British Coal
R&D collaboration on advanced supercritical
Utilisation Research Association (BCURA) to
technology under the auspices of the European
provide support for joint projects designed to
Commission’s Framework Programme; and
contribute to university R&D; and
liaison with the US Department of Energy to
investigation into the feasibility of underground
determine areas for future collaboration under
coal gasification and coal bed methane in the UK.
the US/UK Memorandum of Understanding on
Facilitating the transfer UK cleaner coal Energy R&D.
technology to other countries and promoting the
Other work outside the CCT programme includes
exports of UK expertise and products abroad.
the possibility of Government support for
Activities have included:
retrofitting a supercritical boiler to an existing
support for outward missions to promote UK power plant in the UK.
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 6: Energy reliability
6.66 The longer-term decline of methane similar level of support (via a separate
emissions mean that CMM electricity obligation or equivalent) to the whole chain
generation will not offer significant long-term from methane extraction to generation would
help to the reliability/diversity of UK energy be difficult to justify, since it is not clear how
supplies. But in the short term CMM much methane would leak naturally and how
presents a material environmental problem. much is extracted by the process of recovery.
We accept, however, the need to move to
6.67 Even with existing levels of support a control CMM emissions and will work with
number of potential CMM electricity the industry and relevant environmental
generation projects will remain uneconomic. agencies to find ways of doing so more
The carbon valuation in the EU Emissions effectively.
Trading Scheme is likely to provide a
significant incentive to CMM mitigation
The UK coal mining industry...
projects that would otherwise not justify
themselves. The route by which CMM may
6.69 The level of coal-fired generation is not of
be able to claim credits under the EU
itself a limiting factor on UK mines. Coal
Emissions Trading Scheme is expected to be
production in the UK will decrease over
project (as opposed to direct activity) based.
coming years predominantly as a result of the
We will work to negotiate such an entry
increasingly difficult geological and mining
route and in the meantime we will work on
conditions in UK pits. Within 10 years most
a framework for pilot projects within the
of our existing deep mines are likely to have
UK emission trading scheme for which
exhausted their economic reserves.
CMM projects may be eligible. The timetable
for pilot projects is currently under review.
6.70 Coal, like oil and increasingly gas, is an
internationally traded commodity. Supplies
6.68 Even this, however, is unlikely to be sufficient
are available from a wide variety of reliable
to stimulate the industry in the short term,
sources. The relevant infrastructure notably in
given the costs of generation from CMM as
ports and the rail network is likely to be
compared with the market price for
sufficient to meet expected demand in a very
electricity. We will continue to work with the
wide range of scenarios, subject to market-
industry to explore ways, including through
led investment. Given this relatively mature
the licensing system, in which we can help
and flexible market, there do not appear to be
recognise the environmental benefits it
strong economic grounds for supporting UK
secures. The industry has argued for the
coal production as a hedge against import
introduction of an obligation equivalent to the
prices or security of electricity supply
renewables obligation. But the renewables
grounds for supporting production as a
obligation has a specific aim - to develop long
means of increasing diversity.
term carbon free generation technologies to
the point where they become economically
6.71 We recognise that coal producers can make
viable in their own right, and offering the
positive contributions to areas that are often
obligation more widely risks undermining our
economically and socially disadvantaged, by
longer term renewables aims. To offer a
providing well-paid and skilled jobs. The UK’s
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Chapter 7 Productivity,
competitiveness and innovation
7.1 Raising the sustainable rate of economic to promote enterprise to help new and
growth and maintaining industrial and business established businesses to start up, develop
competitiveness are central to our economic and grow;
strategy. Energy has an important role to play
to improve skills through better education
as a key input - without reliable supplies the
for young people and greater training
economy and our national infrastructure
would not function. But we must also ensure opportunities for those already in the
that the price of energy allows us to maintain workforce;
our competitiveness. Our recent white paper to support science, research and innovation
on ‘Productivity and Enterprise’ 1 set out the to utilise the potential of new technologies
benefits of liberalised markets. As in other and to develop new ways of working; and
markets, vigorous competition in energy
stimulates innovation and ensures the to encourage investment to improve the
efficient allocation of resources, improving stock of physical capital.
service quality and driving down prices.
