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DOI: 10.1002/cctc.

201501365 Full Papers

Polyoxometalate-Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides

as Efficient and Recyclable Bifunctional Catalysts for
Cascade Reactions
Kai Liu+,[a] Yanqi Xu+,[a] Zhixiao Yao,[a] Haralampos N. Miras,*[b] and Yu-Fei Song*[a]

The polyoxometalate (POM) intercalated layered double hy- tions involving oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde
droxides (LDHs) have been widely used as heterogeneous cata- followed by Knoevenagel condensation with ethyl cyanoace-
lysts. However, the application of POMLDHs as bifunctional tate to produce benzylidene ethyl cyanoacetate. The combina-
catalysts for cascade reaction has seldom been studied com- tion of POMs redox/acidic sites and LDHss basic sites led to
pared to the noble-metal-based catalysts. Herein, a series of a composite catalyst with excellent activity (99 %) and selectivi-
POMLDHs catalysts of TrisLDHX4(PW9)2 (X = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, ty ( 99 %) under mild and soluble-base-free conditions. This
Cu, and Zn; Tris = Tris(hydroxymethtyl)aminomethane) have work offers a new design strategy for the fabrication of effi-
been prepared. The efficacy of TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 as efficient cient bifunctional catalysts for the promotion of one-pot
bifunctional catalyst has been demonstrated for cascade reac- cascade reactions.


One-pot cascade reactions have attracted the interest of or- a reasonable timescale. Therefore, the development of highly
ganic synthetic chemists in recent years,[14] as they can drasti- efficient noble-metal-free heterogeneous catalysts for one-pot
cally simplify complex synthetic pathways and reduce the pro- cascade reactions without additives (e.g., base) under mild
duction wastes and energy consumption.[59] A feasible route conditions is highly demanding, although it is challenging as
for the efficient progression of cascade reactions is based on well.
the design of new catalysts with spatially isolated multiple Polyoxometalates (POMs) are a large class of discrete metal
active sites, which can promote simultaneously different reac- oxide clusters of early transition metals such as V, Mo, and W,
tions. To date, a wide variety of catalytic systems have been etc., which have been widely applied in catalytic reactions,[16]
proposed for cascade reactions, however, many of these are such as oxidation of alcohols,[1719] epoxidation of alkenes and
based on homogeneous catalysts.[10, 11] In contrast to homoge- alkenols,[20, 21] bromination of alkenes,[22, 23] and water split-
neous catalysts, their heterogeneous counterparts exhibit sig- ting.[24, 25] Layered double hydroxides (LDHs)[26] are a series of
nificant advantages such as facile recovery and recyclability, layered materials with tunable interlayer galleries, with the
least possible contamination of the reaction medium, as well general formula of [M2 + 1xM3 + x(OH)2](An)x/nm H2O, in which
as high stability. Although the catalytic efficacy of heterogene- M2 + and M3 + are di- and trivalent metal cations, and An is
ous catalysts such as Au/TiO2,[12] AuPd/resin,[13] Pd/MOF[14] and a counter anion. It has been demonstrated that LDHs are effec-
Pt/polymer[15] etc. in cascade reactions has been demonstrated, tive supports for the immobilization of anionic POM cata-
the incorporation of noble-metal centers, the addition of solu- lysts.[2730] Indeed, LDHs possess a number of active basic sites
ble base, and the use of high-temperature regimes are gener- that can efficiently catalyze Knoevenagel condensation reac-
ally required to achieve high yields of the target product in tions.[3133] Hence, it is highly desirable to design new bifunc-
tional POMLDHs catalysts, which can promote both oxidation
[a] K. Liu,+ Y. Xu,+ Z. Yao, Prof. Y.-F. Song and Knoevenagel condensation reactions in the absence of
State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering any other additives under mild conditions.
Beijing University of Chemical Technology In this work, we report the preparation of a series of bifunc-
Beijing 100029 (P.R. China)
tional catalysts of the general formula TrisLDHX4(PW9)2
Fax: (+ 86) 10-64431832
E-mail: [email protected] (Tris = Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, X = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni,
[b] Dr. H. N. Miras Cu and Zn) by intercalating POM anions of
Department of Chemistry [X4(H2O)2(PW9O34)2]10 (X = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn) into
University of Glasgow a Tris-modified LDH using a facile ion exchange method.
Glasgow, G12 8QQ (UK)
Among all the members of this family of catalysts, TrisLDH
E-mail: [email protected]
Zn4(PW9)2 exhibits the highest activity and selectivity in the
[+] These authors contributed equally to this work.
cascade reaction of oxidationKnoevenagel condensation be-
Supporting information and ORCID(s) from the author(s) for this article
are available on the WWW under http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ tween benzyl alcohol and ethyl cyanoacetate to produce ben-
cctc.201501365. zylidene ethyl cyanoacetate under mild and soluble-base-free

