Reconfigurable Computing Course Handout
Reconfigurable Computing Course Handout
FIRST SEMESTER 2020 - 2021
Date: 03 / 11 / 2020
In addition to Part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the timetable) this portion gives
further specific details regarding the course.
Course No : CS G553
Course Title : Reconfigurable Computing
Instructors/in-charge : A AMALIN PRINCE
2. Contents
The course covers the following subjects:
Reconfigurable computing systems (Fine and coarse grained architectures and technology)
Design and implementation (Algorithms and steps to implement algorithms to FPGAs)
Temporal partitioning (Techniques to reconfigure systems over time)
Temporal placement (Techniques and algorithms to exploit the possibility of partial and
dynamic hardware reconfiguration)
On-line communication (State-of-the-art techniques about how modules can communicate
data at run-time)
Applications (applications benefiting from dynamic hardware reconfiguration and
verification using Xilinx System Design tools and Boards).
3. Background
Basic knowledge in the following areas: digital design, optimization algorithms, and computer
4. Text Book
1. C Bobda, Introduction to Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Algorithms, and
Applications, Springer, 2007.
2. Wolf Wayne, FPGA Based System Design, Pearson Edu, 2004.
5. Reference Book
1. Scott Hauck, André DeHon, Reconfigurable Computing - The Theory and Practice of FPGA
Based Computation, The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Systems on Silicon, 2007.
2. R Vaidyanathan, Trahan Jerry, Dynamic Reconfiguration: Architectures and Algorithms, L,
Kluwer Academic, 2003.
3. Uwe Meyer-Baese, DSP with FPGAs, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
4. Journal papers and Conference publications (will be uploaded in the course website)
6. Course Plan
Lecture Learning Objectives Topics to be covered
01, 02 Introduction Introduction application and comparison
General Purpose Computing
Domain Specific Computing
Application Specific Computing
Reconfigurable Computing
03, 04 VLSI Technology Wires, Registers and RAM (self study assignment)
Wires and vias
Gate delay vs. wire delay
Registers and RAM
05, 06 Reconfigurable Computing Programmable logic, an overview of
Hardware PLA, PAL, SPLD and CPLD
07,08 Hardware Description Modeling with HDLs (self study assignment)
Languages and Logic Verilog/VHDL
Design Combinational Network Delay, Power and Energy Optimization
09,10, 11, Reconfigurable Computing FPGA Architecture, FPGA Fabrics
12 Device Configuration
Permanently Programmed FPGAs
Programmable I/O, Circuit Design of FPGA Fabrics, Architecture of
FPGA Fabrics, Case Studies (Xilinx, Altera, Microsemi etc).
13,14 Reconfigurable Computing Fine - Grained and Course - Grained Reconfigurable Architecture,
Architecture Case Studies.
15, 16,17 Programming Logic Design Process
Reconfigurable Systems Design
FPGA Design Flow
Implementation Approaches
Run Time Reconfiguration (RTR)
Partial Reconfiguration (PR)
18, 19, Mapping Designs to Logic Implementation for FPGAs, Syntax-Directed Translation
20, 21 Reconfigurable Platform Logic Synthesis
Two-Level Logic Synthesis
Multi-Level Logic Synthesis
LUT-Based Technology Mapping
22, 23, High-Level Synthesis for Modeling
24, 25, Reconfigurable Devices DFG, CFG
26, 27 (Behavioral Design) Introduction to Binding, Scheduling and Allocation, Temporal
Temporal Partitioning Algorithms
28, 29, Temporal Placement and Offline and Online Temporal Placement
30 Routing Routing Cost, Routing-Conscious Placement
Lab Assignment/
2. Presentations/ --------- 30 Will be announced Open Book
Open book/
3. Comprehensive 180 40 23/02/21 (AN)
Closed Book
8. Lab
This course has lab components using Xilinx Vivado design suite. The lab may be conducted
through the remote lab. Final design should be implemented in Xilinx FPGAs.
10. Notices
Notices regarding the course will be put up on the course web site (Google classroom)
11. Makeup
Make-up will be given on genuine grounds only. Prior application should be made for seeking the
make- up examination.
Instructor - in - charge
CS G553