Grade 7 Lesson Plan in Developmental Reading LL: Prong 1: Genuine Love For Reading

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Grade 7

Lesson Plan in Developmental Reading ll


l. Objectives

At the end of the lesson. The students should be able to:

a. Identify character’s traits

b. Realize the cause and effect of anger.
c. Note the weaknesses and strengths of every character

ll. Subject Matter

a. Selection: The Magical Hammer ( A norse Mythology Retold)

b. Materials: Power point presentation, handouts, pictures

lll. Procedure

1. Pre-reading Activities
a. Developing Concepts/Vocabulary: (Road Block)
i. To unlock difficulties that may prevent the students from undestanding
the stories, the teacher will get words from the stories and explain it with
ii. Teacher will ask the students to answer the following questions.

Directions: Underline the word that means the same as the italicized word in the sentence.

1. We do not need a furnace in our house because we are in a tropical country.

a. Chimney b. Exhaust c. Kiln

2. A pair of bellows is useful in keeping fire alive in a fire place.

a. Wood
b. Instrument that produces air
c. Gadget that gives off fire.
3. People from other countries claim that some of the craftmen are from the Philippines.
a. People who work with their hands
b. People who work with the computer
c. People who work with metal

IV. Developing the purpose of reading

i. Motivation questions
What is a person’s reaction when is angry?
ii. Motive questions
If you are mad to a person, what do you usually do?

2. During Reading

a. Manner of Presentation-group reading allowed

b. Question: How would you describe Loki?


1. Post Reading Activities

a. Pre engagement questions
i. Answer motive question
What happened to Thor’s wife that enrage him? What din he do immediately after?
ii. Why do you think did the dwarfs want to kill Loki?
If you are Thor will you do the same? If yes, Why? If not explain.

b. Engagement Activities and Discussion

i. Group 1 Task: The MIME!
The first group will perform a Mime Short Presentation, showing Loki’s
Character Traits.
ii. Group 2 Task: The Thor Emoji
The second group will illustrate a 3 types of emoji that will represent Thor’s
iii. Group 3 Task: Take a Picture!
The third group will capture 3 pictures of any objects using mobile phones
that they can relate to the general theme of the story.

A. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Idenify the different rules in subject-verb agreement
2. Note the difference of every rule in subject-verb agreement
3. Construct sentences following the rules of subject-verb agreement

B. Subject Matter and Materials

1. Subject Matter: Subject-Verb Agreement
2. Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Video Presentation

C. Procedure
1. Introduction
I have some sentences here, and I would like you to identify the subject and the verb
in the sentences.
- I am an excellent tennis player.
- They play well under pressure.
- Alex and Morphy are coming here.
2. Presentation/Modellng
a. All those sentences have subject and verb. Now, we have what we called subject-
verb agreement that we follow in writing correct sentences.
b. We are going to discuss the 5 Basic Rules in Subjec-Verb Agreement, these are
the following:

1. A subject will come before a phrase beginning with of. This is a key rule
for understanding subjects. The word of is the culprit in many, perhaps
most, subject-verb mistakes.
2. Two singular subjects connected by or, either/or, or neither/nor require a
singular verb.
3. The verb in an or, either/or, or neither/nor sentence agrees with the noun or
pronoun closest to it.
4.  As a general rule, use a plural verb with two or more subjects when they
are connected by and.
5. Sometimes the subject is separated from the verb by such words as along
with, as well as, besides, not, etc. These words and phrases are not part of
the subject. Ignore them and use a singular verb when the subject is
3. Guided Practice
a. I have set of sentences here and I will read it aloud. You will raise 1 finger if you
think the rule being used is the rule 1, 2 fingers if rule 2 and so on.

Direction: Identify which rules of Subject-verb is being use in the sentence?

4. Independent Practice
a. I will give you a paper that has 5 set of sentences and I would like you to identify
what subject-verb agreement rule is being used in every sentence.

5. Evaluation
Teacher gives an activity that allow the students to construct sentences following the
basic rules of subject-verb agreeement.

A. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Pronounce words with long /e/ sound correctly
2. Pronounce words with short /e/ sound correctly
3. Differentiate the long/e/ and short /e/ sound

B. Subject Mater and Materials

1. Subject Matter: Long /e/ and short/e/ sounds
2. Materials: Flashcards,Powerpoint Presentation,

C. Procedure
1. Introduction
Now let’s proceed with reading some of the words that are from the story and
some of the words that have the same sounds.
2. Presentation/ Modelling
I will read each word inside the box aloud and repeat after me. Please note the
difference of the vowel souns.


Mischief Her
Scream She
Steal Met
Grief Then
Asleep Them
Eagerness Bet
Sea End
Spear Bell

3. Engagement Activity
a. The class will be divided into three groups. Each group will be given different
set of words and they will read it in front of the class.

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