Effectiveness of Tepid Sponge Compresses and Plaster Compresses On Children'S Fever Temperature Typhoid

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Program Studi Teknologi Laboratorium Medis (D-3)

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi



Penulis satu*, Penulis dua, Penulis tiga.

Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Health Sciences Jenderal Achmad Yani
Cimahi - Indonesia
(alamat [email protected])


Typhoid is infectious disease which is still encountered widely in various developing countries, especially
those located in the tropic and subtropics. Fever is a clinincal manifestation that is often the main complaint
of the sufferer. Action can be done to lower body temperature that is tepid sponge compress and plaster
compress. The purpose of this study is to determine the comparison of the effectiviness of tepid sponge
compress and plaster compress of changes body temperature in school age children with typhoid fever in
cibabat hospital in year 2017.
The method used is quasy experiment research method with the approach of pre test and post test two
design group. As many as 24 samples were taken at the patient ward of hospital Cibabat. Respondents divided
into two groups namely tepid sponge compress and plaster compress by way concecutive sampling. This study
was conducted for 20 minutes at each intervenstion. Data analysis used Wilcoxon test, dependen t test, and
Mann-Withney. Average body temperature before and after given tepid sponge compress are 38,75oC and
38,08oC with temperature different is 0,67oC. While average body temperature before and after given palster
compress are 38,80oC and 38,57oC with temperature different is 0,23oC.
Mann-Withney test result show that the p value = 0,000 < α = 0,05 which means bottom tepid sponge
compress is more effective in lowering body temperature in scholl age children compared with plaster
compress. Based on the result of the study, it can recommend tepid sponge compress in the implementation of
nursing care to lower body temperature in typhoid fever patients.

Key word: Fever, Plaster compress, Tepid sponge

INTRODUCTION during a fever episode one of them as care giver

Typhoid fever is an infectious infectious where the intervention nursing for patients who
disease that can occur in children and adults. have a fever is intended to support the body's normal
Children are the most susceptible to typhoid fever, physiological processes, provide comfort, and
although the symptoms experienced by children are prevent complications. The action that can be taken
lighter than adults. Almost in all endemic areas, the to reduce fever is by compressing tepid sponge and
incidence of typhoid fever occurs mostly in children plaster compress (Kolcaba, 2007 in Bartolomeus,
aged 5-19 years (Nugroho and Susilo, 2011). The Haryani, dan Arif, 2012; Darwis, 2010 dalam
World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that Syltami, 2014).
the number of cases of fever worldwide reaches 16- Non-pharmacological efforts that can be done
33 million with 500-600 thousand deaths each year. to reduce fever are wearing thin clothes, drinking
The 2014 Cimahi City Health Profile Report, the more often, taking lots of rest, bathing with warm
number of cases of typhoid and paratyphoid treated water, giving hot compresses (Aden, 2010 in
by hospitals with the age range 0- 1 year was 283 Fatkularini, Mardi, and Solechan, 2014). Some
cases, aged 1-4 years were 778 cases, age 5-14 years compresses that can be done are warm wet
were 974 cases, and ages 15-44 years were 2,256 compresses, warm dry compresses using warm jars,
cases. cold wet compresses with a solution of anti-septic
Clinical manifestations of patients with drugs, cold wet compresses with plain water, dry
typhoid fever in general are fever, fever that is often cold compresses with ice kirbat (eskap), compress
encountered usually fever more than a week (Nani, tepid sponges, and plaster compresses (Asmadi,
2014). Fever in children with rectal temperatures 2008 in Fatkularini, Mardi, and Solechan, 2014;
above 38oC is at risk of seizures. Nursing actions Kolcaba, 2007 in Bartolomeus, Haryani and Arif,

School of Health Sciences Jenderal Achmad Yani Page 1

Jenderal Sudirman Canal Road – Cimahi 40533 Phone: +62-22-6631622 - 6631624
Effectiveness Of Tepid Sponge Compresses
And Plaster Compresses on Children's Fever Temperature Typhoid

