Caged Warrior Unit

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The story introduces the main character M.D. and establishes that he is a skilled MMA fighter who competes to earn money for himself and his family. His father pushes him to fight and keeps most of the earnings.

Some of the main characters introduced are M.D., his father Mr. Daniels, Gemma, Kaitlyn, Seizure, Nate Neck, Klowner, Willie the Weasel, and Mr. Freedman. M.D. is the protagonist and skilled MMA fighter. His father trains him and pushes him to fight. Gemma and Kaitlyn are his friends. Seizure, Nate Neck, and Klowner are other fighters. Willie the Weasel and Mr. Freedman also play supporting roles.

M.D. faces physical challenges in his MMA fights where he is often outmatched. He also faces emotional challenges as his father is demanding and keeps most of the money M.D. earns. M.D. wants to go to a better school but his father pushes him to keep fighting.

Caged Warrior

By Alan Lawrence Sitomer

Unit Plan
Mrs. Hedstrom
Name: _______________

Character List:

1. McCutcheon Daniels:
2. Gemma:
3. “Demon”Daniels:
4. Mr. Freedman:
5. Willie the Weasel:
6. Nate Neck:
7. Klowner:
8. Silverio “Seizure” DeSilva:
9. Mrs. Notley:
10. Kaitlyn Cummings:
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapter 1

Directions: Answer all questions using page numbers and evidence from the text.

1. At which sport does the narrator excel?


2. Why does MD’s believe his actions do not make him a Savage or a Mutt?


3. Who are the Priests? What literary device is their name?


4. Why does MD prolong his fight until the second round, when he could have won it in the first
5. Why does the narrator’s father “smash him across” the face after the fight is over? What
character trait did MD demonstrate towards his opponent?
6. How much money does MD’s fight make? How much does MD’s father give him?
7. What do you think Mr. Daniels does with the rest of the money?

8. What does Mr. Daniels say to MD at the close of the chapter? Do you think he means it? Why or
why not?
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapter 2

1. Describe Damien “Demon” Daniels. Give at least 5 facts from the reading.
2. Is Mr. Daniels a good father? Why or Why not?


3. Why does MD tell his sister that they have to be “so tough”?
4. Describe MD and Gemma’s home life. What is their apartment like?
5. What is MD’s schedule every day? Do you think that you could handle his schedule?
6. When MD offers to take Gemma for pizza, what spoils their plan?
7. How much money did MD’s last fight make? Hypothesize where that money went.
8. What is Gemma’s reaction to the spoiled plan? What does her reaction tell you about her life?

9. Circle all of the following words that would describe the narrator:

Greedy honorable tough kind

Selfish Uncaring Prideful compassionate

10. Based on your answers above, write a character analysis (description) of McCutcheon. Be sure
to support your statements with examples from the text.
Name:___________________ Date: ___________

Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapter 3

1. Describe MD’s high school? How does it compare to this school?

2. Why is Mr. Freedman proud of MD?
3. What event does Mr. Freedman ask MD to attend that evening? Why?
4. How many spots are available at the Charter School? How many students would like
those spots?
5. Why does MD think that Mr. Freedman sees potential in him? What are some of the
traits that MD demonstrates in class/school?
6. Why does MD sometimes try to “sneak through without all of” his gear?
7. According to MD, what does getting hit teach a fighter?
8. Why does MD refuse to “back down from the beating”?
9. Who is Silverio “Seizure” DeSilva? Why does he get extra rough with MD when they spar?
10. What are Seizure and MD on an “eventual collision course” for?
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapter 4

1. What information does MD find out at school the day after the Charter School
2. Is he excited by this new opportunity? Why or Why Not?
3. What goal of MD’s could this opportunity help MD accomplish?
4. What does Mr. Daniels want MD to do for 11th grade?
5. Why is MD going along with his father’s demands, when there is a better way for
him to accomplish his goals?
6. What injury does MD receive during his fight with Beard Man?
7. Why do you think the author of this novel chooses to have Mr. Daniels use so much
profanity? Do you think it is meant to show anything about his character?
8. How much money does Mr. Daniels receive as a result of MD’s win? How much of
that money does he give to MD?
9. In your opinion, should MD keep fighting for his father? Why or why not?
10. If you were MD, would you go to the Charter School? Why or Why not?
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 5-8

1. Why do you think that Mr. Daniels wants MD to become a world champion in MMA? Is
this really for MD’s future or are his motives selfish? Support your opinion with text
based evidence.
2. In Chapter 6, why is MD failing all of his afternoon classes?
3. Why do you think that Mrs. Notley wants MD to attend her school, even though he has
failing grades?
4. Why does MD agree to visit Radiance when he clearly stated previously that he was not
interested in attending the school?
5. In Chapter 7, what is the Radiance School Motto?
6. What are some of the benefits that MD would receive from attending Radiance?
7. Describe the class that MD observes at Radiance. Would you find this class interesting?
Why or why not?
8. In Chapter 8, Kaitlyn takes MD on a tour of Radiance. MD is normally a very mature and
honorable character, however, in this chapter, he acts petty and childish. What are
some of the behaviors that are uncharacteristic of MD? Why do you think he acted this
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 9-10

