Diagnosis Checking of Statistical Analysis in Rcts Indexed in Pubmed

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DOI: 10.1111/eci.



Diagnosis checking of statistical analysis in RCTs

indexed in PubMed
Paul H. Lee* and Andy C. Y. Tse†
School of Nursing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong,

Department of Health and Physical Education, The Education University of Hong Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong

Background Statistical analysis is essential for reporting of the results of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), as
well as evaluating their effectiveness. However, the validity of a statistical analysis also depends on whether the
assumptions of that analysis are valid.
Objective To review all RCTs published in journals indexed in PubMed during December 2014 to provide a
complete picture of how RCTs handle assumptions of statistical analysis.
Methods We reviewed all RCTs published in December 2014 that appeared in journals indexed in PubMed
using the Cochrane highly sensitive search strategy. The 2014 impact factors of the journals were used as
proxies for their quality. The type of statistical analysis used and whether the assumptions of the analysis were
tested were reviewed.
Results In total, 451 papers were included. Of the 278 papers that reported a crude analysis for the primary
outcomes, 31 (272%) reported whether the outcome was normally distributed. Of the 172 papers that reported
an adjusted analysis for the primary outcomes, diagnosis checking was rarely conducted, with only 20%, 86%
and 7% checked for generalized linear model, Cox proportional hazard model and multilevel model, respectively.
Study characteristics (study type, drug trial, funding sources, journal type and endorsement of CONSORT
guidelines) were not associated with the reporting of diagnosis checking.
Conclusion The diagnosis of statistical analyses in RCTs published in PubMed-indexed journals was usually
absent. Journals should provide guidelines about the reporting of a diagnosis of assumptions.
Keywords Assumption, diagnosis, protocol, statistics, trials.
Eur J Clin Invest 2017; 47 (11): 847–852

valid [3,4]. For instance, an independent sample t-test assumes

that both samples under comparison are from populations that
Statistical analysis is essential for reporting the results of ran- follow normal distributions, and a chi-square test assumes that
domized controlled trials (RCTs) and for evaluating their at least 90% of the cells have an expected count greater than five
effectiveness. A review found an increase in the use of statis- [3,4]. Violations of the assumptions can lead to inflated type I
tical analyses in original articles published in the New England and/or type II errors, biased estimation of the effect sizes and
Journal of Medicine, from 73% of published papers in 1978-1979 inaccurate confidence intervals.
to 87% in 2004-2005 [1]. It is important to test the assumptions of all statistical anal-
The Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) ysis used and to confirm that none are violated. However, most
statement recommends that all RCT reports state the statistical of the published papers in medical fields did not report such
methods used to compare groups for all outcomes, how miss- tests [3, 4]. A review showed that 33% of RCTs published in top
ing outcomes and nonadherence were handled, and the meth- ten Indian medical journals did not include diagnosis checking
ods and rationale for all additional analysis (for example, any of the assumptions of the regression analysis [5]. To provide a
subgroup or adjusted analyses) conducted should also be more complete picture of how RCT reports handle assumptions
reported [2]. However, the validity of a statistical analysis also of their statistical analyses, we reviewed all RCTs published in
depends on whether the assumptions of the methods were December 2014 in journals indexed in PubMed. The statistical

European Journal of Clinical Investigation Vol 47 847

P. H. LEE AND A. C. Y. TSE www.ejci-online.com

analysis methods used in all the included RCTs, along with the Results
presence of diagnosis checking regarding the assumptions of
these methods, were examined. Table 1 shows rates of inclusion for diagnosis checking
regarding the assumptions of the statistical analysis used in
Methods randomized controlled trials that reported a crude analysis for
the primary outcomes (n = 278). Note that 58% of these studies
Search strategy did not report whether they used a parametric or nonpara-
We used the Cochrane highly sensitive search strategy (phase metric test. Among the 114 studies comparing the continuous
1) [6] to query PubMed for papers reporting randomized con- primary outcome between two independent groups, only 272%
trolled trials published during December 2014 and indexed by (n = 31) examined whether the outcome was normally
30 April 2015. The search was conducted to evaluate the quality
of RCT reports published in 2000 [7], 2006 [8] and 2014 [9]. Two Table 1 Inclusion of diagnosis checking about the assumptions
reviewers (PHL and ACYT) independently screened the of the statistical analysis used in randomized controlled trials
abstracts and full texts to determine eligibility. Details of the reporting a crude analysis (n = 278)*
search can be found elsewhere [9]. Freq (%)

