Problem Set 8: Solutions: University of Alabama Department of Physics and Astronomy PH 253 / Leclair Fall 2010

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University of Alabama

Department of Physics and Astronomy

PH 253 / LeClair Fall 2010

Problem Set 8: Solutions

1. Transitions occur in an atom between an l = 3 and an l = 2 state in a field of B = 0.2 T. If the
wavelength before the field was turned on was 400 nm, determine the final wavelengths observed.

Solution: 400±0.00149, 400 nm

2. Calculate the frequency at which an electron’s orbital magnetic moment µ precesses in a

magnetic field B. Hint: open your PH106 book and look at the torque on a magnetic moment.
This phenomenon is known as Larmor precession.

Solution: eB/2m

3. For l = 3, calculate the possible angles ~

L makes with the z axis.


Lz ml {3, 2, 1}
| sin θ| = =p =√ = {16.8◦ , 35.3◦ , 60◦ } (1)
L| l(l + 1) 3×4

4. (a) What is the energy difference (in eV) between two electron spin orientations when the
electrons are in a magnetic field of 0.5 T? (b) What wavelength of radiation could cause the electrons
to “flip” their spins?

Solution: 58 µeV, 2.14 cm

5. Estimate the strength of the magnetic field produced by the electron’s orbital motion which
results in the two sodium D lines (588.995 nm and 589.592 nm).

Solution: This is an example problem in your textbook. The transition occurs between an L = 1
state and an L = 0 state; only the L = 1 state will split due to the spin-orbit interaction. The
difference in energy between the L = 1, ms = 12 and L = 1, ms = − 12 states will be ∆E = 2µB B in an
effective magnetic field B. The energy difference can also be equated to the wavelength difference,
using the relationship given in problem 8:

1 1 hc|∆λ|
∆E = E(ms = ) − E(ms = − ) ≈ = 2µB B (2)
2 2 λ2
Solving for B, with ∆λ = 589.592−588.995 ≈ 0.597 nm and λ = (589.592+588.995)/2 ≈ 589.294 nm,

hc∆λ (1240 eV · nm) (0.597 nm)

B= = ≈ 18.4 T (3)
2µB λ 2
2 (57.9 × 10−6 eV/T) (589.592 nm)2

6. Neglecting spin, in a strong external magnetic field of 5 T, determine the lines resulting from
the 2p → 1s transition (λo = 121.0 nm) in hydrogen. Provide a sketch of the energy levels and their
ml values.

Solution: The 2p level has l = {−1, 0, 1}, and the levels of different l will experience a Zeeman
splitting and shift their energies by lµB B. Thus, what is a single energy level in zero magnetic field
becomes three distinct levels in a non-zero magnetic field, with energies

Eo , Eo ± µ B B (4)

where Eo = hc/λo . The 1s level has only l = 0, and thus experiences no Zeeman splitting. The new
transitions thus have energies Eo , Eo ± µB B rather than just Eo , so the new wavelengths are

hc hc
λ= λo , , ≈ {121.0, 121.003, 120.997} nm (5)
Eo − µ B B Eo + µ B B

7. Multiplicity of atomic magnetic moments. Calculate the magnetic moments that are possible
for the n = 3 level of Hydrogen, making use of the quantization of angular momentum. You may
neglect the existence of spin. Compare this with the Bohr prediction for n = 3.

Solution: The magnetic moment can be related to the total orbital angular momentum:

e ~ |~
|~µ| = − |L| = −µB (6)
2me h

In turn, we know how the magnitude of ~

L depends on l:

L| = l (l + 1)h (7)

So in general the moments will be

|~µ| = −µB
l (l + 1) (8)

 √ √
For n = 3, we may have l = {0, 1, 2}, so this gives |~µ| = 0, − 2, − 6 µB .
In the Bohr model, our general relationship between ~
L and ~µ remains valid, but angular momentum
is not given by a separate quantum number (the Bohr model has only the principle quantum number
n), but simply by L = nh. Thus, the moment for a given n in the Bohr model is single-valued, and
given by

|~µBohr | = −µB = −nµB (9)

The Bohr model is in sharp disagreement with the full quantum solution.

8. Transitions in a magnetic field. Transitions occur in an atom between l = 2 and l = 1 states

in a magnetic field of 0.6 T, obeying the selection rules ∆ml = 0, ±1. If the wavelength before the
field was turned on was 500.0 nm, determine the wavelengths that are observed. You may find the
following relationship useful:

λ2 ∆E
∆λ = (10)

Recall that the Zeeman effect changes the energy of a single-electron atom in a magnetic field by
∆E = ml B with ml = −l, −(l − 1), . . . , 0, . . . , l − 1, l (11)

For convenience, note that eh/2me = µB ≈ 57.9 µ eV/T, and neglect the existence of spin.

