CBG PL Tool Broch Web PDF
CBG PL Tool Broch Web PDF
CBG PL Tool Broch Web PDF
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I C L - A I n d u c t i o n C o l l a r Lo cat o r
Our patented (U.S. Pat. No. 6,084,403) Induction Collar Locator tool is
used to make depth corrections to logs by identifying the location of casing
collars and other mechanical features of the casing such as thickness
variations or perforations. It uses a low-frequency induction method with
two receiver coils arranged to provide an absolute phase measurement
that senses the average thickness of metal around the tool, along with
a two-inch differential measurement to sense smaller details. The ICL’s
response is independent of logging speed, unlike conventional collar
locators, and most importantly, it sees flush-joint collars just as well as any
other kind. Also, since it does not contain any magnets, there is no problem
of sensitivity degradation with temperature or time and there are no special
handling or safety problems. The tool works best when centralized, unlike
most other collar locators, but operates very well not centered when
conditions require. It will operate in all casing/tubing sizes although the
response is greatest in casing sizes from 4-1/2 to 9-5/8 inch diameter and
weights up to 35 lb./ft. Tubing joints are also recorded, as are casing collars
through tubing. The ICL-A is available with either the CBG Digital Telemetry
or as a modulating current output.
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SPN-B Continuous
Flowmeter Spinner
The SPN-B Spinner is sensitive to fluid flow in both axial directions, with
a rotation rate linearly proportional to flow speed. A new shrouded design
eliminates sensitivity to transverse flow or Coriolis effect, which can lead
to serious errors in inclined or horizontal wells, or where the flow from
perforations may enter the casing at significant rates. The assembly is
very rugged, using a shroud with the same dimensions as a pressure
housing, so that the spinner is capable of supporting the entire weight of a
tool-string without damage. As with all CBG tools, all surfaces exposed to
the borehole are 100% Titanium or compatible materials.
AT S - A A c c e l e r o m e t e r / T e m p e rat u r e To o l
The accelerometer/temperature tool is used to make environmental (internal) is used to correct for thermal expansion of a long tool-string
corrections to logs made by other sensors. Acceleration data is passed that introduces errors into the depth offsets. These corrections must be
through special processing software to compute the instantaneous combined with accurate calibrated values of the measure-points for each
deviation in depth from the indicated value provided by the measure- tool in the string, for maximum accuracy.
wheel, caused by stick-slip or yo-yo motion of a tool string. Temperature
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