Strengthening of Shear Deficient Reinforced Concrete Beams Retrofitted With Cement-Based Composites

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Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 9, No.

1, 2015

Strengthening of Shear Deficient Reinforced Concrete Beams Retrofitted

with Cement-based Composites

P. Bhuvaneshwari 1)* and K. Saravana Raja Mohan 2)

Research Scholar, Center for Advanced Research in Environment, School of Civil Engineering,
SASTRA University, Thanjavur, India. E-Mail: [email protected]
Ph.D., Associate Dean/ Ramco Cements Chair Professor, Center for Advanced Research in Environment,
School of Civil Engineering, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, India. E-Mail: [email protected]
* Corresponding Author.

The restoration of strength and stiffness of damaged reinforced concrete beams with deficient reinforcements,
through retrofitting, was experimentally and numerically studied. Retrofitting is carried out by wrapping glass
fiber strips using cement-based composite binders. Six beams of size 1500mm (length) x100mm (width) x
150mm (depth) have been tested in four-point bending. Three beams are used as reference beams, whereas
the other three are cast as shear deficient beams and loaded up to first few cracks.The damaged beams were
repaired, cured and retrofitted. Flexure test is carried out to find the average ultimate load, maximum
deflection, maximum moment, stiffness, energy absorption and crack pattern of reference and preloaded
retrofitted beams. Numerical analysis is carried out for the similar shear deficient beams. It is concluded that
the ultimate load and moment carrying capacity were restored in preloaded retrofitted beams. The stiffness
and energy absorption are improved in preloaded wrapped beams with deflection at ultimate load being

KEYWORDS: Experimental analysis, Numerical analysis, Shear deficient beams, Glass fiber strips,
Cement-based composites.

INTRODUCTION good workability and maintain excellent bond with the

base concrete.
Many concrete structures fail to cater the specific Earlier research was carried out to get the properties
needs due to change in the design standards, for polymer modified mortar and concrete to be used as
unexpected loading, corrosion, design and construction repair materials, by conducting different tests on
errors and due to random loading in the form of polymer-based admixtures by (Ohama, 1998). Kurtz
earthquakes. Damaged structures are to be replaced or and Balaguru (2001) concluded that the post yield
retrofitted. Shear in the beam is primarily resisted by stiffness is high for inorganic cement based binders and
the stirrups provided as shear reinforcement. Beam that the deflection of the beam with this binders was
members with insufficient stirrup bars require 25% less than that of the beam with the organic epoxy
retrofitting in high shear region, in order to enhance binders and without any delamination.
their shear strength. Cement-based composites have Procedure to enhance the bond between carbon
fibers and cementitious matrix is discussed, and the
Accepted for Publication on 11/6/2014. proper blending of cement with polymers is designed

- 59 - © 2015 JUST. All Rights Reserved.

