Roof Deck Beams

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Roof Deck Beam-1

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 5 m 5000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2036 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/18.5 270.27 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab= 6.273333333 KN/m
Transmitted from water tank= 9.538333333 KN/m
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.5)(0.25) = 2.95 KN/m
Total DL= 18.76166667 KN/m
Live Load: wl = = 1.666666667 KN/m

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (18.762) +1.6 (1.667 25.18066667 KN/m

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/14)*(WuL^2)= (1/14)(25.181)(5)^2= 44.96547619 KN.m

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/10)*(WuL^2) (1/10)(25.181)(5)^2= 62.95166667 KN.m
Discont. Edge: -M = (1/16)*(WuL^(1/16)(25.181)(5)^2= 39.344791667 KN.m

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm
Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= (44.965 0.978182321 MPa
(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (250)
(452)^2) = 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦 (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
=0.85 0.00241646
) )))=
Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / f1.4/ 415 0.003373 > ρ

Maximum ρ: ρmax
𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454

Therefore, Use ρmin 0.003373494 > ρ

As = ρ b d 381.20481928

Nb = As/Ab= 1.895956567 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= 1.369455249
(250)(452)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
=0.85 0.003418778
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / f1.4/ 415 0.00337349 < ρ

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′ 0.024699
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) =

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454 > ρ

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.0034187779

As = ρ b d 386.32190159

Nb = As/Ab= 1.9214068376 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Discontinuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= 0.85591
(250)(452)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
=0.85 0.002108
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373 > ρ

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′ 0.024699
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) =

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454 > ρ

Therefore, Use ρmin 0.003373494
As = ρ b d 381.20481928
Nb = As/Ab= 1.895956567 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ discontinuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 62.95167 KN

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352) 92.26411 KN
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) = 69.19809 KN

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (69.198) 34.59904 KN


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (250 x 226) /3(415 45.38153 mm^2

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1.15 x 1/2 (wuLn) 72.39442 KN

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (250) (452) 92.26411 KN
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (250) (452) = 69.19809 KN

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (69.198) 34.59904 KN


since Vu > φVc, stirrups are necessary

Calculate the shear strength Vs to be provided by stirrup.

Vn = Vu/φ = 96.525889 KN
Vs = Vn - Vc = 4.2617752 KN
𝑉𝑠≤2/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤 369.05645 KN O.K
𝑠=𝐴𝑣𝑓𝑦𝑑/𝑉𝑠= (157.080∗415∗452)/4.2626913.8011 mm

Check maximum spacing:

𝑉𝑠≤1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑
𝑉𝑠≤1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
a) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑 ; smax = d/2 or 600 mm

b) When 𝑉𝑠>1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) ; smax = d/4 or 300 mm

𝑏𝑤 𝑑

1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤 𝑑=
0 KN

Therefore, use smax = d/2 = 226 mm


Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be ductile
ρmax > ρ 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

286803428 ≥ 44965476.19 SAFE!


Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be ductile
ρmax > ρ 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

286803428 ≥ 62951666.67 SAFE!

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be ductile
ρmax > ρ 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

φMn≥Mu 286803428 ≥ 39344791.67 SAFE!

Roof Deck Beam-2

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 5 m 5000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/21 238.10 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =
Total DL=

Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (9.223) +1.6 (1.667) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/16)*(WuL^2)= (1/16)(14.160)(6)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/11)*(WuL^2) = (1/11)(14.160)(6)^2=
Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373494

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.2048193

Nb = As/Ab= 1.895956567 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= (32.181
(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (350)
(352)^2) =
Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= (32.181
(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (350)
(352)^2) = 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦 (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.00337349398 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152 >

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.2048193

Nb = As/Ab= 1.895956567 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 34.3366666667 KN

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352) 92.26411364
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) = 69.19808523

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444) 34.59904262


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups
Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 176) /3(415)= 45.3815261
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be duct
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

6.273333 KN/m φMn≥Mu
2.95 KN/m 286803428 ≥
9.223333 KN/m


Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

13.73467 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

21.46042 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0036
31.21515 KN.m
Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be duct
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185
Actual reinforcement index of beam
ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.466852 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.001138 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥

> ρ

> ρ




ted for beam to be ductile

21460417 SAFE!

ted for beam to be ductile

31215152 SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-3

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 6 m 6000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/21 285.71 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =
Wall, 3.6m
Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (20.48) +1.6 (2) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/16)*(WuL^2)= (1/16)(27.776)(6)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/11)*(WuL^2) = (1/11)(27.776)(6)^2=
Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 400-40-16/2
d= 352 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373494

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.005643

As = ρ b d 496.589636

Nb = As/Ab= 2.469833365 3

Therefore, 3 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 400-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= (90.903
(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (350)
(352)^2) =
Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= (90.903
(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (350)
(352)^2) = 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦 (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.00337349398 <

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152 >

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.00494

As = ρ b d 558.2761136

Nb = As/Ab= 2.776636628 3

Therefore, 3 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 82.0536 KN

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352) 71.85169912
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) = 53.88877434

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444) 26.94438717


since Vu > φVc, stirrups are necessary

Calculate the shear strength Vs to be provided by stirrup.

