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Flyers Reading & Writing

Centre NUMBER Candidate NUMBER

Cambridge YOUNG Learners English

Reading & Writing
Sample Paper

There are 50 questions.

You have 40 minutes.

You will need a pen or pencil.

My name is: ..........................................................................................

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Flyers Reading & Writing

Flyers Reading & Writing
Part 1
– 10 questions –

Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.
There is one example.

an actor a hospital a bank

YOU can go to this place if YOU Want to a cinema

watch a film. .......................

1 YOU can go to this shop to BUY medicine

and other things. .......................
a library an airport
2 This is a place YOU go to if YOU Want to
catch a plane. .......................
3 If YOU Want to be one of these, YOU need
to be very good at drawing or painting. .......................
4 YOU USUALLY see this inside a big tent. YOU an artist
might see horses, lions and elephants here. .......................
a chemist’s
5 This is someone who works in the theatre,
in films or on TV. .......................
6 People LAUGH when they see this person a dentist
with his rOUND, red nose, big feet and
strange clothes. .......................
a secretary 7 An AMBULANCE might take YOU here if
YOU are very ill. .......................
a cinema
8 YOU go to this place if YOU Want to get
money or talk to someone ABOUT YOUR
money. .......................
9 This person makes YOU better when
a clown YOU have a toothache. ....................... a JOURNALIST

10 This person writes in a newspaper

ABOUT things that have happened. .......................

a mechanic a cirCUS a café

Flyers Reading & Writing

Part 2
– 7 questions –

Look and read. Write yes or no.


There is a stamp on the corner of the envelope. ......y.e..s.....

The children are RUNNING into the garden. ......n.o.......

Flyers Reading & Writing

1 All of the children are carrying RUCKSACKS on their backs. ..............

2 ThrOUGH the window, YOU can see two swings. ..............

3 The girl who is BRUSHING her hair has got black tights. ..............

4 The woman has JUST come into the HOUSE and

closed the door. ..............

5 The UMBRella that is in the bin is broken. ..............

6 OUTSIDE, the sky is grey and it has BEGUN to rain. ..............

7 On the shelf that is below the PICTURe there are

three keys. ..............
Flyers Reading & Writing

Part 3
– 5 questions –

Tom is talking to his Uncle Harry. What does Uncle Harry say?
Read the conversation and choose the best answer.
Write a letter (A–H) for each answer.
You do not need to use all the letters. There is one example.


Tom: Uncle Harry, do YOU like being a fireman?

Uncle Harry: ............C......................


1 Tom: What are YOUR friends at work like?

Uncle Harry: ..................................

2 Tom: Who drives the fire engine?

Uncle Harry: ..................................

3 Tom: How many days do YOU WORK each week?

Uncle Harry: ..................................

4 Tom: Do YOU prefer living at the fire station or at home?

Uncle Harry: ..................................

5 Tom: Can I come and visit YOU at the fire station?

Uncle Harry: ..................................

Flyers Reading & Writing
A They are very nice, brave and strong.

B We live at the fire station for FOUR days

every week, and we have to be
ready to work all the time.

C Yes I do. I love it. (example)

D My friend Anna does that job.

E Of COURSE. Come one day next week.

F YOU have a lot of friends.

G I like being in my HOUSE best BECAUSE

YOUR AUNT and COUSINS are there.

H I like Mondays best.

Flyers Reading & Writing

Part 4
– 6 questions –

Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct
word next to numbers 1–5. There is one example.

Helen Green is a ..............c..le..v..e..r.............. girl who loves school. Helen likes

learning and (1) .................................... OUT ABOUT old things, so she was
very happy when her MUM said, ‘Today, we are going to a place FULL

of old things like CUPS, bowls, chairs, dolls and DINOSAURS! Can YOU

(2) .................................... where we are going to go?’

Helen’s little sister LUCY didn’t answer, BUT Helen SHOUTED, ‘A MUSEUM!’

MUM smiled and said, ‘Helen’s right. Let’s go!’

When they were there, MUM took the girls to the DINOSAUR room,
BUT LUCY didn’t want to go in. ‘What’s the matter? Why are YOU

(3) .................................... ?’ asked Helen.

‘The DINOSAURS might eat me,’ said LUCY and she started to cry.
‘YOU MUSTN’t think that,’ said Helen. ‘DINOSAURS have been extinct for
(4) ................................... ’
LUCY stopped crying BECAUSE she was so SURPRISED. She looked at her MUM

to see if she (5) .................................... with Helen. Then LUCY LAUGHED,

and the girls ran to look at the DINOSAURS.

Flyers Reading & Writing
clever yesterday GUESS finding afraid

agreed dangerOUS forgot seeing CENTURIES

(6) Now choose the best name for this story.

Tick one box.

The expensive bowl

LUCY learns something new

The angry DINOSAUR

Flyers Reading & Writing

Part 5
– 7 questions –

Look at the picture and read the story. Write some words to
complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4
A competition

My name’s Richard, and I live in a small village with my older sister and
my parents. My sister’s name is Katy. OUR village is very near a big, BLUE
lake, and we love to go swimming in it.

