May 2018 Extended Mathematics English Markscheme

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May 2018

Extended mathematics

On-screen examination

24 pages
–2– mathmmoeengtz0xxm

This markscheme is confidential and for the exclusive use of examiners in this examination session.

It is the property of the International Baccalaureate and must not be reproduced or distributed to any
other person without the authorization of the IB Global Centre, Cardiff.
–3– mathmmoeengtz0xxm

The following are the annotations available to use when marking responses.

Annotation Explication Annotation Explication Shortcut

Unclear Award 0 marks Alt+0

Special case Award 1 mark Alt+1

Misread Award 2 marks Alt+2

NWS No working shown Award 3 marks Alt+3

Error carried forward Award 4 marks Alt+4

Words to that effect Award 5 marks Alt+5

Benefit of the doubt Award 6 marks Alt+6

Answer Given Award 7 marks Alt+7

Highlight tool Award 8 marks Alt+8

Ellipse tool Award 9 marks Alt+9

On page comment tool Award 10 marks

Seen Award 11 marks

Caret - Omission Award 12 marks

Wavy underline tool

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The markscheme may make use of the following abbreviations:

RM Assessor has the following annotations that should be used to award marks:
A0 only use to award a zero mark for an answer that has no merit eg, awarded for the candidate that has a wrong answer with no working

NR only use when the candidate has not made any response also stamp the response with

Marks awarded by stamping the tick

Seen; must be stamped on all blank response areas and on concatenated responses


• Bullet notation means award 1 mark – see example 1 below

ECF Marks that can be awarded as error carried forward from previous results in the question
BOD Benefit of the doubt
MR misread
NWS no working shown
SC special case
OE or equivalent
WTTE or words to that effect
AG Answer given

Example 1
• 1 mark awarded and corresponding notes are aligned

b • Show clear line of reasoning in the method 45 & 49 seen OE

= 45 + x
eg, 49
• 4 ACCEPT 45 + X/10 = 4.9 and Ans 4
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Error Carried Forward (ECF) marks

Errors made at any step of a solution affect all working that follows. In general, Error Carried Forward (ECF) marks are awarded after an error.
a) ECF applies from one part of a question to a subsequent part of the question and also applies within the same part.
b) If an answer resulting from ECF is inappropriate (eg, negative distances or sinx > 1) then subsequent marks should not be awarded.
c) If a question is transformed by an error into a simpler question then ECF may not be fully awarded.
d) To award ECF marks for a question part, there must be working present for that part.
e) ECF is only applied to working which is correct. This means that all working subsequent to an error must be checked for accuracy.
f) A misread (MR) is an error. ECF is normally awarded.

General points

a) As this is an international examination, ACCEPT all alternative forms of notation, for example 1.9 and 1,9 or 1 000 or 1.000. However DO NOT ACCEPT incorrect
mathematical notation e.g x^2 for x2 in final answers unless noted otherwise in the MS.
b) Ignore further working after a correct answer unless it indicates a lack of mathematical understanding i.e. if the further working contradicts the correct answer,
then the last mark cannot be awarded.
c) Where candidates have written two solutions to a question, mark the response that deserves more marks.
d) In the markscheme, equivalent examples of numerical and algebraic forms or simplified answers will generally be written in the notes preceded by OE or equivalent
1 x
e.g. or 1/2 or 1 ÷ 2 and or x / 2 or x ÷ 2
2 2
e) In the markscheme, information provided in brackets indicate detail that may be seen in a candidate response but is not necessary to award the marks.
f) Special case marks SC can be allocated instead of but not in addition to the marks prescribed in the markscheme.
g) ACCEPT notation errors in intermediate steps.
h) When a calculator screenshot is taken, ACCEPT not seeing the whole operation.
i) ACCEPT seeing an equation not in-line.

