CQCP MS-1.1b-Cast-in-Situ Concrete Bored Pile Load Test

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Cast-in-Situ Concrete Bored Pile Load Test

Method Statement No.: MS-1.1b

Date of Submission: 04 January, 2023
Revision No. 00

Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1
2. SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................. 1
3. OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................ 1
4. MANPOWER .......................................................................................................... 1
5. EQUIPMENT AND APPARATUS ......................................................................... 2
6. PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................... 3
6.1 Proof Load............................................................................................................. 3
6.2 Reaction System .................................................................................................... 3
6.3 System for Load Application ................................................................................ 3
6.4 Measurement of Load ........................................................................................... 4
6.5 Adjustability of Loading Equipment .................................................................... 4
6.6 Measuring Movement of Pile Heads..................................................................... 4
6.7 Loading Procedure................................................................................................ 4
6.8 Reporting of Results.............................................................................................. 5
7. PROTECTION OF TESTING EQUIPMENT ....................................................... 5
8. RISK ASSESSMENT: ............................................................................................. 5
9. SUPERVISION: ...................................................................................................... 5
10. FLEXIBILITY: ....................................................................................................... 6
11. QUALITY ASSURANCE ....................................................................................... 6
12. HEALTH & SAFETY ............................................................................................. 6
APPENDIX .......................................................................................................................... 8

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This Method of Statement explain the method of execution and quality control procedure of
Bored Cast-in-Situ RCC Pile Loat Test. In general, the work the work shall be executed in
conformance with the specification for pile load test. “ESTABLISHMENT OF WTP AND

This methodology has been developed following the guideline of the ASTM 1143 “Standard
Method of Testing Piles under Static Axial Compressive Load” and Employer’s
(Technical) Requirements for execution of the work at “ESTABLISHMENT OF WTP AND DTW

Pile Load Test will be carried out mainly for following reasons:

I. To serve a proof test to ensure that failure does not occur before a selected proof load
is reached, this proof load being the minimum required factor times the working load.
II. To determine the Load-settlement behavior of a pile at anticipated working load and
proof load. This data can be used to predict group settlements and settlement of other
III. To indicate the structural soundness of the pile.
IV. When combined with an acceptance criterion, is suitable for assurance of pile foundation
design and installation under building codes, standards, and other regulatory statutes.
V. The actual load capacity of a pile-soil system can best be determined by testing.
Testing measures the response of a pile-soil system to loads and may provide data for
research and development, engineering design, quality assurance, or acceptance or
rejection in accordance with the specifications and contract documents.

Following are the personnel involved in the scope of the procedure
 Manpower for Piling Work

a) Msnpower Mentioned Method of Statement No. CQCP MS-1.1a Bored Cast-in-Situ

RCC Pile Work.

 Manpower For Pile Load

1. QC Engineer
2. Site Engineer
3. Foreman

4. Labour


Following equipment are involved in the scope of piling work
 Piling Equipment

1. Equipment Mentioned Method of Statement No. CQCP MS-1.1a Bored Cast-in-Situ

RCC Pile Work.

 Pile Load Test Equipment

1. Test Beam 8. Pressure Gauge

2. Cross Beam 9. Settlement Gauge

3. Rocker Beam 10. Steel Plate

4. Reference Beam 11. Slipper wood

5. Hydraulic Jack 12. Plan sheet

6. Pressure Pipe 13. Empty Cement Bag

7. Pressure Pump ( Manual) 14. Level

Figure 1: Static Pile load test


Loading shall be accomplished by arranging steel beams, sacks of cement or other heavy
weights at least equal to 150% of pile design load, on a platform mounted above the pile head
hydraulic jack the test loads shall be applied gradually, without impact, and in a manner that
no lateral forces are applied to the pile. Load testing shall not be started until 28 days after
completion of casting of the test pile is completed. Except as otherwise specified, load tests
shall be performed according to the following procedure.