We need to maintain
7.2 To boost productivity and competitiveness
competitive energy prices...
we need to:
ensure efficient markets which deliver 7.4 The energy sector represents around 4% of
competitive prices for business and UK GDP but is a required input to the other
domestic consumers; 96%. To maintain competitiveness and
encourage inward investment, energy for
promote resource productivity - this will
businesses and consumers must be
benefit the economy and individual
businesses as well as increasing energy competitively priced, including in comparison
security and reducing carbon dioxide with other EU and G8 countries.
7.5 Vigorous competition improves efficiency and
pursue our energy policy objectives through drives down prices. This has already been
market mechanisms which promote seen in energy markets. For domestic
competition, flexibility and efficiency; and consumers, average prices in real terms fell
help business by setting a clear and by 10% for gas and 19% for electricity
consistent long-term policy framework. between 1997 and 2002. For industrial users,
between 1997 and 2001, electricity prices fell
7.3 To deliver these goals in the energy system by 22% in real terms, even when the climate
we need to address what the Government change levy is included. This can be attributed
has identified as the key drivers of to measures like the introduction of NETA,
productivity. These are: increasing competition in the supply market
and the reduction in the fossil fuel levy
to strengthen the competition regime to
feeding through to contracts. Our industrial
encourage firms to innovate and minimise
gas and electricity prices were the second
costs and to deliver better quality goods
and third lowest respectively in the EU in
and services to customers;
2001. Our domestic gas and electricity prices
were the second and fourth lowest.
1 Productivity and Enterprise: A World Class Competition Regime: July 2001
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7.6 The impact of the measures to promote energy this would still be below the level during
efficiency proposed in this white paper should nearly all the 1970s and 1980s. Industrial gas
mean that, for many households and users, prices have already increased from a
energy bills should fall as the amount of historically low level in the mid 1990s. The
energy needed and consumed is reduced, high case scenario is that they might return
although the unit price for energy charged to to the level of the late 1980s. To the extent
consumers and users is likely to rise. Over the that such an increase in gas prices reflects a
17 years to 2020, the policy measures rising wholesale price, this will also affect the
suggested here - on emissions trading, UK’s competitors in Western Europe in a fully
renewables and energy efficiency - might add liberalised gas market.
approximately: 5-15% (per unit) to household
electricity prices and less than 5% to 7.8 NETA was introduced in 2001 to replace the
household gas prices; and 10-25% to industrial electricity Pool and was designed to bring
electricity prices and 15-30% to industrial gas greater efficiency to wholesale electricity
prices . Such price increases would not trading while maintaining the operation of a
translate into similar increases in energy costs. secure and reliable electricity system. Under
A part of the price impact reflects energy NETA the bulk of electricity is traded forward
efficiency measures which should lead to through bilateral contracts and power
reductions in energy use. exchanges. It also includes a short term
balancing mechanism to ensure supply
7.7 Assessments like these are very uncertain meets demand at all times. NETA provides
and it will be important to keep price impacts for more direct competition in wholesale
under review. Much of the impact is due to electricity than occurred under the Pool.
the EU emissions trading scheme (which, Traded wholesale electricity prices are around
being EU-wide, will impact widely on 40% lower than in 1998. The market has
European prices) and is dependent on how now seen a significant increase in liquidity
the scheme develops as well as on the price and trades.
of carbon in the trading market. It is
important to put these potential rises in 7.9 Our market is also - unlike California in 2000 -
context. Electricity prices have fallen
dynamic. Under NETA, generators and
significantly in real terms over the last 20
suppliers are encouraged to use hedging
years to their current historically low level.
arrangements and contracts to avoid
Even under a high case scenario the price of
exposure to volatile prices in the balancing
electricity to domestic consumers should
mechanism. In California, regulators
remain below that for, for example, the 20
prevented suppliers buying power on long-
years to 1995. For industrial consumers,
term contacts. As a result, forward signals
prices might return to the levels of the early
were too weak to trigger new generating
1990s but remain below those for the whole
plant. California also faced the reluctance on
of the 1970s and 1980s. For domestic
the part of regulators to adjust price controls
consumers, a high case scenario could see
on consumer prices (price controls in GB
prices rising to late 1990s levels, although
were abolished in 2002), transmission
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 7: Productivity, competitiveness and innovation
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7.13 As stated in chapter 1, this white paper them by fewer, streamlined schemes. All this
demonstrates our commitment to the will help businesses to seek funds for the
principles of better regulation. In particular: purposes of energy innovation. Local Energy
Efficiency Advice Centres will also be able
to engage with stakeholders to find out
to advise on national sources of funding.