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conditions. Finally, the heterogeneous catalysts can be easily 11.5, 23.5, 34.8, 61.1, and 62.48, respectively. After ion ex-
recovered and reused for at least ten times without obvious change, the characteristic peaks for the (0 0 3) and (0 0 6)
deterioration of their structural integrity and activity attributa- planes of TrisLDHX4(PW9)2 shift to 8.58 and 18.38, indicating
ble to the strong hostguest interaction between the LDHs that the [X4(H2O)2(PW9O34)2]10 ions have been successfully in-
and POM anions. tercalated into the interlayer of Trismodified LDH.
The FT-IR spectrum of K10[Zn4(H2O)2(PW9O34)2] in Figure 1 B,
which is denoted KZn4(PW9)2 in the rest of the manuscript, ex-
hibits peaks at 939, 887, and 745 cm1, which are attributed to
Results and Discussion the vibrations of WOt, WOcW, and WOeW (t, terminal; c,
Synthesis and Characterization corner sharing; e, edge sharing),[34] respectively. These WO
stretching bands can be clearly observed in the FT-IR spectrum
Ion exchange of KX4(H2O)2(PW9O34)2 with TrisLDHCO3 under of TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 slightly shifted to 941, 891 and
ambient conditions without the necessity of degassing CO2 led 748 cm1, respectively. The observed shift is the result of the
to the formation of a new intercalated assembly of TrisLDH strong electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonds formed
X4(PW9)2 (Scheme 1). As revealed in Figure 1 A, the XRD pat- between the layers of LDHs and the POM anions.[38] The peak
terns of TrisLDHCO3 show the characteristic peaks for the at 1034 cm1 in both spectra of KZn4(PW9)2 and TrisLDH
(0 0 3), (0 0 6), (0 1 2), (11 0), and (11 3) lattice planes at 2 q = Zn4(PW9)2 can be assigned to the PO vibration of the heteroa-
tom within the POM clusters. Additionally, the absorption
bands in the range of 400800 cm1 in both spectra of Tris
LDHCO3 and TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 are attributed to OMO vi-
brations in the brucite-like layers of LDHs.[35] Remarkably, the
peak at 1359 cm1 of TrisLDHCO3, attributed to the vibration
of CO32 anions, disappears in the FT-IR spectrum of the com-
posite TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2, suggesting the successful ion ex-
Scheme 1. Schematic representation of the synthetic process for the interca- change of CO32 anions by POM clusters. The FT-IR spectra of
lation of [Zn4(H2O)2(PW9O34)2]10 into Tris-stabilized LDHs. Color code: yellow
and light blue octahedral = MgO6 or AlO6, red and gray spheres = Tris, dark TrisLDHX4(PW9)2 (X = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu) are shown in
blue and green octahedral = WO6 and ZnO6. Figure S1 in the Supporting Information.
Additional evidence of the complete exchange of the CO32
anions can be seen from the 13C cross-polarization magic-
angle-spinning (CPMAS) NMR study of Tris and TrisLDHCO3
(Figure 2 A). The spectrum exhibits a strong signal at
171.1 ppm, which can be ascribed to the interlayer CO32
anions.[35] Notably, this signal is absent in the 13C CPMAS NMR
spectrum of TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 composite material indicative
of the complete ion exchange of the CO32 anions by the
[Zn4(H2O)2(PW9O34)2]10 anions during the intercalation process.
Furthermore, one set of signals centered at d = 4.6 ppm can
be observed in the 31P NMR spectrum of TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2
and KZn4(PW9)2, indicating that the POM anions have been
successfully incorporated into the Tris-modified LDHs (Fig-
ure 2 B).
XPS analysis of the composite TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 is shown
in Figure 3. Initial survey of the XPS spectrum showed that the
TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 sample is composed of the elements of
Mg, Al, Zn, P, and W (Figure 3 A). In Figure 3 BC, the relevant
binding energies of Mg 1s (1303.5 eV) and Al 2p (74.4 eV) attrib-
uted to the presence of the Tris-modified LDH are presented,
and in Figure 3 DF the peaks of the relevant binding energies
of Zn 2p, P 2p, and W 4f resulting from the intercalation of the
[Zn4(H2O)2(PW9O34)2]10 clusters in the TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 com-
posite material are shown. Furthermore, the W 4f spectrum
(Figure 3 F) can be deconvoluted into a doublet consisting of
W 4f7/2 at 35.7 eV and W 4f5/2 at 37.8 eV, respectively. The dou-
blet is ascribed to the W in the WO-bond configuration and
typically can be assigned to the existence of W6 + centers.[39]
Figure 1. A) XRD patterns of a) TrisLDHCO3 and bg) TrisLDHX4(PW9)2
(X = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn, respectively), B) FT-IR spectra of a) TrisLDH This result is in agreement with the oxidation state of the W
CO3, (b) TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2, c) K[Zn4(H2O)2(PW9O34)2]10. centers originating from the starting material, KZn4(PW9)2.