Last TUESDAy, my friend William came to OUR HOUSE and we went swimming
together. When we were in the water, we saw some silver fish. Katy said,
‘Look, I can swim faster than the fish!’ William said, ‘So can I!’

Then Katy said, ‘Let’s see who can swim across the lake the fastest!
Let’s have a race!’ William likes to have competitions, and so does Katy,
BUT I don’t BECAUSE I am the YOUNGEST and so I never win. I was last
again. I felt tired and UNHAPPY.

William said, ‘OK. Let’s have one more competition. Let’s see who can
JUMP the highest OUT of the water. Richard, YOU go first.’

I JUMPED UP, then Katy JUMPED, then William. I JUMPED the lowest, and
William JUMPED the highest. William SHOUTED, ‘I am the best at JUMPING!
I am the best!’ BUT when he was SHOUTING, a BEAUTIFUL gold fish JUMPED OUT of
the water, MUCH higher than William.

I LAUGHED and said, ‘No, William, that BEAUTIFUL fish is the best!’
Flyers Reading & Writing
Richard and his family live in a ................s..m
...a..ll...v.i.l.l.a..g..e................ .

The name of Richard’s .....................s..i.s.t..e..r.................. is Katy.


1 Richard and his sister go swimming in the

.................................................. .

2 Richard’s friend is called .................................................. .

3 There were .................................................. in the water with the


4 Richard doesn’t win competitions BECAUSE he is

.................................................. in the family.

5 When Richard finished last in the race he was

.................................................. .

6 The second child who JUMPED OUT of the water was

.................................................. .

7 When William was SHOUTING, a BEAUTIFUL fish JUMPED

................................................. than him.
Flyers Reading & Writing

Part 6
– 10 questions –

Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines.


Example BUTTERFLIES .........a..r.e.......... BEAUTIFUL insects. People enjoy looking at

1 BUTTERFLIES BECAUSE of the lovely COLOURS on ....................... wings.
2 In BUSY cities, it is DIFFICULT ...................... BUTTERFLIES to find a nice
3 place to live, BUT we can plant flowers that BUTTERFLIES ......................
4 in OUR parks and gardens. At night, or ...................... bad weather,
5 BUTTERFLIES hide UNDER leaves or sleep in small spaces ......................

6 Some BUTTERFLIES ...................... eat one kind of plant. This is called

7 a ‘food plant’. A BUTTERFLY’s COLOURS are ...................... the same

8 as its food plant, so it can hide well. This is important ......................

animals like birds, bats and spiders eat BUTTERFLIES.

9 YOU can see ...................... different kinds of BUTTERFLIES at a BUTTERFLY

farm. The BUTTERFLY farmer looks after BUTTERFLIES there to show them to
other people, and to sell them.

10 Some BUTTERFLIES are big BUT the ...................... BUTTERFLY in the world
looks like a fly.
Flyers Reading & Writing
Example is are be
1 their every this
2 by off for
3 likes liking like
5 before between down

6 only once ever

7 often next soon

9 each another many

10 smallest smaller small

Flyers Reading & Writing

Part 7
– 5 questions –

Read the email and write the missing words. Write one word on
each line.

Dear David

Example Tomorrow is my birthday. .......W

....h..a..t....... shall I do?
1 I’d like to go to a rESTAURant ...................... YOU and

my other friends. We COULD have pizza and ice cream,

BUT MUM and Dad say it’s more FUN to go to the park
2 and ..................... football.
3 I think going to the rESTAURant is better ......................
4 going to the park BUT I ...................... everyone to

enjoy my birthday.

So I have decided to ask all my friends to choose. Then

5 I can tell MUM and Dad. What ...................... YOU like

to do tomorrow?
Please email back QUICKLY. Thanks!
Flyers Reading & Writing
4 G
Flyers Reading 5 E

& Writing Part 4 6 marks

1 finding

Marking Key 2 guess

3 afraid
4 centuries
( ) = Acceptable extra words are placed in
5 agreed
6 Lucy learns something new
/ = A single slash is placed between
acceptable alternative words within an
Part 5 7 marks
// = A double slash is placed between 1 lake
acceptable alternative complete answers
2 William
3 fish
4 the youngest
Part 1 10 marks
5 tired
1 a chemist’s 6 Katy
2 an airport 7 higher
3 an artist
Part 6 10 marks
4 a circus
5 an actor 1 their
6 a clown 2 for
7 a hospital 3 like
8 a bank 4 during
9 a dentist 5 between
10 a journalist 6 only
7 often
Part 2 7 marks
8 because
1 no 9 many
2 yes 10 smallest
3 yes
Part 7 5 marks
4 no
5 yes 1 with
6 no 2 (to) play/watch
7 yes 3 than
4 want
Part 3 5 marks
5 would
1 A
2 D
3 B

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