what they need from policy;
We will complement this by developing a
to examine what instruments are available single web-based portal for businesses
to achieve those outcomes, with a wanting access to energy support schemes,
preference for market measures; as part of a single knowledge bank for
business support schemes. The Energy
to treat regulation as the last option if
Saving Trust and the Carbon Trust are also
nothing else will work;
piloting a project for Small and Medium-sized
to use existing regulations where possible; Enterprise Energy Advice Centres (SMEEACs).
7.16 The PIU called for a fundamental review
to impose new regulation, exceptionally
of low carbon support programmes aimed
and then only when it is fit for purpose.
at business, particularly the Carbon Trust
and the Energy Saving Trust. Although
We must seize opportunities we consider that some of these bodies
to promote enterprise... and programmes are too new to review now,
we will review low carbon delivery
7.14 Moving to a low carbon economy also programmes and associated support bodies
presents opportunities for businesses to before the end of 2004 in the context of
seize competitive advantage. We have a review of low carbon instruments more
established a number of Innovation and generally in advance of the introduction
Growth Teams (IGT) and some of these have of the EU emissions trading scheme.
looked specifically at energy issues. For
example the Automotive IGT considered the
future contribution of low carbon transport
within its overall remit of safeguarding the
competitiveness of the UK’s automotive
sector. Manufacturing standards - be they
quality, environmental, health, safety or
security - also have a vital role to play.
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 7: Productivity, competitiveness and innovation
Addressing skills...
Resource Productivity and Sustainable
Consumption and Production (SCP)
7.17 We need to address skills development,
The Strategy Unit’s (formerly PIU) report, training and an ageing workforce in the energy
Resource Productivity: making more with less industries. The problems are widespread:
(November 2001) was one of three linked reports
nearly a third of staff in offshore oil
which also included its Energy Report and its
recently published waste report, Waste not, want companies are over 45 and only 6% under
not (November 2002). The outcome of the World 25. 20% of companies provided no regular
Summit for Sustainable Development last year, staff training - nearly 40% for smaller
particularly a commitment to a ten-year drive on companies ;
SCP, has recently re-focused our follow-up work
even without new build the nuclear fuel
on resource productivity. In coming months we
will develop a strategic overview of resource
cycle, power generation and environmental
productivity and SCP more widely. This will: restoration sectors are likely to need
around 19,000 graduates and skilled trades
set out the economic, social and environmental
people over the next 15 years to replace
rationale for long-term policy planning to
decouple economic growth from environmental retirements and satisfy demand in
degradation and resource use; environmental restoration ;
draw on the two major policy blocks of energy the Gas and Water Industry National Training
and waste as core elements of an SCP future; Organisation (GWINTO) has predicted that
consider the case for and identify further there could be a major shortage of skilled
indicators for resource use as a means to gas installers in the coming years; and
stimulate and track long-term improvements;
key skills in companies building major
set out our approach to sustainable
infrastructure such as power stations and
consumption, with specific proposals to help
refineries are currently concentrated in the
empower consumers and improve
environmental impacts of goods and services
(eg with better information right through the
supply chain); and 7.18 Many employers invest in training but finding
time and resources can be difficult, particularly
identify the key policy levers for encouraging
for smaller companies. Our Manufacturing
SCP, and set out how a co-ordinated use 5
of tools and instruments could drive such Strategy emphasised the importance of a
a programme - eg economic pricing skilled workforce to a productive and
instruments, support for innovation, competitive economy - not only technical
procurement, signalling of future targets skills but also leadership and management
and minimum standards.
3 Skills Foresight, The Industry Survey, OPITO 1999
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skills. It also highlighted the need for a It will cover both demand (from employers
demand-led approach, combining government and their investment in skills and training)
investment, access to best practice support and the supply of skilled people.
and increased support for the science base. Government, business, the new Sector
This implies close co-ordination across the Skills Councils (SSCs), the Sector Skills
industry, in particular between employers Development Agency, the Learning and
and education and training providers and also Skills Council, Regional Development
through supply chains (especially where Agencies, other public and private bodies
seasonal shifts in workloads are a factor). and employers will need to work together
to identify skills needs and measures to
deliver them. Resources for SSCs will
We are addressing similar skills
increase to £42m in 2003/04, to £45m in
needs across the economy...