1. Why was the “trickle-down theory” not trickling down?

2. How is MD’s next fight different from the ones that we have read about in previous
3. Why is MD so brutal in the second fight of the night? Usually, he gives a fighter time to
tap out instead of causing serious injury to his opponent. In this fight, he injures the man
after the tap out. Why is this fight different?
4. Why does the situation in question 3 make MD ill? What does he worry about?
5. How does MD finally challenge his father? What is the result?
6. In chapter 10, MD says “Underground cage fighting…was like riding a motorcycle in the
rain at high speeds while weaving in and out of traffic. It wasn’t a question of if I was
going to crash; only a matter of when.” Explain the quote and identify which literary
device is used.
7. Parallelism is a literary device that uses similar words and phrases to match or contrast
ideas. What is the example of parallelism presented on pages 92 and 93. Focus on the
conversations that MD has with Gemma and Mr. Freedman.
8. Do you think that Mr. Freedman has anything to do with MD winning the scholarship to
Radiance? Why or why not?
9. How does Mrs. Notley earn MD’s respect?
10. Describe MD’s mother. Was she similar or different from MD’s father?
11. Hypothesize why MD’s mother left the family. Do you think that she really didn’t “want
him” and Gemma anymore?
12. How does MD feel about Kaitlyn?
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 11-13

1. According to MD, how do Mr. Daniels and MD’s grandfather view women? Do you think
MD agrees with them? Why or Why not?
2. When MD speaks to Mr. Freedman in Chapter 12, do you think Mr. Freedman knows
MD is not a skateboarder? How do you know?
3. Why does Mr. Freedman keep seeking out MD?
4. Why does MD allow Mr. Freedman to take him and Gemma out to eat?
5. In Chapter 13, Mr. Freedman tells MD that sometimes “you just gotta believe”. What is
he referring to?
6. Mr. Freedman tells MD a story that shocks him. Summarize what happened to Mr.
Freedman because of the Priests.
7. Based on this story, hypothesize why Mr. Freedman would risk another tangle with MD
when he knows the Priests could find out.
8. Did Mr. Freedman’s conversation change MD’s mind at all? How do you know?
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 14-15

1. Who are the next two fighters that MD will face? Where are they from?
2. Why is Mr. Daniels so excited about this next fight?
3. How does Mr. Daniels react when MD brings up school?
4. Find the example of irony contained in the conversation that MD and his father have
regarding school and MD’s opportunities.
5. Why does Mr. Daniels slap MD?
6. In Chapter 15, some Radiance students begin to harass Kaitlyn. How does MD handle
the situation?
7. What is the lesson from Sun Tzu that MD tells Kaitlyn?
8. Is MD angry at his mother? What is his hope for the future?
9. Why does MD believe his mother left? Do you agree?
10. Why doesn’t MD want to be different?
11. What project does Kaitlyn say she needs to complete to help her win the Archer Award?
12. Who does MD see outside of Radiance? Who is he worried may be unsafe?
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 16-18

1. What are two things that Razor is doing that are giving him an advantage over MD?
2. What does Mr. Daniels want MD to do? Will MD do it?
3. Who does Mr. Daniels point out in the crowd? Why?
4. Does MD win or lose?
5. What was the “most vivid image” from the night? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
6. How does MD feel about himself at the end of the chapter?
7. In Chapter 17, describe the conflict that erupts between MD and his father.
8. Who stops the conflict? Why?
9. After yelling at Mr. Freedman, where does MD go?
10. How does Kaitlyn react when MD approaches her? Why?
11. Who is MD angry with?
12. At the conclusion of the chapter, how does Mr. Daniels try to ensure that MD fights
The Brooklyn Beast?
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 19-20
1. MD goes on an exhausting search for Gemma. When he is unable to locate her, to
whom does he turn for help?
2. In Chapter 20, what are the two conditions that the character referred to in number
one requests, in order to help MD?
3. What does Mr. Freedman say is the only way to “smoke out all the players”?
4. What does MD do that finally makes him feel at ease enough to get some rest?
5. Why doesn’t The Beast attend the fight?
6. Who is in MD’s corner?
7. Who does MD have to fight in the cage?
8. What code of MMA does this fight violate?
9. Why does MD think his opponent agreed to this fight?
10. Who does MD see sitting with the High Priest?
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 21-23

1. Who is winning the fight between MD and Seizure?

2. Why does MD feel that Seizure does not want a quick Round 1 victory?
3. What does Mr. Daniels say to MD to make angry?
4. In Chapter 22, why is the RNC so dangerous?
5. What important information does Mr. Freedman give to MD after the second round?
6. Why did MD’s mother “leave”?
7. Why do you think MD chooses to continue the fight after speaking to Mr. Freedman?
8. In Chapter 23, who wins the fight? Why?
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 24-25

1. What does Seizure give MD? Why?

2. Does this change your opinion of Seizure? Why or why not?
3. Why does Mr. Freedman believe that MD and his family are safe from the Priests?
4. Why does Mr. Freedman apologize to MD? How does MD feel?
5. How does Kaitlyn win the Archer Award?
6. Why does Mr. Freedman say he wants to continue teaching at Fenkell High instead of
Radiance Academy?
7. What does that tell you about Mr. Freedman’s character?
8. What two things does Mr. Freedman ask MD to do to “pay him back” for his help with
The Priests?
9. How has MD’s home life changed now that he is living with his mother?
10. How does MD feel about Kaitlyn now?
11. Who are Mr. A and Mr. B?
12. What tragic information do Mr. A and Mr. B give to MD?
13. Who broke the terms of the agreement that Mr. Freedman brokered with the Priests?
14. What do Mr. A and Mr. B want MD to do? Why?
15. Who is D’Marcus Rose?
16. Why does MD decide to disappear?
17. Will Kaitlyn be safe?
18. List two major themes for this novel.
19. Did you enjoy reading this book? Why or why not?
20. What was your favorite part or your least favorite part of the novel?