Vn = Vu/φ =
Vs = Vn - Vc =
check: 𝑉𝑠≤2/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤
𝑠=𝐴𝑣𝑓𝑦𝑑/𝑉𝑠= (157.080∗415∗352)/10.51

Check maximum spacing:

𝑉𝑠≤1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
a) When𝑏𝑤 𝑑 ; smax = d/2 or 600 mm

𝑉𝑠>1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
b) When𝑏𝑤 𝑑 ; smax = d/4 or 300 mm

1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤 𝑑=

Therefore, use smax = d/2 = 226 mm

Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 603.187 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0069

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

7.528 KN/m φMn≥Mu
2.95 KN/m 173937328 ≥
9.648 KN/m
20.126 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

27.3512 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 603.187 mm2

Actual steel ratio

61.5402 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0053
89.51302 KN.m
Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185
Actual reinforcement index of beam
ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

2.207451 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.005643 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥

< ρ

> ρ




109.4048 KN
37.553101 KN
369.05645 KN O.K

784.62406 mm

max = d/2 or 600 mm

max = d/4 or 300 mm

184.52823 KN
ed for beam to be ductile

61540200 SAFE!

ed for beam to be ductile

89513018 SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-4

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 5 m 5000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/18.5 270.27 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=

Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =

Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (8.009) +1.6 (1.25) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/14)*(WuL^2)= (1/14)(28.912)(5)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/10)*(WuL^2) = (1/10)(28.912)(5)^2=
Discont. Edge: -M = (1/16)*(WuL^2) (1/16)(28.912)(5)^2=

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.0033734939759

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Discontinuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ discontinuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 27.965

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)=

For Continuous:

Factored Shear force, Vu =1.15x 1/2 (wuLn) 32.15975

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (250) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)

Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

4.705 KN/m φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 19975000
2.95 KN/m
7.655 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

11.186 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

19.975 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0036
27.965 KN.m
17.478125 KN.m Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.434538 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.001058 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 27965000


> ρ Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
> ρ ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

φMn≥Mu 286803428 ≥ 17478125


> ρ



> ρ


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups

45.38153 mm^2


92.26411 KN
69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups

45.38153 mm^2
tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-5

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 5 m 5000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 17.85 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/21 238.10 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =
Total DL=

Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (14.28) +1.6 (2.917) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/16)*(WuL^2)= (1/16)(21.806)(6)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/11)*(WuL^2) = (1/11)(21.806)(6)^2=
Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373494

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.2048193

Nb = As/Ab= 1.895956567 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= (49.558
(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (350)
(352)^2) =
Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= (49.558
(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (350)
(352)^2) = 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦 (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.00337349398 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152 >

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.2048193

Nb = As/Ab= 1.895956567 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 53.4516666667 KN

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352) 92.26411364
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) = 69.19808523

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (53.888) 34.59904262


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups
Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)= 45.3815261
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

10.97833 KN/m φMn≥Mu
2.95 KN/m 286803428 ≥
13.92833 KN/m


Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

21.38067 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

33.40729 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0036
48.59242 KN.m
Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185
Actual reinforcement index of beam
ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.726745 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.001784 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥

> ρ

> ρ




ed for beam to be ductile

33407292 SAFE!

ed for beam to be ductile

48592424 SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-6

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 5 m 5000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 17.85 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/18.5 270.27 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=

Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =

Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (14.282) +1.6 (2.917) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/14)*(WuL^2)= (1/14)(21.806)(5)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/10)*(WuL^2) = (1/10)(21.806)(5)^2=
Discont. Edge: -M = (1/16)*(WuL^2) (1/16)(21.806)(5)^2=

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.0033734939759

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 <

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Discontinuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ discontinuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 53.4516666666667

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)=

For Continuous:

Factored Shear force, Vu =1.15x 1/2 (wuLn) 61.4694166666667

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (250) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)

Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

10.97833 KN/m φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 38179762
2.95 KN/m
13.92833 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

21.38067 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

38.17976 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0036
53.45167 KN.m
33.407292 KN.m Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.830565 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.002044 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 53451667


> ρ Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
> ρ ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

φMn≥Mu 286803428 ≥ 33407292


> ρ



> ρ


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups

45.38153 mm^2


92.26411 KN
69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups

45.38153 mm^2
tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-7

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 5 m 5000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/18.5 270.27 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=
Parapet =
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =
Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (18.302) +1.6 (2.917) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/14)*(WuL^2)= (1/14)(26.630)(5)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/10)*(WuL^2) = (1/10)(26.630)(5)^2=
Discont. Edge: -M = (1/16)*(WuL^2) (1/16)(26.630)(5)^2=

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.0033734939759

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 <

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Discontinuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ discontinuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 65.5116666666667

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)=

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1.15 x 1/2 (wuLn) 75.3384166666667

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu > φVc, stirrups are necessary

Calculate the shear strength Vs to be provided by stirrup.