2004/05 and to £48m in 2005/067;
7.19 Such problems are not energy-specific. raising the profile and attractiveness of
We are already addressing common problems apprenticeships with a major marketing
across the economy6 which are also relevant campaign to promote Modern
to the energy sector. In particular we are: Apprenticeships. A new National Modern
Apprenticeship Task Force has been set up
investing an extra £100m per year by
as a high level, employer-led body, driving
2005/06 through the Office of Science
the expansion and development of Modern
and Technology (OST) to improve
Apprenticeships, so helping to meet the
the development of the UK’s science
nation’s skills needs and the aspirations of
and technology skills base;
young people; and
targeting science and mathematics
extending training for lower-skilled
teaching in schools to ensure that we have
workers, helping highly skilled individuals
the right mix of teaching skills at primary
to enter the UK and encouraging take
and secondary level and also providing
up of Investors in People in small firms.
resources (including £60m between 2000
and 2002) to modernise and upgrade
science laboratories; The energy sector
also has specific needs...
commissioning an independent review into
how business can draw more effectively
7.20 We will ensure that these cross-cutting
on university expertise, to report in
initiatives take proper account of energy
summer 2003;
issues, such as the move to a low carbon
publishing a new skills strategy for England economy, which will affect businesses across
in June 2003 aimed at reducing our the economy. For example:
productivity gap with major competitors.
6 Links to more detailed information about the measures set out in this
paragraph and others can be found on the DFES and HM Treasury websites
( ( _Productivity/Research_and
Enterprise/ent_res_roberts.cfm) 7
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 7: Productivity, competitiveness and innovation
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 7: Productivity, competitiveness and innovation
of picking technology winners, but we are Adviser and a group of experts. This Energy
ready to fund innovation where this can achieve Research Review Group (ERRG) was asked
the best results in terms of its policy objectives. to look particularly at whether the overall
We will also work to create a policy level of expenditure on research,
environment that encourages the private development and demonstration was
sector to bring the key technologies forward, sufficient and whether it was being targeted
and play a key role in the delivery of major at the right areas.
new infrastructure. Of particular importance
will be the move towards internalisation of 7.30 The group concluded that the UK’s spending
the cost of carbon, through emissions trading should be raised. We are increasing public
(discussed in chapter 2). This should also spending on energy research, development
help to incentivise low carbon innovation. and innovation. DTI spent around £40m
supporting sustainable energy-related
research and technological development in
We are keeping innovation 2001/02. We have already put in place a
policy under review... substantial renewables support programme
worth in total £250m between 2002/03 and
In November 2002 we began a broad review -
including energy - that will by July 2003:
2005/06. We will also, as described in
chapter 4, increase the funding by a further
assess the UK’s relative innovation performance;
£60m in this period. This is additional to the
identify strengths and weaknesses and where
extra funding announced in the 2002
market or institutional problems inhibit innovation;
Spending Review, which allocated an
identify how Government policies can help; and additional £38m for energy policy objectives
set out a new strategy, involving key stakeholders, in 2005/06 compared with 2002/03.
to improve the UK’s innovation performance.
We have also set up an independent review, led 7.31 We set up the Carbon Trust in April 2001
by Richard Lambert, on strengthening links to lead on low carbon technology and
between business and universities. The review innovation. It is spending £75m over the next
team will consult widely with business, universities three years. Funding for energy-related
and national and regional administrations in the technology has also been available via the
UK and overseas. The review will complement DTI’s Innovation and Business Support
and contribute to the Innovation Review and will programmes and through various European
report to Ministers in late summer 2003. programmes. The Research Councils will
spend over £11m on energy-related research
in 2002/03. They have been allocated an
additional £28m under spending review 2002
We will invest more for further research in support of a
in energy innovation... sustainable energy economy.
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 7: Productivity, competitiveness and innovation
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8 As with the estimated impact of economic growth, there is considerable address the need to overcome skills
uncertainty about the full impact on the numbers in fuel poverty.
shortages - see Chapter 7.
9 A summary report evaluating the first year
performance of Warm Zones is at 10
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Section Three
Reliable, competitive and affordable supplies
Chapter 8: Energy and the vulnerable
And internationally...