Find out what happens to MD in book 2. Noble Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer

Mrs. Ward will give you a free copy!

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Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Literary Devices Review

In the novel Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer, there are many examples of similes,
metaphors and hyperbole.

Simile: is a comparison of two unlike things using the words like or as.

EX: Suzanne’s hair is as bright as the sun.

Metaphor: is a direct comparison; a comparison of two unlike things without using like or as.

EX: Suzanne’s hair is the sun.

Hyperbole: an exaggeration of the facts.

EX: I have told you ten million times to do your homework!!!

Identify each of the examples from the novel below as either: simile, metaphor or hyperbole.

1. __________ I watched as the syringe...disappeared into my flesh, and shot streams

of liquid fire up my nerve endings.
2. __________ Basically, I’m a street mutt.
3. __________ My body was a weapon poised to strike.
4. __________ Like a cougar I was on him, my knees pinned to his shoulders…
5. __________ In D-Town…(there are) too many monsters to count.
6. __________ To have a kid like me knock him from Detroit to Pluto was a big blow
to his ego.
7. __________ Underground cage fighting was like riding a motorcycle at high speeds
while weaving in and out of stop and go traffic.
8. __________ We were trapped like rats in a cage.
9. __________ The fight with the beast will be a war for the ages.
10. __________ Razor…roared like a lion.
11. __________ I was warring a greased up wolverine.
12. __________ He played me like an XBOX.
Name: ____________________ Date: __________________

Final Exam: Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer

Part 1: Matching: Match the following characters with the correct descriptions.

1. _____ Kaitlyn A. Persnickety; used to getting her way

2. _____ Seizure B. Bam Bam
3. _____ McCutcheon C. Gets Gemma in Radiance Academy
4. _____ Nate Neck D. In kindergarten
5. _____ Mr. Freedman E. Low Level Priest
6. _____ D’Marcus Rose F. Speaks with a stutter
7. _____ Mrs. Notley G. Is embarrassed that Bam Bam knocked him out
8. _____ Mr. Daniels H. FBI and was in Wit Sec (Witness Protection)
9. _____ Willie the Weasel I. High Priest
10. _____ Gemma J. Washed up, old, boxer

Part 2: Multiple-Choice: Cirlce the best answer for each question below based on your
knowledge of the novel.

11. The setting of the story is in:

a. Denver, CO c. Daniels, KS
b. Detroit, MI d. Dallas, TX
12. The Priests are:
a. A local mafia-like gang c. The local group of MMA champs
b. The men from the local church. d. Local Skateboarders
13. Why must the narrator often fight multiple rounds with his opponents?
a. He will get paid more c. The fight is fixed
b. He is not very skilled at MMA d. Because he is a minor
14. Where does most of the money that the narrator earns from his MMA fights?
a. The Priests keep it c. Demon spends it on alcohol and drugs
b. Willie Weasel steals it d. MD spends it on clothes and shoes
15. How does the narrator “win the lottery”?
a. Find a scratch off ticket c. Earns more than any other MMA champ
b. Finds a suitcase of money d. Wins a scholarship to a private school
16. Mr. Daniels expects MD to _________________________ for 11th grade.
a. Be promoted c. Go only half day
b. Go to a private school for athletics d. Drop out

17. Why does Mr. Daniels want MD to become a champion MMA fighter?
a. It would get MD a scholarship. c. He loves MD
b. Mr. Daniels wants the money. d. To get Mrs. Daniels back
18. Why does Mr. Freedman want MD to attend Radiance?
a. He sees MD’s potential c. He wants to teach there
b. He doesn’t want MD to attend Radiance d. Its where MD’s mom is
19. How does MD’s final fight of the novel violate MMA code?
a. The fight is fixed c. MD is fighting a Pro
b. MD has to fight two opponents d. MD is fighting a high weight class
20. Who wins this final fight?
a. Seizure knocks out MD with an RNC
b. MD knocks Seizure out by punching his chin
c. MD lets Seizure win
d. Seizure lets MD win

Part 3: True/False: Read each statement below and determine if it is true or false. Print
A for True or B for False.

21. _____ Seizure does not want a quick round 1 victory in his match with MD.
22. _____ MD’s mother left the family because MD spent so much time with his father.
23. _____ Kaitlyn wins the Archer Award.
24. _____ Mr. A and Mr. B are responsible for breaking the bargain Mr. Freedman brokered
with the Priests.
25. _____ Nate Neck and Klowner are in Witness Protection.
26. _____ Mr. A and Mr. B are US Marshals.
27. _____ Mr. Daniels made MD a target for the Priests.
28. _____ D’Marcus Rose has been arrested.
29. _____ Mr. Daniels has been arrested.
30. _____ MD and Kaitlyn will have a long, happy relationship.
Part 4: Identify the literary device or figurative language contained in each example below.