Vn = Vu/φ =
Vs = Vn - Vc =
check: 𝑉𝑠≤2/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤
𝑠=𝐴𝑣𝑓𝑦𝑑/𝑉𝑠= (157.080∗415∗352)/1.487

Check maximum spacing:

𝑉𝑠≤1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
a) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑

𝑉𝑠>1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
b) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑

1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤 𝑑=

Therefore, use smax = d/2 = 226mm

Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

10.97833 KN/m φMn≥Mu
4.02 KN/m 286803428 ≥ 46794048
2.95 KN/m
17.94833 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

26.20467 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

46.79405 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0036
65.51167 KN.m
40.944792 KN.m Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

1.017961 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.002517 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 65511667


> ρ Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
> ρ ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

φMn≥Mu 286803428 ≥ 40944792


> ρ



> ρ


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups

45.38153 mm^2


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN
69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

100.45122 KN
8.1871086 KN
369.05645 KN O.K

1990.5746 mm

; smax = d/2 or 600 mm

; smax = d/4 or 300 mm

184.52823 KN
tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-8

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 5 m 5000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/21 238.10 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =
Parapet, 1.5m
Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (18.302) +1.6 (2.917) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/16)*(WuL^2)= (1/16)(26.630)(6)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/11)*(WuL^2) = (1/11)(26.630)(6)^2=
Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373494

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.2048193

Nb = As/Ab= 1.895956567 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) =
Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.00337349398 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152 >

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.2048193

Nb = As/Ab= 1.895956567 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 65.5116666667 KN

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352) 92.26411364
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) = 69.19808523

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (53.888) 34.59904262


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups
Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)= 45.3815261
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

10.97833 KN/m φMn≥Mu
2.95 KN/m 286803428 ≥
4.02 KN/m
17.94833 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

26.20467 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

40.94479 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0036
59.55606 KN.m
Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185
Actual reinforcement index of beam
ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.890716 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.002195 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥

> ρ

> ρ




ed for beam to be ductile

40944792 SAFE!

ed for beam to be ductile

59556061 SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-9

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.35 m 300 mm
Depth, h = 0.6 m 600 mm
Ln = 6 m 6000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 17.85 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/21 285.71 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =
Total DL=

Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (10.832) +1.6 (2.981) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/16)*(WuL^2)= (1/16)(20.176)(6)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/11)*(WuL^2) = (1/11)(20.176)(6)^2=
Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 600-40-20/2
d= 550 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(450)(450)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373494

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 556.626506

Nb = As/Ab= 1.771798694 2

Therefore, 2 - 20mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 600-40-20/2
d= 550 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= (66.030
(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (450)
(450)^2) =
Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= (66.030
(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (450)
(450)^2) = 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦 (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.00337349398 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152 >

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 556.626506

Nb = As/Ab= 1.771798694 2

Therefore, 2 - 20mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 59.2528 KN

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (450) (450) 134.7219359
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (450) (450) = 101.0414519

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 50.52072594

(124.005) =

since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups
Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 275 ) /3(415)= 66.26506024
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 1413.720 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0086

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

7.528 KN/m φMn≥Mu
4.956 KN/m 509582017 ≥
12.484 KN/m


Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

19.75093 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 628.320 mm2

Actual steel ratio

44.4396 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0038
64.63942 KN.m
Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185
Actual reinforcement index of beam
ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.544103 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.001329 φMn≥Mu
509582017 ≥

> ρ

> ρ




ed for beam to be ductile

44439600 SAFE!

ed for beam to be ductile

64639418 SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-10

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 5 m 5000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 17.85 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/18.5 270.27 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=
Parapet, 1.5m=
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =
Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (13.597) +1.6 (1.667) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/14)*(WuL^2)= (1/14)(18.899)(5)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/10)*(WuL^2) = (1/10)(18.899)(5)^2=
Discont. Edge: -M = (1/16)*(WuL^2) (1/16)(18.899)(5)^2=

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= (33.899
(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (350)
(352)^2) = 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦 (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.0033734939759

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 <

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.002495

As = ρ b d 281.983371

Nb = As/Ab= 1.40246974 2

Therefore, 2- 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Discontinuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ discontinuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 46.3966666666667

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)=

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1.15 x 1/2 (wuLn) 53.3561666666667

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)=

Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

6.273333 KN/m φMn≥Mu
4.02 KN/m 286803428 ≥ 33140476
2.95 KN/m
13.24333 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