ChemCatChem 2016, 8, 929 937 www.chemcatchem.org 930 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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creased from 32 to 800 8C (Figure 4 A). The first weight loss of
7.23 % occurs between 40 and 244 8C, which can be attributed
to the removal of water molecules absorbed in the surface and
the interlayer space of the TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 composite. The
second weight-loss step of 8.74 % at 244800 8C corresponds
to the decomposition of Tris molecules and subsequent disin-

Figure 2. A) 13C CPMAS NMR spectra of Tris, TrisLDHCO3, and TrisLDH

Zn4(PW9)2, (B) 31P CPMAS NMR spectra of KZn4(PW9)2 and TrisLDH

Thermogravimetric differential thermal analysis (TGDTA) Figure 4. A) TGDTA of TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 and B) adsorptiondesorption
was performed for the TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 sample, and two isotherms of TrisLDHCO3, TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2. The inset shows the pore
weight-loss stages were observed as the temperature in- size distribution of TrisLDHCO3 and TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2.

Figure 3. A) XPS spectra of the TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 sample and deconvolution of the peaks for B) Mg 1s, C) Al 2p, D) Zn 2p, E) P 2p, F) W 4f.

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tegration of the layered structure. Based on the TGDTA and
elemental analysis considerations (Mg = 8.071 %, Al = 4.483 %,
W = 54.692 %, and N = 0.644 %), the elemental composition
of the composite material can be identified as:
Mg0.66Al0.33(C4H8NO3)0.092(OH)1.71Zn0.132(PW9O34)0.0660.87 H2O (Sup-
porting Information, Table S1). The TG analysis plots of K
Zn4(PW9)2 and TrisLDHCO3 are shown in Figure S2 for
BET measurements were performed on the TrisLDHCO3
and TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 samples to obtain more detailed infor-
mation on the structural features of the as-prepared material.
The specific surface area, pore volume, and average pore diam-
eter (estimated from N2 adsorptiondesorption isotherms) are
reported in Table S2. TrisLDHCO3 and TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 Figure 6. CO2 TPD curves of a) Zn2AlZn4(PW9)2, b) Mg2Al-Zn4(PW9)2, and
display H4-type hysteresis loops (Figure 4 B), indicating that c) TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2.
the pores are produced by the aggregation of slit-shaped
microsized pores.[40]
SEM analysis (Figure S2) shows that the plate sizes of Tris 252 to 373 8C. In comparison with Mg2AlZn4(PW9)2 and Zn2Al
LDHZn4(PW9)2 are in the range of approximately 2030 nm. Zn4(PW9)2, TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 contains larger amount of basic
High-resolution (HR) TEM images of the TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 sites, particularly of the stronger ones. Notably, TrisLDH
are shown in Figure 5. The observed homogeneously distribut- Zn4(PW9)2 has a much higher basic-site density than Mg2Al
Zn4(PW9)2 and Zn2AlZn4(PW9)2 based on the data summarized