A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Hyperbole

31. _____ My body was a weapon poised to strike.

32. _____ I knocked that fool across three time zones.
33. _____ Nate Neck had a nose that zigzagged like a bad county road.
34. _____ He had a case of cauliflower ear that would scare off young children.
35. _____ Basically, I’m a street mutt.
Caged Warrior
By Alan Lawrence Sitomer

Unit Plan Answer Key

Mrs. Hedstrom
Name: _______________

Character List:

11. McCutcheon Daniels: Narrator, AKA: M.D. or Bam Bam, honorable, tries to overcome his
circumstances. Cares most about Gemma.
12. Gemma: Narrator’s 5 year old sister, she attends kindergarten.
13. “Demon”Daniels: M.D.’s alcoholic, drug addicted father. He is a washed up boxer who
wants M.D. to become a champ so that he can live off his son. He is a selfish, greedy and
ignorant antagonist.
14. Mr. Freedman: M.D.’s science teacher, who really works for the FBI. He has a long, sad
history with the Priests. Inspires M.D. to change his circumstances.
15. Willie the Weasel: Low level Priest who pays Mr. Daniels after the fights.
16. Nate Neck: A fighter who helps train M.D. at the gym; speaks with a stutter.
17. Klowner: Another fighter who trains M.D.
18. Silverio “Seizure” DeSilva: The fighter at the gym who is jealous of M.D. because he sees
M.D. as a possible opponent for the title belt. M.D. once knocked him out.
19. Mrs. Notley: Persnickety head mistress of Radiance Academy. Recognizes M.D.’s
potential and does her best to convince him to enroll.
20. Kaitlyn Cummings: Student at Radiance, gives M.D. the tour, later becomes M.D.’s
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapter 1

Directions: Answer all questions using page numbers and evidence from the text.

11. At which sport does the narrator excel?

Underground, MMA (mixed martial arts) cage fighting.

12. Why does MD’s believe his actions do not make him a Savage or a Mutt?

No, because he only fights so that his sister will have food and a place to live.

13. Who are the Priests? What literary device is their name?

They are a local mafia-style organization in charge of underground cage fighting. Irony; everything they
do is a sin.

14. Why does MD prolong his fight until the second round, when he could have won it in the first

His father will earn extra money if he knocks his opponent out in round two.

15. Why does the narrator’s father “smash him across” the face after the fight is over? What
character trait did MD demonstrate towards his opponent?
He did not “finish his opponent; he let him “tap out. He is demonstrating mercy and
compassion. M.D. realizes there is no reason to hurt someone when he already is victorious.
16. How much money does MD’s fight make? How much does MD’s father give him?
$3,050.00 is what the fight earns. M.D. receives $100 from Mr. Daniels.
17. What do you think Mr. Daniels does with the rest of the money?
Answers will vary.

18. What does Mr. Daniels say to MD at the close of the chapter? Do you think he means it?
Why or why not?
He tells M.D. that he loves him. Mr. Daniels is cruel and abusive. He encourages his 16 year old
son to cage fight and “smashes” him across the face. It seems he loves the money more than
Name:___________________ Date: ___________

Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapter 2

9. Describe Damien “Demon” Daniels. Give at least 5 facts from the reading.
M.D.’s father, was a welterweight boxer, lost to Sugar Ray Leonard, a drug addict,
alcoholic, gambles, on parole, on probation.
10. Is Mr. Daniels a good father? Why or Why not?

No, he is trying to live his dream through his son. M.D. does not have a choice but to fight. He is
cruel and abusive, and has addiction problems.

11. Why does MD tell his sister that they have to be “so tough”?
They have to be “so tough” because that is their “way out”.
12. Describe MD and Gemma’s home life. What is their apartment like?
Their apartment is in a crime ridden neighborhood and is in disrepair. M.D. makes references to
roaches and rats as well as addicts. The apartment must be small as Gemma has a room, but
M.D. sleeps on a sheet less couch. The water in the bathroom doesn’t get hot.
13. What is MD’s schedule every day? Do you think that you could handle his schedule?

M.D. rises at 4am, does two hours of running, goes to school, goes to the gym for training, picks his
sister up, gives her a snack, helps her with her homework, makes dinner, gives Gemma a bath,
brushes her teeth , read her a book, says prayers, puts her to bed, then works out with a kettlebell
for an hour and a half, then showers and goes to bed at 11pm

14. When MD offers to take Gemma for pizza, what spoils their plan?

His father has taken his money.

15. How much money did MD’s last fight make? Hypothesize where that money went.

The three thousand dollars that Mr. Daniels made for M.D.’s fight most likely went to drugs, alcohol
and gambling. When that money ran out, he took the small amount M.D. had hidden for

16. What is Gemma’s reaction to the spoiled plan? What does her reaction tell you about her life?
She takes off her jacket and goes back to what she was doing before without complaint. This has
obviously happened before.

19. Circle all of the following words that would describe the narrator:

Greedy honorable tough kind

Selfish Uncaring Prideful compassionate

20. Based on your answers above, write a character analysis of McCutcheon. Be sure to support
your statements with examples from the text.
Answers will vary. Student should provide appropriate examples to support their opinions.
Name:___________________ Date: ___________

Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapter 3

11. Describe MD’s high school? How does it compare to this school?
Classes have 62 students, some teachers do not show up, no subs, drugs, gambling
and weapons.
12. Why is Mr. Freedman proud of MD?