2012; Darwis, 2010 in Syltami, 2014). Cold sponge therapy was 0.97 ºC in 60 minutes. In the
compresses according to IDAI (2014) are not implementation tepid sponge must prepare water
recommend because it can increase the center of the warm when the child has a fever and water that
temperature setting (set point) in the hypothalamus, widens various parts of the body of the child can
causing the body to shiver and the blood vessels to cause discomfort. Giving this action looks less
shrink (vasoconstriction) resulting in increased practical for mothers but is very economical.
body temperature. However, there are still many parents who have not
According to Alves and Almeida (2008, in done this tepid sponge technique.
Hamid 2011) of several compress actions In this modern era, a new innovation is
performed, tepid sponge is a warm compress emerging to reduce heat when a child has a fever.
technique alternative that is widely researched in The innovation is a compress plaster that is ready to
developed countries and in other developing use, considered practical, and is sold freely at the
countries. The main objective of this compress pharmacy. Likewise with a warm compress, this
technique is to reduce fever body temperature. compress plaster is effective in lowering body
Developed and researched in developed countries temperature. when experiencing a fever. Just put a
like America and England. Until recently this compress plaster that is ready to get into the child's
technique continued to be researched and expanded body, and periodically monitor the child's body
in other countries such as Brazil, Singapore, and (Darwis and Hardiningsih, 2010). Making plaster
India. In the results of the study showed there was a compresses using hydrogel on polyacrylate-base.
decrease in temperature of fever clients who This Hydrogel has become the basic ingredient in
received antipyretic therapy and tepid sponge making compress plaster that is widely used in
compared to clients who only received antipyretic Indonesia. Research by Syltami (2014) says that the
therapy. average temperature change of children who have a
Tepid sponge technique is a combination of fever before and after being given compress plaster
block techniques with wiping. This technique uses is 0.6 ºC within 20 minute. This study was supported
block compresses not only in one place, but directly by research Fatkularini, Mardi, and Solechan (2014)
in several places that have large blood vessels. In saying that the average decrease in body
addition there is still additional treatment that is by temperature after being given compress plaster was
giving some in some areas of the body so that the 0.4ºC for 30 minutes.
treatment applied to the client in this technique will In addition to the advantages it has, the use of
be more complex and complicated compared to plaster compressors also has several disadvantages,
other techniques. Providing block compresses including the plaster compresses can not be attached
directly in various places will facilitate the delivery to the skin properly, so that the process of
of signals to the hypothalamus more intensively. absorption of body heat is not optimal. Therefore, it
Wounding will also accelerate the widening of must be corrected in terms of stickiness. Plaster of
peripheral blood vessels that facilitate heat transfer this compress are white not transparent (Darwis and
from the surrounding body's environment so that it Hardiningsih, 2010). Basically, the action of
accelerates the decrease in body temperature (Alves compressing has been done by nurses in the
and Almeida, 2008 in Hamid, 2011). management of fever patients. However, warm
The research by Hamid (2011) used a compresses are usually done by nurses in the room
Randomized Control Trial approach with the aim to that is only compresses on the forehead and
determine the effectiveness of compressed sponges underarm areas. In addition to providing warm
carried out by the mother in reducing fever in compresses, there are parents of patients who use
children. The design of this study used 30 random compress plaster to reduce fever with the reason that
simple sampling techniques. Decreased body it is easier to do than compressing using warm
temperature in the tepid sponge group began to water. Never research has been conducted regarding
occur at 6 minutes and continued to decrease the effectiveness of these two actions. The purpose
sharply until at minute 90 reached 1 ºC. The of this study was to determine the effectiveness of
decrease in body temperature in each group tepid sponge compresses and compress plaster on
occurred after the treatment arrived at minute 90. changes in body temperature in school-age children
Research by Setiawati (2008, in Bartolomeus, with typhoid fever in Cibabat Hospital in 2017.
Haryani and Arif, 2012) stated that the average
decrease in body temperature when receiving tepid

Third International Seminar on Global Health (3 rd ISGH)

Vol 1 | No. 1 | October 2019 | Page 2 of 7
Effectiveness Of Tepid Sponge Compresses
And Plaster Compresses on Children's Fever Temperature Typhoid

