Construction and Building Materials: F. Berger, F. Gauvin, H.J.H. Brouwers

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Construction and Building Materials 260 (2020) 119786

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The recycling potential of wood waste into wood-wool/cement

F. Berger, F. Gauvin ⇑, H.J.H. Brouwers
Department of the Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology, P. O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

h i g h l i g h t s

 Wood waste is used as a substitute for spruce in WWCB.

 Wood waste from pallet wood has a microstructure similar to spruce.
 Strands made from wood waste have good compatibility with cement.
 Up to 30% of wood waste can be used in WWCB without decreasing the properties.
 The environmental assessment shows no hazardous leaching from these composites.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Nowadays, the recycling potential of wood waste is still limited and in a resource cascading approach,
Received 3 October 2019 recycling wood waste in cement composite materials, such as wood wool cement board (WWCB) appears
Received in revised form 14 May 2020 as a promising solution. The quality of the wood waste is the main factor leading to the instability of the
Accepted 30 May 2020
final product which can affect the mechanical properties or the wood cement compatibility. However, the
Available online 20 June 2020
possibility to recycle wood waste as a spruce replacement for WWCB manufacture needs more investi-
gation in order to assess the impact of wood waste on the mechanical performances of the final product,
but also to characterize the behavior of hazardous substances embodied in a cement matrix. This paper
Circular economy
Natural fibers
addresses the characterization of two types of wood waste, from pallets and demolition waste and their
Treated wood influence on the manufacturing process, mechanical properties and chemical compatibility when used in
Cement composite WWCB. A comprehensive approach is provided to define the influence of wood waste on the hydration
Leaching reaction of the cement and the chemical and physical properties of the composite are assessed by isother-
Mechanical testing mal calorimetry, leaching measurement and microscopy. Finally, the mechanical properties of WWCB are
tested for different wood waste content in order to define the best wood/wood waste ratio and thereby
confirming the possibility to reuse the wood waste in fiber/cement composite for building application.
Ó 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction ment that can conduct to health and environmental issues during
the end of life of wood [6]. Currently, wood waste can be either
Nowadays, wood waste represents an important economic and used as energy recovery (e.g., following the Renewable Energy
environmental issue. Recently, a study has estimated that 50 mil- Directives) or reused as a building material. However, several envi-
lion cubic meters of wood waste are generated each year in the ronmental assessments show contradictory results about these
European Union [1]. Currently, the recycling potential of wood two options because of the presence of contaminants in wood
waste is still low, mainly caused by a lack of sustainable reusing products, which limits considerably the recycling or reuse of wood
or recycling applications [2,3]. In fact, the main part of wood waste waste [7].
can be treated in different ways (e.g., heat, chemical or mechanical This current study focuses on the possibility to find sustainable
treatment) and this involves a large amount of preservative- applications in order to recycle wood waste into wood-cement
treated wood that contains organic and inorganic contaminants composites. In these applications, wood is turned into wool, which
[4,5]. Those contaminants represent a real issue in waste manage- are thin strands of wood of 0.5–3 mm of thickness and can be used
in state-of-the-art materials. Wood wool cement boards (WWCB)
⇑ Corresponding author. are an example of advanced wood-cement composites. They are
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Gauvin). made of wood wool which is usually spruce (softwood) or poplar
0950-0618/Ó 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
2 F. Berger et al. / Construction and Building Materials 260 (2020) 119786