He scored a 100 on his anatomy exam.

13. What event does Mr. Freedman ask MD to attend that evening? Why?
The lottery for a local charter school. Mr. Freedman thinks M.D, could get “lucky”.
14. How many spots are available at the Charter School? How many students would like
those spots? 4 spots are available, 1,673 students are entered.
15. Why does MD think that Mr. Freedman sees potential in him? What are some of the
traits that MD demonstrates in class/school?
He demonstrates responsibility by doing his work, being on time and being polite.
16. Why does MD sometimes try to “sneak through without all of” his gear?
He cannot always afford it.
17. According to MD, what does getting hit teach a fighter?
It teaches a fighter to lose the fear of being hit.
18. Why does MD refuse to “back down from the beating”?
M.D. feels that quitting becomes a habit.
19. Who is Silverio “Seizure” DeSilva? Why does he get extra rough with MD when they spar?
He is Brazilian jiu-jitsu expert with the quickest hands in the gym and the nastiest attitude.
He gets rough with M.D. because M.D. once knocked him out and people think M.D. would
win if the two fought.
20. What are Seizure and MD on an “eventual collision course” for?
They are on a collision course for the middleweight title.
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapter 4

11. What information does MD find out at school the day after the Charter School
He won a spot!
12. Is he excited by this new opportunity? Why or Why Not?
No, because he is not planning on attending. He will just keep training and fighting.
13. What goal of MD’s could this opportunity help MD accomplish?
This could help him “get out” of his circumstances and have a better future.
14. What does Mr. Daniels want MD to do for 11th grade?
Mr. Daniels wants M.D. to drop out and train full time.
15. Why is MD going along with his father’s demands, when there is a better way for
him to accomplish his goals?
He is afraid he will get separated from Gemma.
16. What injury does MD receive during his fight with Beard Man?
He gets punched twice in the left eye, which is now swollen and painful.
17. Why do you think the author of this novel chooses to have Mr. Daniels use so much
profanity? Do you think it is meant to show anything about his character?
It is to show that he is ignorant and uneducated.
18. How much money does Mr. Daniels receive as a result of MD’s win? How much of
that money does he give to MD?
Mr. Daniels receives $11,000.00. he gives M.D. $300.
19. In your opinion, should MD keep fighting for his father? Why or why not?
Answers will vary.
20. If you were MD, would you go to the Charter School? Why or Why not?
Answers will vary.
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 5-8
9. Why do you think that Mr. Daniels wants MD to become a world champion in MMA? Is
this really for MD’s future or are his motives selfish? Support your opinion with text
based evidence.
His motives are selfish. He already leaches off M.D. and imagines a future in the Cayman
Islands with travel, private jets, cars and luxury hotels.
10. In Chapter 6, why is MD failing all of his afternoon classes?
He leaves school early and goes to the gym to train.
11. Why do you think that Mrs. Notley wants MD to attend her school, even though he has
failing grades?
She recognizes his potential and sees that he is capable of getting great grades if he is in
school. It seems she also suspects that he is involved in something dangerous.

12. Why does MD agree to visit Radiance when he clearly stated previously that he was not
interested in attending the school?
He feels that Mrs. Notley has leverage.
13. In Chapter 7, what is the Radiance School Motto? Fight to achieve, achieve to give.
14. What are some of the benefits that MD would receive from attending Radiance?
Full orchestra, Olympic size pool, theater and 100% of students accepted to a 4 year

15. Describe the class that MD observes at Radiance. Would you find this class interesting?
Why or why not? They are studying forensics, and “solving a murder case” like on CSI or
the other crime shows.