RESEARCH METHODS either tepid sponge compress or compress plaster,

The design of this study was quasi- the second temperature (posttest) was measured to
experimental with the design of pre and post test determine the effectiveness of tepid sponge
two design groups (using two treatment groups). compresses and compress plaster.
The research design was quasi-experimental with After the pretest is performed by measuring the
pre and post test with two design groups. Both minimum body temperature above 38 ºC-39 ºC.
groups measured body temperature before and after Twelve of the first patients were given tepid sponge
the intervention. The first group received compresses. This procedure used washcloth to wipe
intervention by compressing tepid sponges and the the face, neck, body, hands and feet, followed by the
second group received intervention with compress back (back, buttocks, hands, thighs and legs) for 20
plaster. minutes and twelve second patients given compress
The population in this study were children aged tape. This tape will be applied to the frontal,
6-12 years according to the inclusion criteria. axillary, and inguinal areas for 20 minutes. At the
Children with typhoid fever with body temperature time of posttest, measurements of body temperature
above 38 ºC-39 ºC. Sampling method with in the axillary area were used with a digital
consecutive sampling technique. From the results of thermometer. This was done to determine the
the sample calculation for each group 12 children. effectiveness of each treatment and see a
The total sample from both groups compress tepid comparison between antarapre and post.
sponge and compress tape as many as 24 children. temperature measurements were carried out, the
Instruments used with observation sheets, water results were immediately recorded on an
thermometers to measure water temperature when it observation sheet. After 30 minutes of intervention,
will compress tepid sponges, digital thermometers the respondent was given antipyretics according to
to measure body temperature, and the Standard the dose.
Operating Procedure (SOP). The SOP is used to Data were tested for normality by saphiro-wilk
compress the mirror according to Marni 2016, and test. Tepid sponge compressed pre-test group was
the plaster is compressed according to PT. 0.023 (data is not normal) and the results of the post-
Hisamitsu. Pharma Indonesia, 2016; Syltami, 2014. test of tepid sponge compress were 0.013 (data not
The measuring instrument uses data from normal). pre test and post test in tepid sponge group
variables that can be measured through observation. is still not normal, so for bivariate analysis using
When there is a typhoid fever patient who Wilcoxon test, the results of normality test data in
complains of fever with a temperature above 38 ºC compress test plaster group is 0.058 (normal data)
– 39 ºC will be done the measurement of body and compress test plaster post test is 0.135 (normal
temperature (pretest) to determine the child's body data) so using dependent t test, to find out whether
temperature by using a digital thermometer. After there was a significant difference between tepid
the researcher conducted informed concent to sponge compresses and compress plaster to
parents the researchers took measures to give tepid decrease body temperature in typhoid fever patients
sponge compress or plaster compress to his child. using the Man Whitney test.
The action of compressing tepid sponge and plaster
compresses aims to reduce the temperature of RESEARCH RESULT
children who have a fever with a temperature above In the process of collecting samples in the tepid
38 ºC - 39 ºC. After the temperature measurement sponge compress group it took 11 days from May 8-
and the patient is said to have a fever with a 18, 2017, while the sample collection process in the
temperature above 38 ºC – 39 ºC, the patient will be compress tape group took 12 days from May 20 to
given an intervention with a tepid sponge compress 31 2017.
from patients 1 - 12 and administration of compress
tape from patients 13-24. For patients who were Table 1. Comparison of Body Temperature
given an intervention compress tepid sponge, the Before and After Done Compressing Tepid
temperature of the water was prepared first before Sponge
compressing that is 30-35 ºC which was measured Compressing N Mean SD p-value
using a water thermometer. While in patients who tepid sponge
were given compressed plaster, the amount of Pre test 12 38,75 0,21 0,002
compress tape was prepared according to the client's Post test 12 38,08 0,19
needs. After the patient was given intervention,

Third International Seminar on Global Health (3 rd ISGH)

Vol 1 | No. 1 | October 2019 | Page 3 of 7
Effectiveness Of Tepid Sponge Compresses
And Plaster Compresses on Children's Fever Temperature Typhoid