6.1 Proof Load

The proof load is a maximum load that is imposed on pile during testing. The proof load
should not normally exceed the design verification load plus 50% of the specified
working load.

6.2 Reaction System

The reaction system called kentledge shall be prepared, comprising of steel I-beams
(Cross beam, test beam and rocker beam etc.) (Ref. Table-1) and sand filled gunny
bags for counter weight against which the pile shall be tested (Ref. Appendix Fig-1).
Crib wall will be made by stacking sand filled bags.

A pit around the pile shall be excavated to set up reaction system & the settlement
measuring devices. A few centimeters of pile would be trimmed smooth, leveled and
finished (if necessary) with reach cement mortar or a thin layer of sand to set the
bearing plate between the hydraulic jack and the pile head. Loading platform called
kentledge shall be prepared by using steel I-beams, sheets and sand filled gunny bags.
15% of proof load shall be added with counter weight to avoid the tilting of kentledge
and total kentledge weight will be 175% of design load.

6.3 System for Load Application

The load on pile shall be applied by using hydraulic jack seated on bearing plate. A
piston pump shall be used to develop pressure. The fluid pressure developed in the
hydraulic jack shall be monitored by a calibrated pressure gauge. Load shall be
calculated by multiplying the fluid pressure and the cross sectional area of the ram of
the jack. Whenever calibrated jack is used, load is directly calculated from the provided
regression equation.

The total capacity of the jack shall be greater than required maximum load. The jack
shall be arranged in conjunction with the reaction system to deliver an axial load to
the test pile. The complete system shall be capable of transferring the maximum load
required for the test.

6.4 Measurement of Load

Pressure gauge shall be supplied for determining the load on the pile. Jack fitted with
pressure gauge will be calibrated from BUET and calibration certificate shall be
supplied to the Engineer.

6.5 Adjustability of Loading Equipment

The loading equipment shall be capable of adjustment throughout the test to obtain a
smooth increase of load or to maintain each load constant at the required stages of
maintained loading test.

6.6 Measuring Movement of Pile Heads

Two independent reference frames (round pipe or I beam of required length) shall be set
for measurement of the movement of the pile. The supports for the frame shall be founded
in such a manner and at such a distance from the test pile, crib wall that movement of the
ground in the vicinity of the equipment do not cause movements of the reference frame
during the testing.
The measurement of pile movement shall be measured by two dial gauges attached with
the pile diametrically opposite positions and be equidistant from the pile axis. The dial
gauges shall enable readings to be made to within an accuracy of 0.01 mm and will have
50 mm stroke.
6.7 Loading Procedure
The loading procedure is presented in Table-2 below which is taken from Table 5-1:
Loading Stages of Employer’s (Technical) Requirements. For any period when the load
is constant, time and settlement shall be recorded immediately on reaching the load at
not more than 5 minutes intervals up to l5 minutes, at approximately l5 minute intervals
up to I hour, at 30 minutes intervals between I hour and 4 hours, and I hour intervals
between 4 hours and 12 hours after the application of the increment of load. The pass
criteria are not more than 20 mm settlement at 100% DVL and not more than 30 mm
settlement at 100% DVL + 50% SWL.
Table 1: Loading stages

Load* Minimum time of holding load

25% DVL 30 minutes
50% DVL 30 minutes
75% DVL 30 minutes
100% DVL 1 hour
75% DVL 10 minutes
50% DVL 10 minutes
25% DVL 10 minutes
0 1 hour
100% DVL 6 hours

100% DVL + 25% SWL 1 hour
100% DVL + 50% SWL 6 hours
100% DVL + 25% SWL 10 minutes
100% DVL 10 minutes
75% DVL 10 minutes
50% DVL 10 minutes
25% DVL 10 minutes
0 1 hour
*DVL denotes design verification load and SWL denotes specified working load

6.8 Reporting of Results

Report will contain all the information as indicated in the specification about the pile,
site, equipment, together with graphical presentation of the observed data (Load vs
Settlement, Load vs Time & Load vs Settlement). Analysis, special observation,
comments on capacity and test will be included. Five hard copies and one soft copy of
the report will be presented.


