Scad College of Engineering & Technology, Cheranmahadevi Department of Management Studies Events Organised 1. Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp

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1. Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp

Mr.S.Dinesh, Assistant Professor of MBA, Organized Three days workshop on

“Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp” for Engineering & MBA Students from 29th and 31st
January, 2015 (Sponsored by DST-NIMAT). Welcome address delivered by Dr. K.Sriram,
Prof & Head of MBA. Presidential address delivered by Dr.K.Ganesh Babu, Principal, SCAD
College of Engineering & Technology, Cheranmahadevi. Mrs.Mariammal, General Manager
of District Industries Centre of Tirunelveli invited as Chief Guest and Mr.S.Dinesh has
delivered prelude of the camp.
2. Two Days Data Analysis for BUsiness Research (DABUR) Workshop

Mr.S.Dinesh, Assistant Professor of MBA, Organized and act as Resource person for the two
days workshop on “Data Analysis for Business Research- (DABUR)” from 18/02/2015 to
19/02/2015 in Department of Management Studies, SCAD College of Engineering &
Technology, Cheranmahadevi for MBA, M.Phil and Ph.D Scholars.
Welcome address delivered by Dr.K.Sriram, Prof & Head of MBA. Presidential address
delivered by Dr.K.Ganesh Babu, Principal, SCAD College of Engineering & Technology.
Dr.Jesaiah Selvam, Chief Coordinating Officer of SCAD Group of Institution invited as
Chief Guest.

3. National Research Colloquium

Mr.S.Dinesh, Assistant Professor of MBA, Organised a “National Research Colloquium”
on 19th February 26, 2015 in Department of Management Studies, SCAD College of
Engineering & technology, Cheranmahadevi. Welcome address delivered by Dr.K.Sriram,
Prof & Head. Dr.Shankar Ganesh, Prof & Head of Sri Vidhya College of Engineering &
Technology, Virudhunagar invited as Chief Guest and Jury for the paper presentation.
Prof.D.P.Rufus, Vice Principal has delivered his felicitation.
1. Won Best Paper Award

Mr.S.Dinesh, Assistant Professor of MBA, Won “Best Paper Award” for the paper titled "
Comparative Study on Cash Market and F&O Segment in NSEIL" during the National
Conference on Transformational Excellence in Entrepreneurship & Management (TEEM)
organised by Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chennai and In
association with National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED),
Coimbatore on 28/03/15


 Mr.S.Dinesh, Assistant Professor of MBA, published a research paper titled
“Problems and Prospects of Family Oriented Business” in Bonfring intellectual
integrity, 2015 Edition, ISBN:9789382338109
 Mr.S.Dinesh, Assistant Professor of MBA, published a research paper titled “An
Application of Structural Equation Modelling for Measuring Perceived Risk in
Insurance Industry” Accepted for the publication in IUP Journal of Financial Risk
Management, June 2015 Vol XII Issue II, ISSN: 0972-916X
 Mr.S.Dinesh, Assistant Professor of MBA, research paper titled " Comparative Study
on Cash Market and F&O Segment in NSEIL", accepted for the publication in
Technology-Information-Management-Entrepreneurship - Review (TIMER) –
Refereed Journal, Vol I Issue I, ISSN: 0975 - 8925

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