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L o g g i n g t o o l s f o r o i l e x p l o r a t i o n

Production Logging Tools

Pa g e 1 o f 4

2601 McHale Court Tel: 512-491-7541

Suite 145 Fax: 512-491-7561
Austin, Texas 78758 www.cbgcorp.com
the PL stack provides accurate depth correlation with Gamma and Collar
PL Tool Description Locator tools. All sensors have been verified in a Flow-loop over a wide
range of three-phase flow rates and borehole inclinations.
The Production Logging stack consists of a single string of tools made up
from a number of individual tools, each containing one or more sensors. All tools are digital and modular, so they can be stacked in any order
These tools are designed to provide a full set of measurements in any below the CPT-B, Combo tool which is the master controller. The CPT
combination of oil, gas and water in producing wells. Along with standard interrogates up to 11 compatible sensors stacked below it at a rate of 16
measurements of Pressure, Temperature, Density, Capacitance and Flow, times per second.

CPT-B Combo Tool

The COMBO tool is used to make high-resolution pressure and
temperature measurements in producing wells, and also provides digital
wireline telemetry/power supply functions. It consists of a sensor section
that samples the temperature of fluids flowing past the tool and a unique
silicon-on-sapphire strain-gauge pressure sensor, together with an
electronics section that digitizes the sensor outputs and transmits the data
on high-speed digital telemetry up the monocable wireline. The tool also
interrogates up to 11 other compatible tools stacked below the Combo at a
rate of 16 times per second.

I C L - A I n d u c t i o n C o l l a r Lo cat o r
Our patented (U.S. Pat. No. 6,084,403) Induction Collar Locator tool is
used to make depth corrections to logs by identifying the location of casing
collars and other mechanical features of the casing such as thickness
variations or perforations. It uses a low-frequency induction method with
two receiver coils arranged to provide an absolute phase measurement
that senses the average thickness of metal around the tool, along with
a two-inch differential measurement to sense smaller details. The ICL’s
response is independent of logging speed, unlike conventional collar
locators, and most importantly, it sees flush-joint collars just as well as any
other kind. Also, since it does not contain any magnets, there is no problem
of sensitivity degradation with temperature or time and there are no special
handling or safety problems. The tool works best when centralized, unlike
most other collar locators, but operates very well not centered when
conditions require. It will operate in all casing/tubing sizes although the
response is greatest in casing sizes from 4-1/2 to 9-5/8 inch diameter and
weights up to 35 lb./ft. Tubing joints are also recorded, as are casing collars
through tubing. The ICL-A is available with either the CBG Digital Telemetry
or as a modulating current output.

NGT-B Gamma Tool

The NGT-B Gamma-ray tool is used to make depth corrections to
logs by identifying the location of naturally radioactive rock formations
behind casing that can be correlated with open-hole logs. It uses a
super-sensitive hermetically-sealed scintillator crystal and photomultiplier
for maximum log quality. Mechanical design techniques derived from MWD
tools ensure a rugged and reliable tool. The Titanium housing not only
provides maximum protection in sour-gas environments, but minimizes
attenuation of gamma-rays due to the low density. The electronics are fully
temperature compensated to maintain constant count-rates at all rated
temperatures. The NGT-B is available with the CBG Digital Telemetry, or
as a Pulse output tool.

Pa g e 2 o f 4

2601 McHale Court Tel: 512-491-7541

Suite 145 Fax: 512-491-7561
Austin, Texas 78758 www.cbgcorp.com
FIT-A Fluid ID Tool
The Fluid ID tool is used to make logs of the fluid mixture Density and
Capacitance. It uses an internal 1 mCi Ba-133 radioactive source (50 times
less strong than competing tools) and super-sensitive shielded scintillator
crystal with a photomultiplier for maximum log quality. The electronics are
temperature compensated to maintain accurate count-rates at all rated
temperatures. High count-rates (typically 30,000 cps) ensure statistical
errors are less than 0.01 gm/cc. (with averaging over 1 second intervals) and
minimize the influence of NORM radiation. The center-sample measurement
includes a simultaneous 250 KHz capacitance measurement that senses
water content from 0 - 100%. The tool replaces the conventional fluid density
and capacitance tools with greatly improved accuracy and range due to the
new sensors and the simultaneous sampling. Correlation of the two sensor
readings may be made at approximately 16 times per second to compensate
for separation of the fluid phases in slug or turbulent flow.

FLM-B Continuous Flowmeter

The Flowmeter tool is used to make fluid flow-rate measurements in
producing wells. It contains a unique 24 pulse/revolution sensor section
that operates with the SPN-B rotating magnet impeller unit, together with an
electronics section that digitizes the sensor count-rate and produces a binary
word including a direction bit. The high number of pulses per revolution
together with the low threshold of the SPN-B and the fast 16 times/sec
sampling allow unprecedented resolution of complex flow regimes.

