Fusée Ceramic Vaults and Domes in The Netherlands: Wim Kamerling

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Fusée Ceramic Vaults and Domes in the Netherlands

Wim KAMERLING Wim Kamerling, born 1950, received

Structural Engineer his structural engineering degree from
the Technical University of
Lecturer Technical University Eindhoven. He worked for D3BN
Delft, Faculty Architecture, Consultants, before becoming lecturer
Delft, The Netherlands at the Technical University of Delft.
[email protected] His main area of research is related to
shells and blobs.

This paper gives an overview of the fusée Ceramique vaults and domes constructed in The
Netherlands just after World War II and describes the technique of construction as well as the
advantages and disadvantages. Using only a minimum of concrete and steel, the environmental load
of the vaults is quite small. Probably this study can contribute to the development of form-active
systems, constructed of varying materials to reduce the environment load of buildings in the next

Keywords: Barrel vaults; domes; ceramic elements; technique of construction; sustainability.

1. Introduction
Nowadays the Fusée Ceramic system seems to be nearly forgotten. Just after World War II this
system was applied successfully in The Netherlands. A fusée is a cylindrical tube of ceramique
which was embedded in concrete walls and roofs, mostly barrel vaults and domes, to reduce weight,
cement and cost. The fusées were patented by the architect Jacques Couëlle. During the fifties of
the twentieth century building industry was booming, the cost of materials were rising and
architects had to find alternatives to save cement and steel. Thanks to the ceramique bottles, the self
weight and the need of mortar could be reduced considerately. Structurally these roofs are designed
very efficient. The fusée barrel vaults are form-
active structures, strengthened with steel ties to
resist the thrust. The concrete roofs are compressed
and the steel ties are tensioned, so both parts are
loaded according to the properties.
Nowadays these buildings seem to be old
fashioned and aesthetically not very interesting.
Nevertheless these buildings are an essential part
of our cultural heritage [1]. It would be a pity in
case all these buildings are pulled down and lost
forever. Especially because we can learn much
from the technique of design and construction.
In this paper attention is given to the sustainability.
In the following decades saving materials will be
Fig.1: Barrel vault, workshop former Military an important issue again to reduce the embodied
complex, Woerden, The Netherlands. energy and the emissions of CO2 , NO and NO2
during the production. Possible these composite
vaults can be developed further to reduce the
environment load of buildings.
2. Historical overview
During the fifties of the twentieth century building industry was booming, consequently the cost of
materials was rising and architects, engineers and contractors had to find alternatives to save cement
and steel. In 1940 the French architect Jacques Couëlle invented a system to built structures of
cylindrical ceramic elements, the so-called Fusées Ceramique, which were laid in concrete walls,
floors and roofs [9]. Jacques Couëlle was inspired by the branches of bamboo, which can be
considered as tubes, stiffened by nodes.
Actually hollow ceramique elements were applied
15 centuries before by the Roman engineers, for
example into the church of San Vitale in Ravenna,
Italy [5]. Nevertheless the joints of fusées ceramique
are without precedent. The bottles had a conical top
to joint the elements by shoving the conical top into
the rear of the next bottle. Thanks to the conical top
these elements could be rotated slightly at the nodes,
so these elements could be applied easily in curved
roofs as barrel vaults and domes. Structurally the
barrel vaults and domes are very sophisticated.
Concrete can resists compression very well, but the
maximum tensile stress is poor. To resist bending
Fig. 2: Comparing the load transfer for an concrete is mostly reinforced, nevertheless the
arch and a reinforced beam. tensioned parts are often cracked. The fusée barrel
vaults can be considered as concrete arches
supported at the ends with steel ties to resist the
thrust. The concrete arches are compressed and the
steel ties are tensioned.
Comparing the load distribution of an arch with a
beam shows the efficiency of the arch using less
material than a beam, see figure 2.
Thanks to the form the concrete vaults were mainly
compressed and not cracked. Consequently for these
roofs the need of maintenance was minimal too.
Already during World War II the advantages of the
Fusées Ceramique were recognized by the army to
built bridges, barracks and shelters.
A large factory was built in Marseille and just after
the war, a lot of the fusées were in stock, ready to
use. Many people had lost their homes and architects,
Fig. 3: Barrel vault for the St. Joseph for example Andre Bruyère and Fernand Pouïllion,
church in Sittard, The Netherlands, 1951 used these elements for temporary houses. In
[10]. Marseille a large resort, the Arenas Camp, was built
for emigrants from North Africa.
Outside France, the fusées were introduced in North Africa too [9]. Especially the improved heat
insulation, due to the hollow core elements, was appreciated, to drop down high temperatures inside
during the summer. A few years later the system was introduced in Belgium and the Netherlands.
A factory ''De N.V. Nederlandse Fusée Ceramique Maatschappij, Nefumij'' was erected in Echt,
which could produce 10 millions of fusées yearly [6]. The technique of engineering and building
was described in journals and technical books [8] and many barrel vaults were made, mostly for
warehouses, factories, garages, swimming pools and churches. For example the St. Joseph church in
Sittard, designed by the architect Huysmans, was roofed with a fusée barrel vault [10], see figure 3.
The fusées were applied in domes too. For example the St. Raphael-Exodus church, designed by the
architect Herman van Wissen was roofed with a dome in 1959 [13], see figure 4. Also the dome
roofing the entrance building of the railway station in Arnhem, designed by Schelling [3], was
constructed with fusées, see figure 5. Recently this station is renewed and the entrance was removed,
probably this pavilion will be rebuilt in a park, Presikhaaf, in the city of Arnhem [12].
During the sixties the cost of labour was rising and roofs of steel and timber became competitive for
low rise buildings, consequently this system was obsolete in the last quarter of the XX century.
Fig. 5: The entrée-building of the station in Arnhem.
This swallow dome is mainly compressed [3].
Fig. 4: Dome, the St. Raphael Exodus
church 1959 [13].

