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DOI: 10.1002/chem.

201405528 Communication

& Alkene Carboxylation

Nickel-Catalyzed Direct Carboxylation of Olefins with CO2 :

One-Pot Synthesis of a,b-Unsaturated Carboxylic Acid Salts
Nfflria Huguet,[a] Ivana Jevtovikj,[a] Alvaro Gordillo,[a] Michael L. Lejkowski,[a] Ronald Lindner,[a]
Miriam Bru,[a] Andrey Y. Khalimon,[a] Frank Rominger,[b] Stephan A. Schunk,[c]
Peter Hofmann,[a, b] and Michael Limbach*[a, d]
Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Heinz Hoberg, a pioneer in the field

Abstract: The nickel-catalyzed direct carboxylation of al- The hydrocarboxylation of activated unsaturated hydrocar-
kenes with the cheap and abundantly available C1 build- bons with CO2[3] is an established methodology in organic
ing block carbon dioxide (CO2) in the presence of a base chemistry to yield either a,b- (for alkynes),[4] b,g-unsaturated a-
has been achieved. The one-pot reaction allows for the branched (for allenes and 1,3 alkadienes),[5] or a-branched car-
direct and selective synthesis of a wide range of a,b-unsa- boxylic acid derivatives (for styrenes),[6] but requires the stoi-
turated carboxylates (TON > 100, TOF up to 6 h 1, TON = chiometric use of reductants (i.e., AlEt3, hydrosilanes, Et2Zn,
turnover number, TOF = turnover frequency). Thus, it is RMgX) or directing groups in the substrate.[6c]
possible, in one step, to synthesize sodium acrylate from The catalytic carboxylation of unsaturated hydrocarbons
ethylene, CO2, and a sodium salt. Acrylates are industrially with CO2 to a,b-unsaturated carboxylates (i.e., acrylates) has
important products, the synthesis of which has hitherto been difficult for three decades, although, in the 1980s,
required multiple steps. Hoberg et al.[7] reported the nickel-catalyzed reaction of al-
kenes and isocyanates (isoelectronic to CO2) to acrylamides.
Since the early results of Hoberg et al., the cleavage of inter-
mediately formed metallalactones, in particular nickelalac-
The exploitation of carbon dioxide (CO2) for the production of tones,[8] has been a challenging route for such catalytic reac-
globally used chemicals such as formic acid,[1] is of huge indus- tions: for stereoelectronic reasons, five-membered “Hoberg
trial interest, because CO2 is a cheap and abundantly available complexes” do not readily undergo b-H elimination and their
C1 building block.[2] Nevertheless, only a few reactions and cat- cleavage with auxiliaries such as electrophiles (i.e., alkyl hal-
alysts enable the straightforward catalytic functionalization of, ides[9] or protons[9g, 10]), Lewis acids,[9g, 10, 11] a combination of
for example, alkenes with CO2 to industrially relevant target both,[12] thermally,[9c, 10, 13] or even sonochemically,[10] has not led
molecules such as acrylates. Acrylates and their downstream to catalysis. The cleavage of nickelalactones with sterically hin-
products are ubiquitous in daily life as hygiene products, coat- dered phosphazene bases is slow[11c] and, due to the mutual in-
ings, adhesives, and food preservatives and are globally manu- compatibility of strong bases, Lewis acids, and CO2, catalysis re-
factured on a multimillion ton level. mained a challenge. The same applies for other metals from
groups 4 (Zr),[14] 6 (Mo),[15] 8 (Fe, Ru),[16] 9 (Rh),[17] and 10 (Pd,
[a] Dr. N. Huguet, Dr. I. Jevtovikj, Dr. A. Gordillo, Dr. M. L. Lejkowski, Only recently have we been able to disclose the first two-
Dr. R. Lindner, Dr. M. Bru, Dr. A. Y. Khalimon, Prof. Dr. P. Hofmann, step catalytic synthesis of sodium acrylate from ethylene and
Dr. M. Limbach CO2 based on a nickel catalyst (TON 10),[19] as a) we targeted
CaRLa (Catalysis Research Laboratory)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 584, 69120 Heidelberg (Germany) the exergonic reaction to an acrylic acid salt instead of the
Fax: (+ 49) 621-60-6648957 highly endergonic formation of acrylic acid (DG = 21 vs.
E-mail: [email protected] 59 kJ mol 1[20] in THF) and b) overcame the kinetically unfeasi-
[b] Dr. F. Rominger, Prof. Dr. P. Hofmann ble b-H elimination from the dtbpe-ligated nickelalactone
Ruprecht-Karls-Universitt Heidelberg
1 (DG° = 103 kJ mol 1)[19] by its a-deprotonation with an alkox-
Organisch-Chemisches Institut
Im Neuenheimer Feld 270, 69120 Heidelberg (Germany) ide base. In this communication we will address the develop-
[c] Dr. S. A. Schunk ment of an efficient one-pot catalyst system, which has previ-
hte GmbH ously been hampered by being limited to a small set of ligands
Kurpfalzring 104, 69123 Heidelberg (Germany) and substrates, and by the need to separate lactone formation
[d] Dr. M. Limbach and its cleavage due to the lack of a base capable of tolerating
Synthesis and Homogeneous Catalysis
Carl-Bosch-Strasse 38, 67056 Ludwigshafen (Germany) The reaction of 1 with sodium 2-fluorophenoxide (2 equiv)
Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW under led to quantitative decarboxylation to ethylene complex 2 by
31 P NMR, whereas acrylate p-complex 3 was formed in a clean

Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 16858 – 16862 16858  2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

though BenzP* was not the most active ligand at 80 8C

(Table 1), it turned out to be robust at elevated temperatures
(TON 10 at 80 8C vs. 35 at 100 8C with sodium 2-fluorophenox-
ide, Table 2). At 120 8C the reductive decarboxylation of nickel-
Scheme 1. Nickelalactone cleavage by sodium 2-fluorophenoxide.
alactone 5 was pronounced and the reaction became slug-
gish.[19, 30]
The electronic and steric influence of substituents on the
phenoxide’s core was crucial for reactivity (Table 2): at 80 8C
reaction in the presence of 10 equiv of base (Scheme 1). Al- sodium phenoxide (50 equiv with respect to Ni(COD)2) as well
though alcoholates (or strong N-bases such as 1,8-diazabicy-
clo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU)) react irreversibly with CO2 to form
carbonic acid half-esters[21] (or carbaminates),[22] phenoxides are
less nucleophilic. This makes them suitable bases to work with Table 2. Variation of phenoxide, temperature, and stoichiometry.
under CO2-pressure conditions.
Catalytic reactions under CO2 and ethylene pressure (10 and
5 bar) with sodium 3-fluorophenoxide (50 equiv) and the es-
tablished ligand dtbpe[19] gave a TON of 9 (Table 1). Monoden- Entry Phenoxide TON Temp. base/cat.
(DuanPhos) [8C]

1[a] 3 80 50
Table 1. Variation of ligand and solvent.
2[a] 4 80 50

Ligand TON Ligand TON 3[a] 4 80 50

d bpe 9 Dcpe 3
dcppe  2 HBF4 2 dippe 6
dippp 5 dippb 2 4[a] 8 (16) 80 50
(S)-BINAPINE 10 (R,R,S,S)-DuanPhos 16
(S,S,R,R)-TangPhos 14 Dcpf 1
(R,R)-QuinoxP* 4 (R,R)-Me-DuPhos 2 5[a] 10 (21) 80 50
2 (DMF) 6[a] 35 (24) 100 50
10 (PhCl, THF) 7[a] 31 (21) 120 50
13 (dioxane) 8[b] 39 (31) 100 100
17 (toluene) 9[c] 69 (28) 100 100
10[c] 80 100 200
11[c] 107 100 300
Conditions: Sodium 3-fluorophenoxide (10 mmol), Ni(COD)2 (0.2 mmol),
ligand (0.22 mmol), C2H4 (5 bar), CO2 (10 bar), 20 h. 12[a] 2 80 50

13[a] 1 80 50
tate phosphines (i.e., PPh3, PtBu3) and small bite-angle ligands
(i.e., dtbpm, dppm) failed in the reaction. Comparably high
TONs (10–16) were obtained with the electron-rich P-stereo- [a] Ligand (0.22 mmol), Ni(COD)2 (0.2 mmol), CO2 (10 bar), C2H4 (5 bar),
sodium phenoxide (10 mmol); [b] As [a] but ligand (0.11 mmol), Ni(COD)2
genic bisphosphine ligands (S)-BINAPINE,[23] (S,S’,R,R’)-Tang- (0.1 mmol), 100 8C. [c] As [b] with zinc (10 mmol), CO2 (20 bar), C2H4
Phos,[24] (1R,1’R,2S,2’S)-DuanPhos,[25] and (R,R)-BenzP*,[26] where- (10 bar).
as dcpf, HiersoPHOS-1,[27] (R,R)-QuinoxP*[28] and the bisphos-
pholane (R,R)-Me-DuPhos were only moderately active (Table 1,
TON 1–4).[11b] In the homologous series of bidentate ligands
dippe, dippp, and dippb, a C2–3 bridge between the donor as its derivatives bearing substituents with + I effect in ortho-
atoms turned out to be beneficial (TON up to 6), whereas position (i.e., sodium 2-methyl- and 2,6-dimethyl-phenoxide,
amongst the substituents at the P-donor a tBu or iPr group Table 2, entries 2 and 3) gave comparably low TONs (ca. 4). In
gave the highest activity (TONs of 9 and 6, respectively). a series of fluoro phenoxides (substituent with I effect), the
The solvent had a major impact on the reaction outcome meta- or even better ortho-substituted derivative led to an in-
(Table 1), whereas ligands such as BenzP* were only moderate- crease in TON but not the para-substituted one (TON 8, 10,
ly active in DMF (or inactive in MeOH), apolar and aprotic sol- and 2, respectively, cf. Table 2, entries 3, 4, and 12). This trend
vents like ethers (THF, dioxane) or even toluene led to higher holds true for DuanPhos (TON 16 and 21, respectively, cf.
reactivity (TON 17). In chlorobenzene oxidative addition to Table 2, entries 4 and 5), albeit at a lower level. The activity of
form NiII turned out to be a limiting side-reaction.[29] Even the phenoxide seems to correlate with its pKa value in H2O

Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 16858 – 16862 16859  2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Terminal, unactivated alkenes or

internal ones did not react to
give the corresponding acrylates,
most likely due to their lower
tendency to form the initial
BenzP*-Ni0-alkene complex simi-
lar to 4 (e.g., cyclopentene, nor-
bonene, (Z)-3-hexene; cf.
Scheme 2), or the corresponding
lactones akin to 5 (e.g., propyl-
ene, 1-hexene).
Apart from ethylene (high
TON of 107; cf. Table 3, entry 1),
the reaction also tolerates differ-
ent functional groups. This is es-
pecially true for 1,3-butadienes:
while n-butylvinylether gave
only traces of sodium 3-me-
thoxy-2-propenoate, the corre-
sponding (E)-1-methoxy-1,3-bu-
tadiene yielded sodium (E,E)-5-
methoxy-2,4-pentadienoate with
Scheme 2. Catalytic cycle and solid-state structure of lactone 5. Ellipsoids drawn at 50 % probability. Hydrogen a reasonably high TON of 99
atoms are omitted for clarity. Selected bond lengths [] and angles [8]: Ni C 1.955(4), Ni O 1.890(2), Ni P1 (Table 3, entries 5 and 6). Similar-
2.1887(10), Ni P2 2.1193(9), O-Ni-C 85.61(13), P-Ni-P 89.04(4).
ly, an (E,Z)-mixture of methyl 2,4-
pentadienoate yielded a mixture
of muconic acid isomers with an
with a maximum for sodium 2-fluorophenoxide (pKa = 8.82).[31] overall TON of 75 (Table 3, entry 7). 2-Vinylpyridine was the
Clearly, a base successful in the reaction is sufficiently Brønst- only substrate that produced the salt of an a-branched a,b-un-
ed-basic to deprotonate nickelalactone 5, and of reasonably saturated acid, albeit with a low TON value (TON 2; Table 3,
poor nucleophilicity to avoid its neutralization by reacting with entry 8). Out of the three different double bonds of the natural
CO2 (Scheme 2). product myrcene, only the least substituted one was trans-
The addition of finely powdered zinc (100 equiv) had a bene- formed with very high (E)-selectivity to the corresponding
ficial effect on the reaction with BenzP* (TON 69 vs. 39; linear a,b-unsaturated carboxylic acid derivative (TON of 11; cf.
Table 2, entry 9). A huge excess of base (300 equiv) increased Table 3, entry 14).
TON further (107 vs. 69 for BenzP*; Table 2, entry 11). Most In conclusion, we have found a robust Nickel catalyst and re-
likely the metal reduced intermediately formed NiII species. The action setup for the one-pot, direct carboxylation of activated
effect was less pronounced for DuanPhos (TON 28 vs. 31; alkenes, such as ethylene, styrenes, and 1,3-dienes with CO2.
Table 2, entries 9 and 10). The a,b-unsaturated carboxylic acid salts are formed in high
Amongst a series of activated alkenes, that is, styrenes, Mi- yields and selectivity for the linear product. This method might
chael acceptors, and 1,3-butadienes, CO2 was only incorporat- pave the way for more efficient routes to basic chemicals such
ed once into the product (Table 3). (E)-Configured starting al- as acrylates, methacrylates, and sorbates, but also enrich the
kenes yielded exclusively (E,E)-configured products. Thus, 1,3- organic chemist’s toolbox to access more complex molecular
butadiene and (E)-piperylene gave exclusively the linear mono- architectures.
carboxylated a,b,g,d-unsaturated carboxylic acids salts
(TON 116 and 90, respectively; Table 3, entries 9 and 10). One
or even two alkyl substituents on the double bonds significant-
ly reduced reactivity (cyclohexadiene, isoprene, 2,3-dimethyl-
N.H., I.J., A.G., M.L.L., R.L., M.B., A.Y.K., P.H., and M.L. work at
butadiene, TONs from 7–64; Table 3, entries 11–13). In the case
CaRLa of Heidelberg University, which is co-financed by Heidel-
of isoprene, where there are two terminal double bonds for
berg University, the state of Baden-Wrttemberg, and BASF SE.
a potential reaction with CO2, both products were formed in
Support from Bundesministerium fr Bildung und Forschung
roughly equimolar amounts (TON 7 and 9; Table 3, entry 12).
(BMBF) (grant 01RC1015A) is gratefully acknowledged.
The reaction of styrene and CO2 under optimized reaction con-
ditions yielded only sodium (E)-cinnamate (TON 12; Table 3,
entry 2).[32] Electron-donating or -withdrawing groups in the 4- Keywords: carbon dioxide · catalysis · C C coupling
position of the styrene frame (i.e., R = OMe or CF3) led to a reac- reactions · metallacycles · nickel
tivity drop represented by a TON < 10 (Table 3, entries 3 and 4).

Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 16858 – 16862 16860  2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 16858 – 16862 16862  2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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