18.55867 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

33.14048 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0036
46.39667 KN.m
28.997917 KN.m Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.72094 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.001769 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 46396667


> ρ Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
> ρ ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

φMn≥Mu 286803428 ≥ 28997917


> ρ



> ρ


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups

45.38153 mm^2


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN
69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups

45.38153 mm^2
tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-11

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 5 m 5000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 17.85 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/21 238.10 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =
Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (13.597) +1.6 (1.667) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/16)*(WuL^2)= (1/16)(18.983)(6)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/11)*(WuL^2) = (1/11)(18.983)(6)^2=
Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373494

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.2048193

Nb = As/Ab= 1.895956567 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) =
Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.00337349398 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152 >

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.2048193

Nb = As/Ab= 1.895956567 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 46.3966666667 KN

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352) 92.26411364
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) = 69.19808523

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444) 34.59904262


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups
Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)= 45.3815261
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

6.273333 KN/m φMn≥Mu
2.95 KN/m 286803428 ≥
4.02 KN/m
13.24333 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

18.55867 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

28.99792 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0036
42.17879 KN.m
Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185
Actual reinforcement index of beam
ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.630823 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.001544 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥

> ρ

> ρ




ed for beam to be ductile

28997917 SAFE!

ed for beam to be ductile

42178788 SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-12

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 2.5 m 2500 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 17.85 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/18.5 135.14 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=

Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =

Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (12.714) +1.6 (2.5) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/14)*(WuL^2)= (1/14)(19.257)(2.5)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/10)*(WuL^2) = (1/10)(19.257)(2.5)^2=
Discont. Edge: -M = (1/16)*(WuL^2) (1/16)(19.257)(2.5)^2=

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(8.597(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (350)
(352)^2) = 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦 (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.0033734939759

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 <

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Discontinuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(7.522(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (350)
(352)^2) = 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦 (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ discontinuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 23.54

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu<1/2φVc , stirrups are not required

For Continuous:

Factored Shear force, Vu =1.15x 1/2 (wuLn) 27.071

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (250) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu<1/2φVc ,stirrups are not required

Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

9.41 KN/m φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 8407142.9
2.95 KN/m
12.36 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

18.832 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

8.407143 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0036
11.77 KN.m
7.35625 KN.m Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.18289 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.000443 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 11770000


> ρ Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
> ρ ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

φMn≥Mu 286803428 ≥ 7356250


> ρ



> ρ


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN


92.26411 KN
69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN
tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-13

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 6 m 6000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 17.85 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/18.5 324.32 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=
Parapet =
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =
Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (14.556) +1.6 (0.25463) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/14)*(WuL^2)= (1/14)(17.874)(6)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/10)*(WuL^2) = (1/10)(17.874)(6)^2=
Discont. Edge: -M = (1/16)*(WuL^2) (1/16)(17.874)(6)^2=

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.0033734939759

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 <

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.003411

As = ρ b d 385.472726

Nb = As/Ab= 1.91718339 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Discontinuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ discontinuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 52.3485555555556

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)=

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1.15 x 1/2 (wuLn) 60.2008388888889

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)=

Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

7.231759 KN/m φMn≥Mu
4.02 KN/m 286803428 ≥ 44870190
2.95 KN/m
14.20176 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

17.44952 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

44.87019 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0036
62.81827 KN.m
39.261417 KN.m Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.976109 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.002411 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 62818267


> ρ Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
> ρ ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

φMn≥Mu 286803428 ≥ 39261417


> ρ



> ρ


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups

45.38153 mm^2


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN
69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups

45.38153 mm^2
tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-14

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 6 m 6000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/18.5 324.32 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=

Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =

Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (10.536) +1.6 (0.25463) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/14)*(WuL^2)= (1/14)(13.0503)(6)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/10)*(WuL^2) = (1/10)(13.0503)(6)^2=
Discont. Edge: -M = (1/16)*(WuL^2) (1/16)(13.0503)(6)^2=

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.0033734939759

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Discontinuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ discontinuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 37.8765555555555

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)=

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1.15 x 1/2 (wuLn) 43.5580388888889

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)=

Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

7.231759 KN/m φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 32465619
2.95 KN/m
10.18176 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

12.62552 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

32.46562 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0036
45.45187 KN.m
28.407417 KN.m Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.706259 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.001732 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 45451867


> ρ Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
> ρ ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

φMn≥Mu 286803428 ≥ 28407417


> ρ



> ρ


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups

45.38153 mm^2


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN
69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups

45.38153 mm^2
tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-15

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 2.5 m 2500 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/21 119.05 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =
Total DL=

Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (22.124) +1.6 (5) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/16)*(WuL^2)= (1/16)(34.549)(2.5)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/11)*(WuL^2) = (1/11)(34.549)(2.5)^2=
Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 400-40-16/2
d= 352 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373494