Strengthening of Shear… P. Bhuvaneshwari and K. Saravana Raja Mohan

by (Badanoiu and Holmgren, 2003). The mechanism to finite element model and validated the experimental
prepare precast carbon fiber strips to strengthen and results of the behavior of strengthened sulfate damaged
rehabilitate damaged reinforced concrete beams is reinforced concrete beams. They concluded that glass
discussed by (Alace and Kaihaloo, 2003). Blanksvard strips provided at an angle of 45º are effective in
(2007) mentioned the significance of cementitious strengthening the beams in the shear región.
binders in strengthening techniques. Finite elements analysis helps understand the
A new term, mineral-based composites, has been behavior of retrofitted beam members effectively and
introduced by (Taljsten and Blanksvard, 2007). They economically. Many studies were carried out to
concluded that slab strengthened with carbon fibers justify the validity of modelling and analysis of
using epoxy binders showed brittle failure mode, structural members using ANSYS. Wolanski (2004)
whereas ductile failure mode was noted for slabs with concluded that deflection and stress at the center line
mineral-based binders. Sundaraja and Rajamohan compared well with experimental data obtained for
(2009) concluded that GFRP inclined strips using reinforced concrete beams. Initial and successive
epoxy as binder restricted the development of diagonal cracking of the finite element model were noted as
cracks and prevented brittle failure of the beam well. Santhakumar et al. (2004) presented the load-
strengthened in the shear region. Ludovico et al. (2010) deflection behavior and crack pattern for control and
studied the use of cement mortar as binder along with shear retrofitted beams. Ibrahim and Mahmod (2009)
basalt sheets to provide a good solution to enhance the concluded that the numerical solution could be
compressive strength and ductility of concrete adopted to study the ultimate shear strength of
members and to overcome the limitations of epoxy- concrete beams reinforced with FRP laminates. They
based FRP laminates. also found that the numerical method adopted is a
Past study by (Wu et al., 2010) showed that quick and effective way compared to full-scale
cement-based composite sheets for in situ structural experimental test.
retrofit are possible with excellent bonding and without Majeed (2012) concluded that effective 3D
delamination using carbon fiber sheets. Obaidat et al. modelling and non-linear analysis of steel fiber
(2011) found that increasing the CFRP plate length in reinforced concrete deep beams are possible using
the flexural region, beyond the middle one third length ANSYS. The stress-strain plot along the depth of a
of the beam, enhances the flexural and shear behavior deep beam for various L/D ratios is effectively
of preloaded beams. analyzed through ANSYS by (Patil et al., 2012).
Low-density glass fiber sheets with clear spacing The above studies concluded that glass fiber
between individual rovings allow effective sheet bonded with cement-based composites could
impregnation of cement mortar as was confirmed by be effectively used to strengthen the beam in shear at
(Francisco et al., 2012). supports. It was also confirmed that ANSYS could
Beylergil et al. (2013) found that even the damaged be used to model retrofitted reinforced concrete
wooden beams could be successfully retrofitted and beam members to study effectively the load–
enhanced in load carrying capacity. Haddad et al. deflection behavior, stress distribution, strain
(2013) compared the effectiveness of carbon and glass distribution and crack patterns. The results could be
fiber sheets and strips, for enhancing the properties of validated through experimental works. The aim of
shear deficient beams damaged by sulfate attack. this study is to investigate the restoration of strength
Experimental results were validated through an and stiffness in shear damaged beams through
analytical model. retrofitting.
Al-Rousan and Haddad (2013) created a non-linear

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Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 9, No. 1, 2015

EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION through BIS 4.75 mm sieve to remove any particles

greater than 4.75 mm. Grading of fine aggregates
Materials corresponds to zone II, with a fineness modulus of
Laboratory tests were conducted to determine the 3.24. The material which was retained on BIS test sieve
properties of cement, fine aggregates and coarse 4.75mm was the coarse aggregate. Locally available
aggregates. The various properties for metakaloin, coarse aggregates having the maximum size of 20 mm
super plasticizers, viscosity modifying agent and were used in the work.
bidirectional glass sheet are as provided by the Metakaolin is a dehydroxylated form of clay
supplier. mineral kaolinite with a specific gravity of 2.5. Woven
Ordinary Portland cement of grade 43 with a roving is made from continuous glass fiber rovings
specific gravity of 3.1 was used. It conforms with IS which are interlaced heavy weight fabrics, compatible
1727-1967. Sand used for the work was locally with most binder systems. The physical properties of
procured. It conforms with IS: 383-1970. Testing of E-glass sheet are given in Table 1.
aggregates was as per IS 2386-1963. Sand was sieved

Table 1. Orthotropic material properties for glass sheet (MPa)


Solid 46 179000 6900 6900 0.26 0.26 0.3 1400 1700 2550

Glenium B233 admixture used in this work is based width, 150 mm height and 1500 mm length. Reference
on polycarboxylic ether. This super plasticizer is free beams (RB) were cast with two 10 mm bars, both at
of chloride and compatible with all types of cements. top and bottom along with stirrups at 100 mm c/c.
The specific gravity is 1.08 with pH > 6. Glenium Shear deficient (SD) beams were cast with reduced
stream 2 is a premier ready-to-use, liquid, organic, stirrups to obtain inclined shear cracks by increasing
viscosity-modifying admixture, specially developed for the spacing to 400 mm.
producing concrete with enhanced viscosity and
controlled rheological properties. The specific gravity Testing of Specimens
is 1.01. The design of concrete mix is according to IS
10262-1982 to achieve a characteristic compressive Testing of Cubes and Cylinders
strength of 30MPa with a w/c ratio of 0.37 and a slump All the cubes and cylinders were tested in saturated
of 60 mm. The concrete mix proportion is 1:0.96:2.33. condition, after wiping out the surface moisture at 28
days of curing using compression testing machine of
Casting of Specimens 3000 kN capacity. The tests were carried out at a
Concrete cubes (150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm) and uniform stress of 10 kg/cm2/minute after the specimen
cylinders (height of 150 mm and diameter of 300 mm) has been centred in the testing machine.
were cast to confirm the characteristic compressive
strength of the design mix. Reinforced concrete beam Testing of Beams
with four-point bending was considered for analysis to Reference Beams
achieve uniform moment between load points. The The reference beams were tested in four-point
beams have a rectangular cross-section of 100 mm bending. The span between the supports was 1200 mm,