Table 1 shows some vaults and domes built in the Netherlands. Alas most of these buildings are
pulled down. The list is not complete, more research is needed to fill in the missing facts.

Tabel 1: Examples of fusée roofs in the Netherlands

name, location span built Architect pulled down
barrel Kantine Nederlandse Persil mij. pulled down
barrel Sportcomplex BPM Sportpark, de 1953 S. van Riet pulled down
vault Vijfsluizen, Vlaardingen.
3 barrel Ruwgoed magazijn N.V. 16,2 1949 pulled down
vaults Twentsche Stoombleekerij Goor.
2 barrel Exportafdeling N.V. Twentsche 12,6 1953 pulled down
vaults Stoombleekerij Goor`.
barrel Blauwhal, Akcros complex, 22,0 1950 G.Klaarenbeek pulled down
vault Roermond.
barrel de Bonte Kleurenfabriek, Akcros 14,5 1950 G.Klaarenbeek pulled down
vault complex, Roermond.
barrel St Joseph kerk, Sittard. 1951 Huysmans pulled down
vault 2002
barrel Timmerwerkplaats en spuiterij, 1954 will be pulled
vault gebouw Q, Defensieterrein down in 2011
barrel Goederenopslag, Gebouw R, 1954 will be pulled
vault Defensieterrein Woerden. down in 2011
barrel Garage, Oosterhout still in use
dome St Raphael-Exodus kerk, 1959 H. van Wissen still in use
dome Entrée railway station, Arnhem. 8,8 1954 H.G.J.Schelling pulled down

4. The technique of construction

Fusées are cylindrical elements with a length of 350 mm, an outward diameter of 80 mm and a
thickness of 10 mm [6]. To joint the fusées, one of the ends was narrowed conically, to shove this
end into the open rear of a second element. The joints could be rotated slightly to follow the
curvature of a barrel vault. The fusées were embedded in concrete, the construction was as follows:
at first the scaffolding was erected and the mould was greased. A thin layer of about 25 mm of
mortar was poured. Next the elements were made wet and pushed into the mortar with a twist,
starting at the gutter.
At the top the elements were connected with a
tube with open ends at both sides. After finishing
six rows the second layer of mortar was poured.
Sometimes a second and a third layer was made.
The mortar of the second layer is poured when
six rows of fusées are laid on the formwork. The
top layer was smoothened with a straightedge.
The mortar had to be hardened for at least 36
hours before the formwork could be stripped [6].
Sometimes the cost of formwork was decreased
with a sliding mould, which could be moved on
rails to reuse the mould several times.

Fig. 6: Construction of a barrel vault [6].

Fig. 7: Section of a barrel vault showing the formwork and the anchoring of the tie into the edge
beam [5].