11 World Summit on Sustainable Development - see chapter 4 12 Issues and Briefing Notes
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Delivery through
ENERGY WHITE PAPER Our energy future - creating a low carbon economy 111
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Chapter 9
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Section Four
Delivery through partnership
Chapter 9
9.8 To this end, we will strengthen departmental 9.10 To ensure the transparency of the follow-up
analytical and strategic capabilities in the to this white paper, the Sustainable Energy
field of energy policy. The DTI’s Energy Policy Network will publish annually a report
Strategy Unit will provide the focal point of on the progress being made towards the
a network - a Sustainable Energy Policy aims we have set out here. This will report
Network - of departmental policy units that on how the Government, regulators and
will be involved in delivering the white industry are delivering security of short-term
paper’s commitments. We expect the DTI, and long-term energy supply, moving towards
Defra, the FCO, the Treasury, the ODPM, DfT, our intermediate and longer-term carbon
the Scotland Office, the Wales Office, and reduction goals (including those already set
the Devolved Administrations all to play out in the Climate Change Programme),
a full part in this network. The regulators, delivering our fuel poverty targets and
particularly OFGEM and the Environment maintaining the competitiveness of our
Agency, will also play an important part. energy markets more generally.
The primary task of the network will be to
ensure that the aims we have set out in this 9.11 We will need appropriate indicators to monitor
white paper are delivered. This will require progress. Government already publishes an
the network, acting as a virtual unit, to extensive range of energy indicators, and
ensure that the Government as a whole these will continue to be published annually.1
pursues effectively the policies and But we need to focus on a smaller set of
programmes that we need to deliver all our indicators to give a broad overview of whether
objectives, including a significant stepping-up overall energy policy objectives are being
of our international capability. delivered. Therefore, as a supplement to the
white paper, we will be seeking views on the
most appropriate indicators to focus upon.
9.9 To provide a clear line of accountability for
the network, we will also put in place a new,
9.12 We also need to ensure that our future
ad hoc, Ministerial group which will oversee
policies and measures take full account of
the delivery of the commitments in this
their carbon impacts, that they are
white paper. This group will be chaired
transparent and that information about them
jointly by the Secretary of State for Trade and
and about energy policy choices is available
Industry and the Secretary of State for the
to business and the public in a format that
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. To
they will find accessible. The recently
support the Ministerial group, the governance
updated guidance for regulatory impact
of the Sustainable Energy Policy Network
assessments includes a provision to consider
will be strengthened with the creation of a
environmental impacts as part of delivering
Sustainable Energy Policy Advisory Board,
the Government’s commitment to
made up of senior, independent experts and
sustainable development. A carbon impact
stakeholders. The role of the Advisory Board
assessment will in future be an integral
will be to provide the Ministerial group with a
part of assessing environmental impacts.
source of well-informed, independent advice
on the approach and the work of the Network
as a whole. 1 UK Energy Sector Indicators , DTI, December 2002
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9.15 To this end we propose a wide-ranging work with OFGEM to strengthen the
programme of action: transparency and accountability of the
code modification process. OFGEM already
OFGEM has committed to producing
publish reasons where they do not accept
regulatory impact assessments, including
the advice of the industry code panel; and
environmental impact assessments, for all
significant new policies. This will enhance also consult on a range of further
transparency until there is opportunity to measures, including whether it would be
provide statutory backing for these appropriate to provide for appeals against
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Section Four
Delivery through partnership
Chapter 9
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Section Four
Delivery through partnership
Chapter 9
9.23 RDAs’ role as the drivers of regional encourage local authorities to take the
economic development means that they can lead, acting as catalysts for change,
make a significant contribution to meeting developing and facilitating cross-sectoral
the energy policy objectives set out in this partnerships and providing advice and
white paper. In particular they will have a key encouragement;
role in implementing a strategic approach at
review existing guidance to Energy
regional level, and the Regional Economic
Conservation Authorities on complying
Strategy will be a key driver in its
with the requirements of the Home
development. We will therefore strongly
Energy Conservation Act;
encourage RDAs to play a key role in the
delivery of energy policy objectives at consider with the Local Government
regional level. We will also support them in Association (LGA) whether at the next
helping to develop their understanding of review to include energy as a shared
the implications of the white paper for their central-local priority; and
region and in identifying specific actions
consult on arrangements to collect and
they can take to meet its aims.
make available data on the pattern of
energy usage in local areas, to enable
9.24 Many local authorities and regional bodies
local authorities and regional bodies to
are already developing innovative initiatives
target activity more effectively.
and strategies that go beyond their statutory
functions. In the longer term we want to
see more taking such a pro-active role.