General note for marking open-ended response questions:

In cases in Task 2 and 3 where the mark scheme is set out in a table then awarding the highest box includes all the lower boxes. So if for example you see at J4 in Task 3
that they have correctly proved their general rule, then J4 is awarded. That is the 4 (full) marks. You dont need to look at the other J criteria. It is probably best to look for the
top box answer and if you don’t find it look at the next box down. So if they don’t get D4 then look at their attempt at a general rule and they might gain D3. If you don’t see
that look to see if they described a pattern and so on.
–6– mathmmoeengtz0xxm

Question Answers Notes Total

1 a

•1 734 and their 297 correctly reversed •1 734 and 792 3

•2 their D correct •2 734 – 437 = 297

•3 their D and D’ correctly added •3 792 + 297 = 1089

•3 1089 with no entries in their D and

their D’ : award 1 mark
b •1 expressing X correctly in terms of multiples of a, b and c •1 100a + 10b + (1)c
ACCEPT not seeing this step

ACCEPT inappropriate notation

provided it reads correctly. Ex:
DO NOT ACCEPT incorrectly read
expressions. Ex: 100c+10(b)+a)

•2 expressing X´ correctly in terms of multiples of a, b and c •2 100c + 10b + (1)a

ACCEPT not seeing this step
3 3
• subtracting and reversing all signs of their X OR their X´ • 100c+10b+1a – 100a – 10b-1c OE
If their X and X’ are numbers,
ACCEPT their X- their X’ only if their
result is positive

•4 their answer correct in terms of a and c only •4 99c – 99a or 99(c – a) or 99(a – c)
ACCEPT absolute value of 99(c – a)
Notes continued below
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1 b 99c-99a or 99(c – a) without working :

award 3 marks
99c – 99a or 99(c – a) with one step of
working: award 4 marks

•4 DO NOT ACCEPT unless it is in

terms of a and c

ACCEPT not seeing absolute value

SC 1 mark
100a,10b, c and 100c,10b, a
–8– mathmmoeengtz0xxm

Question Answers Notes Total

2 Candidates may use any appropriate algebraic notation to represent
the frog and dragonfly here we have used x and y
•1 setting both equations correctly •1 3x + 2y = 22 and 4y – 2x = 12 OE

•2 one correct step to eliminate one variable OR for substitution •2 for example, 6x + 4y = 44 and 12y – 6x = 36 OR y= (22 - 3x)/2

•3 correctly eliminate one variable •3 80 seen or 10 seen or 16y or 8x OE

•4 Their y correct •4 (y =) 5

•5 Their x correct •5 (x =) 4 ECF substituting their incorrect y in any of their equations

•6 their x and their y added correctly •6 (5 + 4 =) 9

9 without working from •1 to •3 : award 4 marks

9 with one of •1 to •3 : award 5 marks
9 with two of •1 to •3 : award 6 marks
Alternative method for trial and error responses 6
Alternative method trial and error response
•1 seeing two numbers with sum 22 OR seeing two numbers with
•1 e.g. 12 + 10 = 22 OR 20 – 8 = 12
difference 12
•2 e.g. 3x6 + 2x2 = 22
•2 seeing values of x and y that satisfy 3x + 2y = 22
•3 e.g .4x4 – 2x2 = 12
•3 seeing values of x and y that satisfy 4y - 2x = 12
•4 4 or 5
•4 x or y correct
•5 4 and 5
•5 x and y correct
•6 their 9
•6 their values added correctly
9 without working from •1 to •3 : award 4 marks
9 with one of •1 to •3 : award 5 marks
9 with two of •1 to •3 : award 6 marks
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Question Answers Notes Total

3 a •1 two inequalities correct ACCEPT if they use x and y
instead of cookies and muffins
•2 The third inequality correct
DO NOT ACCEPT cost or price or
•3 one correct constraint OR three correct constraints not including ”equal to” value of cookie/muffin
•3 An example for “OR”
Cookies exceeds 100 and
muffins exceeds 50 and cookies
•4 the second and third constraint correct bigger than muffins
Inequalities Constraints •3 DO NOT ACCEPT ECF from 4
the inequality
(Number of) cookies and muffins is less than or equal 500
x + y ≤ 500
WTTE cannot exceed, at most
(number of) muffins more than or equal 50
y ≥ 50 WTTE exceeds or equal 50, at least 50, a minimum of 50, not less than 50
ACCEPT between 50 and 250 OR bigger than 49 OR can exceed or equal to 50
(number of) cookies more than or equal (the number) of muffins
y≤ x WTTE exceeds or equal, at least, minimum as, not less than
ACCEPT x can exceed or equal y OR y cannot exceed
b profit (on/of) one (cookie and/or muffin) OR profit per cookie and per muffin Profit and one or per must be
seen or implied