in Table 1, and Zn2AlZn4(PW9)2 possesses the lowest basic-site
density among the three samples.

Table 1. Results of temperature-programmed desorption of CO2 for the

studied samples.

Sample specific basicity [CO2 mmol g1][a]

total W. M. S.
Zn2AlZn4(PW9)2 248 146.5 (59.1)[b] 54.7 (23.0) 46.8 (18.9)
Mg2AlZn4(PW9)2 305 158.3 (51.9) 13.6 (4.5) 133.1 (43.6)
TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 614 134.1 (21.8) 12.3 (2.0) 467.6 (76.2)

[a] W.: weak basic sites; M.: moderate basic sites; S.: strong basic sites.
[b] Relative amounts of the basic sites (%).

Cascade catalytic reaction

The performance and efficacy of the TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 com-
posite as a bifunctional heterogeneous catalyst was tested in
Figure 5. AC) HRTEM images of TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 at different magnifica- the conversion of benzyl alcohol (A1) to benzylidene ethyl cya-
tion, D) EDX analysis of TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2.
noacetate (C1) in an one-pot cascade reaction. The cascade re-
action involves two separate steps: 1) oxidation of benzyl alco-
ed dark dots of approximately 1 nm diameter size in the sam- hol to benzaldehyde (B1) by POM anions in the presence of
ples of TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 can be ascribed to the intercalated H2O2 and 2) Knoevenagel condensation between benzaldehyde
POM species. Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrometric stud- and ethyl cyanoacetate promoted by the basic sites of the
ies (Figure 5 D) conducted on the dark areas identified from LDHs. The catalytic performance of a series of control experi-
the HRTEM images revealed the presence of Mg, Al, Zn, P, W, ments was also investigated for comparison and the results are
C, and N, which provides further support for the composition summarized in Table 2.
of the TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2. The cascade reaction proceeds smoothly with 99 % conver-
The CO2 temperature-programmed desorption (CO2 TPD) sion and 99 % selectivity using the TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 cata-
measurement of TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2, Mg2AlZn4(PW9)2, and lyst (Table 2, entry 6). The control samples of TrisLDHX4(PW9)2
Zn2AlZn4(PW9)2 are outlined in Figure 6. All these samples dis- (X = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) show considerably lower conver-
play three kinds of CO2 desorption peaks, which can be ascribe sion of A1 (entries 15), indicating that the POM anions hosted
to weak basic sites centered at 90153 8C, moderate basic sites in the Tris-modified LDH play an important role for the efficient
centered at 164227 8C, and strong basic sites ranging from oxidation of A1 during the first step of the reaction. If Mg2Al

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Table 2. Performance of different catalysts in the oxidation of benzyl Table 3. Effect of different solvents on the oxidation of benzyl alcohol
alcohol and the subsequent Knoevenagel condensation with ethyl cyano- and the subsequent Knoevenagel condensation with ethyl cyano-
acetate.[a] acetate.[a]

