1 Number System

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Number System 1

Number System

A number is a mathematical object used to count, measure, and label. A notational symbol that
represents a number is called a numeral. In common usage, the term number may refer to a symbol,
a word, or a mathematical abstraction. In mathematics, the real numbers include positive numbers,
zero, negative numbers, rational numbers such as irrational real numbers. Calculations with numbers are
done with arithmetical operations, the most familiar being addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
and exponentiation. Their study or usage is called arithmetic.

A numeral system (or system of numeration) is a writing system for expressing numbers, that is,
a mathematical notation for representing numbers of a given set, using digits or other symbols in a
consistent manner. The number the numeral represents is called its value.

Ideally, a numeral system will:

 Represent a useful set of numbers (e.g. all integers, or rational numbers)

 Give every number represented a unique representation (or at least a standard representation)
 Reflect the algebraic and arithmetic structure of the numbers.

In our day to life we deal with different types of numbers which can be broady classified as follows.








CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 2

(i) Natural number (N): Set of all non-fractional numbers from 1 to , N  1, 2, 3, 4.....

(ii) Whole number (W): Set of all non-fractional numbers from zero to , W  0, 1, 2, 3, 4,.....

(iii) Integers (I or Z): Set of all non-fractional numbers from ....to....  

Ior Z  ....  3,  2, 1, 0,  1,  2,  3....  

Positive integers: {10, 1, 2, 3...}, Negative integers : {. . . . -4, -3, -2, -1}
(iv) Prime numbers: All natural numbers that have one & itself as their factor are prime numbers.
E.g. 2, 3, 5, 7
(v) Composite numbers: All natural numbers greater thanm 1which are not prime numbers are
composite numbers.
E.g. 4, 6, 8, 9
(1 is neither prime nor composite number).

Rational numbers: These are real numbers which can be expressed in the form of . Where p and q are
integers and q  0. In lowest form of rational number HCF (p, q) = 1

(i) Whole numbers and integers are rational numbers.
(ii) Types of rational: (A) Terminating decimal numbers and (B) Non-terminating repeating
(recurring) decimal numbers are rational numbers.
2 37 17
, , , 3, 0, 10, 4.33, 7123123123.......
3 15 19


Example 1: Find 4 rational numbers between 4 and 5.

a  4, b  5, n  4

a   n  1 4   4  1 4  5 20
  
n 1 4 1 5 5
b   n  1 5   4  1 5  5 25
  
n 1 4 1 5 5
20  21 22 23 24  25
, , , , ,
5  5 5 5 5  5

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 3

6 7
Example 2: Find 3 rational number between ,
5 5
6 7
a  , b , n 3
5 5
7 6  76
  
 ba  5 5  5   1 
d     
 n  1  3  1  4   20 
 
 
6 1 24  1 25
a d    
5 20 20 20
6 1 24  2 26
a  2d   2   
5 20 20 20
6 3 3 24  3 27
a  3d     
5 20 20 20 20
24  25 26 27  28
, , , ,
20  20 20 20  20


(i) Terminating decimal: In this a finits number of digit occours after decimal
1 1
E.g.  0.25,  0.5
4 2
4 1.0000 0.25
(ii) Non terminating & Repeating (Recurring decimal): The remainder never become zero.
E.g.  0.181818  0.18

  0.181818....  0.18

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 4

E.g.  2.6666666  2.6


(i) Positive fraction: Divide a unit into 6 equal parts

(ii) Negative fraction:  Divide a unit into 9 equal parts

(iii) Terminating decimals:

(iv) Non terminating & repeating decimals: Visualize 4.26 on the number line, up to 4 decimals places.

4.26  4.262626.....

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 5


a c e
If and , are three rational numbers then.
b d f
a c c a
(i)    [Commutative law of addition)
b d d b
a c e a c e
(ii)          [Associative law of addition]
b d f b d f 
 a a   a a  a a
(iii)         0,  is called the additive inverse of
b b   b b b b

a c c a
(iv)        [Commutative law of multiplication]
b d d b
a c e ac e
(v)         [Associative law of multiplication]
b d f bd f 
a c e a c a e
(vi)             [Distributive law]
b d f  b d b f 



Non-terminating repeating decimals, are basically two types.