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ng of Shear…
Strengthenin P. Bhuv
vaneshwari an
nd K. Saravana
a Raja Mohan

and the test was carried out in a Unniversal Testiing Retrofitting

R off Shear Deficiient Beams
Machine of 1000 kN caapacity. Defleection and looad The cured beams
b were tuurned over to retrofit them
were recordeed during the test.
t with glass fibeer strips. The surface of th he beam wass
oughened withh sand paperr and loose particles
p weree
Preloading of
o Beams reemoved using a wire brushh. Cement an nd metakaolinn
To simuulate damage in SD beaams, they weere were mixed uniformly.
u W
Water to cemet-metakaolinn
preloaded beefore retrofitting. The prelooading was doone raatio W/ (C+M)) was 0.28. Amounts of sup per plasticizerr
with the sam
me setup as donne for the conntrol beam. Thhey annd viscous modifying
m ageent used werre 0.3% andd
were loaded up to first few
w cracks. 0.004% of weigght of cementt and paste waas prepared ass
shhown in Figg.1 (Wu et al., 2010). A layer off
Repairing off Preloaded Beams
B ceementitious boonding agent was applied on o the primedd
The beam ms were remooved from thhe test machinne. baase concrete surface.
s The gglass sheet waas provided ass
The surface of
o the beams was
w rougheneed by sand papper in
nclined strips on three fa faces of the beam at ann
and loose paarticles were removed
r usinng a wire brush. in
nclination of 45°
4 to horizonntal. The widtth of the stripp
The cracks were
w w polymer mortar (Oham
sealed with ma, was taken as 25mm and tthe spacing of o strips wass
1998). Cemeent and sand were taken at a 1:3 ratio with
w maintained
m at 55mm
5 as showwn in Fig. 2. Spacing wass
W/C as 0.444. Styrene buttadiene rubbeer latex polym mer acccording to AC CI Committeee Report (ACII 440R 1996),,
was added too the mortar att 0.2% of the weight
w of watter. which restricts the maximum m spacing as (dd/4 + width off
Polymer-based mortar waas applied to seal all craccks th
he strip), wherre d is the eff
ffective depth of the beam..
and defects. The
T beams weere allowed too cure. Th he retrofittedd shear deficcient beams (RSD) weree
allowed to curee.

Figure (1):
( Preparatioon of cement based composites Figure (2): Wrappiing with glass ffiber strips and
d cement
based composites

Testing of Retrofitted
R Beeams al., 2009):
RSD beaams were loadded such thatt the glass sheet = . (1)
was not loadded directly. Testing
T patternn was similarr to
that of RB. After
A the conccrete starts to crack, the glaass Shear carrieed by concrete at support is expressedd
sheet compoosite starts too take additioonal load up to by
failure of thee beam. = . (2)
Shear forrce at the suppports of the beeam is shared by
each componnent of the beeam as follow ws (Sundarrajaa et Strength of shear reinforccement is:

- 62 -
Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 9, No. 1, 2015

. . ∝ ∝
= . (3) = . (4)

Contribution of inclined strips is:

Figure (3): Crack pattern in RB with sufficient flexure and shear reinforcements

Figure (4): Shear cracks in preloaded SD beam prior to repair

Contribution of cement-based composites as where τc is the shear stress in concrete; b is the

inclined binder is: = (5) breadth of the section; d is the effective depth of the