Based on table 1. shows that the results of the DISCUSSION

analysis of the average body temperature before The results of the study on 12 children who
applying a sponge compress is 38.75 ºC, with a experienced typhoid fever showed an average body
standard deviation of 0.21. after being given a temperature before being given a tepid sponge
compressed tepid sponge of 38.08 ºC, with a compress that was 38.75 ºC after being given a
standard deviation of 0.19. There are differences in sponge compress at 38.08 ºC. All respondents who
body temperature before and after being given tepid were given intervention in compressing the sponge
sponge compresses (p value = 0.002 <α = 0.05). experienced a decrease in temperature with an
average value of 0.67 ºC. Compress tepid sponges
Table 2. Comparison of Body Temperature using washcloth to wipe the face, neck, body, hands
Before and After Provision of Compress Plaster and feet, continue with the back (back, buttocks,
Plaster kompres n Mean SD p-value hands, thighs and legs) for 20 minutes. The
Pre test 12 38,80 0,19 0,004 advantages of tepid sponge technique by wiping the
Post test 12 38,57 0,22 body of the patient is the wider body surface that is
in contact with the compressing medium
Based on table 2. In the compressed plaster (washcloth) so that it will be very effective in
group it was seen that the average body temperature reducing fever quickly. Due to other factors, one of
before being given compress plaster was 38.80 ºC, which is room temperature, where the temperature
with a standard deviation of 0.19; after being given shift between humans and the environment or room
a compressive plaster of 38.57 ºC, with a standard temperature occurs mostly through the skin
deviation of 0.22. There are differences in body (Tamsuri, 2012 in Mahdiyah, Rahman, and Lestari,
temperature before and after being given a compress 2015).
plaster (p value = 0.004 <α = 0.05) The results of this study used the Wilcoxon test
and the results obtained p value = 0.002 with α =
0.05 showed there was a difference in body
Table 3. Differences in the Effectiveness of temperature after being given tepid sponge
Compressing Tepid Sponge and Compress compresses with a difference in the average
Plaster decrease in body temperature of 0.67ºC. This is in
p- line with the research conducted by Setiawati
Variabel Groups n Mean SD (2009) on "The effect of tepid sponge on decreasing
Post test body temperature and comfort in children who have
tepid a fever in the nursery of Muhammadiyah Bandung
12 38,08 0,19 Hospital" which states that there are differences in
Body temperature before and after the intervention of
compress 0,001
temperature giving tepid sponge which was measured in the first
Post test
compress 12 38,57 0,22 10 minutes after finishing the tepid sponge and the
plaster second measurement (30 minutes after the first
measurement) with p value = 0,000 <α = 0.05.
Based on table 3. the average decrease in body Body temperature displacement according to
temperature in the tepid sponge compress group was Asmadi (2008) is classified into 4, namely radiation,
38.08 ºC with a standard deviation of 0.19, while the conduction, convection, and evaporation. At
average decrease in body temperature in the compress the tepid sponge release of heat occurs
compressed plaster group was 38.57 ºC with a through evaporation from the skin (Djuwariyah,
standard deviation of 0.22. There were significant 2011). Giving warm tepid sponge compresses to the
differences in the average decrease in body body will give a signal to the hypothalamus through
temperature between tepid sponge compresses and the spinal cord. When receptors that are sensitive to
compress plaster in children with typhoid fever (p heat in the hypothalamus are stimulated, the effector
value = 0.004 <α = 0.05) system secretes signals that start sweating and
peripheral vasodilation. Changes in the size of blood
vessels are regulated by the vasomotor center of the
medulla oblongata of the brain stem, under the
influence of the anterior hypothalamic causing
vasodilation. The occurrence of vasodilation will

Third International Seminar on Global Health (3 rd ISGH)

Vol 1 | No. 1 | October 2019 | Page 4 of 7
Effectiveness Of Tepid Sponge Compresses
And Plaster Compresses on Children's Fever Temperature Typhoid