(i) Pure recurring decimals: A decimal in which all the digits after the decimal point are repeated,
these types of decimals are known as pure recurring decimals.
E.g. 0.6. 0.16, 0.123 are pure recurring decimals.

(ii) Mixed recurring decimals: A decimal in which at least one of the digits after the decimal point is
not repeated and then some digit or digits are repeated. These types of decimals are known as
mixed recurring decimals.
E.g. 8.17, 0.143 are mixed recurring decimals.
In order to convert a pure recurring decimal to the form we follow the following steps:
(i) Obtain the repeating decimal and put it equal to x (say).
(ii) Write the number in decimal form by removing bar from the top of repeating digit and listing
repeating digits at least twice.
E.g. x  0.8 Has x  0.888 …….
(iii) Determine the number of digits having bar on their heads.

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 6

(iv) If the repeating decimal has 1 place repetition, multiply by 10; a two place repetition, multiply by
100; a three place repetition, multiply by 1000 and so on.

(v) Subtract the number in step (ii) from the number obtained in step (iv).

(vi) Divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient of x.

(vii) Write the rational number in its simplest form.

Example 3: Express of the 0.3 in the form :

Solution: Let x  0.3 Then,

x  0.33333.... ….. (i)
Here we have only one repeating digit part after decimal so we multiply both sides by 10.
 10x  3.3333.... …… (ii)
On subtracting (i) from (ii), we get
10x  x   3.33333...   0.33333...

9x  3 9x
x 
3 3
 0.3  i.e., 0.33333.... 
9 9

Example 4: Show that 1.272727 = 1.27 can be expressed in the form , where p and q are integers
and q  0.

Solution: Let x  1.27 Then,

x = 1.27272727... ..... (i)
Here we have only two repeating digit after decimal so we multiply both sides by 100.
 100x  127.272727... …. (ii)
On subtracting (i) from (ii), we get
99x  127.272727....  1.272727....

 99x  126
126 14
 x 
99 11
Hence, 1.27 

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 7

Example 5: Convert the 23.43 number in the form

Solution: Let x  23.43 Then,

 x  23.434343..... …. (i)
Here we have only two repeating digit after decimal so we multiply both sides by 100.
Multiplying both sides of (i) by 100, we get
100x  2343.4343... …. (ii)
Subtracting (i) from (iii) we get
100x  x   2343.4343...   23.4343....

 99x  2320
Aliter method:
We have,

23.43  23  0.43
43 43
 23.43  23  [Using the above rule, we have 0.43  ]
99 99
23  99  43
 23.43 
2277  43 2320
 
99 99

1 2 3 4 5
Example 6:  0.142857, write the decimal expression of . . and without actually doing the
7 7 7 7 7
long division
Solution: Thus, we have
2 1
 2   0.285714
7 7
3 1
 3   0.428571
7 7
4 1
 4   0.571428
7 7
5 1
 5   0.714285
7 7

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 8

In order to convert a mixed recurring decimal to the form , we follow the following steps:
(i) Obtain the mixed recurring decimal and write it equal to x (say),
(ii) Determine the number of digits after the decimal point which do not have bar on them. Let there be
n digits without bar just after the decimal point.
(iii) Multiply both sides of x by 10n so that only the repeating decimal is on the right side of the decimal
(iv) Use the method of converting pure recurring decimal to the form and obtain the value of x.

Example 7: Show that 0.2353535... = 0.235 can be expressed in the form , where p and q are
integers and q  0.