SPN-B Continuous
Flowmeter Spinner
The SPN-B Spinner is sensitive to fluid flow in both axial directions, with
a rotation rate linearly proportional to flow speed. A new shrouded design
eliminates sensitivity to transverse flow or Coriolis effect, which can lead
to serious errors in inclined or horizontal wells, or where the flow from
perforations may enter the casing at significant rates. The assembly is
very rugged, using a shroud with the same dimensions as a pressure
housing, so that the spinner is capable of supporting the entire weight of a
tool-string without damage. As with all CBG tools, all surfaces exposed to
the borehole are 100% Titanium or compatible materials.

AT S - A A c c e l e r o m e t e r / T e m p e rat u r e To o l
The accelerometer/temperature tool is used to make environmental (internal) is used to correct for thermal expansion of a long tool-string
corrections to logs made by other sensors. Acceleration data is passed that introduces errors into the depth offsets. These corrections must be
through special processing software to compute the instantaneous combined with accurate calibrated values of the measure-points for each
deviation in depth from the indicated value provided by the measure- tool in the string, for maximum accuracy.
wheel, caused by stick-slip or yo-yo motion of a tool string. Temperature

Pa g e 3 o f 4

2601 McHale Court Tel: 512-491-7541

Suite 145 Fax: 512-491-7561
Austin, Texas 78758 www.cbgcorp.com
C B G C a b l e S i m u l at o r B o x CBG Telemetry Test Box
This low-cost easy-to-use piece of equipment tests CBG tool data This low-cost easy-to-use piece of equipment tests CBG tool data
transmission, without requiring a full length of logging cable. Three transmission, without requiring a truck computer system. It can test
different monocable choices are included, selectable via rear-panel tools separately or in a string, and gives a GO/NO-GO indication of
BNC connectors. Standard examples are 7/32”, 1/4”, H2S, conductor functional data output. The COMBO tool is not required. An RS-232
slickline, and versions simulating high-temperature environments. serial port connector allows data to be collected on any PC for analysis,
Custom cable designs can be incorporated. A front panel switch selects while internal circuits analyze the data stream for time-out, correct
cable length in five increments. The test box is useful for testing, repair, parity, frame, and bit-7 errors, along with pulse width and amplitude.
and calibrating tools. The test box will be useful for testing, repair, and calibrating tools.

Training Logging System

Training in the planning and interpretation of Production Logging is The CBG Production Logging Tools are compatible with the Scientific Data
available through a course offered by Robert E. Maute, PhD, of RSE Systems, Inc.,Warrior Well Logging System and Software. The CBG tools
Inc. Dr. Maute teaches his program entitled Practical Interpretation of are one of the selectable systems that can be chosen during setup.
Production Logs worldwide, and is very familiar with the CBG tools.

CBG Production Logging Tool Specifications


Pressure / CCL / Capacitance / Accelerometer /
Measurement Flowmeter Spinner Gamma
Temperature Casing Inspection Density Temperature
Diameter (OD) 1 11/16” 1 11/16” 1 11/16” 1 3/8” 1 11/16” 1 11/16” 1 3/8” or 1 11/16”
Length (make up) 28” 24” 28” 11.4” 5.1” 22.25” 12.0”
Weight 6.5 lb. 6.5 lb. 6.5 lb. 2.0 lb. 6.0 lb.
End Connectors GO Single Pin GO Single Pin GO Single Pin GO Single Pin GO Single Pin GO Single Pin GO Single Pin
Material Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Ti-6Al-4V Titanium

Sensitivity 0.038 rev/sec per ft/min 1.7 Counts per API

Threshold: <5ft/min in +/- 5% to 300° F.

Accuracy 10 PSI / 1°F 3% / +/- 0.025 gm/cc
liquid; <15ft/min in gas +/- 10% to 350° F
Resolution) 0.01 PSI / 0.001°F 0.1% / 0.01 gm/cc 8.8”
Operating Temp 350°F 350°F 350°F 350°F 350°F 350°F 350°F
Pressure 15,000 PSI 15,000 PSI 15,000 PSI 15,000 PSI 20,000 PSI 18,000 PSI 15,000 PSI
Input Voltage 200V 32V – 50V 32V – 50V 32V – 50V 46-48 Volts 32V – 50V
Input Current 40 mA 30mA 38mA 8mA 20-23 mA 20mA
Digital Telemetry/ Digital Telemetry/
Output Signal Digital Telemetry Digital Telemetry Digital Telemetry Digital Telemetry
Modulated Current Pulse

For more information, call us today at 512-491-7541

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2601 McHale Court Tel: 512-491-7541

Suite 145 Fax: 512-491-7561
Austin, Texas 78758 www.cbgcorp.com

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