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 296.8674699

Nb = As/Ab= 1.47649715 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= (19.63
(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (350)
(352)^2) =
Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= (19.63
(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (350)
(352)^2) = 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦 (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.00337349398 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152 >

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.2048193

Nb = As/Ab= 1.895956567 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 42.655 KN

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352) 71.85169912
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) = 53.88877434

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (53.888) 26.94438717


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups
Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)= 45.3815261
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0046

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

18.82 KN/m φMn≥Mu
2.95 KN/m 173937328 ≥
21.77 KN/m


Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

34.124 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

13.32969 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0036
19.38864 KN.m
Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185
Actual reinforcement index of beam
ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.478137 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.001166 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥

> ρ

> ρ




ed for beam to be ductile

13329688 SAFE!

ed for beam to be ductile

19388636 SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-16

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 6 m 6000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/18.5 324.32 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=
Parapet =
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =
Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (21.788) +1.6 (0.509) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/14)*(WuL^2)= (1/14)(26.323)(6)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/10)*(WuL^2) = (1/10)(26.323)(6)^2=
Discont. Edge: -M = (1/16)*(WuL^2) (1/16)(26.323)(6)^2=

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.0033734939759

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.003717

As = ρ b d 420.053467

Nb = As/Ab= 2.08917382 3

Therefore, 3 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 <

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.005292

As = ρ b d 598.032151

Nb = As/Ab= 2.97436687 3

Therefore, 3 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Discontinuous edge
d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 <

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ discontinuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 79.6051111111111

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu > φVc, stirrups are necessary

Calculate the shear strength Vs to be provided by stirrup.

Vn = Vu/φ =
Vs = Vn - Vc =
check: 𝑉𝑠≤2/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤
𝑠=𝐴𝑣𝑓𝑦𝑑/𝑉𝑠= (157.080∗415∗352)/7.247

Check maximum spacing:

𝑉𝑠≤1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
a) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑

𝑉𝑠>1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑
𝑉𝑠>1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
b) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑

1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤 𝑑=

Therefore, use smax = d/2 = 226 mm

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1.15 x 1/2 (wuLn) 91.5458777777778

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu > φVc, stirrups are necessary

Calculate the shear strength Vs to be provided by stirrup.

Vn = Vu/φ =
Vs = Vn - Vc =
check: 𝑉𝑠≤2/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤
𝑠=𝐴𝑣𝑓𝑦𝑑/𝑉𝑠= (157.080∗415∗352)/23.42

Check maximum spacing:

𝑉𝑠≤1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
a) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑

𝑉𝑠>1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
b) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑

1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤 𝑑=

Therefore, use smax = d/2 = 226 mm

Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 603.187 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0053

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

14.46352 KN/m φMn≥Mu
4.02 KN/m 286803428 ≥ 68232952
2.95 KN/m
21.43352 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

26.53504 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 603.187 mm2

Actual steel ratio

68.23295 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0053
95.52613 KN.m
59.703833 KN.m Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

1.484345 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.003717 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 95526133


< ρ Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
> ρ ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

φMn≥Mu 286803428 ≥ 59703833


> ρ



> ρ


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

106.14015 KN
13.876035 KN
369.05645 KN O.K

2123.4501 mm

; smax = d/2 or 600 mm

; smax = d/4 or 300 mm

184.52823 KN


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

122.06117 KN
29.797057 KN
369.05645 KN O.K

988.85828 mm

; smax = d/2 or 600 mm

; smax = d/4 or 300 mm

184.52823 KN
tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-14

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 6 m 6000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/18.5 324.32 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=

Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =

Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (17.768) +1.6 (0.509) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/14)*(WuL^2)= (1/14)(22.135)(6)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/10)*(WuL^2) = (1/10)(22.135)(6)^2=
Discont. Edge: -M = (1/16)*(WuL^2) (1/16)(22.135)(6)^2=

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.0033734939759

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 <

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.004284

As = ρ b d 484.063041

Nb = As/Ab= 2.40753121 3

Therefore, 3 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Discontinuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ discontinuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 65.1331111111111

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)=

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1.15 x 1/2 (wuLn) 74.9030777777778

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu > φVc, stirrups are necessary

Calculate the shear strength Vs to be provided by stirrup.