Solution: Let x  0.235. Then

10x  0.235
 10x  2  0.35
35  35 
 10x  2   0.35  99 
99  
2  99  35 198  35 233 233
 10x   10x   10x   x
99 99 99 990


p  Complete numbers  -  number formed by Non - repeating digit 

  form =
q No. of 9 as no. of repeating digits after that write no. of 0 as no. of non repeating digits

35  0 35
E.g. (i) 0.35  
99 99
435  4 431
(ii) 0.435  
990 990


(A) Let x be a rational number whose decimal expansion terminates. Then we can expressed x in the
form , where p and q are co-primes, and the prime factorisation of q is of the form 2m  5n, where
m, n are non-negative integers.
CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 9

(B) Let x  be a rational number, such that the prime factorisation of q is of the form 2m x 5n, where
m, n are non-negative integers. Then, x has a decimal expansion which terminates.
(C) Let x  be a rational number, such that the prime factorisation of q is not of the form 2m  5n,
where m. n are non-negative integers. Then, x has a decimal expansion which is non-
terminating repeating.

189 189 23 189 8 189 1512

E.g. (i)   3 5  
2 5  2  5 10
125 53 3

(ii)  2.83333.....
(We observe that the prime factorizations of the denominators of these rational numbers are not of
the form 2m  5n , where m, n are non-negative integers.)
17 17
(iii)  3 0
8 2 5
(So, the denominator 8 or is of the form 2m  5n , where m, n are non-negative integers)
Hence has terminating decimal expansion.
64 64
(iv) 
455 5  7 13
(Clearly, 455 is not of the 2m  5n. so, the decimals expansion is non-terminating


Irrational number: A number is called irrational number, if it cannot be written in the form , where p
& q are integers and q  0

E.g. 2, 3, 3 2, 2  3, 2  3....etc
(i) Non-terminating & Non-repeating decimal numbers are Irrational numbers.

Example 8: Prove that 2 is not a rational number.

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 10

Solution: Let us find the square root of 2 by long division methods as shown below.

Clearly, the decimal representation of 2 neither terminating nor repeating.

(A) We shall prove this by the method of contradiction. If possible, let us assume that 2 rational
number. Then
2 , Where a, b are integers having no common factor other then 1.

 2 a
    (Squaring both sides)
 2 2
 a 2  2b2
 2 divides a 2
 2 divides a
Therefore let a  2c for some integer c.
 a 2  4c2
 2b2  4c2
 2 divides b 2
 2 divides b
Thus, 2 is a common factor of a and b.
But, it contradicts out assumption that a and b have no common factor other than 1.
So, our assumption that 2 is a rational is wrong.
Hence, 2 is irrational.

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 11

Example 9: Prove that 3 is irrational.
Solution: Let 3
3 be rational  , where p and q  z and p, q have no common factor except 1 also
q  1.
 33
Cubing both side

Multiply both sides by q 2

 3q 2 Hence L.H.S is rational since p, q have no common factor

 p3 , q also have no common factor while R.H.S. is an integer

 L.H.S  R.H.S which contradicts our assumption that 3

3 is irrational.

Example 10: Prove that 2  3 is irrational.

Solution : Let 2  3 be a rational number equals to r

 2 3  r

3  r2
Here L.H.S is an irrational number while R.H.S. r  2 rational.  L.H.S  R.H.S
Hence it contradicts our assumption that 2  3 is rational

 2  3 is irrational


Negative of an irrational number is an irrational number.

E.g. - 34 5

Sum and difference of a rational and an irrational number is an irrational number.

E.g. Two number's are 2 and 3

Sum  2  3, is an irrational number.

Difference  2  3 I san irrational number.

Also 3  2 is an irrational number

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 12

E.g. Two number’s are 4 and 3


Sum  4 3 3, is an irrational number.

Difference  4  3 3 , is an irrational number.

(iii) Sum and difference of two irrational numbers is not necessarily an irrational number.
Sum  3  2 3  3 3. is irrational.

Difference  2 3  3  3 . is an irrational.

E.g. Two irrational numbers are 3,  5

 
Sum  3   3  0, which is rational

Difference  3   3  2 3. which is irrational

E.g. Two irrational numbers are 2  3. and 2  3

   
Sum 2  3  2  3  4. a rational number

Two irrational numbers are 3  3, 3  3

Difference  3  3  3  3  6. a rational number

E.g. Two irrational numbers are 3  2, 3  2

Sum  3  2  3  2  2 3 , an irrational.