Solution: In a magnetic field B, the energy levels for a given l state will split according to their
value of ml . If the original energy of the level is El , then the original level will be split symmetrically
into 2l + 1 sub-levels, with adjacent levels shifted by µB B:

El,ml = El + ml µB B (12)

This is shown schematically below for l = 2 and l = 1 levels. The l = 2 level has possible ml values
of ml = {−2, −1, 0, 1, 2}, and thus in a magnetic field B what was a single level is now 5 individual
levels. For l = 1, we have ml values of only ml = {−1, 0, 1}, and the original level becomes a triplet
upon applying a magnetic field.
Before calculating anything, we can apply the dipole selection rules, which states that ml can
change by only 0, ±1. This means that, for example, from the l = 2, ml = 1 level an electron may
“jump” to the any of the l = 1, ml = {2, 1, 0} levels. On the other hand, from l = 2, ml = 2 level
an electron may only jump to the l = 1, ml = 1 level. Following these rules, we see from the figure
above that there are only 9 possible transitions allowed. Further, noting that the levels are equally
spaced, we have in fact only three different transition energies.
B=0 B �= 0
l=2 0

l=1 0

Figure 1: Allowed transitions from l = 2 to l = 1 with a magnetic field applied.

The spacing between the levels ∆Eo is the Zeeman energy given above, ∆Eo = µB B. From our
schematic above, it is clear that the only possible transition energies in a magnetic field are the
original transition energy (no change in ml ), or the original transition energy plus or minus ∆Eo
(ml changes by ±1). The original transition energy Eo is readily found from the given wavelength
λ = 500 nm:

Eo = ≈ 2.5 eV (13)

Thus, the new transition energies must be

Eo 7−→ {Eo − ∆Eo , Eo , Eo + ∆Eo } = {Eo − µB B, Eo , Eo + µB B} (14)

That is, the original transition energy plus two new ones. We can easily convert these two new
energies into two new wavelengths by the energy-wavelength relationship E = hc/λ. However, this
does require some numerical precision (i.e., carrying at least 7-8 digits in your calculations, and
knowing the requisite constants to commensurate precision), and it is somewhat easier to simply
calculate the change in energy by itself. Since we know the energy changes by ±∆Eo , using the
formula given we have

λ2 ∆Eo λ2 µB B
∆λ = = ≈ 0.007 nm (15)
hc hc

The shift in energy of ∆Eo implies a shift in wavelength of ∆λ ≈ 0.007 nm, meaning the new
transitions must be at the original wavelength λ plus or minus ∆λ:

λ 7−→ {λ − ∆λ, λ, λ + ∆λ} = {499.994, 500.000, 500.007} nm (16)

9. Dipole selection rules.

(a) For hydrogen, the energy levels through n = 3 are shown below. What are the possible electric
dipole transitions for these states? It may be convenient to simply draw arrows in the diagram.
Recall the “selection rules” for electric dipole transitions, ∆l = ±1. Spin may be ignored.
(b) Repeat for para- and ortho-helium, also shown below, treating both as distinct atoms.i
0 4s 4p 4d 4f 4p 4d 4f
4s n=4
3s 3p 3d 3p 3d n=3
2p n=2
S P D 2s 2p
l=0 l=1 l=2 2s
E (eV)

−3.4 n=2

Parahelium Orthohelium
E (eV)

-10 S=0 S=1


1s ground state n=1

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
−13.6 n=1
Problem 9. (left) Energy levels of H through n = 3, neglecting spin. (right) Energy levels of para- and ortho- He through
n = 4.

Solution: You can change as many levels at a time as you like (i.e., move up or down arbitrarily),
but the ∆l = ±1 selection rule means you can must move one (and only one) unit to the left or right
to make a transition. Thus, the problem is reduced to drawing lines in the figures given. Note that
with the energy scales given, not all of the transitions are in the visible range – the longest lines
will be in the ultraviolet, the shortest in the infrared (or microwave, for closely-spaced He levels).
Two types of helium: para-helium, with the two electron spins parallel (S = 0), and ortho-helium, with the two
electron spins antiparallel (S = 1). According to the dipole selection rules, helium atoms cannot change by a radiative
process from one to the other, as this would not conserve angular momentum, so ortho- and para-helium behave
largely as distinct atoms. (Forbidden transitions are not strictly forbidden, but violating the selection rules incurs a
cost of ∼ 105 in transition probability).

As the energy level diagram shows, the lowest state corresponds to para-helium, and the next highest excited
state ortho-helium. The ortho-helium excited state can be reached by electrical discharge excitation, a non-radiative
process (i.e., not obeying the same selection rules.) This excited state is very long lived (∼ 10 ms) because returning
to the ground state would violate selection rules.
For the very closely-spaced levels (e.g., 3p and 3d) the transitions for He have been omitted for
clarity; the diagram quickly becomes quite complicated!

l=0 l=1 l=2
−1.5 n=3
E (eV)


−13.6 n=1

Two types of helium: para-helium, with the two electron spins parallel (S = 0), and ortho-helium, with the two
electron spins antiparallel (S = 1). According to the dipole selection rules, helium atoms cannot change by a radiative
process from one to the other, as this would not conserve angular momentum, so ortho- and para-helium behave
largely as distinct atoms. (Forbidden transitions are not strictly forbidden, but violating the selection rules incurs a
cost of ∼ 105 in transition probability).

As the energy level diagram shows, the lowest state corresponds to para-helium, and the next highest excited
state ortho-helium. The ortho-helium excited state can be reached by electrical discharge excitation, a non-radiative
process (i.e., not obeying the same selection rules.) This excited state is very long lived (∼ 10 ms) because returning
to the ground state would violate selection rules.
0 4s 4p 4d 4f 4p 4d 4f
4s n=4
3s 3p 3d 3p 3d n=3
2p n=2
2s 2p
E (eV)

Parahelium Orthohelium
-10 S=0 S=1

1s ground state n=1

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

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