- 63 -
Strengthening of Shear… P. Bhuvaneshwari and K. Saravana Raja Mohan

section; fy is the yield stress in steel; Asv is the area of Elements for Meshing and Boundary Conditions
stirrup bar; sv is the spacing of stirrups; Af is the area of The elements used were solid65 to model concrete
one strip of fiber sheet; ff is the effective tensile stress and binder, link8 for reinforcement, solid45 for steel
in the fiber sheet; sf is the spacing of fiber sheets; α is plates and layered solid46 for glass sheet composites.
the angle of inclination of fiber sheet with longitudinal The solid65 element has eight nodes with three degrees
axis of the beam; tM is the total thickness of mineral- of freedom at each node – translation in the nodal x-, y-
based composites; he is the effective height of the and z-directions. This element is capable of plastic
mineral-based composites in bearing the shear; fM is the deformation, cracking in three orthogonal directions
tensile strength of mineral-based mortar. and crushing. Link8 element was used to model steel
reinforcement. It is a 3D spar element having two
Numerical Investigation nodes with three degrees of freedom as translation in
Numerical Model the nodal x-, y- and z-directions and also has the
Symmetry of the beam was utilized to model only capacity of plastic deformation. Solid45 element has
one half of the beam. Displacement in the right end of eight nodes with three degrees of freedom at each
the model was applied zero to simulate symmetry node– translation in the nodal x-, y- and z- directions.
boundary condition.To avoid stress concentration, Layered solid46 elements were used to model fiber
square steel plates of size 100 mm× 100 mm x 5 mm sheet. Supports were hinged and load was applied at
were provided at point of loading and supports. the corresponding nodes. Numerical model for RB
Keypoints, lines, areas and volumes were used to along with boundary conditions is shown in Fig.7.
create the model of concrete, steel reinforcement, steel Model of RSD along with wrapping is shown in Fig. 8.
plates and glass sheet as wrapping.

Figure (5): Initial flexural cracks in retrofitted damaged RSD beam

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nal of Civil Eng
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Figure (66): Retrofitted damaged RSD

D beam loaded to failure

ure (7): Numerrical model witth boundary coonditions Figure (8): Numerical moodel with wrap

Material Prooperties for Elements

E Sttatic Analysiss
Solid65 and
a link8 elem ments were innput with elasstic Preloading of SD beam ms was simullated throughh
material prooperties. Thee multilinear stress –straain staatic analysis. The load on thhe beam was increased andd
values for concrete
c andd inelastic biilinear isotroppic an
nalysis was stopped wheen the first few crackss
a as shown in
stress-strain values for linnk8 element are ap
ppeared in thhe beam. Wrrapping on th he beam wass
Fig.9 and Fig.10, respectively. The T orthotroppic modelled.
properties ofo glass sheeet are provvided for thrree
orthogonal directions. TheT input vaalues of sheear Nonlinear Anaalysis
coefficients of a 0.35 and 1 as
o open and cllosed cracks are In nonlineaar analysis, thhe ultimate load applied too
given for solid65 elementss. th
he model was split into a seeries of load increments
i ass
oad steps. At the end of each load in ncrement, thee

- 65 -
Strengthening of Shear… P. Bhuvaneshwari and K. Saravana Raja Mohan

stiffness matrix of the model was modified to reflect Load-Deflection Behavior of Beams
nonlinear changes in structural stiffness. Newton- The load deflection behavior was recorded for the
Raphson equilibrium iterations are used for RB. Widening of flexural cracks occurred at the mid
convergence within tolerance limits. span along with limited shear cracks as shown in Fig.3.
The RB, being under reinforced section, undergoes
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION large deflection before failure with an average ultimate
load of 38.01kN and an average ultimate moment of
Beams were cast and tested. Results from both 7.62kNm. Preloading of the SD beam initiated the
experiments and numerical analysis are tabulated and shear cracks as shown in Fig.4, even at low load
compared. values. Repaired and retrofitted SD beam was loaded
up to ultimate load. Strengthening of SD beams in the
Compressive Strength of Concrete shear region allowed for flexural cracks to appear
The average characteristic compressive strength of initially, instead of shear cracks as shown in Fig.5.
concrete through cube test amounted to 38 MPa. The Loading up to failure leads to ductile flexure failure as
average compressive strength of cylinders was 32 MPa. shown in Fig.6. Results are compared with that of RB.
The stress-strain plot for concrete cylinders was Analyses of the similar beams were carried out in
utilized in numerical modelling. ANSYS. Restoration of stiffness and energy absorbing
capacity are compared in Table 2.

