OISD 225 TT Decantation Procedure - Check List
OISD 225 TT Decantation Procedure - Check List
OISD 225 TT Decantation Procedure - Check List
Step Details Points to note Yes No
1 Check current fuel Before the tanker discharge, perform
balance in UGT a tank dip procedure to find out the
through tank dip balance of fuel in UGT.
Perform tank dip only for the tanks
containing the type of fuel to be
discharged. For example, if the tanker
is to discharge Main grade ULP, it is
not necessary to do a tank dip for
Premium Grade MS or HSD tanks
Measure balance in tank as per the
tank dip reading
Record pre-discharge tank dip
reading, tank capacity and ullage
(difference between tank capacity and
tank dip reading) in the Records
2 Wave tanker into When the tanker arrives at the station,
designated forecourt supervisor should wave it
position into the designated discharge area
The designated Discharge area
should be on a fairly level ground &
clearly demarcated.
Ensure that tanker is parked properly
in the designated discharge area and
that the engine is switched off.
Tanker parking brakes and gear must
be engaged at all times.
Ensure that there are no sources of
ignition within 20m of the tanker
(Sources of ignition would include
cigarette, naked flames and hand
Fire extinguisher should be easily
accessible in the event of an
emergency and positioned upwind
before discharging.
Ensure that the stand containing the
Fire Buckets is easily accessible, has
min 3 sand buckets with protective
cover & is filled up to 75 % capacity
with clean dry sand.
Tank Lorry Discharge Process – Check List
Step Details Points to note Yes No
3. Check Take the delivery order (D.O.) from
D.O/Invoice, tanker driver.
CCOE license &
Tank Truck
Calibration Check that the station name,
Certificate address, date, time, vehicle number
of tanker on the D.O is correct.
Match all relevant details on the D.O.
with the order.
Check CCOE License is valid.
Check Tank Truck Calibration
certificate is valid & details confirm
to all fittings & measuring
4. Check fittings on Dome covers and Master Valve box
Tank Truck & are properly welded.
Discharge Hose
Seal numbers on the Tank Hatch
covers and Discharge valves are
same as those indicated in the DO/
Seals are intact and not tampered
nor broken or covered with any
Dip rod checked for vehicle no and
W&M seal.
Dip rod checked for actual length.
The lorry compartments filled up to
the oil level on the dip rod.
Step Details Points to note Yes No
5. Connect Earth Is the earth reel on the lorry
reel connected to the Earthing Boss near
the receiving tank/fill point (This
must be done before opening any
fill/discharge point or connection).
Ensure that the ends of the crocodile
clip are not rusted.
Ensure that the Earth reel doesn’t
have any breaks/joints.
Ensure that the crocodile clip ends
are properly connected and are not
6 Fill in details of Fill in the date, time, name and
Fuel Discharge amount of fuel to be discharged,
tank into which fuel to be discharged
Enter the tank balance prior to fuel
discharge (from tank dip reading)
7. Perform tanker dip Measure the quantity of fuel in the
& check quantity tanker (for each grade) by doing
of fuel delivered tanker dip
Record the tanker dip reading
The total volume of fuel to be
discharged from tanker must not
exceed 90% ullage (Ullage =
Maximum Available Capacity for
Fuel Discharge, i.e., Total Capacity
of Tank LESS Quantity of Fuel
already present in tank).
It is important to obtain an accurate
reading of the current balance in the
tank to ensure that the 90% ullage is
not exceeded.
8. Perform density Take density reading of the tanker
check on tanker fuel for each grade
Tank Lorry Discharge Process – Check List
Step Details Points to note Yes No
9. Check seal on Check that the seal on the tanker is
tanker & fill and intact before accepting the load.
dip points
Do NOT break seal
If there is insufficient ullage to accept
the load of fuel
Inspect fill and dip points during tank
dip and prior to fuel discharge to
ensure that there are no loose
fittings at fill & dip points of
underground storage tanks.
10. Retailer /Shift Mgr Retailer to authorize fuel discharge
to authorize by signing on the D.O.
discharge Fuel discharge hose must be
connected to the correct
underground tank before discharge.
The hose connections must be in
good order and have no leakages
during product discharging. Check
that there are no loose fittings at fill
& dip points of underground storage
Ensure that master valve is opened
during tanker discharge
Inform the driver on the correct
compartment to discharge the fuel. It
is CRUCIAL that there are no
mistakes in discharge. Different fuels
MUST not be mixed.
Ensure that tanker driver must be
present during the entire discharge
process. Similarly, station
representative must also be present
throughout entire process.
Tank Lorry Discharge Process – Check List
Step Details Points to note Yes No
11. Milk residual fuel Tanker driver should rapidly open and
shut the valve controlling fuel flow to
'milk' the remaining fuel from the
After that, pour the fuel thus obtained
back into the respective tanks.
Apply fuel finding paste to the end of
the tanker dipstick and insert into
each tanker compartment to ensure
that no un-discharged fuel remains
inside the tanker.
Petrol must be drained into an
aluminum container which shall be
12. Lock filling point After entire process is complete,
ensure that filling point is locked and
that all tank inlets are properly
13. Acknowledge Retailer should sign and put station
delivery stamp on D.O as acknowledgement of
receipt of fuel.
Ensure that head office copy of the
D.O is properly signed and stamped
before returning it to the tank driver.
Station copy of D.O to be retained for
updating of records.
14. Check new fuel Perform another tank dip to check on
balance new balance.
RO Seal :
Signature of RO Dealer :