ACCEPT amount of money gained

to express profit
DO NOT ACCEPT cost or price
DO NOT ACCEPT the profit of a
muffin is 1.5 times the profit of
cookie OE
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3 c •1 evidence of working •1 ( P =) (1x)450 + 1.50x50

OR (P =) (1x)250 +1.5x250 OR
525 OR 625
Incorrect substitution and correct
calculation: award only 1 mark

•2 250 (cookies) •2 250 (cookies) ) without

working: award 1 mark
•3 250 (muffins) •3 250 (muffins) without working:
award 1 mark

250 must be seen twice to gain •2

and •3

SC 2 marks
525 and 625 seen
725 and 50 cookies and 450

SC 1 mark
725 and 50 and 450
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Question Answers Notes Total

4 a •1 one equation placed correctly

•2 the other two equations placed correctly

b •1 1st equation placed correctly

•2 2nd equation placed correctly
•3 3rd equation placed correctly
•4 4th equation placed correctly


Do not award the mark if two functions are dragged on the same graph
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Question Answers Notes Total

5 a •1 substitutes into magnitude formula •1 square root of 52 +122
•2 (speed) = 13 13 without working: award 2 marks 2

b adds vector S and C  5  3

 8  AG   +   OR 5+3 and 12+0. ACCEPT 5+3 and 12
 12   0 
  1
 12 

c •1 evidence of use of dot product •1 (5 x 8 + 12 x 12) may be implied

•2 184
•2 dot product correctly calculated •3 4√13 or 2√52 or √208 or 14.4(22)
•3 magnitude of vector R correctly calculated •3 ACCEPT √82 + 122 for 4√13 in calculator display only

•4 evidence of substituting into the correct formula •4 (cosθ =) 0.9813 … or 46/(13√13) or
their13 their4 13
•5 their angle correct •5 their 11° (.0702 …) must come from -1 ≤ cosθ ≤ 1

SC 5 marks θ cos −1 5 × 8 + (12 × 12

= = ( ) 11o
5 + 12 × 8 + 12
2 2 2 2

Alternative method Alternative method
•1 using the tan ratio twice •1 using the tan ratio twice
•2 applying inverse tan for one •2 67.3801 …
•3 applying inverse tan for the second •3 56.3099 …
•4 subtracting their angles •4 their 67.3801 … – their 56.3099 …
•5 angle correct •5 11o (.0702 …)

Another alternative method below Another alternative method below

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5 c Alternative method Alternative method

•1 magnitude of vector R correctly calculated •1 4√13 or 2√52 or √208

ACCEPT √82 + 122 for 4√13 in calculator display only
•2 magnitude of vector C correctly calculated •2 3
( )
•3 evidence of substituting their R, C and S into the cosine rule •3 their32 =their132 + their4 13 − 2(their13)(their4 13 )cos θ may be
implied 5
•4 their cosθ correct 4 their(132 + (4 13 )2 − 9)
(cosθ =) 0.9813 … or 46/(13√13) or
5 2(their13)(their4 13 )
• their angle correct
•5 their 11° (.0702 …) must come from -1≤cosθ≤1
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Question Answers Notes Total

6 a •1 (Min) 1 and (Max) 17 •1 1 and 17

•2 correct subtraction to get their 16 •2 16

•2 DO NOT ACCEPT a negative number

16 without working: award 2 marks

SC 1 mark
Seeing only (6,16) or -16
b •1 identifying any two times 12 hours apart •1 3 and 15.
•1 ACCEPT seeing two times which are 12 hours apart
•1 ACCEPT seeing two points with x-coordinates 12 hours apart
•1 ACCEPT recognizing that there are two cycles in 24 hours OE 2

