Aguilar, Jethro James S. - Activity 2 EARTH SCIE - Answers
Aguilar, Jethro James S. - Activity 2 EARTH SCIE - Answers
Aguilar, Jethro James S. - Activity 2 EARTH SCIE - Answers
Activity 2
I. Give ten examples of how the Earth system’s four parts can interact with each other.
Example: Animals (biosphere) can wear paths in Earth’s surface (geosphere).
Lake (Hydrosphere)
Wind (Atmosphere)
Bear (Biosphere)
Log (Geosphere)
Bottle of Biosphere Activity Questions
A digital representation of the “Bottled Biosphere”
2. If the bottled is sealed and no air can get in or out, how do the plants get enough carbon
The plants use carbon dioxide from the air inside the bottle, and make leaves, stems, and
roots, until the bottle is filled with plants. The remaining carbon needed is supplied from the
decomposing bacteria and tiny animals residing in the soil.
3. The plants inside the bottle will eventually reach a maximum growth and stabilize. The plants
may appear to grow new tissue all the time so why doesn’t the bottle will up with dead plants?
The plants continue growing, but eventually, the rate at which leaves and stems die begins to
equal the rate of new growth. The dead plants cannot be will up because once died, the
remains are quickly decomposed releasing CO2 , which is then “re-assimilated”. This is in fact a
mini-carbon cycle in operation inside the biosphere bottle.
4. The Earth’s biosphere and the bottled biosphere resemble one another. Both use light energy
and not much else enters or leaves either system. However, there are some major differences
between the Earth and the bottled biosphere. Describe at least 2 differences.
a. The space. Why? Because in the Earth, there are large amount of spaces that can
contribute to the growth of the plant, but at the same time, the plant can also intake toxic
substances mixed in CO2 , henceforth, the plant may die. But, if the plants grow in a limited
space like the bottled ones, no harmful substance can enter it because it’s capped.
b. Time required to grow/bloom. Naturally, if the space is big , the longer the plant can grow
because there are several factors that can affect it like changes in the energy budget, global
temperatures, vegetation patterns and other variables. In contrast, the plant can grow quickly if
in an enclosed space because there will be no other factors that can affect it other than the O2 &
5. What would happen to the bottled biosphere if a small amount of toxin was present in the soil
when you added it to the bottle? Why?
Toxins are dangerous, so if the soil had it in the bottle, then the plants are in danger because
it will either kill the weak plants first or kill the plants altogether. Unless they are broken down or
trapped & stored in sediments, they remain active and dangerous to the plants.
6. Name the 4 Earth spheres. Are any of them interacting in your bottled biosphere? If so, name
them and tell how they interact?
The 4 Earth Spheres are Atmosphere, Biosphere, Geosphere, and Hydrosphere. In the said
activity, all the spheres interact with each other. It is because the plant (biosphere) is put in the
soil (geosphere) from which the plant give O2 and require CO2 (atmosphere), wherein under
these 3 parts can hydrosphere be found. It’s purpose is to keep the soil moist but not wet..
7. What would happen to the biosphere in the bottle if you could increase the concentration of
carbon dioxide gas in the air inside the bottle?
The plants will stimulate a more vigorous plant growth. In short, it will be great because that is
just what the plant needs: an ample amount of carbon dioxide. If this were to happen, the plants
growth will grow at an insane amount of speed due to sufficient supply of CO2.