Entry Solvent Conv. Yield Yield TON[b]

A1 [%] B1 [%] C1 [%]
1 CH3OH 93 0 93 93
2 C2H5OH 92 0 92 92
Entry Catalyst Conv. Yield Yield TON 3 CH3CN 99 0 99 99
A1 [%] B1 [%] C1 [%] 4 THF 78 16 62 62
5 toluene 84 9 75 75
1 TrisLDHMn4(PW9)2 12 0 12 12
6 DMF 89 4 85 85
2 TrisLDHFe4(PW9)2 20 0 20 20
7 DMSO 66 12 44 44
3 TrisLDHCo4(PW9)2 29 0 29 29
8 H2O 47 8 39 39
4 TrisLDH-Ni4(PW9)2 25 0 25 25
5 TrisLDHCu4(PW9)2 47 0 47 47 [a] Reaction conditions: TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 (0.01 mmol), A1 (1 mmol),
6 TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 99 0 99 99 ethyl cyanoacetate (3 mmol), H2O2 (1 mL), solvent (3 mL), T = 353 K, 6 h.
7 Mg2AlZn4(PW9)2 95 13 82 82 [b] TON = moles of product C1/moles of catalyst used.
8 Zn2AlZn4(PW9)2 94 33 61 61
9 K-Zn4(PW9)2 100 92 8 8
10 TrisLDHCO3 trace trace trace trace
11 KZn4(PW9)2 + 83 31 52 52 the final product, C1 (100 %). In contrast, the catalytic activity
TrisLDHCO3 and selectivity decrease dramatically if THF, toluene, DMF,
12[c] Pd/Zeolites 87 48 39 DMSO, and H2O are used as solvents in the cascade reaction
13[d] ZrMOFNH2 100 2 98
(entries 48). Based on the above screening, we selected
14 none 0 0 0
CH3CN as the most appropriate solvent medium.
[a] Reaction conditions: catalyst (0.01 mmol), A1 (1 mmol), ethyl cyano- The catalytic reaction pathway was explored by tracing the
acetate (3 mmol), H2O2 (1 mL), CH3CN (3 mL), T = 353 K, 6 h. [b] TON =
moles of product C1 per moles of catalyst used. [c] Ref. [41]: T = 358 K, product distribution change as a function of the reaction time
15 h. [d] Ref. [42]: T = 363 K, 48 h. using TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 as the catalyst. In Figure 7 A, the evo-
lution with time of the different products is shown for the re-
action of benzyl alcohol and ethyl cyanoacetate in the pres-
Zn4(PW9)2 and Zn2AlZn4(PW9)2 are used instead, the relevant ence of the bifunctional catalyst. Initially, the benzaldehyde
conversion values for A1 found to be nearly the same as that can be obtained through oxidation of benzyl alcohol by the
for TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 ; however, the relevant yields regarding
the condensation step towards the formation of C1 are found
to be significantly lower (entries 7, 8) owing to the lower basic-
ity of the conventional LDH support than that observed in Tris-
modified LDH. Notably, Zn2AlZn4(PW9)2 exhibits a much lower
yield for C1 than Mg2AlZn4(PW9)2 because of the lower basici-
ty of the former composite. Investigation of the catalytic effica-
cy of the monofunctional catalysts reveals that neither K
Zn4(PW9)2 nor TrisLDHCO3 can convert A1 into the target
product C1 (entries 9, 10). Finally, the physical mixture of Tris
LDHCO3 and KZn4(PW9)2 with comparable active site concen-
trations shows inferior efficacy (entry 11), as both the activity
and selectivity are considerably lower than those observed for
the bifunctional catalyst TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2, demonstrating
the advantages of the proposed POM-intercalated catalyst
design. In comparison with TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2, the reported
Pd/zeolites[41]-based catalyst exhibits a much lower conversion
and lower selectivity for the same cascade reaction. Moreover,
the performance of the ZrMOFNH2 (MOF = metal-organic
framework) catalyst,[42] for the same cascade reaction found to
be quite sluggish.
To identify the best solvent medium for the cascade reac-
tion, we investigated the effects of a series of solvents on the
catalytic efficacy; the results are summarized in Table 3. The Figure 7. A) Reaction profile of oxidationKnoevenagel condensation reac-
cascade reaction proceeds efficiently if CH3OH and C2H5OH are tion of benzyl alcohol and ethyl cyanoacetate. a) A1 (black), b) B1 (red),
c) C1 (blue). B) Kinetic study for the conversion of A1 with TrisLDH
used as solvents with the conversion of A1 reaching 93 % and
Zn4(PW9)2. Reaction conditions: TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 (0.01 mmol),
92 %, respectively (entries 1, 2). If CH3CN is used, we observe A1(1 mmol), ethyl cyanoacetate (3 mmol), H2O2 (1 mL), solvent (3 mL),
almost complete conversion of A1 (99 %) and selectivity for T = 353 K, 6 h.