5. Form, curvature and dimensions

Generally the barrel vaults were curved according
to a segment of a circle, a parabola or a funicular
line. Mostly the barrel vaults resting on the ground
floor were supported by the foundations. Otherwise
the vaults were supported by walls or frames,
composed of beams and columns. For vaults
resting directly on the foundations the thrust could
be resisted by the foundations or a reinforced
concrete ground floor. The thrusts acting on
vaults, supported by frames or walls, were resisted
by steel bars, generally with a centre to centre
distance of about 1,0 m. The anchoring of the ties
Fig. 8: The workshop of the former military had to be detailed carefully. By preference the
complex 'het Defensie-eiland' in Woerden, the tension rods were connected halfway the height of
roof lights run parallel to the span. the beams to avoid twisting moments [7], see
figure 7.
To enlighten the inner space, roof lights, running parallel to the span of the roof, could be made, as
showed in figure 8.
The number of layers of the fusées was chosen according to the span and load. According to Van
Eck [5] one layer of fusées could be applied for vaults with a span of maximal 15 m. For larger
spans and heavy loads two or three layers were needed, see figure 10. The thickness of the shells
was chosen according to the number of layers. For a vault with one layer a thickness of 110 mm,
with two layers a thickness of 180 mm and for a vault with three layers a thickness of 250 mm was
recommended [6]. Generally the barrel vaults were reinforced, nevertheless some vaults were
constructed without reinforcement, just like vaults of masonry. According to Langejan [6] a barrel
vault with 3 layers of fusées and a span of maximal 15 m could be constructed without
reinforcement. Van Eck[5] recommended a reinforcement of ø6-180 for a span larger than 10 m and
a reinforcement of ø8-180 for a span above 15 m. For reinforced vaults the minimal thickness was
slightly larger. According to the Dutch code of 1950 [2] the minimum covering c on the bars had to
be at least 10 mm for a plate with a thickness of maximal 120 mm. For a vault, reinforced with
rebars positioned between the fusées, the minimal thickness of a vault with one layer of fusées was:

t = 10 + 80 + 10 = 100 mm (1)

For a vault reinforced with distribution bars

ø6 and rebars parallel to the fusées the
minimal thickness of a vault with one layer Doorsnede fuseedak met verspringende wapening.
of fusées had to be: Figure 9. Section barrel vault with one layer of
fusées [8].
t = 10 + 6 + 80 + 6 + 10 = 112 mm (2)

For plates with a thickness of 120 mm or more the coverage c on the rebars must be at least 15 mm
[2]. For a reinforced vault with two layers of fusées the thickness could be reduced in case the
fusées were built in stepwise, see figure 10. The centre to centre distance of the elements had to be
at least 90 mm. The centres of the staggered element could be positioned into an equilateral triangle.
The distance between the horizontal lines through the centres of the layers was equal to 90/2* √3 =
78 mm. Thus for a vault with two layers of staggered fusées the minimum thickness t was about:

t = 15 + 40 + 78 + 40 + 15 ≈ 190 mm (3)

The main reinforcement can be laid between

the fusées, but the distribution bars run
perpendicular to the fusées. If distribution
bars were used then the minimum thickness
of the vault had to be increased with the
diameter of the distribution bars. For a vault Fig. 10. Section barrel vault with two staggered
with two layers of staggered fusées and layers.
distribution bars ø6 the minimum thickness
is equal to:

t = 15 + 6 + 40 + 78 + 40 + 6 +15 = 200 mm (4)

6. Advantages And Disadvantages

During the introduction the benefits of this system were emphasized. Firstly the fusées were applied
to save cement and steel. Due to the booming market for buildings saving materials was an
important issue.
Langejan [6] described the following advantages:
• a reduction of the self weight of 25% -40%;
• saving cement up to 50% -70%;
• an increase of the heat resistance of 30%-40%;
• the uncomplicated construction;
• the formwork can be stripped earlier.
Further Van Eck [5] mentioned the acoustic resistance was practically identical to the acoustic
resistance of massive structures. During the fifties the vaults were made on the site so the
construction was quite labour-intensive. Finally this disadvantage was decisive, during the sixties
the cost of labour increased and this system could not stand the competition with timber and steel

