E-CR Glass: CFM For Reinforced Polyurethane Foams

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data sheet

CM 1020
CFM for reinforced polyurethane foams

E-CR glass
3B E-CR glass is boron-free and
presents significantly improved
corrosion resistance across a wide
range of aggressive environments.

3B glass is E-CR according to

ASTM D578 and ISO 2078.

This translates into important

benefits for end-users over Product Description
traditional E-glass: longer service
3B Continuous Filament Mat is a non- polyurethane (PU) resin systems.
life, larger safety coefficients for
woven mat made out of E-CR glass The CM 1020 powder mat is ideally
the same design, and material
filaments, consisting of continuous fibres suited for polyurethane foaming pro-
savings. Traditional E-glass
randomly oriented in multiple layers. cesses for the reinforcement of foam
includes boron and often contains
The glassfibre is bonded with a silane panels. The excellent mechanical pro-
added fluorides. By using new
coupling agent and the layers held perties provided by 3B CFM combined
manufacturing technology to
together with a suitable binder. with the good opening and the easy
eliminate these components from
The CM 1020 family products contain an expansion of the CM 1020 mat during
the glass composition, 3B E-CR
insoluble binder compatible with a large foam expansion make those reinforced
glass has become a benchmark for
range of thermoset matrices like both R-PUF panels ideal for applications like
integrated pollution prevention
unfilled or filled unsaturated polyester thermal insulation of liquefied natural
and the highest energy efficiency
(UP), vinyl ester (VE), epoxy (EP) and gas carrier and onshore storage.
– all in an optimized process.
3B measures its efforts Continuous fibres of E-CR glass Provide good mechanical properties in
and works continually to minimize
ambient and cool temperatures
its impact on the environment and
Improve dimensional stability under tem-
to set new standards within the
perature changes
global fibreglass industry. This is
High resistance to corrosion in water, salt
our commitment.
water and alkali conditions
Silky touch Easy unrolling and lay down, good adapta-
Very low binder content bility to complex shapes
Fast and easy expansion during the foam
Low integrity of the layers of the mat
generation process
Softness of the mat Good distribution of the reinforcement
Low bundle linear density (tex) over the thickness of the foam

www.3B-fibreglass.com Little resistance to resin flow for an easy

and fast wet-through
data sheet
CM 1020
CFM for reinforced polyurethane foams

Product name Weight(1) width (2) Bundle density Solid content Resin Process
g/m 2
cm tex % compatibility

CM 1020 450 105-210 20 1,15 PU Foaming

(1) other weights available upon request

(2) other widths available upon request


The 3B Continuous Filament Mat is wound on a hard carton Storage in a cool and dry warehouse into the original
tube with an inside hole of 102 mm and an external diame- packaging is formally recommended. More precisely ideal
ter of 110 mm or 118 mm depending on mat widths. storage conditions are a temperature between 15°C and
A PE stretch film is wrapped around the roll to protect the 35°C and a relative humidity comprised between 35% and
material during handling and to help the slicing. All 3B CFM 75%. The product should remain in its original packaging,
rolls have 2 sides trimmed. closed.
If these conditions are maintained, the glass fibre product
The outside diameter of the roll is a standard of 55 cm. should not undergo significant changes when stored
for extended periods of time. It is also strongly recom-
•For mat widths up to 190 cm: 6 vertical rolls per pallet mended to condition it in the workshop for at least 24
•For mat widths above 190 cm: 6 horizontal rolls per pallet hours before use to prevent condensation.For an optimal
For more details on the packaging, please contact the processing we recommend to use the product in ambient
technical person. conditions (20°C-23°C and a relative humidity of 60%-

Customer Service Office

Ildefonse Vandammestraat 5-7
B-1560 Hoeilaart, Belgium
P. +32 2 402 2000
F. +32 2 402 2002
E. [email protected]

Disclaimer of Liability The data and information set forth in this publication is provided exclusively with the view to facilitating the selection of a product and/or service. The infor-
mation containedin this publication is based on actual laboratory data and/or field test experience. We believe this information to be accurate, but do not guarantee in any manner
its suitability to the user’s process or assume any liability arising out of its use or performance. The user, by ordering the products and/ or services described herein, agrees to
be entirely responsible for thoroughly testing any application to determine its suitability before committing to production. It is key for the user to determine the properties of its
own products and/or compounds when using a product and/or service herein described. We do not give any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy
or completeness of the data and information contained in this document, and shall have no liability to the user or any other person resulting from the use of or reliance on any
such information. Further, we do not give any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to our products and/or services, including in respect of their merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose, and shall have no liability to the user or any other person resulting from the use of or reliance on any such products and/or services. Only those re-
presentations and warranties set forth in a supply agreement, when, as and if it is executed, and subject to such limitations and restrictions as may be set forth in such agreement,
shall have any legal effect. Statements included in this document are not, and may not be construed as, representations or warranties or as inducements to infringe any patent
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