Table 2. Flexure behavior of shear deficient beams

Stiffness Energy absorption

(N/m) (Nm)
2521.3 161500
3311.1 212850
RB-ANSYS 3673.4 163200
RSD-ANSYS 4898.2 219050

Figure (9) :Bilinear stress-strain curve for steel Figure (10) : Multilinear stress-strain curve for concrete

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Figgure (11): Streess distribution

n in SD Figure (12): Stress disstribution in RSD

35 RB
Load (KN)

30 Expperimental

25 RSDD-
20 Expperimental
10 RB
0 5 10 15 20
Deflection (mm)

Figure (13)
( :Crack an
nd crush plot in
n RSD Figure (14
4) : Comparisoon of load-defleection behaviorr

Load-defflection plots are compareed as shown in Crack and Cru ushing

Fig.14. Perceentage increasse in ultimate load for RSD D is Experimental test of RB B to full failu
ure shows thee
18.63%, com mpared to RB B. Ultimate moment
m carryiing wider cracks formed
f in thee flexure region at bottomm
capacity is allso increased by
b 13.51%. Compared
C to RB,
R an
nd crushing off concrete on ttop. In case off RSD beams,,
energy absorrption is enhannced by 31.577% and stiffneess fo
ormation of shear
s cracks is suppressed d due to thee
for the beamms showed a reestoration of 31.35%.
3 Simiilar nclined strips. Major flexurral cracks app
in peared in thee
load-deflection plot beehavior was observed in mid
m span of the beam aand the failu ure was nott
numerical annalysis, but the utilization of symmetry caatastrophic. Siimilar crackinng and crushinng appeared inn
made the num merical modeel a little bit sttiff comparedd to th
he model as shhown in Fig. 13.
experimentall beams. Thee correspondiing increases in
percentages are 21.62%, 15.2%, 34.22% and 33.3%, Sttress and Straain Distribution
respectively. Stress distriibution in SD
D and RSD iss as shown inn
Fiig.11 and Figg.12, respectivvely. Retrofittting the beam

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Strengthening of Shear… P. Bhuvaneshwari and K. Saravana Raja Mohan

in the shear region reduces the shear stress in the Fig.16, respectively. The percentage decrease in shear
concrete. Variation of shear stress and shear strain stress and shear strain for RSD is 29.46% and 24.2%,
across the depth of the beams are plotted in Fig.15 and respectively, compared to RB.

160 160
140 140
120 120
Depth (mm)

Depth (mm)
100 100
80 80
60 RB 60 RB
40 RSD 40 RSD
20 20
0 0
0 5 10 0 5 10
Shear Stress x 10 -1(N/mm²) Shear Strain x 10-3

Figure (15) :Comparison of shear stress distribution Figure (16) : Comparison of shear strain distribution

CONCLUSIONS  Experimentally, the percentage increase in ultimate

load of RSD is 18.63%, compared to RB.
This paper investigated the structural behavior of Numerically, the corresponding increase is 21.62%.
shear deficient damaged reinforced beams, retrofitted  Experiment results show that the deflection at
with glass fiber strips using cement-based composite as ultimate load for RSD is reduced by 11.1%,
binder. Beam members are made shear deficient by compared to RB. The corresponding value, when
providing insufficient stirrups. Damages in deficient checked numerically, gives the difference as
beams are simulated by preloading them up to the first 12.43%.
few cracks. Preloaded beams are repaired for cracks  The percentage increase in ultimate moment for
using polymer mortar and then cured. The cured RSD is 13.51% experimentally and 15.2%
specimens are retrofitted. The retrofitted beams are numerically, when compared with RB.
cured and tested up to failure. Numerical analysis is  Experiments gave the percentage increase in
carried out using ANSYS. Static non-linear analysis for stiffness for RSD, compared to RB as 31.35%.
RB and RSD was carried out. Retrofitting of beams Numerical analysis gave the corresponding increase
with glass fiber strips sandwiched between cement- as 33.3%.
based composites as binder is modelled. Comparison of  Experimentally, the percentage of energy
results leads to the following conclusions. absorption for RSD is improved by 31.57%,
 In retrofitted damaged shear deficient beams compared to RB. Numerically, the respective
using cement-based composites as binder, load improvement is 34.2%.
carrying capacity is enhanced and the formation of  The percentage decrease in shear stress and shear
shear cracks is arrested. Failure of the beam is ductile strain for RSD is 29.46% and 24.2%, respectively,
with the development of flexural cracks in the mid span compared with RB.
region.  Both in experimental and numerical analysis, after

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Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 9, No. 1, 2015

concrete starts to crack, the glass sheet composite glass strips and cement-based binders. The results
starts to take further load without any delamination. are validated through numerical analysis.
 Restoration of strength and stiffness of beams, Utilization of symmetry made the model stiffer
damaged due to insufficient shear reinforcement, compared to real beam.
was achieved through retrofitting with inclined

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