ChemCatChem 2016, 8, 929 937 www.chemcatchem.org 933 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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POM clusters in the presence of H2O2. Simultaneously, in the stant k of the conversion of A1 can be determined to be
presence of the basic sites of Tris-modified LDH, ethyl cyanoa- 0.7661 h1.
cetate is activated to give a nucleophile, which rapidly con-
denses with benzaldehyde leading to the formation of the dCt
k 1
condensation product, benzylidene ethyl cyanoacetate. It dt
should be noted that the yield of benzaldehyde increases ini-
tially as a function of the reaction time and then decreases ln 0 kt 2
slowly after 1 h owing to subsequent conversion to the con-
densation product (C1), which is a typical behavior for In an effort to test the general applicability and efficacy of
a tandem reaction. The schematic reaction profile is illustrated the TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 heterogeneous catalyst in cascade re-
in Scheme 2. actions involving different substrates, we have studied the con-
The kinetic study for conversion of A1 by TrisLDH version of a series of substituted benzyl alcohols (A) and active
Zn4(PW9)2 is illustrated in Figure 7 B. The percentage of conver- methylene compounds (B); the obtained results are summar-
sion and ln(Ct/C0) are plotted against the reaction time, in ized in Table 4. The data demonstrate that the introduction of
which C0 and Ct are the initial A1 concentration and the con- electron donor groups at the para position of the benzyl alco-
centration at time t, respectively. The linear fit of the data dem- hol leads to high yields of the target product (C) (Table 4, en-
onstrates that the catalytic reaction exhibits pseudo-first-order tries 24) after prolonged reaction time; on the other hand,
kinetics for the conversion of A1 (R2 = 0.9956). The rate con- electron-withdrawing groups at the para position exhibit de-
creased yields for the final condensation product (C) (en-
tries 58). Specifically, for 2,6-difluorobenzyl alcohol, a much
lower conversion of A and selectivity for C is observed
(entry 9), which can be attributed to the net electron-with-
drawing effect and the increased steric hindrance of the bulky
groups in A. If malononitrile is used as the condensation reac-
tant, the whole cascade reaction proceeds fast to completion
within 4 h (entry 10). On the contrary, the yields for the final
product (C) are moderately to significantly lower for of diethyl
malonate and phenylacetonitrile, respectively (entries 11, 12).
Malononitrile is the most active methylene compound among
the substrates used in this work, which is reflected in the ob-
served differences in the yields for C in the cascade reaction.
To evaluate the stability of the composite material, identify
Scheme 2. Reaction pathway of the oxidationKnoevenagel condensation potential leaching issues, and demonstrate the heterogeneous
reaction catalyzed by TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2. Color code: yellow and light blue
octahedral = MgO6 or AlO6, dark blue and green octahedral = WO6 and ZnO6,
nature of the TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 composite material, we de-
gray and red spheres = Tris. signed the following experimental procedure. After allowing

