Sa 4
Sa 4
Sa 4
This calculation is for the design of the beam or the proposed apartment
1.1 Specifications
National Structural Code of the Philippines, Volume I - Buildings, Tower, and Other Vertical
Structures Fifth Edition 2015
1.3.1 Concrete
Concrete Compressive Strentgth f'c = 30 Mpa
1.3.2 Steel
Rebar Diameter db = 16 mm
Reinforcing bar Yield strength fy = 414 Mpa
2.0 Loading
Weight Computations
Span Length LS = 3 m
Width of slab wS = 3 m
Thickness of slab tS = 0.100 m
Length of beam LB = 9 m
Area of beam AB = 0.0875 m2
3.0 Analysis
3.1 Maximum Shear Computation
Simple Beam - Uniformly Distributed Load VMAX = 51.174 kN
VMAX = W T * LS / 2
Design Constants
Ultimate Moment MU = 38.3805 kN-m
Conc. Comp. Strength f'c = 30 Mpa
Rebar Yield Strength fy = 414 Mpa (Gr. 40)
Reduction factor f = 0.90 (for flexure)
b1 = 0.85
Width b = 250 mm
Height h = 350 mm
Effective depth d = 302.0 mm
MU = fbd2f'cw(1-0.59w)
w - 0.59w2 = 0.090353
w = 1.599151
w = 0.095764
As = p * d2 / 4 As = 201.0619 mm2
n = AREQ / As n = 6
3.4 Check for Shear
Design Constants
Maximum Shear VMAX = 51.174 kN
Conc. Comp. Strength f'c = 30 Mpa
Rebar Yield Strength fy = 414 Mpa (Gr. 40)
Reduction factor f = 0.85 (for shear)
Allowable VC = 0.78 Mpa
Width b = 250 mm
Height h = 350 mm
Effective depth d = 302.0 mm
Stirrups Ø = 10.0 mm
Av = 78.5398163 mm2
3.4.1 Computation of VU
VU = VMAX - (W T * d) VU = 40.87097 KN
s = Av * fy / ((VC - V) * b) s = 1817.363