•2 12 (hours) •2 DO NOT ACCEPT any other value but 12

12 without working: award 2 marks
c ACCEPT work in degrees instead of radians
•1 correct substitution •1 13 = 8 sin(πt/6) + 9
•2 one correct algebraic step •2 4 = 8 sin(πt/6)
•3 two correct algebraic steps •3 ½ = sin(πt/6) ACCEPT seeing •2 or •3 for both marks •2
and •
•4 correct use of their inverse sin •4 πt/6 = π/6. ACCEPT using π = 180 in their calculations and
writing 30t = 30 or πt/6 = 30 OE
ACCEPT t = 1 or t = 57(.29..)

•5 correct step using π or 180 •5 πt/6 = π - their π/6

ACCEPT using π = 180 in their calculations and writing
30t = 180 - their 30 or πt/6 = 180 - their 30
•6 their times both correct •6 their t = 1 (am) and their t = 5 (am)
Attempts to work with e.g. πt/6 = 30 cannot be awarded •6

(t =) 1 (or (t =) 5 without working: award 1 mark

(t =) 1 and (t =) 5 without working: award 2 marks

(t =) 1 and (t =) 5 with only •1 seen: award 3 marks
(t =) 1 and (t =) 5 with only •2 or •3 seen: award 4 marks
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Question Answers Notes Total

7 a 17 + 1 OE
•1 1
b •1 dividing 1207000 by 23858000 •1 ACCEPT 1207/23858

•2 0.05059… or 0.0506 or 5.059… (%) or 5.06(%) •2 ACCEPT 0.0505 or 5.05(%)

5 (%) AG
ACCEPT seeing cross multiplication process for 2
Examples: 2
23858 – 100%
1207 – 5.059%

SC 1 mark
0.05 x 23 858 000 = 1 192 900 or ≅ 1207 000
1 207 000 / 0.05 = 24 140 000 or ≅ 23858000
c •1 0.82 written on both branches
•2 0.05 and 0.95
d •1 calculating probability from one branch •1 0.05 x 0.18

•2 calculating probability from the other branch •2 0.95 x 0.18

•3 adding correctly their probabilities of their branches •3 0.05 x 0.18 + 0.95 x 0.18 = 0.18
0.18 without working: award 1 mark

ACCEPT 5% , 5/100 for 0.05 OE

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7 e •1 dividing their probability of first branch by their result in (d) •1 0.05 × 0.18
•2 their result correctly after division
•2 0.05 2

0.05 without working: award 2 marks

f •1 independent (events) ACCEPT incorrect spellings of “independent” OE

ACCEPT independent even if answers for b) and e) are

not correct

g •1 the line is crossing twice or touching at least two points •1 see examples below

•2 domain covering at least year 1994 to 2010 and the line is within the range shown
below •2 see examples below

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7 g Examples not acceptable (0 marks): Not crossing twice, Not touching two points and not in range

Examples acceptable for •1 or •2 only (1 mark)

•1 only (Touching two points) •1 only (Touching two points) •2 only (In range but not touching two points)

Examples acceptable for •1 and •2 (2 marks)

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7 h
Mark 1 2 3 4
F: One factor mentioned from: Two factors mentioned from:
Identificati - Nature of the increase - Nature of the increase
on of - Life expectancy - Life expectancy
Factors - Birth rate or mortality - Birth rate or mortality
- Rules of immigration - Rules of immigration
- Gradient or rate of line or - Gradient or rate of line or
Percentage increase of immigrants Percentage increase of
seen immigrants seen
- Percentage of immigrants - Percentage of immigrants
- Change in population distribution - Change in population
(human landscape) distribution (human landscape)
- Economy status - Economy status
- Imagined factor like disaster - Imagined factor like disaster
happening in Australia happening in Australia
DO NOT ACCEPT only saying many DO NOT ACCEPT only saying
factors many factors
E: Estimation of year in range (2055 to Estimation of year in range (2055 Estimation of year in range Estimation of year in range
Estimation 2300) or (in 42 to 287 years) without to 2300) using: (2055 to 2300) using: (2055 to 2300) using:
showing calculations
equation of line not matching their equation of line matching correctly equation of line
OR line of best fit their line of best fit but matching their line of best
incorrect result fit
Estimation not in range using their OR Ex: reaching estimation 2100 Ex: reaching estimation
incorrect line equation or incorrect from y=0.2x+20 2120 from y=0.2x+23
proportions or percentages Incorrect proportion or percentage
increase of immigration OR
Ex: Estimate 2080 using 6% in 23
years, or estimate 2150 using Using appropriate
0.3% every year, or 2070 using proportions
1% every 5 years Ex:
Estimate 2180 using 6% in
23 years, or estimate 2090
using 0.3% every year, or
2070 using 2% every 5 years
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7 h
Mark 1 2 3 4
D: Degree Suitable rounding used for their
of estimated year
DO NOT ACCEPT if they just write
down a year without any reference or