Inclusion and exclusion criteria Use of parametric/nonparametric tests

We adopted inclusion criteria similar to those reviewing Parametric tests only 150 (540%)
PubMed-indexed papers published in 2000 and 2006 [7,8]. An Nonparametric tests only 75 (270%)
article had to satisfy the following criteria to be included in the
analysis: (i) the study subjects were humans, (ii) the trial Both parametric and nonparametric tests 37 (133%)
involved at least one healthcare intervention, (iii) the partici- Not mentioned 16 (58%)
pants were randomly assigned into at least two study groups Independent sample t-test/Mann–Whitney U-test used (n = 114)
with different interventions and (iv) the article was published
Assumptions not checked 83 (729%)
in English. Studies were excluded if they were:(i) a cost-effec-

tiveness, diagnostic or methodological study, (ii) a secondary Normality assumption checked 31 (272%)
publication or (iii) an early phase or pilot trial, in which a sta- Anderson–Darling test 1 (09%)
tistical analysis might not have been conducted.
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test 16 (140%)

Search results Shapiro–Wilk test 6 (53%)

A total of 1 959 abstracts were identified by the search strategy, Visualization 4 (35%)
504 full-text papers were reviewed and 451 papers were
Methods not mentioned 7 (61%)
included in the analysis.
ANOVA/Kruskal–Wallis test used (n = 73)
Data extraction Assumptions not checked 48 (658%)
For each RCT report, we identified the one statistical analysis †
Normality assumption checked 25 (342%)
used to draw the main conclusion regarding the effectiveness of
the trial on the primary outcome. Information regarding this Kolmogorov–Smirnov test 8 (110%)
analysis and diagnosis checking was extracted, including the Shapiro–Wilk test 9 (123%)
method used, whether it was a parametric or nonparametric test,
Visualization 5 (68%)
whether it was a crude or adjusted analysis and whether diag-
nosis checking of the test was conducted. Additional information Methods not mentioned 5 (68%)
regarding the RCT was also extracted, including the type of study Chi-square test/Fisher’s exact test used (n = 52)
(parallel group: each participant was randomly assigned to one Assumptions not checked 49 (942%)
of the study groups; crossover: each participant was required to
participate study groups in a random sequence; or others), the Expected count assumption checked 3 (58%)
2014 impact factor of the journal, as a proxy for the quality of the Log-rank test used (n = 12)
journal [10,11], endorsement of the CONSORT guidelines in the Proportional hazard assumption not checked 12 (1000%)
author guidelines of the journal, the specialty of the journal,
*Studies reported tests other than those shown in the table were not
whether the trial was drug-related and the source of the funding included due to small sample sizes.

(institutional, industrial, both or none). Multiple tests could be used.

848 ª 2017 Stichting European Society for Clinical Investigation Journal Foundation

distributed. However, among these studies, 226% (n = 7) did proportional hazard model and multilevel model (including
not mention how they ascertained the normality. Among the 73 generalized estimating equation), respectively.
studies that compared the continuous primary outcome Table 3 shows the associations between study characteristics,
between three or more independent groups, only 342% journal indicators and the inclusion of diagnosis checking.
(n = 25) examined whether the outcome was normally dis- Among trials that reported an adjusted analysis for the primary
tributed. However, among these studies, 200% (n = 5) of them outcomes (n = 172), a smaller proportion of diagnosis checking
did not mention how they ascertained the normality. Diagnosis was reported among journals that have an impact factor of 3 or
checking of comparisons between categorical and survival less (59%). All study characteristics, and other journal indica-
outcomes was less common, with only 58% of these studies tors, were not associated with diagnosis checking.
reported checking the expected count assumption for a chi-
square test, and none checked the proportional hazard Discussion
assumption of a log-rank test.
It is widely accepted that statistical tests are predicated on a
Table 2 shows the rate of inclusion of diagnosis checking about
number of assumptions and that checking these assumptions is
the assumptions of the statistical analysis used in randomized
important, as has been documented when the tests were
controlled trials that reported an adjusted analysis for the pri-
developed [12–14]. We found that the reporting of diagnosis
mary outcomes. A total of six studies reported tests other than
checking of statistical analysis in RCTs published in PubMed-
those shown in the table were not included due to small sample
indexed journals was very poor. Even for basic statistical
sizes. In general, diagnosis checking was rarely conducted, with
analyses such as t-tests or chi-square tests, less than 30% of the
only 20%, 86% and 7% checked for generalized linear model, Cox
included papers reported a diagnosis of their assumptions. For
more advanced statistical analyses, such as log-rank test and
Table 2 Inclusion of diagnosis checking about the assumptions
of the statistical analysis used in randomized controlled trials regressions, less than 10% of the included papers reported a
reporting an adjusted analysis (n = 166)* diagnosis of their assumptions. Our findings were comparable
to those of a small-scale study using papers published by Suez
Freq (%)
Canal University researchers, which noted that only 12% and
Generalized linear model used (n = 60) 25% of them included a diagnosis check of the assumptions for
Assumptions not checked 48 (800%) t-test and regression analyses, respectively [15]. Similar results