Product of a rational number with an irrational number is not always irrational

E.g. 2 is a rational number and 3 is an irrational

2  3  2 3, an irrational.

E.g. 0 a rational and 3 and irrational

0  3  0 a rational

Product of a non-zero rational number with an irrational number is always irrational

4 4 4
E.g.  3 3 is an irrational
3 3 3

Product of an irrational with an irrational is not always irrational.

(i) 3  3  3  3  9  3 a rational number

(ii) 2 3  3 2  2  3 3  2  6 6 a irrational number

(iii) 3
3  3 32  3 3  32  3 33  3 a rational number
CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 13

 2  3  2  3    2   3 
2 2
(iv)  4  3  1 a rational number

 2  3  2  3    2  3    2   3  2 2   3  4 3 4
2 2 2
(v) 3 74 3 an irrational


Important Note:
(A) 2   2, It is not irrational number

(B) 2, 5   2  5  10 
are called imaginary numbers

2  i 2, where i  iota   1


2, 3, 5 on a number line

OB  2  OF OC  3  OG

OD  4  OH OE  5  OI

Example 11: Insert a rational and an irrational number between 2 and 3.

Solution: If a and b are two positive rational numbers such that ab is not a perfect square of a
rational number, then ab is an irrational number lying between a and b.
Also, if a, b are rational numbers, then is a rational number between them
 A rational number between 2 and 3 is  2.5
An irrational number between 2 and 3 is ab  2  3  6

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 14

Example 12: Find two irrational numbers lying between 2 and 3

Solution: We known that, if a and b are two distinct positive irrational numbers, then ab is an
irrational number lying between a and b.

 A rational number between 2 and 3 is 2 3  6  61/ 4

Irrational number between 2 and 61/ 4 is 2  61/ 4  21/ 4  61/8

Hence, required irrational numbers are 61/ 4 and 21/ 4  61/8

Example 13: Identify 45 rational number or irrational number.

Solution: We have 45  9  5  3 5

Since 3 is a rational number and 5 is an irrational number. Therefore, the product

3 5  45 is an irrational number.


Real numbers: Rational numbers together with irrational numbers are known as real numbers.

Thus a real number is either rational or irrational but cannot be simultaneously both. If a real number is
not rational, it has to be irrational and vice versa. 3, , 1.5, 2.3,5.76245 etc. are some of the rational
numbers, whereas 2, 3, 5 11, 5 11,  are some examples of irrational numbers.

These are the numbers which can represent actual physical quantities in a meaningful way. These
can be represented on the number line. Number line is geometrically straight line with arbitrarily defined
zero (origin).


To represent only real numbers on numbers line we follow the following algorithm.
(i) Obtain the positive real number x (say)
(ii) Draw a line and mark a point A on it.
(iii) Mark point B on the line such that AB = X units.
CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 15

(iv) From point B mark a distance of 1 unit and mark the new point as C.
(v) Find the mid-point of AC and mark the points as O.
(vi) Draw a circle with centre O and radius OC.
(vii) Draw a line perpendicular to AC passing through B and intersecting the semicircle at D. Length

BD is equal to x
Justification: We have
AB  x units and BC  1 units

 AC   x  1 Units

x 1
 OA  OC  units
x 1
 OD  units
x  1 x 1
Now, OB  AB  OA  x 
2 2
Using Pythagoras theorem in OBD, we have

OD2  OB2  BD2

 BD2  OD2  OB2

 x  1   x 1 
2 2

 BD  
  
 2   2 

 BD 
x 2
 
 2x  1  x 2  2x  1  4x
 x
4 4

This shows that x exists for all real numbers x  0.



A positive integer N is divisible by

(i) 2 if and only if the last digit (unit's digit) is even e.g. 426, 345658 etc.

(ii) 3 if and only if the sum of all the digits is divisibly by 3 e.g. 432, 16749 etc.

(iii) 4 if and only if the number formed by last two digits is divisibly by 4 e.g. 384, 9972 etc.

