Regional Virtual Training

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Sir Bebet: Brian Herbert once said and I quote/ “The capacity to learn is a gift;

/the ability to learn is a skill; / the willingness to learn is a choice.” /

Good morning Mimaropa! /Good morning Partner! I am Rennyll C. Cayabo from

Schools Division of Puerto Princesa City.

Sandy: Good morning Sir Rennyll! /Good morning Schools Division of Puerto

Princesa City/ and Palawan! I am Sandy Jane P. Bacalangco from Schools Division

of Palawan, and we are your host for today.

It’s an exciting Monday as the Multigrade teachers chose to be with us at this


Sir Bebet: Yes, and rest assured/ that they will be full with learnings /and new

experience from our highly knowledgeable resource speakers. /

Sandy: To begin with let us familiarized ourselves / with the The 7 Rules of Virtual

Meeting Etiquette / Every Professional Should Know

Sir Bebet: While virtual meetings / have likely been a part of your daily work

routine/ for some time now, / it’s still easy to fall victim/ to some major meeting

faux pas. / Virtual meeting etiquette / is a whole new ball game/ compared to in-

person meetings, / as many folks are learning/ this past few months.
Sandy: To help you keep your meetings and trainings productive/ and

professional, / follow these seven/ simple virtual meeting etiquette rules and tips.

Bebet: 1. Leave the keyboard alone, pick up your notebook and pen/ to take

meeting notes instead. /

Sandy: Dress appropriately. Take a few minutes/ to throw on a clean shirt /and

brush your hair.

Bebet: Be aware of your surroundings. make sure your background is professional

/ and work appropriate!

Sandy: 4. Mute your microphone/ when you’re not talking.

Bebet: 5. Speak up. When you hop on the meeting, /introduce yourself and say hi

/– just make sure/ not to interrupt someone mid-sentence.

Sandy: No food allowed. /Try to eat a snack /before your virtual meeting.

Bebet: . Stay seated and stay present. Happy Leaning!

Sandy: Recently, the world faced detrimental issues because of the rampant spread

of Coronavirus diseases (COVID 19) all over the world, and the Philippines is not

exempted. It has done excessive damage on our economic status and even on our

Educational System.
Sir Bebet: However, / the Department of Education (DepEd) is certain to its vision/

to provide quality education to every learner/ no matter what the situation is.

Sandy: To respond to the current situation/ brought by this pandemic, this training

focuses on the Multigrade Learning Continuity Plan/ of the Regional Multigrade

Education /carefully presented to the Director and other concerned individuals,

Sir Bebet: in order to benefit our multigrade teacher/s in far flung areas for the

smooth sailing of multigrade education.

Sandy and Bebet: Welcome to the REGIONAL VIRTUAL ORIENTATION /AND




Bebet: To formally open today’s virtual training, /let us ask God’s guidance and

providence/ as we offer our earnest prayer with a video presentation.

Sandy: This will then be followed by the singing of the National Anthem/ and

MIMAROPA March. Let us sing with great pride and joy in our hearts.

Bebet: Once again good morning! / It’s great knowing that DepEd hasn’t stopped

working /to meet the demands of the new normal specially/ in the Multigrade


Sandy: Yes, partner! /And we congratulate the Regional Office/ to come up with a
well-developed Multigrade Learning Continuity Plan /and this very timely virtual

training to equipped our Multigrade Teachers /as they face the challenges of the

current education scenario.

Bebet: And to grace todays activity, / we will be a hearing a warm message from a

dignified woman/ whose love and passion for Multigrade Education never ceases, /

here’s our very own /Chief Curriculum Learning and Management Division,

Maam Mariflor B. Musa.


Bebet: Wow! /That was a very uplifting message/ coming from our Chief.

Sandy: Yes Sir! Indeed, that was so nice.

Now, to further lighten up the environment/ and acquaint us with other

participants, /let’s hear it from our very diligent and dedicated Education Program

Supervisor - Mulltigrade Education/ from Schools Division of Palawan and Puerto

Princesa City, Maam Clemencia A. Paduga and Maam Marites Arenio.


Sandy: Thank you our dearest Education Program Supervisors.

Bebet: An author once said/ that the survival rate of your passion /depends on the

kind of person that leads you! /

Sandy: I can’t agree more to that Sir! /And speaking of passion, / our today’s

facilitators share/ the same passion we have. /This event would not be possible

without them. / And trust me, we have the best at hand.

Bebet: And to present them to us, / let us give it up for the busiest person we know,

/who’s the brain and heart of today’s activity, /our tireless and highly proficient, /

Education Program Supervisor II /kindergarten, / SPED, Multigrade/ CLMD, Sir

Hajji R. Palmero.


Sandy: Wow! Assuredly, / I can say that we are in the right place, / at the right

time /and with the best people.

Bebet: Best people? /I’m sure you will be glad to meet these scholars/who had

strived hard/ to excel in their chosen endeavor. / Let us get to meet as they will be

presented by our dearest Education Program Supervisor II /kindergarten, / SPED,

Multigrade/ CLMD, Sir Hajji R. Palmero.


Bebet: Great! / Now, I am more dedicated to work hard, / who knows, /someday,

my name might also be included.

Sandy: Yes, Sir, that is not far from reality /and I’ll wait for that day to come. /

Mentioning the right place, right time and the right people, there could no one be

right/ aside from her to share an inspiring message to everyone. / Let’s lend some

ears for this very distinguished lady, /with so much passion for Education, our

exceptional OIC, Office of the Assistant Regional Director, Atty. Suzette

Gannaban Medina.