cause heat dissipation through increased skin are difficult to dissolve in water. The presence of a
(sweating), it is expected that there will be a large water content in the hydrogel structure can be
decrease in body temperature so that it reaches a used to reduce fever through absorption of heat
normal state again. If body temperature rises, the (energy) from parts of the body that fever and
center of temperature regulation tries to reduce it, evaporate it (Darwis et al, 2010 in Mardiyah,
and vice versa (Nurwahyuni 2009, in Mohammad, Rahman, and Lestari, 2015).
2011 in Mahdiyah, Rahman, and Lestari, 2015). The results of the analysis of the average
The results of the study on 12 children who decrease in body temperature after the tepid sponge
experienced typhoid fever obtained an average body compress was 38.08ºC while the average decrease
temperature before being given compress plaster in body temperature after the application of
was 38.80ºC after being given a compress plaster compress plaster was 38.57ºC obtained p value =
was 38.57ºC. All respondents given the intervention 0.001 <α = 0.05, there was a difference in the
of compress plaster experience a decrease in effectiveness of temperature reduction body on
temperature with an average value of 0.23ºC. This tepid sponge compresses and compress plaster.
is in accordance with Potter and Perry's theory Effectiveness between tepid sponge compresses and
(2010, in Syltami 2014) saying that fever occurs due compress plaster can be seen in the difference in the
to changes in setting points in the hypothalamus. or average decrease in body temperature, in groups
viruses that increase body temperature one of which using compressed sponges, the average temperature
is the bacterium Salmonella typhi. Nitrogen acts as decreased by 0.67ºC, whereas in the plaster group
an antigen that triggers the immune system compress is 0.23ºC. This proves that tepid sponge
response. The hypothalamus will increase the compresses are more effective in lowering body
setting point and the body will produce heat. To temperature in febrile patients diagnosed with
reach the new setting point, it takes several hours. typhoid fever. This difference is also caused by
The results of the t-test depend on the results, p other factors, one of which is room temperature,
value = 0.004 <α = 0.05, there is a difference in where body temperature can experience exchange
body temperature in children who have fever in with the room or environment, meaning that body
typhoid fever patients after applying compress heat can be lost or reduced due to room temperature
plaster with a flat difference the decrease in body or cooler environment, and vice versa (Tamsuri,
temperature is 0.23ºC. 2012 in Mardiyah, Rahman, and Lestari, 2015).
The results of this study are in line with Providing complete compresses according to
research by Fatkularini, Mardi, and Solechan (2014) Kozier in Suprapti, 2008 in Syltami 2014, heat has
which states that there are differences in a different effect on the body, the effect also
temperature before and after the intervention of depends on the duration of heat. Heat administration
giving compress plaster with p value = 0,000 <α = of 15-30 minutes has a vasodilating effect on blood
0.05. The implementation of fever using compress vessels resulting in an increase in blood flow.
plaster is by how to attach plaster on the forehead, Increased blood flow will reduce blood viscosity
armpits and groin (Mardiyah, Rahman, and Lestari, and local metabolism because blood flow carries
2015). In this study, compress plaster was applied oxygen to the tissues. Compress with temperature
to the forehead, armpit, and thigh folds with a maintenance methods using liquids or tools that
frequency of 1 time for 20 minutes. Plaster cause warm temperatures aims to facilitate blood
compresses help the blood vessels in the skin to circulation and provide a sense of comfort (Asmadi,
widen so that the pores become open which further 2008 in Fatkularini, Mardi, and Solechan, 2014).
facilitates the removal of heat from the body, so the The effectiveness of tepid sponge compresses
body can experience a large drop in temperature in this study was supported by a previous study by
(Djuwariyah, 2011 in Mardiyah, Rahman, and Syltami (2014) on "Comparison of the effectiveness
Lestari, 2015). The ready-made compress plaster is of tepid sponging and compress plaster in reducing
now widely circulated in the community with body temperature in children under five who
disposable packaging. This compress plaster is experienced a fever in Puskesmas Salaman 1" with
made from hydrogel on polyacrylate-base with the p value = 0,002 <α = 0,05, which means there is a
content of parabens and menthol formulated so as to difference in the decrease in body temperature in
accelerate the process of transferring heat from the toddlers after doing tepid sponging and compress
body to compress plaster. Parabens are white plaster. This is in line with the research that was also
crystals that dissolve easily in methanol, ethanol and by Ernawati about "Comparison of plaster

Third International Seminar on Global Health (3 rd ISGH)

Vol 1 | No. 1 | October 2019 | Page 5 of 7
Effectiveness Of Tepid Sponge Compresses
And Plaster Compresses on Children's Fever Temperature Typhoid

