WS #142 - Polyurethane Glue

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When it comes to building any out-
door project, you want to use an adhe-
sive that stands up to the weather.
Here in Iowa, that can mean lots of
rain in the spring, humid heat in the
summer, and dry, frozen winters.
I’ve tried a number of different
glues on outdoor projects in the past
(plastic resin, resorcinal, and epoxy).
But this time, I decided to use one
that’s relatively new: polyurethane
glue. (This glue is readily available at
woodworking stores and catalogs and
many home centers.)
When you hear “polyurethane,”you
probably think of the popular finish-
es first. But polyurethane glue has lit-
tle in common with these finishes. In tic as I try to get the clamps in place
fact, it doesn’t even have much in com- before the glue sets up. That’s anoth-
mon with other outdoor glues. er reason I like using this glue.
For one thing, the outdoor glues There’s no rush. You have 20-30 min-
I’m used to working with are all two- utes to get the clamps in place and to
part concoctions. But there’s no mix- make sure the assembly is square.
ing necessary with this glue, it’s ready Of course, the down side to this is
to go right out of the bottle. you have to leave the clamps on a
APPLICATION. But more importantly, while longer. I typically like to keep { One unique characteristic of
polyurethane glues cure differently them on anywhere from 4-6 hours. polyurethane glue is that it
than other glues. Instead of curing As I mentioned earlier, these glues foams as it reacts with the
by evaporation or by a reaction that expand as they react to moisture. But moisture in the wood.
takes place when two chemicals are “foam” may describe it better, see
mixed together, these glues simply inset photo. When I saw this bubbly ing some for a project, I try to get just
react with the moisture in the wood mess oozing from the joint line, my what I think I’ll be able to use.
(which should be at least 8%). To be first reaction was to wipe it off right There’s one more drawback to
on the safe side, I usually add a little away — before it hardened. But actu- note. Because this glue reacts with
water to one of the workpieces, mist- ally, polyurethane glue is much easi- moisture, it will react with the mois-
ing it on with a spray bottle. er to remove after it has dried. Unlike ture in your skin, so it’s a good idea
I apply the glue to the mating work- other glues, this glue will scrape or to wear gloves when applying the
piece. Here again, polyurethane glue sand off easily. (I like to use a cabinet glue, see photo. And even though
requires a different approach. With scraper.) That’s because the glue polyurethanes have little or no sol-
other glues, you don’t want to “starve” doesn’t cure rock hard. You can even vents in them, you should have ade-
the joint (not apply enough glue). But dent it with a fingernail. quate ventilation, too. (Also, if you
polyurethane expands as it cures, and DRAWBACKS. Polyurethane glue def- have respiratory problems, be aware
the tendency is to apply too much. In initely deserves a place on the wood- that these glues contain isocyanates.)
fact, figuring out how little glue to worker’s shelf. But don’t leave it there So what’s the bottom line? For most
apply takes some getting used to. I too long. After the bottle has been projects, I’ll probably still rely on
found it easiest to spread the glue thin opened, the glue has a shelf life of trusty old yellow glue. Polyurethane
with a plastic spreader, see photo. about 6 months to a year. glue is a little too pricey to replace it.
This way, I was sure the wood was That’s not too unusual. Other glues But I’ll definitely be using poly-
covered without too much excess. have a limited shelf life too. But urethane glue again — on my next
WORKING TIME . With most other polyurethane glue is a bit more expen- outdoor project or when I need a lit-
glues, things start to get a little fran- sive than other glues. So when buy- tle extra assembly time. W

1 Woodsmith © 2002 August Home Publishing Company

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