Bebet: That was a moving message. / Indeed, / I am very privilege to be on

this training. /

Sandy: Yes Sir. / It’s a full packed Monday morning/ since we have the presence

of these prime individuals /who are the pillars of Education in our Region. /

Bebet: I might say, /I won’t be ever tired/ of hearing words of wisdom from them. /

Sandy: Me, too. /Most of us really need such words/ to change our day and our

lives as a whole. / Don’t worry Sir, / there’s more. /To encourage, /motivate /and to

inspire us more this morning, /we are very blessed/ to have this amazing person

with us. /

Bebet: This person has unwavering commitment /towards education /and is

passionate in promoting quality service/ to our school children, the voice /and hope
of our learners /and teachers, /our very own, Regional Director of the

MIMAROPA Region, /Sir Benjamin D. Paragas, CESO V.


Sandy: Truly, / as Multigrade teachers /those are the words we need to keep going.

/Thank you, Sir!

Bebet: That is very true, /Maam. /As multigrade teachers /you need to exert more

effort /specially during this pandemic.

Sandy: This virtual training /is indeed very helpful /because it will prepare us for

the forthcoming opening of classes. / And I am very much excited/ to listen to our

next speaker.

Bebet: I /fell the same way, too. /I am currently preparing myself/ to digest all the

ideas from him. / So without further ado, / let’s give our virtual resonating

applause /to our ever supportive, CLMD Education Program Supervisor in

Multigrade, / SPED /and Kindergarten, / Sir Hajji Palmero /as he introduced /to us

our key note speaker.

(Sir Hajji and Key Note Speaker)

Sandy: Thank you Sir! / That was a very relevant message. / (insert quote from

Bebet: Yes, Partner, / what you have mentioned is right. /Actually, / I had my cup

/filled once again.

Sandy: We are all thankful for this day /to have given the opportunity /to grow


Bebet: Partner, /we should recognize the team behind this /who invested too much

time and energy/ in order to make this event a success.

Sandy: Let’s give a well deserve virtual round of applause /for our assiduous,

/untiring and dedicated/ Program Management Team, /Dr. Benjamin D. Paragas,

CESO V, Director IV, Regional Office.

Bebet: Atty, Suzette Gannaban-Medina, / Chief Administrative Officer, /OIC,

Office of the Asst. Regional Director

Sandy: Maam Mariflor B. Musa, / Chief, /Curriculum Learning and Management


Bebet: And Sir Hajji R. Palmero, / Education Program Supervisor II /– Multigrade,

/SPED and Kindergarten

Sandy: Of course, /to our dedicated and hardworking /Schools Division Office

Supervisors for Multigrade Education, /

Dr. Joey Gutierrez, SDO Calapan City.

Bebet: Mr. John Chavez, /SDO Marinduque, / Mrs. Jovita Paquibot, /SDO

Occidental Mindoro

Sandy: Mrs. Haide C. Paduga, /SDO Orriental Mindoro, / Mrs. Clemencia Paduga,

SDO Palawan

Bebet: Mrs. Marites Arenio/, SDO Puerto Princesa City /and Mr. Jordan Solatorio,

/SDO Romblon

Sandy: We would also like/ to acknowledge the support /of our distinguished/ and

competent/ Schools Division Superintendents, /Maam Laida Mascarinas from SDO

Calapan City, /

Bebet: Dr. Elsie T. Barrios, / SDO Marinduque

Sandy: Roger Capa, /CESO VI, SDO Occidental Mindoro

Bebet: Maam Susana M. Bautista , /SDO Oriental Mindoro

Sandy: Dr. Natividad Baybay, /CESO VI SDO Palawan

Bebet: Servillano Arzaga, /CESO V /SDO Puerto Princesa City

Sandy: and Maria Luisa Servando, CESO VI/ SDO Romblon

Bebet: Let’s not forget/ our ever supportive /Curriculum Learning /Management

Division Program Supervisors, / Maam Edna C. Oabel – English

Sandy: Mr Danilo C. Padilla /– Mathematics

Bebet: Dr. Melbert Broqueza /– Science

Sandy: Dr. Freddie Rey Ramirez – /AP, Learning Resources

Bebet: Dr. Jean Lasquite /– ALS

Sandy: Mr. Roger Falcutila – /Filipino, MTB and ESP

Bebet: Maam Annabelle Marmol/ – MAPEH

Sandy: Aurora Caguia /– EPP/TLE

Bebet; and Dr. Hajji R. Palmero /– Kindergarten/Multigrade/Special Education

Sandy; To everyone /who have worked hard for this, /thank you and


Bebet; Allow us to share /a very encouraging quotation/ form Diane M. Guillano,

/it says, We are all teacher/ and we are all students. /We all have something to

give/ and we all have something to share. “ /

Sandy: Wow Sir! Encouraging, indeed! They say /too much is not good/ but not at

this moment. /We still have more to learn/ while we are in this training.
Bebet: To give us a clear vision/ of what will happen on this virtual training /lets

again give a virtual applause CLMD Education Program Supervisor in

Multigrade, / SPED /and Kindergarten, for Dr. Hajji Palmero as he presents to us

the Online Training Direction.

Sandy: Now /we are much guided. /Folks, /be ready to empty your cups /as we go

on with this virtual training. /

Sandy: Now, /this very competent partner of mine when it comes to hosting, / Mr.

Rennyll C. Cayabo, Teacher III from the Schools Division of Puerto Princesa City,

will give us the levelling of expectation.

Bebet: Thank you very much Ma’am Sandy. You’re a great partner and I am very

honored to be with you this morning. I am looking forward to work with you again

in the future. To everyone who spend their time with us, thank you very much!

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