This document contains a research survey questionnaire that aims to study the factors affecting the decision-making of Grade 10 students in Lucena City National High School when choosing their Senior High School strand. It collects demographic information and has students rate the level of influence of various factors. It also has students identify the importance of different considerations and indicate their preferred SHS strand. The goal is to understand what drives students' decisions regarding their post-secondary education path.
This document contains a research survey questionnaire that aims to study the factors affecting the decision-making of Grade 10 students in Lucena City National High School when choosing their Senior High School strand. It collects demographic information and has students rate the level of influence of various factors. It also has students identify the importance of different considerations and indicate their preferred SHS strand. The goal is to understand what drives students' decisions regarding their post-secondary education path.
This document contains a research survey questionnaire that aims to study the factors affecting the decision-making of Grade 10 students in Lucena City National High School when choosing their Senior High School strand. It collects demographic information and has students rate the level of influence of various factors. It also has students identify the importance of different considerations and indicate their preferred SHS strand. The goal is to understand what drives students' decisions regarding their post-secondary education path.
This document contains a research survey questionnaire that aims to study the factors affecting the decision-making of Grade 10 students in Lucena City National High School when choosing their Senior High School strand. It collects demographic information and has students rate the level of influence of various factors. It also has students identify the importance of different considerations and indicate their preferred SHS strand. The goal is to understand what drives students' decisions regarding their post-secondary education path.
Factors Affecting the decision making of selected Grade 10 Students
with regards to their Senior High School Strand
Greetings! We are conducting a study on the factors affecting the decision-making of
selected Grade 10 students in Lucena City National High School with regards to their Senior High School Strand. Your participation in this study is highly appreciated. Kindly answer the following questions as honestly and accurately as possible. Rest assured that all of your answers will be kept confidential and will be used for research purposes only.
Part I. Demographic Profile
Name: Age: Average Grade in Grade 10 (3rd Quarter):
Part II. Factors Affecting the Decision-Making
Directions: The following are some of the factors affecting the decision-making when choosing a Strand in Senior High School. Kindly put a check mark (/) corresponding to your level of agreement or disagreement. 5 – Strongly Agree 4 – Agree 3 – Undecided 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree No. Factors Affecting the decision-making 5 4 3 2 1 1. I am interested in pursuing a career related to my chosen Senior High School Strand. 2. My parents/guardians have a significant influence on my Senior High School Strand choice. 3. My friends have a significant influence on my Senior High School Strand choice. 4. I am choosing a Senior High School Strand based on my personal interests. 5 4 3 2 1 5. The availability of job opportunities after completing a Senior High School Strand is a significant factor in my decision-making . 6. The availability of scholarship grants for a Senior High School Strand is a significant factor in my decision-making. 7. Choosing the right Senior High School Strand is extremely important to me. 8. I consider my parents' opinion when making decisions about my Senior High School Strand. 9. My current grades are a major factor in my decision- making for my Senior High School Strand. 10. My interests and passions play a significant role in my decision-making process for my Senior High School Strand. 11. The potential salary or income of my chosen career path is a significant factor in my decision-making almost for my Senior High School Strand. 12. The opinions and recommendations of my friends influence my decision-making for my Senior High School Strand. 13. Extracurricular activities or hobbies play a role in my decision-making for my Senior High School Strand. 14. I feel that I have been adequately informed about the different Senior High School Strands available to me. 15. The academic requirements of each Senior High School Strand are major consideration in my decision-making. 16. The reputation of the Senior High School Strand is important factor in my decision-making. 17. The location or accessibility of the Senior High School is significant consideration in my decision- making process. 18. The facilities and resources of the Senior High School are important consideration in my decision- making. 19. The duration of the Senior High School Strand is a significant factor in my decision-making. 20. The cost or tuition fee of each Senior High School Strand are important considerations. 5 4 3 2 1 21. The learning environment and culture of the Senior High School are important considerations. 22. The academic and career support programs of the Senior High School are significant consideration. 23. I am confident in my ability to make an informed decision about my Senior High School Strand. 24. I feel that my chosen Senior High School Strand aligns with my future goals 25. I believe that I will benefit greatly from the Senior High School Strand that I choose.
Part III. Things to consider in choosing a Senior High School Strand
Directions: The following are some of the things to consider when choosing a Strand in Senior High School. Kindly put a check mark (/) corresponding to your level of importance. 5 – Very Important 4 – Important 3 – Neutral 2 – Unimportant 1 – Very Unimportant No. Things to consider in choosing a SHS Strand 5 4 3 2 1 1. My grades. 2. My personal interests and passion 3. My academic performance. 4. My ability / talent(s) 5. Financial 6. Tuition fees needed in chosen Strand 7. Teaching style and teaching method used in Senior High School Strand you are considering. 8. Considering the availability of scholarships 9. Considering the location of the Senior High School 10. Considering the long-term career goals when choosing a Senior High School Strand. 11. Academic weaknesses (afraid in reciting, etc.) 12. Academic strengths (can recite in front of people, etc.) 5 4 3 2 1 15. The competence of the teachers is important. 16. The curriculum of the Senior High School Strand. 17. Relevance of my desired Senior High School Strand to my future career plans is important 18. The level of academic support provided by the Senior High School 19. The level of support provided by the Senior High School for students' mental health and well being. 20. The level of support provided by Senior High School for students' physical health. 13. Considering the availability of internship or on-the- job training opportunities when choosing a Senior High School Strand. 14. Availability and quality of the facilities and resources in Senior High School Strand.
Part IV. Preferred / Desired Strand in Senior High School
Directions: Check the appropriate box of your preferred/desired Strand in Senior High School. Kindly answer the question honestly and whole-heartedly. 1. What is your preferred/desired Strand in Senior High School?
☐ Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
☐ Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM)
☐ General Academic Strand (GAS)
☐ Home Economics (HE)
☐ Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
☐ Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)
☐ Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)