16. In Chapter 8, Kaitlyn takes MD on a tour of Radiance. MD is normally a very mature and
honorable character, however, in this chapter, he acts petty and childish. What are
some of the behaviors that are uncharacteristic of MD? Why do you think he acted this
way? Inappropriate jokes: Penitentiary being the alumni house, Radiance serving caviar,
saying Kaitlyn has an attitude problem, saying she is a snob. He is intimidated and feels
unworthy of Radiance because of his background.
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 9-10
13. Why was the “trickle-down theory” not trickling down?
Mr. Daniels just keeps more of the money.
14. How is MD’s next fight different from the ones that we have read about in previous
This time he has to fight two opponents back to back.
15. Why is MD so brutal in the second fight of the night? Usually, he gives a fighter time to
tap out instead of causing serious injury to his opponent. In this fight, he injures the man
after the tap out. Why is this fight different?
The opponent was fighting dirty, breaking the unspoken rules of MMA.
16. Why does the situation in question 3 make MD ill? What does he worry about?
He is horrified at what he did to his opponent and fears that he is becoming a
17. How does MD finally challenge his father? What is the result?
He tells him he needs at least $800.00. Mr. Daniels gives him one thousand dollars.
18. In chapter 10, MD says “Underground cage fighting…was like riding a motorcycle in the
rain at high speeds while weaving in and out of traffic. It wasn’t a question of if I was
going to crash; only a matter of when.” Explain the quote and identify which literary
device is used.
This is a simile. It means that eventually M.D. is going to become seriously injured it is
just a matter of time.
19. Parallelism is a literary device that uses similar words and phrases to match or contrast
ideas. What is the example of parallelism presented on pages 92 and 93. Focus on the
conversations that MD has with Gemma and Mr. Freedman.
M.D. tells Gemma that being tough is there way out (of the ghetto), Mr. Freedman
explains to M.D. that going to Radiance could be his ticket out (of the ghetto).
20. Do you think that Mr. Freedman has anything to do with MD winning the scholarship to
Radiance? Why or why not?
Yes, he says that everything is “long since taken care of”.
21. How does Mrs. Notley earn MD’s respect?
Mrs. Notley respects M.D.’s opinion and does not try to lecture him or try to change his
22. Describe MD’s mother. Was she similar or different from MD’s father? M.D.’s mother
was kind, educated and valued education. She made the family happy. M.D.’s father is
ignorant, selfish and abusive.
23. Hypothesize why MD’s mother left the family. Do you think that she really didn’t “want
him” and Gemma anymore?
Answers will vary, but a mother who was so involved in her children’s lives does not just
leave without provocation.
24. How does MD feel about Kaitlyn?
He has a crush on her!
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 11-13
9. According to MD, how do Mr. Daniels and MD’s grandfather view women? Do you think
MD agrees with them? Why or Why not?
M.D.’s father and grandfather view women as disposable. M.D. cares greatly for Gemma
and has fond memories of his mother. He does not seem to agree with his father and
10. When MD speaks to Mr. Freedman in Chapter 12, do you think Mr. Freedman knows
MD is not a skateboarder? How do you know?
Yes, he says brains trump brawn in the world he seems to say “skateboarder”
11. Why does Mr. Freedman keep seeking out MD?
He wants M.D. to be successful and safe. He seems to be worried about M.D. getting
seriously injured. He wants M.D. to understand the opportunity he is being offered.
12. Why does MD allow Mr. Freedman to take him and Gemma out to eat?
It’s raining and Gemma really wants to go out for dinner. She has not been out since the
time that Mr. Daniels stole M.D.’s money. It is also possible that M.D. is hoping to take
the opportunity that Mr. Freedman keeps offering.
13. In Chapter 13, Mr. Freedman tells MD that sometimes “you just gotta believe”. What is
he referring to?
On the surface, he is talking about Gemma winning a toy. He is inferring that M.D. has
to believe there other, better ways out of this abusive life he is trapped in.
14. Mr. Freedman tells MD a story that shocks him. Summarize what happened to Mr.
Freedman because of the Priests.
The Priests tried to force him to create drugs, when he refused; they kidnapped and
killed his daughter.
15. Based on this story, hypothesize why Mr. Freedman would risk another tangle with MD
when he knows the Priests could find out.
He knows how dangerous the Priests are, he doesn’t want to see another child
destroyed, he may want to do something that will damage their organization.
16. Did Mr. Freedman’s conversation change MD’s mind at all? How do you know?
Yes, M.D. states that he will “more findable”.
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 14-15
13. Who are the next two fighters that MD will face? Where are they from?
Razor from Oakland, CA and The Brooklyn Beast from NY.
14. Why is Mr. Daniels so excited about this next fight
He will make a lot of money if M.D. wins.
15. How does Mr. Daniels react when MD brings up school?
He becomes enraged and ends up slapping him across the face.
16. Find the example of irony contained in the conversation that MD and his father have
regarding school and MD’s opportunities.
Mr. Daniels is angry at M.D. and calls him selfish. Mr. Daniels is the selfish character
because he forces M.D. to fight then takes all of the money. He should be thankful his
son has an opportunity that is safe and can still help him be successful, but he is only
concerned with M.D. fighting because it was his dream and because he wants the
17. Why does Mr. Daniels slap MD?
Because M.D. does not say that he wants to be a fighting.
18. In Chapter 15, some Radiance students begin to harass Kaitlyn. How does MD handle
the situation?
He does not assault them. He forcefully tells them to leave her alone and they do.
19. What is the lesson from Sun Tzu that MD tells Kaitlyn?
The best victory comes when one doesn’t even have to fight.
20. Is MD angry at his mother? What is his hope for the future?
No, he hopes she has a good job and will come back for them one day.
21. Why does MD believe his mother left? Do you agree?
He thinks it is his fault for spending so much time training with his father.
22. Why doesn’t MD want to be different?
He says being different is lonely.
23. What project does Kaitlyn say she needs to complete to help her win the Archer Award?
A contribution to the community.
24. Who does MD see outside of Radiance? Who is he worried may be unsafe?
He sees Willie the Weasel and is worried Kaitlyn could be in danger.
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 16-18

