Individual Career Plan: DIRECTIONS: Answer The Following Questions in Paragraph Form (3-4 Sentences) Per Question

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DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions in paragraph form (3-4 sentences) per question. Your
document should follow MLA format and be a
minimum of two pages.


1. What are you planning on doing as a life-long career?

As a lifelong career I would like to be a travel nurse or do something in the medical field. If that
fails, I would like to become a chef and open my own restaurant
2. What career do you see yourself in five years?
In 5 years, I’m pretty sure I’ll still be in school, but I will be still trying to get into nursing or
again something in the medical field.
3. What interests do you have to support your goal?
I’ve always been such a nice and caring person; I love helping people or making them feel better
and a good way to do that for me in my opinion is doing the career I love not one that will make
me a lot of money. I mean it’s nice, but I want to do something I love.
4. What skills do you already have that might support your goal? Example: Computer skills, i.e.
I wouldn’t say I have many skills other than learning quickly and being able to operate in a fast
paste environment, but I feel like my skills will get better as I get older and gain more experience
5. What knowledge do you already have to support your goals? Example: understand the
educational requirements to be an accountant.
I understand the certain aspects it requires when becoming a nurse like when it comes to being in
the hospital, you’ll find that you are doing majority but not all of the work because that is your
duty once you become a nurse, aid to others when they can’t for themselves
6. What Career Pathway are you currently pursuing?
A career pathway I’m currently following is in culinary only because when I step foot into my
high school years, I thought I was going to become a chef, like that was my main plan and goal
was do something in culinary but that has since changed. I’m still pursuing it because culinary is
my back up plan, I love to cook but it’s not something I see myself forever doing

1. What are your plans after graduating from high school?

My plans after graduating High school is probably going to a 4-year college and pursue my
passions. Really get a feel for the “adult world”. I know it’s a long road of challenges ahead of
me, but I know myself and I know I can do it.
2. What degree or educational program do you wish to pursue?
Nursing or something in the medical field. If not, then culinary
3. What is the highest level of education you believe you will need to fulfill your career goals?
I feel like the highest level for me would be 4 things. Military training, 4-year university,
and I would like to aim to get my masters and then move on to getting my doctorate in
nursing practice. I feel like I’m capable of getting any of these if I put my mind into it
and really focus
4. Where are you planning to continue your education?
I don’t have a specific place set out for me to continue my education, but I feel like since the
time is coming up soon to really know where I want to go, I have to start doing more research
and really try to find and understand not only what college the right fit for me but to also
understand that the career I want to go into requires real dedication
5. Have you met the requirements to begin your chosen degree or educational program?
Not yet, I’m slowly but surely working myself up because I’m still a junior but I feel like
once I progress into becoming a Senior it’ll get better and I’ll have what I need for that
time being

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