Table 4. One-pot oxidation-Knoevenagel cascade reactions towards different substrates using TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 as the catalyst.[a]

Entry R1 R2 R3 t Conv. Yield Yield TON[b]

[h] A1 [%] B1 [%] C1 [%]
1 C6H5 CN COOEt 6 99 0 99 99
2 4-CH3-C6H5 CN COOEt 16 92 0 92 92
3 4-CH3O-C6H5 CN COOEt 24 93 0 93 93
4 4-NH2-C6H5 CN COOEt 24 90 0 90 90
5 4-F-C6H5 CN COOEt 24 86 0 86 86
6 4-Cl-C6H5 CN COOEt 24 83 0 83 83
7 4-Br-C6H5 CN COOEt 24 79 0 79 79
8 4-NO2-C6H5 CN COOEt 24 60 0 60 60
9 2,6-2F-C6H5 CN COOEt 24 48 16 32 32
10 C6H5 CN CN 4 99 0 99 99
11 C6H5 COOEt COOEt 16 99 7 92 92
12 C6H5 C6 H 5 CN 24 99 25 64 64

[a] Reaction conditions: TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 (0.01 mmol), alcohol (1 mmol), active methylene compounds (3 mmol), H2O2 (1 mL), CNCH3 (3 mL), T = 353 K.
[b] TON = moles of product C per moles of catalyst used.

ChemCatChem 2016, 8, 929 937 www.chemcatchem.org 934 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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the benzyl alcohol and ethyl cyanoacetate to react for 2 h, we XRD, FT-IR, 31P NMR, and XPS analyses demonstrate the reten-
removed the catalyst from the reaction vessel by filtration tion of its structural integrity (Figure S4).
while the conversion of benzyl alcohol and the yield of the
condensation product at this point reached 72 % and 58 %, re-
spectively (Figure 8 A). The reaction mixture was kept under Conclusions
A series of bifunctional catalysts of the general formula Tris
LDHX4(PW9)2 (X = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn; Tris = tris(hydrox-
ymethyl)aminomethane; LDH = layered double hydroxides)
have been fabricated by intercalating the polyoxymetalate
(POM) anions into Tris-modified LDH following a facile ion ex-
change method. The experimental results show for the first
time the efficient utilization of POMLDH composite materials
as bifunctional heterogeneous catalysts for the promotion of
cascade reactions. The combinatorial effect of this family of
composite materials was demonstrated by the fine-tuning of
the oxidation catalyst (POM) and the basicity of the LDH layers
(Knoevenagel condensation). More specifically, the TrisLDH
Zn4(PW9)2 composite exhibited excellent activity and selectivity
under mild and soluble-base-free conditions in the cascade ox-
idationKnoevenagel condensation reaction of various substi-
tuted benzyl alcohol and active methylene substrates. This
work demonstrates the POM-intercalated LDHs as very attrac-
tive low cost, energy-efficient and noble-metal-free alternative
catalysts. Moreover, the reported heterogeneous catalysts can
be easily recovered upon completion of the cascade reaction
and recycled for at least ten times without measurable deterio-
ration of their catalytic activity or structural integrity. This new
approach opens up endless possibilities for the engineering of
Figure 8. A) Leaching test for the cascade reaction of benzyl alcohol with
ethyl cyanoacetate over TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2. a) conversion of benzyl alcohol, low-cost, environmentally friendly and modular multifunctional
b) yield of benzylidene ethyl cyanoacetate. Reaction conditions: benzyl alco- POM-LDH catalysts, tailored for the promotion of specific cas-
hol (1 mmol), ethyl cyanoacetate (1.5 mmol), H2O2 (1 mL), solvent (3 mL), cat- cade reactions. Our current research effort is focused on ex-
alyst (0.01 mmol), T = 353 K. B) Recycling test of the TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 cata-
ploring the potential of the family of POMLDHs-based multi-
lyst for 10 times.
functional catalysts.