Vn = Vu/φ =
Vs = Vn - Vc =
check: 𝑉𝑠≤2/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤
𝑠=𝐴𝑣𝑓𝑦𝑑/𝑉𝑠= (157.080∗415∗352)/1.23

Check maximum spacing:

𝑉𝑠≤1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
a) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑

𝑉𝑠>1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
b) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑

1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤 𝑑=

Therefore, use smax = d/2 = 226 mm

Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

14.46352 KN/m φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 55828381
2.95 KN/m
17.41352 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

21.71104 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 603.187 mm2

Actual steel ratio

55.82838 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0053
78.15973 KN.m
48.849833 KN.m Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

1.214495 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.003019 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 78159733


> ρ Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
> ρ ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

φMn≥Mu 286803428 ≥ 48849833


> ρ



> ρ


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups

45.38153 mm^2


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN
69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

99.87077 KN
7.6066567 KN
369.05645 KN O.K

3873.5896 mm

; smax = d/2 or 600 mm

; smax = d/4 or 300 mm

184.52823 KN
tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-18

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 6 m 6000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/18.5 324.32 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=
Wall, 3.6 m =
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =
Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (21.788) +1.6 (0.509) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/14)*(WuL^2)= (1/14)(33.713)(6)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/10)*(WuL^2) = (1/10)(33.713)(6)^2=
Discont. Edge: -M = (1/16)*(WuL^2) (1/16)(33.713)(6)^2=

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.0033734939759

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.004713

As = ρ b d 532.569773

Nb = As/Ab= 2.64878382 3

Therefore, 3 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16 -25/2
d= 431.5 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 <

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.007459

As = ρ b d 804.62448

Nb = As/Ab= 4.00187246 4

Therefore, 4- 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Discontinuous edge
d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 <

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.004097

As = ρ b d 462.951328

Nb = As/Ab= 2.30253021 3

Therefore, 3 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ discontinuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 99.8659111111111

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu > φVc, stirrups are necessary

Calculate the shear strength Vs to be provided by stirrup.

Vn = Vu/φ =
Vs = Vn - Vc =
check: 𝑉𝑠≤2/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤
𝑠=𝐴𝑣𝑓𝑦𝑑/𝑉𝑠= (157.080∗415∗352)/34.26

Check maximum spacing:

𝑉𝑠≤1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
a) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑

𝑉𝑠>1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑
𝑉𝑠>1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
b) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑

1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤 𝑑=

Therefore, use smax = d/2 = 226 mm

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1.15 x 1/2 (wuLn) 114.845797777778

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu > φVc, stirrups are necessary

Calculate the shear strength Vs to be provided by stirrup.

Vn = Vu/φ =
Vs = Vn - Vc =
check: 𝑉𝑠≤2/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤
𝑠=𝐴𝑣𝑓𝑦𝑑/𝑉𝑠= (157.080∗415∗352)/402.3

Check maximum spacing:

𝑉𝑠≤1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
a) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑

𝑉𝑠>1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
b) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑

1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤 𝑑=

Therefore, use smax = d/2 = 215.75 mm

Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 603.187 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0053

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

14.46352 KN/m φMn≥Mu
9.648 KN/m 286803428 ≥ 85599352
2.95 KN/m
27.06152 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

33.28864 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 804.250 mm2

Actual steel ratio

85.59935 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0075
119.8391 KN.m
74.899433 KN.m Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

1.862135 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.004713 φMn≥Mu
261378023 ≥ 119839093


< ρ Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 603.187 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0053

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
> ρ ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

φMn≥Mu 261378023 ≥ 74899433


> ρ



> ρ


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

133.15455 KN
40.890435 KN
369.05645 KN O.K

720.5858 mm

; smax = d/2 or 600 mm

; smax = d/4 or 300 mm

184.52823 KN


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

153.12773 KN
60.863617 KN
369.05645 KN O.K

484.11626 mm

; smax = d/2 or 600 mm

; smax = d/4 or 300 mm

184.52823 KN
tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-19

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 2.5 m 2500 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/21 119.05 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =
Wall, 3.6m
Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (46.126) +1.6 (5) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/16)*(WuL^2)= (1/16)(46.126)(2.5)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/11)*(WuL^2) = (1/11)(46.126)(2.5)^2=
Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373494

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.2048193

Nb = As/Ab= 1.895956567 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= (26.208
(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (350)
(352)^2) =
Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= (26.208
(1000)(1000))/(0.90 (350)
(352)^2) = 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦 (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.00337349398 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152 >

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.2048193

Nb = As/Ab= 1.895956567 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 57.127 KN

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352) 92.26411364
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) = 69.19808523

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (53.888) 34.59904262


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups
Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)= 446.9879518
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

18.82 KN/m φMn≥Mu
2.95 KN/m 286803428 ≥
9.648 KN/m
31.418 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

45.7016 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

17.85219 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0036
25.96682 KN.m
Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185
Actual reinforcement index of beam
ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.388358 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.000945 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥

> ρ

> ρ




ed for beam to be ductile

17852188 SAFE!

ed for beam to be ductile

25966818 SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-20

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.35 m 350 mm
Depth, h = 0.6 m 600 mm
Ln = 6 m 6000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/18.5 324.32 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=
Wall, 3.6 m =
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =
Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (29.422) +1.6 (1.177) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/14)*(WuL^2)= (1/14)(37.189)(6)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/10)*(WuL^2) = (1/10)(37.189)(6)^2=
Discont. Edge: -M = (1/16)*(WuL^2) (1/16)(37.189)(6)^2=