The Sustainable Energy Policy Network
will have a remit further to develop the
partnership with local and regional bodies
on energy issues. In addition we will:
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Examples of Successful
Local and Regional Initiatives
The Northern Energy Initiative, an independent The Council is in partnership with Yorkshire Forward,
organisation undertaking work for the regional the RDA in a scheme to increase the take-up of
GO, the RDA, academic institutions and business, solar PV technology throughout West Yorkshire.
has developed an energy strategy for the North A recent report by the Audit Commision into the
East of England. This sets regional targets for work of the Calderdale Housing Energy Team said,
business energy efficiency, job creation in the “the work carried out by the Council on energy
energy sector, renewables and CHP. It has set up efficiency measures and advice is impressive”.
support for smaller businesses, a renewable
Woking Borough Council is the only UK local
energy agency and a ‘clean coal’ project.4
authority to supply customers with electricity,
The South West RDA and GO have, with local heat and cooling on private wire district energy
Government and business, drawn up a Strategic networks, using fuel cells, CHP and solar power.
Framework for the Development of Renewable It also supplies energy services to homes and
Energy in the South West. The framework businesses, financed through a public/private joint
addresses issues such as skills and awareness, venture energy services company, for which the
markets for renewable energy and planning. Council gained a Queen’s Award for Enterprise.6
The partners have subsequently set up a not-for-
Leicester City Council has a major energy
profit company ‘Regen SW’ to guide the
efficiency housing programme which incorporates
development of renewables in the region and to
expanding the district heating system, introducing
help deliver action under the strategic frameworks5.
CHP, renewable energy systems and energy
Calderdale Council has utilised funding from the efficient independent boilers, and a policy for
local Primary Care Trust to insulate the homes of installation of new, PVCu double-glazed windows
people over 60. In 2001, 711 householders had to all council housing in Leicester.7
their homes improved under this scheme.
4 6
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Annex A Glossary
Term Definition
Balancing mechanism The mechanism used by the National Grid Company to balance
the supply and demand of electricity.
Carbon capture Removal of CO2 from fossil fuels either before or after
combustion. In the latter the CO2 is extracted from the fluegas.
Carbon emissions trading A scheme in which greenhouse gas emissions are controlled by
scheme/carbon trading setting a cap on total emissions and allowing the market sector(s)
to reach an economically balanced response via trading of
emissions allowances. Allowances are allocated initially, perhaps
through a free distribution or through an auction, and the total
allocation is adjusted (capped) periodically.
Carbon Trust An independent not for profit company set up by the Government
with support from business to encourage and promote the
development of low carbon technologies. Key to this aim is its
support for UK businesses in reducing carbon emissions through
funding, supporting technological innovation and by encouraging
more efficient working practices.
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Annex A: Glossary
Term Definition
CCGT Combined cycle gas turbine - a gas fired electricity generation plant.
Climate Change Agreement An agreement between the Government and a business user,
whereby a reduced rate of Climate Change Levy is payable in
return for a commitment by the user to achieve certain
pre-determined targets for energy usage or carbon emissions.
Climate Change Levy (CCL) A levy applied to the energy use of all non-domestic sectors.
Subject to certain exemptions and reductions to encourage
energy efficiency.
Climate Change Programme Published in 2000, sets out the Government and Devolved
Administration strategic approach to tackling Climate Change and
meeting the UK’s Kyoto target of a 12.5% reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels by 2008-2012 and
the domestic goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 20% by 2010.
CMM plant Coal Mine Methane plants generate electricity and heat from
methane that is emitted from disused coal mines.
COGENT Sector Skills Council for the oil and gas extraction and chemical
manufacturing sector.
Combined Heat and CHP is the simultaneous generation of usable heat and power
Power (CHP) (usually electricity) in a single process, thereby discarding less
wasted heat.