(iv) 5 if and only if the unit digit is either 0 or 5 e.g 245, 4670 etc.

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 16

(v) 6 if and only if the number is divisible by 2 and 3 both e.g. 354, 432 etc.

(vi) 8 if and only if the number formed by last three digits is divisibly by 8 e.g. 768432, 23000 etc.

(vii) 9 if and only if the sum of all the digits is divisibly by 9 e.g. 27, 832752 etc.

(viii) 10 if and only if when its unit digit is 0 e.g. 50, 4090 etc.

(ix) 11 if and only if the difference between the sum of digits in the odd places (starting from
right) and sum of the digits in the even places (starting from right) is a multiple of 11 e.g. 121,
74635 etc.

(x) 12 if it is divisible by 3 and 4 both e.g. 84, 324 etc.

(xi) 25 if and only if the number formed by the last two digits is divisibly by 25 e.g. 627 5675 etc.

2. There is no certain rule for divisibility of a number by 7.

3. Any number with an even number of digits is added to its reverse then sum is always divisible by 11.

4. Any even natural number can be written as 2n, where n is any natural number.

5. Any odd natural number can be written as 2n -1, where n is any natural number.

6. Any natural number greater than 1 is called prime if it is divisible by 1 and itself e.g. 3, 5, 7, 11 etc.

7. Any natural number is called composite number if it can be expressed as product of two or more
natural numbers none of the factors is 1 or the number itself e.g. 12 = 43, 56 = 427 etc.
8. 1 is neither a prime number nor a composite number.

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 17


1. If both 112 and 33 are factors of the number a * 43 * 62 * 1311, what is the smallest possible value
of 'a'?
(A) 121 (B) 3267 (C) 363 (D) 33

2. Find the largest five digit number that is divisible by 7, 10, 15, 21and 28.
(A) 99,840 (B) 99,900 (C) 99,960 (D) 99,990

3. Anita had to multiply two positive integers. Instead of taking 35 as one of the multipliers, she
incorrectly took 53. As a result, the product went up by 540. What is the new product?
(A) 1050 (B) 540 (C) 1440 (D) 1590

4. The rational form of -25.6875 is

411 421 431 441
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
16 16 16 16

5. The rational form of 2.7435 is

27161 27 27161 27161
(A) (B) (C) (D)
999 99 9900 9000

6. The value of 0.423 is

423 479 423 419
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1000 1000 990 990

7. Which of the following is not a rational number?

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 9 (D) 16

8. 1 is equal to
1  1/ 3
(A) 1/3 (B) 11/7 (C) 3 (D) 1

3 3
9. The number is
3 3
(A) Rational (B) Irrational (C) Both (D) Can’t say

10. The value of 5.2

45 48 46 47
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9 9 9 9

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 18

11. If a, b, c and d are four different positive integers selected from 1 to 25, then the highest possible
value of (a+b)+(c+d) / (a+b)+(c−d) would be:
(A) 47 (B) 49 (C) 51 (D) 96

12. How many prime numbers are there between 0 and 30?
(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 8 (D) 11

13. If x, y, z are chosen from the three numbers, -3, 1/ 2 and 2, what is the largest possible value of
the expression (x/y)z2?
(A) – 3 / 8 (B) 16 (C) 24 (D) 36

14. If (0.004 * 10a) . (0.32 * 10b ) = 128 * 103, then a + b =

(A) – 3 / 8 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 8

15. There are 35 steps in a temple. By the time Chithra comes down two steps, Madhu goes up one
step. If they start simultaneously and keep their speed uniform, then at which step from the
bottom will they meet?
(A) 9th step (B) 12th step (C) 13th step (D) 8th step

16. Two irrational numbers between 2 and 2.5 are

(A) 5 and 2 5 (B) 5 and 25

(C) 5 and 2 7 (D) none of these

17. 4.Let x, y and z be distinct integers. x and y are odd and positive, and z is even and positive.
Which one of the following statements cannot be true?
(A) (x - z)2 y is even (B) (x - z) y2 is odd
(C) (x - z) y is odd (D) (x - y)2 z is even