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 600-40-20/2
d= 550 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(450)(450)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.0033734939759

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 649.39759

Nb = As/Ab= 2.06709848 3

Therefore, 3 - 20mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 600-40-20/2
d= 550 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(450)(450)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 <

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.003469

As = ρ b d 667.847363

Nb = As/Ab= 2.12582598 3

Therefore, 3 - 20mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Discontinuous edge

d = 600-40-20/2
d= 550 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(450)(450)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 649.39759

Nb = As/Ab= 2.06709848 3

Therefore, 3 - 20mm φ bottom rebars @ discontinuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 110.292676622222

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (450) (350)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (450) (350) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (450 x 275) /3(415)=

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1.15 x 1/2 (wuLn) 126.836578115556

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (450) (450)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (450) (450) =
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (450) (450) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2
(124.005) =

since Vu > φVc, stirrups are necessary

Calculate the shear strength Vs to be provided by stirrup.

Vn = Vu/φ =
Vs = Vn - Vc =
check: 𝑉𝑠≤2/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤
𝑠=𝐴𝑣𝑓𝑦𝑑/𝑉𝑠= (157.080∗415∗350)/5.729

Check maximum spacing:

𝑉𝑠≤1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
a) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑

𝑉𝑠>1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
b) When 𝑏𝑤 𝑑

1/3 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐) 𝑏𝑤 𝑑=

Therefore, use smax = d/2 = 275 mm

Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 603.187 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0031

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

14.46352 KN/m φMn≥Mu
9.648 KN/m 594512353 ≥ 94536580
4.956 KN/m
29.06752 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

36.76423 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 942.480 mm2

Actual steel ratio

94.53658 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0049
132.3512 KN.m
82.719507 KN.m Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.992119 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.002452 φMn≥Mu
594512353 ≥ 132351212


> ρ Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 942.480 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0049

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
> ρ ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

φMn≥Mu 594512353 ≥ 82719507


> ρ



> ρ


157.1756 KN

117.8817 KN

58.94085 KN

ea of stirrups

77.30924 mm^2


157.1756 KN

117.8817 KN
117.8817 KN

58.94085 KN

169.11544 KN
11.939846 KN
628.70237 KN O.K

3002.8453 mm

; smax = d/2 or 600 mm

; smax = d/4 or 300 mm

314.35118 KN
tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.35 m 350 mm
Depth, h = 0.6 m 600 mm
Ln = 6 m 6000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2035822 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/21 285.71 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab= 7.528 KN/m
Beam self weight = 23.6(0.450)(0.500) = 4.956 KN/m
Wall, 3.6m 9.648 KN/m
Total DL= 22.132 KN/m
Live Load: wl = = 2.981333 KN/m

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (22.132) +1.6 (2.981) = 31.32853 KN/m

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/16)*(WuL^2)= (1/16)(31.329)(6)^2= 70.4892 KN.m

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/11)*(WuL^2) = (1/11)(31.329)(6)^2= 102.529745455 KN.m
Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 600-40-20/2
d= 550 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= 0.739753 MPa

(350)(550)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
=0.85 0.001816
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / f 1.4/ 415 0.003373494 > ρ

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152 > ρ

Therefore, Use ρmin 0.003373

As = ρ b d 649.3976

Nb = As/Ab= 2.067098 3

Therefore, 3- 20mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 600-40-20/2
d= 550 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )= 1.076004
(350)(550)^2) =
Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(550)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
=0.85 0.00266502311
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / f 1.4/ 415 0.00337349398 > ρ

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.024699389

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.01852454152 > ρ

Therefore, Use ρmin 0.003373

As = ρ b d 649.3976

Nb = As/Ab= 2.067098 3

Therefore, 3 - 20mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn 93.9856 KN

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (550) 157.1756
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (550) = 117.8817

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 58.94085

(124.005) =

since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups
Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 275) /3(415)= 77.30924 mm^2
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0

Total area of steel bars

As = 942.480 mm2

Actual steel ratio mm

ρ = As/bd 0.0049

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be ductile
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' 0.3203
Nominal resistance factor
Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

5.95E+08 ≥ 70489200 SAFE!


