DPR For Establishment of Fresh Water Fish Seed Hatchery

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Global Fisheries

Establishment of Fresh Water Fish Seed Hatchery:

Quality fish seed is one of the prime requirements for scientific pisci-
culture and commercial production. At present, there are 4 Govt. fish farms
and 2 fish seed production centres in the state which are functioning in the
private sector. These facilities produce about 1.2 crores standard fish fry per
annum which is highly insufficient to meet the requirement. Hence there is
urgent need to set up at least 20 hatcheries by the private sector. The unit
cost for 10 million fry capacity hatchery will be Rs.15.00/20.00 lakhs.

Aim & Objectives:

1. To produce quality fish seed to meet the demand of the state.

2. Considerable reduction in the cost of the seed.
3. Lower transportation cost.
4. Reduced mortality due to reduction in transport duration.
5. To ensure livelihood support, income and employment generation through
propagation of aquaculture in the State.

Implementation Procedure:
Selection of potential suitable site for development of Fresh water fish seed
hatchery will be done as per the Blue Revolution guidelines issued by the GoI.
The estimate, design planning and construction of Chinese circular hatchery
would be done by the investor as per Guidelines and will be supervised by the local
District Fisheries Officer involving the Department.

Project Details:

Construction of fresh water fish seed

hatchery: Description of Hatchery

1. One large spawning cum-hatching pool.

(Size 600 cm. diameter and 150 cm.

2. Four Small spawning- cum-hatching

pools. (Size 184 cm. diameter and 77
cm. height.)

3. One Inlet pipe is to be fixed to spawning pool to its wall and incase of
hatching pool,it is connected to the duck mouth fitted on the bottom of
the pool.

4. Two outlet pipes (to be set in the centre of the bottom in each pool which
opens outside the pool into the collection centre. For complete drainage of
water along with the eggs and spawn a slope of 1:3 is to be maintained
towards the centre of the pools. Another outlet pipe is to be fixed at the
base of the cistern for complete draining out of water through it. Here also
slope of 1:30 is to be maintained towards the outlet pipe.

5. Full way valve or stopper. It is to be provided with both inlet and outlet
pipes at its end to control the flow of water and maintain the desired depth
of water in the pools or cistern.

6. 5 HP diesel pump is required for pumping of water into the overhead tank
at the time of failure of power supply to facilitate uninterrupted operation
of hatchery.

7. Four phase socket (to control the pressure of water and to divert excess
water it is to be used).

8. Flexible PVC pipes required for sprinkling of water over the pool to
create artificial rain thereby increasing the DO level of water inside the

9. Circular base and metal frame for spawning pool ( A circular base with 7
cm. height in the 4 small pools is to be constructed with removable metal
frames for creating 2 compartments during hatching of eggs. Such base
will be equidistance between the central outlet and wall of the pool. Small
holes are to be made on the upper surface of the circular base for inserting
the metal frame.).

10.Fine meshed monofilament netting cloth (it is to cover the metal frame).

11.Smooth bamboo splits: (It is to be inserted in between cloth and the mental
frame at equal distance for proper stretching and tightening of the cloth.)

Operational technique of Hatchery:

A) For breeding:
1. After closing the outlet valves of all pools, the surplus pipe pump is
started and water is let into the pools. When the water level is 100
cm. in large pool and 66 cm. in the small pools pumping is stopped
and inlet valves are closed. Then the breeders are released.
2. The pool is to be covered by a net and tightened with a rubber belt to
avoid jumping out of breeders.
3. After 3 to 3.5 hours of 2nd does of hormone injection, inlet and outlet
valves are opened and the pump is started to create circulation of water
in the pools . At this stage, speed of circulating water should remain at
0.2 to 0.4 m/sec by adjusting the inlet pipes of each pool and the speed
of pump.
4. A constant depth of 95 and 66 cm. water level in large and small
pools respectively is to be maintained by controlling the outlet
valves, so that there is no overflow or decrease of water level.
5. Pumping is continued till the breeding is complete. Pumping is to be
stopped, inlet valves are closed and spent fishes are caught by net
when there is no further collection of eggs in the cistern and no pairing
of breeders.
6. Eggs are collected in the cistern/tank, which flows out with water
through the outset pipes.
7. Quantitative and qualitative assessments of eggs are made before
transferring the eggs for hatching.

B) For hatching:
1. The empty pools are to be cleaned and washed after removing the
deposited silt.
2. Then the circular metal frame is fixed over the circular base in the pool.
The fine meshed monofilament cloth is put over it to touch the bottom of
pool covering the opening in the circular base completely.
3. The cloth is stretched tightly around the frame by inserting required
number of smooth bamboo splits in between cloth and frame.
4. A rubber belt is fixed tightly over the circular base to seal the
compartment completely, allowing only water to pass though the cloth
retaining the eggs and hatchlings.
5. A vertical pipe of 66 cm. height is to be fixed on the central outlet
where a screw arrangement is kept.
6. Water is let into the pool which circulates in it. After water accumulating to
a level of 66 cm. height, the excess water flows out from the vertical pipe.
Continuous circulation of water is maintained till the hatching is complete
and then the spawn is removed from the pool. The speed of water is
maintained at 0.2 to 0.3 m/sec by adjusting the inlet valves.
7. Required quantity of water hardened fertilized eggs are to be released
in the outer compartment which keeps on moving with circulating water
and hatches. The egg cells disintegrate and pass through the cloth with
continuous flow of water.
C) Collection of spawn:
1. On the 3rd day, the hatchlings start moving free and then they are to be
collected for stocking in the Nursery tanks.
2. A happa is put inside the cistern when the water level touches the opening
of the outlet pipes.
3. The vertical pipe is then removed from the pool.
4. Circular metal frame along with cloth and rubber belt is removed
immediately by lifting it with little force.
5. Then spawn passes through the outlet pipe & is collected in the happa
without flowing water through the central outlet opening.
6. Spawn is then sorted out from the dust/silt, if any. It is measured for
stocking in the Nursery tanks for further rearing.