Community Energy A £50m, 2 year capital grants programme (2002-04) offering funding,
Programme information and support to Local Authorities, Registered Social
Landlords, Universities, Hospitals and other public service
organisations for the refurbishment of existing and installation of
new community heating schemes. Operates across UK and is
jointly managed by the Energy Saving Trust and the Carbon Trust
on behalf of Defra.
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Term Definition
‘Decent standards’ Set by ODPM, the decent home standard is a minimum standard
that all social housing in England should achieve by 2010.
A decent home is one that is wind and weather tight, warm and
has modern facilities. Similar standards apply in the DAs.
Distribution Network Companies that are responsible for operating the networks that
Operators (DNOs) connect electricity consumers to the national transmission system
and provide interconnection with embedded generation.
Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) A multilateral treaty to promote trade, investment and transit of
energy products between Contracting Parties and sets a standard
for non-discriminatory access to energy supplies.
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Annex A: Glossary
Term Definition
Energy for the Poor Initiative An EU initiative focusing on poverty eradication in developing
countries by improving people’s access to adequate, affordable
and sustainable energy services.
Energy Research Network A new network being developed by the Research Councils
to establish interdisciplinary teams addressing all aspect
of energy research (scientific, technological, social, economic
and health impacts).
Energy Research Review A group of experts set up under the chairmanship of the Government’s
Group (ERRG) Chief Scientific Adviser. The Group was assembled to review
Government support for energy research, development and
demonstration as an input to the PIU’s Energy Review. The report
of the Group was published on 14 February 2002.
Energy Saving Trust (EST) The Energy Saving Trust is an independent not-for-profit organisation,
set up and largely funded by the Government to manage a number
of programmes to improve energy efficiency, particularly in the
domestic sector.
Engineering & Physical The UK Government’s leading funding agency for research and
Sciences Research Council training in engineering and the physical sciences.
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Term Definition
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Increased production of oil from an oil field, brought about
by injecting gas (eg CO2) or water to raise the oil pressure
and force more oil out.
EU Data Transparency This was announced by the Prime Minister at WSSD to increase
Initiative the transparency over payments by companies to Governments
and Government-linked entities, as well as transparency over
revenues by these host country Governments.
Freight Facility grants Government grants that are given to assist taking freight
movements from road to rail or ship.
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Annex A: Glossary
Term Definition
Fuel cells Fuel cells produce electricity from hydrogen and air, with water
as the only emission. Potential applications include stationary
power generation, transport (replacing the internal combustion
engine) and portable power (replacing batteries in mobile phones).
Fuel poverty The common definition of a fuel poor household is one needing
to spend in excess of 10% of household income to achieve
a satisfactory heating regime (21˚C in the living room and 18˚C
in the other occupied rooms).
Government Offices (GOs) There is one Government Office in each of the 9 English regions.
Their role is to act as the Government’s eyes and ears in the regions,
communicating the Government’s messages and ensuring a regional
input to the policy making process at the centre.
Grid Codes The industry codes that govern the technical interface between
the users of the electricity transmission systems and the
transmission licence holders. Under a GB market the codes will
be amalgamated into a single code.
Hybrid vehicles Vehicles which use batteries or fuel cells as part of their power
source in combination with a traditional internal combustion
engine (ICE). Allows the ICE to be used with less energy loss
and has overall greater efficiency.
Hypothecated revenue Tax revenue that is raised for a specific expenditure purpose.
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Term Definition
Integrated Gasification IGCC plants initially gasify the raw fuel input, before passing the
Combined Cycle (IGCC) so-called synthesis gas through a conventional combined cycle
set up. IGCCs can be designed to use a range of raw fuel inputs,
including coal, oil products and wastes.
Joint Energy Security of The JESS Working Group, set up in July 2001, has brought
Supply (JESS) together DTI and OFGEM to monitor the security of energy
supplies as part of an initiative to keep the reliability of energy
supplies under ongoing review.
Learning & Skills The Learning and Skills Council is responsible for funding and
Council (LSC) planning education and training for over 16-year-olds in England.
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) When natural gas is cooled to a temperature of approximately
-160°C at atmospheric pressure it condenses to a liquid called
liquefied natural gas (LNG). Natural gas is composed primarily of
methane (typically, at least 90%), but may also contain ethane,
propane and heavier hydrocarbons.