Total area of steel bars

As = 942.480 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd 0.0049

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be ductile
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω( 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

5.95E+08 ≥ 102529745 SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-22

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 600 mm
Ln = 6 m 6000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 17.85 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/18.5 324.32 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=

Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =

Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (15.227) +1.6 (1.159) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/14)*(WuL^2)= (1/14)(20.128)(6)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/10)*(WuL^2) = (1/10)(20.128)(6)^2=
Discont. Edge: -M = (1/16)*(WuL^2) (1/16)(20.128)(6)^2=

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.0033734939759

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 <

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρ = 0.003871

As = ρ b d 437.368288

Nb = As/Ab= 2.17529065 3

Therefore, 3 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Discontinuous edge
d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ discontinuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 59.1087240444445

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)=

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1.15 x 1/2 (wuLn) 67.9750326511111

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu> 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups

Av = bw s / 3 fy = (350 x 226) /3(415)=

Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

11.92341 KN/m φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 50664621
2.95 KN/m
14.87341 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

19.70291 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 603.187 mm2

Actual steel ratio

50.66462 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0053
70.93047 KN.m
44.331543 KN.m Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

1.102162 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.002732 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 70930469


> ρ Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
> ρ ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

φMn≥Mu 286803428 ≥ 44331543


> ρ



> ρ


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups

45.38153 mm^2


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN
69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups

45.38153 mm^2
tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!
Roof Deck Beam-23

f'c = 24 Mpa
fy = 415 MPa

Beam dimensions:
Width, b = 0.25 m 250 mm
Depth, h = 0.5 m 500 mm
Ln = 6 m 6000 mm

Ultimate Stresses of Materials:

a. Concrete, fc = 24 MPa
b. Steel Bars, fs = fy = 415 MPa

Modulus of each material:

Ec = 23025.2 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa

I. Minimum thickness of beam such that deflection is permissible:

h =Ln/18.5 324.32 mm

II. Load Determination

Dead Load: wd
Transmitted from slab=

Beam self weight = 23.6(0.4)(0.35) =

Total DL=
Live Load: wl = =

Ultimate uniform loading, wu

wu = 1.2 wd + 1.6 wl = 1.2 (5.750) +1.6 (1.417) =

III. Flexural Design

Midspan: +M= (1/14)*(WuL^2)= (1/14)(9.168)(6)^2=

Cont. Edge: -M = (1/10)*(WuL^2) = (1/10)(9.168)(6)^2=
Discont. Edge: -M = (1/16)*(WuL^2) (1/16)(9.168)(6)^2=

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Midspan

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.0033734939759

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ midspan

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Continuous edge

d = 500-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ continuous edge

Required steel ratio: (ρ) Discontinuous edge
d = 400-40-16/2
d= 452 mm

Ru = 𝑀𝑢/(∅𝑏𝑑^2 )=
(350)(352)^2) = (1- √(1−(2
𝜌=0.85 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦
𝑅𝑢)/(0.85 𝑓^′ 𝑐)))
) )))=

Minimum ρ: ρmin

ρ = 1.4 / fy= 1.4/ 415 0.003373493975904 >

Maximum ρ: ρmax

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑓^′ 𝑐 ≤28 𝑀𝑃𝑎, 𝛽=0.85

𝜌𝑏=0.85 𝛽 (𝑓^′ 𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/

(600+𝑓𝑦)) =
=0.85 (0.85) (𝑓^′
𝑐)/𝑓𝑦(600/(600+415)) = 0.02469938868776

ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.018524541515817

Therefore, Use ρmin = 0.003373

As = ρ b d 381.204819

Nb = As/Ab= 1.89595657 2

Therefore, 2 - 16mm φ bottom rebars @ discontinuous edge

IV. Shear Design

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1/2 (wuLn) 26.22936

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu<1/2φVc , stirrups are not required

Factored Shear force, Vu = 1.15 x 1/2 (wuLn) 30.163764

Concrete Shear Force, Vc

𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √(𝑓^′ 𝑐)
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 =
𝑉𝑐= 1/6 √24 (350) (352)
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =
∅𝑉𝑐=(0.75)1/6 √24 (350) (352) =

1/2 ∅𝑉𝑐=1/2 (75.444)


since Vu < φVc, and Vu< 1/2φVc , provide minimum area of stirrups
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

2.4466 KN/m φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 22482309
2.95 KN/m
5.3966 KN/m
Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

8.74312 KN/m Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

22.48231 KN.m ρ = As/bd = 0.0036
31.47523 KN.m
19.67202 KN.m Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

0.489082 MPa Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

0.001193 φMn≥Mu
286803428 ≥ 31475232


> ρ Solve for the center of bars, y
y= 0.0 mm

Total area of steel bars

As = 402.125 mm2

Actual steel ratio

ρ = As/bd = 0.0036

Comparison of actual steel ratio vs. max. steel ratio permitted for beam to be du
> ρ ρmax > ρ = 0.0185

Actual reinforcement index of beam

ω = ρfy/fc' = 0.3203

Nominal resistance factor

Rn = f'c ω(1-(ω/1.7)) = 6.2391

Checking if beam is Safe

φMn≥Mu 286803428 ≥ 19672020


> ρ



> ρ


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN


92.26411 KN

69.19809 KN
69.19809 KN

34.59904 KN

ea of stirrups
tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

tted for beam to be ductile SAFE!

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