SC: if they use their line equation or

proportions correctly and their
estimated year does not need
rounding: award D1
J: Inaccurate with weak reason Inaccurate with a valid reason
Justificatio Examples: related to variables affecting the
n of 1. Inaccurate because I used line of future
whether it best fit. Examples:
makes 2. Inaccurate because I used % which 1. The prediction I made not very
sense are not accurate accurate because many factors
inaccurate because the difference may vary
between what I estimated and news 2. Predictions using line of best fit
headline is very big for the future not guaranteed
3. The prediction using the line
OR equation not very accurate
Accurate with valid reason because it is taking only a window
Examples: or isolated time
1. Accurate because I used my line of 4. The prediction using the line
best fit to estimate equation not very accurate
2. Accurate because I used average because it assumes the future
% of increase follows same pattern
3.Accurate because I considered all 5. My predictions not very
data given accurate because the population
DO NOT ACCEPT My prediction is (human landscape) can change in
accurate because I made the Australia
DO NOT ACCEPT accurate or ACCEPT Calculating using their
inaccurate without reason line equation the % immigration in
2050 and showing it is not 50%
Can be awarded only if E1 is
– 20 – mathmmoeengtz0xxm

7 h Mark 1 2 3 4

N: Comment on the news headline, with

Comment a supporting reason, seen anywhere
on News Example:
headline 1. Not accurate because I estimated
my calculation 2300
2. It can be correct as my value
estimated is close
3. Many factors affect it they cant say
for sure
DO NOT ACCEPT right or wrong
headline without reason
10 marks
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Question Answers Notes Total

8 a •1 two correct area values Values 10000, 6400, 400 e.g. 10 000 – 6 400 - 400 2
•2 third correct value and correct subtraction to get 3200 AG

OR finding the area of shaded OR

•1 correct area for one shaded rectangle •1 For example: 1600 OR 2000
•2 second correct area for shaded rectangle and addition seen •2 2 x 1600 OR 2000 + 1200
b 60 and 4800 twice 1

c a suitable pattern described in appropriate terminology Some examples: 1

it's quadratic
It increases and then decreases
Maximum at 50
Maximum 5000
Symmetry or symmetry about 5000 or 50
AB x BC x 2 or WTTE i.e Second column x third column x 2
ACCEPT: They are all multiples of 100
d •1 attempt to express the general rule in terms of their L •1 (A =) 200L – 2LL OR 200*L – 2L*L OR 200n - n2 2

•2 (A =) 200L – 2L2 OR 2L(100 – L).

• correct general rule for A in terms of L ACCEPT (A =)200 x L – 2 x L2 or 2L x (100 – L)

SC 1 mark
seeing (100 – L)
seeing 2L2 or 2L
seeing AB x(100 - AB) x 2
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8 e •1 substitute L different than (20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80) into their •1 Example: use L =10 or 90 200(10) – 2(10)^2 or their own value of L 3
rule •2 Example: 1800 (for the L = 10)
•2 correctly calculate their value of A after substitution of L different •3 Same as value I predicted in table (and we find the candidate has 1800 in
than (20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80) the table for L = 10) OR same as when we continue the pattern and explains
•3 recognizing that their result is the same as their predicted value how 1800 is obtained from pattern of constant second difference OR the
same value given by the simulator
•3 ACCEPT seeing the 1800 in the table and seeing their calculated A = 1800
when L = 10