were also found in the field of social sciences, where only 11%
Normality assumption checked 12 (200%)
of the papers examined the normality of the data when a uni-
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test 4 (67%) variate ANOVA test was used, and 155% examined normality
Shapiro–Wilk test 3 (50%) when a repeated-measures analysis was used [16]. Our findings
raise questions regarding the conclusions of most of the RCTs
Visualization 2 (33%)
indexed in PubMed, as the appropriateness of their statistical
Skewness and Kurtosis 1 (17%) tests could not be confirmed.
Methods not mentioned 3 (50%) Most diagnosis checking tests quantify the deviation between
the observed data and the expected distribution when the data
Cox proportional hazard model used (n = 35)
satisfy the assumption perfectly. For instance, the Kolmogorov–
Assumptions not checked 32 (914%) Smirnov test computes the deviation of the empirical distribu-
Proportional hazard assumption checked 3 (86%) tion function of the observed data with the normal cumulative
distribution function, and the Shapiro–Wilk test computes the
Schoenfeld residuals 1 (29%)
deviation of the (weighted sum of the) order statistics of the
Crossing of Kaplan–Meier curves 2 (57%) observed data with that of a normally distributed random
Multilevel regression/generalized estimating equation used (n = 71) variable. However, some of the diagnosis checking tests are
very sensitive to small departures from normality especially
Assumptions not checked 66 (930%)
when sample sizes are large [17], and a P-value < 005 of these
Normality assumption checked† 5 (70%) normality tests may not invalidate statistical tests that assume
Visualization 2 (28%) normality. Researchers should use multiple methods (e.g.
diagnosis checking test plus visualization) to confirm the
Methods not mentioned 3 (42%)
assumption of the statistical analysis used.
*Studies reported tests other than those shown in the table (n = 6) were not We found that the quality of the journal and study charac-
included due to small sample sizes. teristics, except 2014 impact factor, were not associated with the

Multiple tests could be used.

European Journal of Clinical Investigation Vol 47 849

P. H. LEE AND A. C. Y. TSE www.ejci-online.com

Table 3 Inclusion of diagnosis checking about the assumptions of the statistical analysis used in randomized controlled trials by
study characteristics and journal indicators (n = 262)
Reporting crude analysis (n = 278) Reporting adjusted analysis (n = 172)
Not checked (Freq, %) Checked (Freq, %) Not Checked (Freq, %) Checked (Freq, %)

Study type
Parallel 193 (804%) 47 (216%) 131 (873%) 19 (129%)
Crossover 13 (619%) 8 (381%) 10 (1000%) 0 (00%)
Others 12 (706%) 5 (294%) 11 (917%) 1 (83%)

P-value 010 075
Drug trial
Yes 93 (823%) 20 (177%) 70 (909%) 7 (91%)
No 125 (758%) 40 (242%) 82 (863%) 13 (137%)
P-value 019 035
Industrial funding
Yes 47 (797%) 12 (203%) 57 (891%) 7 (109%)
No 171 (781%) 48 (219%) 95 (880%) 13 (120%)
P-value 079 083
Institutional funding
Yes 106 (797%) 27 (203%) 105 (868%) 16 (132%)
No 112 (772%) 33 (228%) 47 (922%) 4 (78%)