compresses with warm tepid sponge compresses to edition Series Evidence Based Medicine 2.
decrease in body temperature in Toddler children Jakarta: Salmeba Medika.
(1-3 years) who have a fever in Flamboyan C RSUD Darwis, D and Hardiningsih, L. (2010). Scientific
Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo Balikpapan "with p value Journal of Isotope and Radiation Applications.
= 0,000 <α = 0,05, so it can be concluded that there The potential of polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP)
are differences between the two groups after being hydrogel as a result of gamma irradiation as a
given intervention compress plaster and compress fever-lowering plaster 6 (1), 46.
warm tepid sponge. Darwis, dkk.(2010). The development of polyvinyl-
based hydrogel (PVP) results from electron
CONCLUSION beam irradiation as a fever-lowering plaster, 11
The results of the study on the differences in (2), 62-64.
the effectiveness of tepid sponge compresses and Djuwariyah, Sodikin, and Yulistianni. (2013).
compress plaster on changes in body temperature in Effectiveness of Decreasing Body Temperature
school-aged children with typhoid fever in Cibabat Using Warm Water Compress and Compressing
Hospital showed that there were differences in body Plaster in Children with Fever in the Kanthil
temperature before and after applying tepid sponge room RSUD Banyumas.
compresses (Wilcoxon p test value = 0.002 <α = 0 Ernawati and Agustin.(2017). Comparison of
05) and the difference in temperature decrease is Compress Plaster with Warm Tepid Sponge
0.67ºC. There was a difference in body temperature Compress to Tethering Body Temperature in
before and after the application of compress plaster Toodler Children (1-3 Years) Experiencing
(dependent t test p value = 0.004 <α = 0.05) and a Fever in Space Flamboyan C RSUD
difference in temperature reduction of 0.23ºC. The Kanudjosowibowo Kota Balikpapan. 1 (1) 5-6.
provision of tepid sponge compresses was more Fatkularini, Mardi A, and Solechan. (2014).
effective in lowering body temperature compared to Effectiveness of ordinary temperature water
compressed plaster (Mann-withney test with p value compresses and compress tape to decrease body
= 0.001 <α = 0.05). temperature in children with fever preschool age
at RSUD Ungaran Semarang.
RECOMMENDED Electronic reference format recommended by
For hospitals, it is better to set a standard Jannah, Miptahul, 2015, available
operating procedure for compressing the sponge to Docslide.us/documents/water-tepid-
intervencie in nursing care for children who have a spongedot.html, obtained on March 12, 2017.
fever, especially typhoid fever because it has been Electronic reference format recommended by PT.
shown to have an effect on reducing the child's body Hisamitsu Pharma Indonesia, 2015, is available
temperature. For nurses recommended tepid sponge https://www.google.com/search?q=komposition
compresses can be used as an implementation of +bhe+bye+fever&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-
self-care nursing to reduce body temperature in 8&client=firefox-b, obtained on July 18, 2017.
patients with typhoid fever. Electronic reference format recommended by PT.
Hisamitsu Pharma Indonesia, 2016,
REFERENCE www.hisamitsu.co.d / English / Products /
Alvin, Riandi. (2013). The Effectiveness of Regular byebye-Fever, obtained on March 18, 2017
Warm and Water Compressions on the Axillary An electronic reference format recommended by
and Frontal Areas in Children with Preschool Cimahi City Riskesdas, 2014, is available from
Age Fever (3-6 years) in the Inpatient Room .litbang.depkes.go.id/penerbitan/index.php/lbp/
RSIA Humana Prima Tahun 2013, Thesis. High catalog/download/63/92/236-1, obtained on
School Health Science Jenderal Achmad Yani March 9, 2017.
Cimahi. Hamid, M. (2011). Effectiveness of the Tepid
Bartolomeus, Haryani, and Arif. (2012). Effect of Sponge Compress done by the Mother in
Warm Sponge Edge Compresses on Decreasing Reducing Fever in Children: randomized control
Body Temperature in 1-10 Years Old Children trial at the Mumbulsari health center, Jember
with Hyperthermia.Corwin, E.J. (2002). district, Thesis, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Pathophysiology Pocketbook. Jakarta: EGC. Surakarta.
Dahlan, M.S. (2013). Sample Size and Method of
Sampling: In Medical and Health Research 3rd

Third International Seminar on Global Health (3 rd ISGH)

Vol 1 | No. 1 | October 2019 | Page 6 of 7
Effectiveness Of Tepid Sponge Compresses
And Plaster Compresses on Children's Fever Temperature Typhoid

Hidayat A. Aziz Alimul. (2009). Introduction to Riyanto, Agus. (2011). rocessing and Analysis of
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Third International Seminar on Global Health (3 rd ISGH)

Vol 1 | No. 1 | October 2019 | Page 7 of 7

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