SC 1 mark if “tested” correctly with a value from the table.

for example: tests with L = 50 to get P = 5000 and recognizing their result is
same as table

f •1 correctly substituting in area formula •1 π302 or π202 3

•2 evidence of subtracting their two areas from the whole •2 2500π – 900 π – 400 π
•3 dividing by 2 •3 (A = )1250π – 450π – 200π
ACCEPT •2 and •3 in any order
600π AG
•3 ACCEPT dividing by 2 seen in formula step for •3
•3 ACCEPT approximated answers leading to 1884 = 600π

Seeing only 1250π – 450π – 200π : award 3 marks

Seeing only 1250π + 650π : award 2 marks

600 π without working : award 0 marks

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8 g
Mark 1 2 3 4
Predictions Predict correctly one value Predict correctly three values
(P) of A of A
Examples: Examples:
r = 25, A = 625π r = 25, A = 625π
r = 30, A = 600π
OR r = 35, A = 525π
Predict correctly three corresponding r not mentioned
values of A without
corresponding r
Description Attempt to describe a Describe correctly pattern in Attempt to describe pattern for A as Correctly describe pattern as
(D) pattern in words. words general rule. general rule for A
Examples Example: A are multiples of 5 Examples: Examples:
1. Increasing then 1 (A =) 502 – r2 – (50 – r)2 1. A = πr (50 – r)
deceasing OR 2.(A=) 502 – AC2 – (50 – AC)2 2. A = π (50r – r2)
2. It is quadratic or 2500𝜋𝜋 𝜋𝜋𝑟𝑟 2 𝜋𝜋(50−𝑟𝑟)2
3. A = − −
parabola Attempts to describe radius or OR 2 2 2
EX. Symmetrical diameter of the semicircles as
a general rule Evidence of subtracting two small OR the below but award N1
Ex: 100 – 2r or 50 – r could semicircles/circles from a larger one. (A =) πr (50 – r)
be seen in the response, table (A =) π (50r – r2)
or diagram the general rule is
πr (50 – r)
Testing (T) Attempt to use r from Recognizing that their result is
{5,10,15, 20} in their the same as value in table
described pattern or
general rule ACCEPT seeing their
calculated A value from their
general rule and the value in
the table being equal even
without π
Verifying (V) Attempt to use r other than Calculate correctly their value Recognizing that their result is the
5,10,15, 20 in their of A using their r other than same as their predicted value
described pattern or 5,10,15, 20 in their general ACCEPT seeing their calculated A
general rule rule value from their general rule and their
predicted value in the table being
equal provided their calculated value
includes π
– 24 – mathmmoeengtz0xxm

8 g
Mark 1 2 3 4
Justify/proof Attempt to justify their Good attempt to Justify their Attempt to prove the general rule for Correctly prove the general
(J) described pattern or rule general rule the area A rule for the Area A
or general rule Examples: Example: Example:
Examples 1.The second difference is Attempt to add areas in terms of r Adding the areas in terms of r
1. Trying at least two constantly 50 correctly
values and justifying that 2.The equation is quadratic
they are the same or rule with – ve coefficient of r2 so J4 automatically gains T2 and
works increasing then decreasing V3
2. We always multiply r by
the difference between 50
and r
3.The second difference is
Notation and Notation or terminology is The notation and terminology
terminology correct are correct
(N) OR
the notation and Note: One minor error, not in
terminology have general rule, can be
significant errors for overlooked
example 3.14 for pi
OR Can be awarded only if they
The general rule is correct have a general rule
but not in correct notation
A = 502 – r2 – (50 – r)2/2 ACCEPT the use of x or * for
Ex: The general rule is multiplication
pi(50r – r2)

Communicati Very weak communication Weak communication Good communication

on (L)
Two or three lines of More than three lines of More than three lines of coherent
communication communication but lack communication
OR coherence
Only calculations or Can be awarded only if J2 is
algebraic steps achieved
20 marks

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