7. Future
Nowadays most roofs are flat, vaults and domes seem to be a relic from the past. Otherwise curved
roofs are very practically to drain rainwater. In the Netherlands every year some flat roofs collapse
due to the accumulation of rainwater. For roofs a swallow curvature is ideal. Structurally concrete
vaults strengthened with steel ties perform very well. The concrete roof is mainly compressed and
the steel ties are tensioned, consequently the materials are loaded according the properties.
Especially for large spans the self weight is a substantial part of the load, so reducing the
dimensions is very profitable. In the future minimizing materials and self weight will be an
important issue again.
Nowadays the better part of the environment load of buildings is caused by the use. Owners has to
reduce the energy needed to heat and cool buildings. At this moment buildings can be constructed
which do not need fossil energy for heating and cooling. Possible in the future buildings can
produce energy. Consequently the contribution of the production of the materials concerning the
environment load will rise. Structures need the better part of the materials, about 60%. In future
structural designers have to reduce the environment load of structures. Reducing the quantity of
cement and steel in concrete will reduce the emissions of NO2, NO and CO2 during the production.
Shells perform very well, the self weight is minimal
and curved roofs drain the rain water very well. The
form and surface active structure can resist heavy
loads. Also the weight of a green roof can be
transferred efficient. The construction of a single or
double curved roof can be expensive in case the roof
is made in situ, mostly because of the cost of the
formwork and scaffolding.
Prefabrication of the shell will reduce the cost of the
formwork considerately. Barrel vaults can be split
easy into transportable prefabricated elements.
Nowadays trucks can transport huge elements and
heavy loads. Further the capacity of cranes is
increased too, so the assembling of huge elements is
not to hard anymore. Barrel vaults can be partitioned
Fig. 11. Workshop roofed with barrel into longitudinal elements, constructed in a
vault, formal military complex known workshop with a sophisticated mould, which can be
as 'het Defensie-eiland' in Woerden, adapted to meet the specific demands of the projects
The Netherlands. concerning curvature and length. A mould for a
circular vault can be reused often even for several
spans provided the radius does not vary.
Structurally the bending moments in a circular vault will be larger than the moments in a parabolic
vault. Consequently the circular vault will need a larger reinforcement, but calculations show that
the bending moments are not very large. Reusing a circular mould with constant radius will be cost
effective and compensate the cost of the reinforcement needed to resist the bending moments due to
the difference of the line of the system and line of thrust. Probably prefabricated barrel vaults are
competitive, especially in case the permanent load is substantial, for example if the roof is loaded
by solar panels or vegetation.

8. Conclusions
In the following decades minimizing the embodied energy needed to produce building materials
will be an important issue. Form-active structures can be dimensioned very slender, for roofs these
structures can be competitive again, especially in case the structure is prefabricated. The self weight
of structures can be reduced with light infill elements further. The Fusée Ceramique system shows
the advantages of structural elements composed of varying materials to create light structures.
Learning from this system is inspiring and will be helpfully to create composite structures meeting
the demands of the future.

9 References
[1] ARENDS G.J.: Waardering Fuséedaken op het Akcroscomplex te Roermond, Technical
University of Delft, Faculty of Architecture, Delft, 2000.
[2] BISH J.F.: Gewapend beton voorschriften 1950, 2th edition, L.J.Veen uitgevers maatschappij:
Amsterdam, 1950.
[3] BRAAKSMA and ROOS, Stationskoepel Arnhem Studie naar het herplaatsen van de
stationskoepel te Arnhem, Den Haag, 2009.
[4] DAM L., KLAASSEN A.,MEIJER E., KOOPMANS M., BRAK P.: Defensie-eiland,
Bescherm de toekomst, Stichting Hugo Kotenstein: Woerden, 2007.
[5] ECK P.J.W. van and J.F.BISH J.F.: Het Fuseedak, Cement, No. 6 ,1954, p. 240-243.
[6] LANGEJAN A.: Fusees Ceramiques, een nieuw bouwmateriaal, Bouw, 1949, p. 518-520.
[7] TOETER H.H.: Paddestoelen voor de bouw van textielmagazijnen te Goor, Cement No.5,
1953, p.177-184.
[8] VRIEND J.J.: Bouwen, Handboek voor de praktijk van het bouwen, Kosmos, Amsterdam
1955, p.134-135.
[9] http://www.archivesnationales.culture.gouv.fr/camt/fr/expositions/old/00_09_15-
00_12_15_Jacques_couelle/expocouelle10.html webside archives nationals visited 20.4.2010
[10] http://www.kerkgebouwen-in-limburg.nl/view.jsp?content=802 webside Kerkgebouwen in
Limburg, visited on 20.4.2010.
[11] http://labyrinthe.revues.org/index1360.html, webside Labyrinthe; VIRGINIE THIERY:
Jaques Couelle: quand l'Architecture se revele sculpture, Labyrinthe 12 (2002), visited on
[12] http://www.presikhaaf.info/ webside city of Arnhem, visited on 21.4.2010.
[13] http://www.Raphael-exodus.nl/ webside st.Raphael-exodus kerk, visited on 20.4.2010.

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