Throughout the test period all equipment for measuring load and movement shall be protected
from the weather and any external interference.

Construction equipment and persons who are not involved in the testing process shall be kept
at a sufficient distance from the test to avoid disturbance to the measurement apparatus.

After all arrangement is complete risk assessment will be made by a team of engineers. They
will ensure following:

 Alignments of girders.
 Pumps will be tested.
 Power source/generator will be checked.
 All electronic/digital gauge will be checked.
 Recording will be made by experience engineer keeping safety in mind.
 Safety rules will be followed.
 Safety instruction will be given before starting test

The contractor shall depute required supervisory staff for keeping records and supervise all

During the progress of a test, the testing equipment and all records of the test as required shall
be available for inspection by the Engineer.

During the performance of load testing, at any stage, if the pump and/or jack go out of order,
the test will be continued by releasing load to zero thereby giving a cycle. And the equipment
will be repaired or replaced. The load will then again be put to the previous stage. The pile
movement will be recorded for the time of repaired or replaced. The test does not require to be
repeated. This is a normal engineering practice.

During preparation of the kentledge, if at any time it is found that the crib wall is settling to
much as to endanger the safety of personnel and/or equipment, immediately the test will be
started by transferring some of the load from crib wall on to the pile while the platform loading
will continue.

Whenever soil receiving the crib wall is very soft/loose, it will be strengthened and if situation
demand testing will be done while platform loading will continue.


For quality assurance following steps will be taken-

 A jack fitted with pressure gauge will be calibrated and calibration certificate will be
submitted in advance. The capacity of the jack & pressure gauge will be greater than the
test load/pressure.
 All four settlement gauges will be calibrated & calibration certificate will be submitted
in advance.
 A pump will be kept as standby.
 A full time Surveyor along with Leveling Instrument shall be on duty at site to take
backup reading.


All operations in connection with pile load testing shall be carried out in such a manner so as
to minimize, avoid, or eliminate the exposure of people to hazard. The following safety rules
are in addition to general safety requirements applicable to construction operations:

 All work areas, walkways, platforms, etc., shall be kept clear of scrap, debris, small
tools, and accumulations of mud, grease, oil, or other slippery substances.
 All timbers, blocking and cribbing materials shall be of quality material and be in good
serviceable condition with flat surfaces and without rounded edges.
 Hydraulic jacks shall be equipped with spherical bearing plates or shall be in complete
and firm contact with the bearing surfaces and shall be aligned so as to avoid eccentric

 Loads shall not be hoisted, swung, or suspended over anyone and shall be controlled by
tag lines.
 The attachments of the test beam(s) or reaction frame to the anchor piles or other
anchoring devices shall be designed and installed to transmit the required loads with an
adequate factor of safety.
 For tests on batter piles, all inclined jacks, bearing plates, test beam(s), or frame
members shall be firmly fixed into place or adequately blocked to prevent slippage upon
release of load.
 All reaction loads shall be stable and balanced. During testing, movements of the
reaction load or system should be monitored to detect impending unstable conditions.
 All test beams, reaction frames, platforms, and boxes shall be adequately supported at
all times.
 Only authorized personnel shall be permitted within the immediate test area.
 Pep talk/ Tool Box training to be provided to all workmen before starting of work on
regularly basis.
 All workmen/Staff should use PPE.
 Permit to be ensured before stating of work.
 Housekeeping to done at site.
 There shall be one First Aid Box with all necessary items.
 Portable drinking water shall be provided to all workmen and adequate sanitary facilities
shall be provided to avoid any contaminated diseases.
 All identified hazards and their control measure to be communicated to workmen
involved in sand filling activities.


Pile Load Test Kentledge

Field Data Sheet

Figure 1: Pile Load Test Kentledge

Figure 2: Field Data Sheet

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