13. What are two things that Razor is doing that are giving him an advantage over MD?
He is wearing body oil and he has filed his nails into blade like tips.
14. What does Mr. Daniels want MD to do? Will MD do it?
Mr. Daniels wants M.D. to use oil as well, but M.D. will not, because it is cheating.
15. Who does Mr. Daniels point out in the crowd? Why?
Mr. Daniels points out Kaitlyn as a way to make M.D. angry enough to win his fight.
16. Does MD win or lose? He wins.
17. What was the “most vivid image” from the night? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Why? The High Priest giving a small nod of approval to M.D. it may be a bad thing
because M.D. will not be allowed to stop fighting.
18. How does MD feel about himself at the end of the chapter?
He says he hates himself and what he has become.
19. In Chapter 17, describe the conflict that erupts between MD and his father.
M.D. wants to quit cage fighting and his father refuses to allow it.
20. Who stops the conflict? Why?
M.D. lets go of his father when he realizes that Gemma is watching.
21. After yelling at Mr. Freedman, where does MD go?
He goes to Radiance to see Kaitlyn.
22. How does Kaitlyn react when MD approaches her? Why?
She will not speak to M.D. and says that she is sickened by the whole thing.
23. Who is MD angry with?
He is angry at himself.
24. At the conclusion of the chapter, how does Mr. Daniels try to ensure that MD fights
The Brooklyn Beast?
Mr. Daniels has taken Gemma and will only let M.D. see her again if he beats the
Brooklyn Beast.
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 19-20
11. MD goes on an exhausting search for Gemma. When he is unable to locate her, to
whom does he turn for help?
He turns to Mr. Freedman.
12. In Chapter 20, what are the two conditions that the character referred to in number
one requests, in order to help MD?
1. M.D. has to tell Mr. Freedman everything. 2. M.D. has to trust him.
13. What does Mr. Freedman say is the only way to “smoke out all the players”?
M.D. will have to fight the Brooklyn Beast.
14. What does MD do that finally makes him feel at ease enough to get some rest?
He prays.
15. Why doesn’t The Beast attend the fight?
He got arrested for armed robbery in New York.
16. Who is in MD’s corner?
Nate Neck and Klowner
17. Who does MD have to fight in the cage?
He has to fight Seizure.
18. What code of MMA does this fight violate?
Seizure is a professional fighter and you are not supposed to fight guys you train
with at the same gym.
19. Why does MD think his opponent agreed to this fight?
M.D. believes Seizure needs the money.

20. Who does MD see sitting with the High Priest?

He sees his father.
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 21-23

9. Who is winning the fight between MD and Seizure?

Seizure is winning.
10. Why does MD feel that Seizure does not want a quick Round 1 victory?
People will feel Seizure just got lucky.
11. What does Mr. Daniels say to MD to make angry?
Mr. Daniels bet on M.D. to win in round 3.
12. In Chapter 22, why is the RNC so dangerous?
An RNC can cut off blood flow to the brain.
13. What important information does Mr. Freedman give to MD after the second round?
The FBI has found Gemma and M.D.’s mother.
14. Why did MD’s mother “leave”?
She was threatened by Mr. Daniels.
15. Why do you think MD chooses to continue the fight after speaking to Mr. Freedman?
Answers will vary.
16. In Chapter 23, who wins the fight? Why? Seizure wins because M.D. lets him. M.D.
realizes if he wins, he will never be free.
Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Chapters 24-25

21. What does Seizure give MD? Why?

He gives him money, because Seizure knows M.D. let him win.
22. Does this change your opinion of Seizure? Why or why not?
Answers will vary.
23. Why does Mr. Freedman believe that MD and his family are safe from the Priests?
Mr. Freedman made a deal with the Priests that he would not get the Feds involved in
their activities if they would guarantee M.D. and Gemma’s safety.
24. Why does Mr. Freedman apologize to MD? How does MD feel?
He apologizes to M.D. because he believes Mr. Daniel has been killed. M.D. believes Mr.
Daniels found a way to escape.
25. How does Kaitlyn win the Archer Award?
She gave her scholarship to a younger child (Gemma) and did not keep any of the
money for herself.
26. Why does Mr. Freedman say he wants to continue teaching at Fenkell High instead of
Radiance Academy?
He wants to be able to help other students who are battling through tough times.
27. What does that tell you about Mr. Freedman’s character?
Answers will vary.
28. What two things does Mr. Freedman ask MD to do to “pay him back” for his help with
The Priests?
1. M.D. has to graduate high school. 2. Meatballs
29. How has MD’s home life changed now that he is living with his mother?
They live in a nice, clean condo, everyone has their own room, M.D.’s mother is home
every night to make dinner and talk to her children.
30. How does MD feel about Kaitlyn now?
She means more to him than the moon.
31. Who are Mr. A and Mr. B?
They are United States Marshals from the Division of Witness Protection.
32. What tragic information do Mr. A and Mr. B give to MD?
Nate-Neck and Klowner have been killed.
33. Who broke the terms of the agreement that Mr. Freedman brokered with the Priests?
Stanzer, from the FBI, broke the terms of the agreement.
34. What do Mr. A and Mr. B want MD to do? Why?
Join Witness Protection, so he and his family will be safe.
35. Who is D’Marcus Rose?
He is the High Priests.
36. Why does MD decide to disappear?
Mr. Daniels made it seem like M.D. is the reason the High Priest was arrested.
37. Will Kaitlyn be safe?
They believe she will be safe. They will keep an eye on her for a little while.
38. List two major themes for this novel.
1. You can overcome your circumstances.
2. Ask a trusted person for help when you need it.
39. Did you enjoy reading this book? Why or why not?
Answers will vary.
40. What was your favorite part or your least favorite part of the novel?
Answers will vary.

Find out what happens to MD in book 2

Noble Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer

Name:___________________ Date: ___________
Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Literary Devices Review

In the novel Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer, there are many examples of similes,
metaphors and hyperbole.

Simile: is a comparison of two unlike things using the words like or as.

EX: Suzanne’s hair is as bright as the sun.

Metaphor: is a direct comparison; a comparison of two unlike things without using like or as.