P-value 062 043
Journal type
General medical 15 (833%) 3 (167%) 26 (929%) 2 (71%)
Specialty 203 (781%) 57 (219%) 126 (875%) 18 (125%)

P-value 060 054
CONSORT guidelines
Endorsed 121 (776%) 35 (224%) 83 (892%) 10 (108%)
Not endorsed 94 (790%) 25 (224%) 83 (892%) 10 (108%)
P-value 078 068
2014 impact factor
Not indexed 32 (800%) 8 (200%) 3 (375%) 5 (625%)
0001-3 88 (759%) 28 (241%) 32 (941%) 2 (59%)
3001-5 44 (786%) 12 (214%) 38 (905%) 4 (95%)
5001-10 37 (787%) 10 (213%) 38 (864%) 6 (136%)
>10 17 (895%) 2 (105%) 41 (932%) 3 (68%)

P-value 076 0003
Total 218 (784%) 60 (216%) 152 (884%) 20 (116%)

Fisher’s exact test.

850 ª 2017 Stichting European Society for Clinical Investigation Journal Foundation

reporting of diagnosis checking. To our surprise, studies they were checked. More importantly, we were unable to assess
published in journals not indexed by Journal Citation Reports the impact to the statistical analysis of diagnosis checking. Of
(JCR) were actually more likely to report a diagnosis of an the 504 papers reviewed, 12 were excluded because the full
adjusted statistical analysis. This contradicts the finding that texts were not accessible to us. We believe this was a minor
report quality increased with the impact factor of the journal limitation as it represented just 26% of the reviewed papers.
[9, 18]. One possible explanation is that journals with high We searched only one database, so RCT studies not published
impact factors usually impose length limits on manuscripts. As in journals indexed in PubMed were not included.
a result, authors submitting their manuscripts to these journals To conclude, the diagnosis of statistical analyses in RCTs
did not have enough space to report the details of diagnosis of published in PubMed-indexed journals was often lacking.
assumptions. Journals should provide guidelines about the reporting of the
However, we suspect that most authors of the reviewed RCT diagnosis of assumptions.
reports did not even know the assumptions of the statistical
analyses they were using, and if they did, they apparently did Funding
not know how these assumptions were to be examined. In a
survey of 30 PhD students, over 85% were unfamiliar with the
assumptions of t-tests, ANOVA tests and regressions, while 60%
Author Contributions
were unfamiliar with how to check these assumptions [19]. In
Paul H. Lee drafted the manuscript and conducted the data
addition, many researchers misunderstood the concept that the
analysis. Paul H. Lee and Andy C. Y. Tse conducted the system-
Central Limit Theorem suggests normality when a sample size
atic review. Andy C. Y. Tse critically reviewed the manuscript.
is larger than 30 [20]. Therefore, to improve the statistical
analysis of RCTs, we recommend providing guidelines to
authors about how assumptions of statistical tests should be
School of Nursing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Kow-
diagnosed, and to introduce remedies if these assumptions are
loon, Hong Kong (Paul H. Lee); Department of Health and
violated. For example, the Statistical Analyses and Methods in
Physical Education, the Education University of Hong Kong
the Published Literature (SAMPL) published by the European
New Territories, Hong Kong (Andy C. Y. Tse).
Association of Science Editors [21] provide a number of rec-
ommendations to the authors to report the statistical methods
Conflict of interest
and results of their studies. In particular, concerning the
None declared.
assumptions of the statistical analysis, the SAMPL guidelines
suggested the authors to verify three important aspects of the
Correspondence to: Dr Paul H. Lee, School of Nursing, GH527,
data, including skewness (that skewed data were analysed with
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon,
appropriate nonparametric methods), paired data (that anal-
Hong Kong. Tel.: +852-3400 8275; fax: +852-2364 9663;
ysed using paired methods) and linearity (that linear regression
email: [email protected]
should only be used when the underlying associations are lin-
ear). In addition, the online journal Frontiers of Psychology has
Received 18 May 2017; accepted 28 August 2017
recently published a series of articles on testing assumptions
[22]. Teaching materials about the assumptions of statistical
analyses exist at undergraduate level [20,23], and further
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