stirring for another 4 h under the same experimental condi-

tions while we kept monitoring any concentration changes of Experimental Section
the species. The obtained data (Figure 8 A) demonstrate that Chemicals
the removal of the solid catalyst, TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 from the
reaction mixture, brings the cascade reaction, and as a conse- MgCl26 H2O, AlCl36 H2O, Zn(NO3)26 H2O, MnCl22 H2O, FeCl36 H2O,
Co(NO3)26 H2O, Ni(NO3)36 H2O, CuCl22 H2O, Al(NO3)39 H2O, Na2CO3,
quence the conversion of benzyl alcohol and the yield of the
NaWO42 H2O, H3PO4, CH3COOH, KCl, tris(hydroxymethyl)aminome-
target product, to a halt. In addition, inductively coupled
thane (Tris), benzyl alcohol, 4-methylbenzyl alcohol, 4-methoxyben-
plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICPAES) measurements zyl alcohol, 4-fluorobenzyl alcohol, 4-chlorobenzyl alcohol, 4-bro-
of the filtrate after removing the catalyst indicate no evidence mobenzylalcohol, 4-aminobenzyl alcohol, 4-nitrobenzyl alcohol,
of W content in the filtrate. These two experimental results 2,6-difluorobenzyl alcohol, ethyl cyanoacetate, malononitrile, dieth-
provide unambiguous proof that there is no leaching of POM yl malonate, and phenylacetonitrile were purchased from Sigma
clusters from the TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 composite into the solu- Aldrich and used without any further purification. All solvents were
tion during the course of the cascade reaction. This can be at- of analytical grade, purchased from Alfa Aesar and used without
further purification.
tributed to the multiple electrostatic and H-bonding interac-
tions between Tris-modified LDH and POM anions in the two-
dimensionally restricted region. Preparation of the catalysts
Most importantly, the heterogeneous catalyst can be suc-
cessfully recovered upon completion of the cascade reaction TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 : K10[Zn4(H2O)2(PW9O34)2]20 H2O[34] (KZn4(PW9)2)
and the tripodal-ligand-stabilized layered double hydroxide (Tris
by filtration. As shown in Figure 8 B, the TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2
LDHCO3)[35] were synthesized according to previously reported
composite used for the promotion of the cascade reaction can methodologies. The POMs were intercalated into TrisLDHCO3
be easily recovered by filtration and recycled for at least 10 using an anion-exchange method[36] under CO2-existing conditions.
times without obvious deterioration of its catalytic activity. In TrisLDHCO3 (2 mg mL1) was then redispersed in a solution of
addition, the characterization of the recycled catalyst using K10[Zn4(H2O)2(PW9O34)2] (0.1 m) and stirred for 2 h at RT. The precipi-

ChemCatChem 2016, 8, 929 937 www.chemcatchem.org 935 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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tate was then filtered, washed with water and acetone, and dried Centre for Hierarchical Catalysts. H.N.M acknowledges the finan-
in an oven to obtain the TrisLDHZn4(PW9)2 composite. cial support from University of Glasgow, Royal Society of Edin-
TrisLDHX4(PW9)2 (X = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu), Mg2Al-Zn4(PW9)2, and burgh and Marie Curie actions scheme.
Zn2Al-Zn4(PW9)2 : TrisLDHX4(PW9)2 (X = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) were
fabricated following the synthetic procedure according to the liter- Keywords: heterogeneous catalysts intercalations layered
ature.[3436] Mg2AlCO3 and Mg2AlNO3,[37] Mg2AlZn4(PW9)2,[30] and
compounds polyoxometalates transition metals
Zn2AlCO3 and Zn2Al-NO3[29] were synthesized according to previ-
ously reported literature methods.
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