EX: Suzanne’s hair is the sun.

Hyperbole: an exaggeration of the facts.

EX: I have told you ten million times to do your homework!!!

Identify each of the examples from the novel below as either: simile, metaphor or hyperbole.

13. _____M____ I watched as the syringe...disappeared into my flesh, and shot streams
of liquid fire up my nerve endings.
14. ______M___ Basically, I’m a street mutt.
15. ______M__ My body was a weapon poised to strike.
16. ______S__ Like a cougar I was on him, my knees pinned to his shoulders…
17. ______M___ In D-Town…(there are) too many monsters to count.
18. ______H__ To have a kid like me knock him from Detroit to Pluto was a big blow to
his ego.
19. _____S___ Underground cage fighting was like riding a motorcycle at high speeds
while weaving in and out of stop and go traffic.
20. _____S____ We were trapped like rats in a cage.
21. _____H____ The fight with the beast will be a war for the ages.
22. _____S____ Razor…roared like a lion.
23. _____M___ I was warring a greased up wolverine.
24. _____S____ He played me like an XBOX.
Name: ____________________ Date: __________________

Exam on

Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer

Part 1: Matching: Match the following characters with the correct descriptions.

36. __C___ Kaitlyn A. Persnickety; used to getting her way

37. __G___ Seizure B. Bam Bam
38. __B___ McCutcheon C. Gets Gemma in Radiance Academy
39. __F___ Nate Neck D. In kindergarten
40. __H___ Mr. Freedman E. Low Level Priest
41. __I__ D’Marcus Rose F. Speaks with a stutter
42. __A__ Mrs. Notley G. Is embarrassed that Bam Bam knocked him out
43. __J__ Mr. Daniels H. FBI and was in Wit Sec (Witness Protection)
44. __E___ Willie the Weasel I. High Priest
45. __D__ Gemma J. Washed up, old, boxer

Part 2: Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer for each question below based on your
knowledge of the novel.

46. The setting of the story is in:

a. Denver, CO c. Daniels, KS
b. Detroit, MI d. Dallas, TX
47. The Priests are:
a. A local mafia-like gang c. The local group of MMA champs
b. The men from the local church. d. Local Skateboarders
48. Why must the narrator often fight multiple rounds with his opponents?
a. He will get paid more c. The fight is fixed
b. He is not very skilled at MMA d. Because he is a minor
49. Where does most of the money that the narrator earns from his MMA fights?
a. The Priests keep it c. Demon spends it on alcohol and drugs
b. Willie Weasel steals it d. MD spends it on clothes and shoes
50. How does the narrator “win the lottery”?
a. Find a scratch off ticket c. Earns more than any other MMA champ

b. Finds a suitcase of money d. Wins a scholarship to a private school

51. Mr. Daniels expects MD to _________________________ for 11th grade.
a. Be promoted c. Go only half day
b. Go to a private school for athletics d. Drop out
52. Why does Mr. Daniels want MD to become a champion MMA fighter?
a. It would get MD a scholarship. c. He loves MD
b. Mr. Daniels wants the money. d. To get Mrs. Daniels back
53. Why does Mr. Freedman want MD to attend Radiance?
a. He sees MD’s potential c. He wants to teach there
b. He doesn’t want MD to attend Radiance d. Its where MD’s mom is
54. How does MD’s final fight of the novel violate MMA code?
a. The fight is fixed c. MD is fighting a Pro
b. MD has to fight two opponents d. MD is fighting a high weight class
55. Who wins this final fight?
a. Seizure knocks out MD with an RNC
b. MD knocks Seizure out by punching his chin
c. MD lets Seizure win
d. Seizure lets MD win

Part 3: True/False: Read each statement below and determine if it is true or false. Print
A for True or B for False.

56. ___A__ Seizure does not want a quick round 1 victory in his match with MD.
57. ___B__ MD’s mother left the family because MD spent so much time with his father.
58. ___A__ Kaitlyn wins the Archer Award.
59. ___A__ Mr. A and Mr. B are responsible for breaking the bargain Mr. Freedman
brokered with the Priests.
60. ___B__ Nate Neck and Klowner are in Witness Protection.
61. ___A__ Mr. A and Mr. B are US Marshals.
62. ___A__ Mr. Daniels made MD a target for the Priests.
63. ___A__ D’Marcus Rose has been arrested.
64. ___B__ Mr. Daniels has been arrested.
65. ___B__ MD and Kaitlyn will have a long, happy relationship.
Part 4: Identify the literary device or figurative language contained in each example below.

B. Simile B. Metaphor C. Hyperbole

66. __B___ My body was a weapon poised to strike.

67. __C___ I knocked that fool across three time zones.
68. __A__ Nate Neck had a nose that zigzagged like a bad county road.
69. __C___ He had a case of cauliflower ear that would scare off young children.
70. __B___ Basically, I’m a street mutt.

Part 5: Written Expression: Answer the following question with accurate and complete
information from the novel.

In the novel, Mr. Freedman often encouraged M.D. to ask for help. Mr. Freedman tried to teach
M.D. that no one can face every obstacle alone. Write a paragraph in which you describe at
least three ways that Mr. Freedman helped M.D. and his family. Finally, hypothesize why Mr.
Freedman would do so much for M.D. when there are so many other kids at Fenkell High that
also need help.

Answers will vary.

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