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Annex A: Glossary
Term Definition
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Gas usually propane or butane, derived from oil and put under
pressure so that it is in liquid form. Often used to power portable
cooking stoves or heaters and to fuel some types of vehicle,
eg some specially adapted road vehicles and forklift trucks.
Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership An action and advisory group, set up early in 2003, to bring
together all stakeholders in the UK’s shift to clean low carbon
vehicles and fuel.
MARKAL energy model A model whose main characteristic is the processing of detailed
bottom-up data in order to meet pre-determined energy demand
at the lowest cost. Its emphasis is on analysis of the longer term
potential for new technology uptake.
Micro-CHP CHP (as above), but in very small scale, typically below 5kW
electrical output, applications (eg in the residential and
commercial sectors). It is likely to operate in place of a domestic
central heating boiler.
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Term Definition
New Electricity Trading New Electricity Trading Arrangements - in England and Wales these
Arrangements (NETA) arrangements replaced ‘the pool’ from 27 March 2001. The
arrangements are based on bi-lateral trading between generators,
suppliers, traders and customers and are designed to be more
efficient, and to provide greater choice for market participants.
New HEES (Wales) A scheme for the provision of energy efficiency improvements,
in Wales. The ‘Basic’ scheme offers a range of insulation and
basic heating improvements. ‘HEES +’ offers gas or electric
central heating and is available to households containing lone
parents, sick or disabled persons and those over the age of 60 in
receipt of Income Support, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit
and income based Job Seekers Allowance.
Photovoltaics (PV) The direct conversion of solar radiation into electricity by the
interaction of light with the electrons in a semiconductor
device or cell.
Regional chambers In each English region outside London there is a voluntary multi-
party body with members drawn from local government and the
social, economic and environmental sectors in the region.
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Annex A: Glossary
Term Definition
Registered Social Landlords RSLs are non-profit making bodies run by voluntary committees
(RSLs) who provide rented accommodation at an affordable cost. Some
also provide homes for sale through special schemes to help
people on lower incomes become homeowners.
Renewable energy Renewable energy includes solar power, wind, wave and tide,
and hydroelectricity. Solid renewable energy sources consist of
energy crops, other biomass, wood, straw and waste, whereas
gaseous renewables consist of landfill gas and sewage waste.
Regional Economic Produced by RDAs with partners and stakeholders in their region.
Strategies (RES) These documents set out the framework of regional economic
priorities which guide the activities of organisations promoting
regional economic development, and are revised at least every
three years.
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Term Definition
Science & Technology Network of Science & Technology Attachés at British Missions
Attaché Network Overseas.
Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) SSCs are independent, UK wide organisations developed by
groups of influential employers in industry or business sectors
of economic or strategic significance, to tackle the skills and
productivity needs of their sector throughout the UK.
Sector Skills Development The SSDA funds, supports and champions the new UK-wide
Agency (SSDA) network of influential employer-led SSCs to promote effective
working between sectors.
Small and Medium-Sized The Energy Savings Trust together with the Carbon Trust has
Enterprise Energy Advice launched a new service called Action Energy to give advice to
Centre Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.
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Annex A: Glossary
Term Definition
Warm Deal (Scotland) A scheme for the provision of energy efficiency improvements,
in Scotland, administered by Eaga Partnership for all housing
stock and Local Authorities for their own stock.
Warm Front (England) A scheme for the provision of energy efficiency improvements,
in England, providing grants to households with
children, who are on income related benefits. Larger grants are
available for households whose occupants are 60 and over and
receive an income related benefit.
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Annex B References
department Date Description Web link
DETR, Scottish 2000 Ther Air Quality strategy for England,
Executive, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland environment/airquality/
National Assembly Working Together for Clean Air strategy/pdf/forward.pdf
for Wales and the
Department of the
Environment in
Northern Ireland
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Annex B: References
department Date Description Web link
DTI and Defra 2003 Fuel Poverty Advisory Group First
Annual Report (for England) consumers/fuel_poverty/
DTI and Defra 2003 The UK Fuel Poverty Strategy 1st
and the Devolved Annual Progress Report consumers/fuel_poverty/
Administrations index.shtml
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department Date Description Web link
DTI and OFGEM 2003 Joint Energy Security of Supply Working
Group reports domestic_markets/
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Annex B: References
department Date Description Web link
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department Date Description Web link
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