Anticipated Benefit:

1. Additional 10 Million fish fry production /annum.

2. Ensure timely availability of quality fish seed to farmers for aquaculture.
DPR for Fish Seed hatchery under Blue Revolution scheme “Development
of Inland Fisheries & Aquaculture” (Fresh water)
Sl. Particulars Quantity Rate Amount
No. (in Rs.)
1. Brooders Ponds(60X 30 X 2 6637.5 cum 64.00 Rs/cu m 424800
2 in nos.
2. Nursery Ponds(20X 10 X1 cum) 2274 cum 64.00 Rs/cu m 145536
10 in nos.
3. Rearing ponds(40 X 20 X1.5 7710 cum 64.00 Rs/cu m 493440
5 in nos.
TOTAL 1063776
1. Spawning pools 6m. Dia.,20cm 100000
thick, brick cum RCC-1.5m
2. Hatching pool(4 nos.) 120000
3. Spawn collection cistern 16.26 cu m 3075 /cu m 50000
(3.65m X 3.30 m X 1.35 m)
4. Egg collection tank (6m X 2m 18 cu m 3075 /cu m 50000
5. Watchmen shed -cum-store 18 sq m. 8000 sq.m. 145000
room Carpet area-18 sq.m.,size
6x3x2.4 cum. Roof -
asbestos,wall brick with
mortar,floor-mud plaster
6. Hatchery shed 1 LS 150000
7. 10,000 litres capacity overhead 1 LS 215000
tank with necessary pipe
8. RCC office building for hatchery 1 LS 400000
operation and monitoring
9. Inlets and outlets and water 2 LS 3500 /Pond 7000
supply arrangements @
Rs.3500/- per brooder pond (2)
Nursery ponds-2 hume pipe each 20 Hume 400 /pipe 8000
Rearing ponds 10 Hume 800 /pipe 8000
10. Shallow tube well 1 LS 50000
11. GI Pipes, valves, circular 50000
frames, monofilament cloth
bends & frames
Sub-total of B 1353000
1. Sprinklers 10 nos. with pipe 1 LS 10000 10000
2. 5 HP Electric Pumpset 17000
3. 1 oxygen filled cylinders with all 8000
4. Breeding kit (Syringe needle, LS 5000
centrifuge etc.
5. One 160 ltr. Capacity 9000
6. Nets
a. Nylon drag net for brooders 25 Kg 800 / kg 20000
x30m mesh size 1"
b. Nylon drag net for fingerlings 10 kg 1000 /kg 10000
collection 10mx7m Mesh
size=half inch
c. Nylon net for fry 10mx 7m Mesh 5 kg 1000 /kg 5000
size=One-third inch
Sub-total 84000
Capital cost(A+B+C) 2500776
Annual Operational Cost
Qnty. Rate
1. Brood fish 600 kg 100 Rs/Kg 60000
2. Feed for brood stock 1250 kg 25 do 31250
3. Ovaprim 160 ml 40 Rs/ml 6400
4. Fuel cost 1 15000 15000
5. Organic fertilizers 12500 0.5 Rs/kg 6250
6. Inorganic fertilizers 270 10 do 2700
7. Kerosene 15 20 do 300
8. Micronutrients 1 1000 do 1000
9. Lime 500 10 do 5000
10. Cost of artificial feed 11000
Sub Total 138900
1. Contingencies @ of input cost 2% 2% 2500
2. Wages
a. Technician for 12 months 5000 Rs/month 1 no. 60000
b. Skilled labour for 06 months 3500 Rs/month 4 no. 84000
c. Unskilled labourfor 06 months 2500 Rs/month 8 no. 120000
3. Maintenance cost 5000
4. Crop insurance @ 4 % of the 15000
mean of seed cost and
5. 0.5 % premium on physical 5000
6. Miscellaneous covering mainly 2671
prophylactics and the
Sub Total 294074
COST(including capital cost and
the capitalized recurring cost
for the 1st season production)

Estimates of Output and Value of Output

Species brood- Spawn Price/ Output Surviv Produc Price/ Output Total
stock produced lakh value al tion of 1000 value Output
kg. lakh (sale of fry fry Rs. in Value
50 lakh) lakh lakh
Spawn Rs. in Rate at (Nos.) (B) (A+B)
lakh fry lakh
IMC 600 300 1000 0.50 30% 75 130 9.75 10.25

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