18. How many different factors does 48 have, excluding 1 and 48?
(A) 12 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) 10

19. 1025 - 7 is divisible by

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 9 (D) Both 2 and 3

20. If two fractions, each of which has a value between 0 and 1, are multiplied together, the product
will be
(A) always greater than either of the original fractions
(B) always less than either of the original fractions
(C) sometimes greater and sometimes less than either of the original fractions
(D) remains the same

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 19


1. Sum of two rational numbers is always a rational number.

2. Sum of one rational number and an irrational number may be a rational number.

3. Product of a rational number and an irrational number may be rational.

4. All composite natural numbers are always even natural numbers.

5. Zero is an odd number.

6. Number 3222244 is divisible by 11.

7. If number 45367a378b23 is divisible by 9 then one of the possible value of a + b can be 2.

8. A positive integer is divisible by 3 if and only if sum of the digits forming the number is
divisible by 3.

9. If x  7  4 3 then value of x  .

10. If a  7  4 3 and b  2  3 then value of a  b is 4.

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 20


3 4
1. Find 5 rational number between and
5 5

2. Represent 3.765 on the number line.

3. Find the decimal representation of 22/7

4. Express the following decimals in the form
(A) 0.32 (B) 0.123

5. Prove that √5 is an irrational number.

6. Find two rational and two irrational numbers between 0.15 and 0.16.

7. Visualize 4.26 on the number line, up to 4 decimal places.

8. Prove that the rational form of 18.971 is .

9. Show that if a + b is not zero, then the equation a(x – a) = 2ab – b(x – a) has a solution x = a + b.

10. Find the least positive number by which the number 10584 must be multiplied so that the product
may be a perfect a perfect cube.

11. Find the least positive number which is a perfect square and has 540 as a factor.

12. If x is an odd integer than prove that a4 + 4a2 + 11 is divisible by 16.

13. Give an example such that sum of two irrational numbers may be a rational number.

14. Give an example such that product of two irrational number may be a rational number.

15. Prove that difference of the square of the two odd natural numbers is a multiple of eight.

16. Find the smallest number which must be added to 133098 to make it divisible by 11.

17. Find the least positive number x for which the number 124x53 is divisible by 9.

18. Find the value of 5 5 5........ .

3 4
19. Arrange in ascending order: 3 , 4, 6.

20. The average of 5 consecutive numbers a, b, c, d and e is 15. What will be the value of e?

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 21


1. How many factors of 25 * 36 * 52 are perfect squares?

2. How many factors of 24 * 53 * 74 are odd numbers?

3. Number N = 26 * 55 * 76 * 107; how many factors of N are even numbers?

4. How many numbers are there less than 100 that cannot be written as a multiple of a perfect square
greater than 1?

5. If a three digit number ‘abc’ has 2 factors (where a, b, c are digits), how many factors does the
6-digit number ‘abcabc’ have?

6. If (r – 6)2 = 121 and (2q-12)2 = 64 then find minimum possible value of q / r.

7. How many times the digit 6 appears when you count down from 11 to 100.

8. Find the third number from beginning out of x consecutive integers when N is the largest one
(give answer in terms of x and N).

9. A number 1568a35b is divisible by 88. Find the value of a and b.

10. If x is positive integer such that 2x + 12 is perfectly divisible by x, then find the number of
possible value of x.

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002
Number System 22



1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C
6. D 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. C
11. C 12. B 13. D 14. D 15. B
16. A 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. B


1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F
6. F 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. T


19 20 21 22 23 29 1221
1. , , , and 3. 3.14285714 4. (A) (B)
30 30 30 30 30 90 9900

6. 0.155 and 0.1225 irrational number 0.1549 and 0.1524 10. 7

11. 8100 16. 2 17. 3 18. 5

19. 3
4 4 6  3 20. 17


1. 24 2. 20 3. 1183 4. 61 5. 16
6. – 2 7. 19 8. N – x + 3 9. 6, 2 10. 6

CHAMP SQUARE: Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane) Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.No.: 7360016500, 7360016501
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA):Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi – 834 002

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