(hardwood), mixed with a binder which is commonly ordinary worldwide [27,32]. The wood from pallets is generally only heat-
Portland cement (OPC) or white cement (WC) [8]. Since 1940, treated for environmental and recycling reasons leading to a clean
WWCBs are commonly used in Europe and Asia, thanks to their wood resource for biomass or reuse applications. Moreover, soft-
good resistance to decay and insects but also for their good thermal wood is mostly used for pallet manufacturers in the EU, with dif-
and acoustical insulating properties and low density (300–500 kg/ ferent species such as Southern yellow pine, Douglas pine or fir.
m3) [9,10]. WWCBs are used for many applications, such as ceiling However, the use of hardwood has risen in the last decade because
tiles, insulation wall panels with better physical properties than of its large availability in the US. Contrariwise, construction and
conventional medium density fiberboards while being more sus- demolition wood waste show different issues for sustainable recy-
tainable [11]. Additionally, WWCB’s structure is an excellent sub- cling solutions.
strate for air purification by photocatalysis, showing that this Currently, it is still impossible to predict the behavior of the
type of composite can be a great prospect of many advanced appli- treated wood into WWCB, these results show a positive future
cations in the future [12]. for using wood waste in WWCB. In this study, the mechanical
Nowadays, the wood used for the manufacture of WWCB comes and chemical properties of the two wood waste samples provided
from forest harvesting only [2], because a slight change (e.g., com- by Nedvang (Pallets and C&D) are studied in order to compare
position, structure, water content, age. . .) in the wood can signifi- them with conventional spruce wood, used as a reference. The
cantly affect the overall properties of the composite, which wood-cement compatibility is assessed as well as the leaching
explains why using anything else than raw spruce or poplar is a behavior of the wood waste by various methods, such as pH mea-
great challenge [13,14]. Indeed, heterogeneity of wood waste is a surement, isothermal calorimetry and scanning electron micro-
critical factor because, as shown in several studies, depending on scopy (SEM). Then, wood strands are processed and studied
the wood species, its hygroscopic behavior, cement compatibility (mechanical behavior, microstructure). Thereafter, the mechanical,
and effect on cement hydration can be significantly different due physical and leaching properties of WWCB manufactured with dif-
to the carbohydrate and saccharides contents in the fibers but also ferent percentages of wood waste (steps of 10% until 100%) are
because of the different morphologies of the wood strands [15–17]. compared to conventional and commercial WWCBs.
In addition, the use of wood waste can generate environmental
issue because of the various treatments of the wood which leads 2. Methodology
to numerous contaminants that can be leached out, disturbing the
wood cement compatibility and also limiting the potential range 2.1. Materials
of application due to the toxicity of the waste [18–22]. On the other
hand, some studies show favorable results and good potential for In this study, the spruce wood is taken as reference in the form
the use of wood waste into wood cement composite, since its of Excelsior wood wool (or also called strand in this study) and is
mechanical proprieties are very closed to commercial wood prod- provided by Knauf Insulation. These strands are conventionally
ucts [23]. Moreover, many other lignocellulosic wastes, such as used for the industrial manufacture of WWCB. The studied wood
wheat and rice straw, bark, coir or bagasse has already been used wastes are provided by Nedvang (NL) and come from pallets and
for various building applications [11,14,24–26]. Therefore, the construction & demolition sites, respectively. The binder applied
development of new applications for wood waste is possible, but in the study is CEM I 52.5 R white (PC) provided by ENCI (NL).
in order to expand the range of applications of these products, many
issues persist, especially concerning health and safety.
2.2. Methods
Among the available wood waste, construction and demolition
(C&D) debris is a very important source, averaging 30 Mt of waste
2.2.1. Scanning electron microscopy
only in the USA [27]. However, as shown by the UK Waste and
Microstructure analysis of the wood waste strand is performed
Resources Action Program, 74% of wood waste which comes from
by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM, Phenom pro-X) with a
construction and building site is treated with chemicals [28].
back-scattering electron detector (5 kV). The wood waste strand
Indeed, during the past 40 years, Chromated copper arsenate
has been coated with a 20 nm gold layer before the microscopy.
(CCA), Penta and Creosote are the three most used preservative
The moisture content of the wood waste has been limited by dry-
treatments for wood products [29]. Furthermore, the use of CCA
ing the material in an oven at 60 °C, for 2 h prior to analysis.
treatment was the main preservative for housing or decking appli-
cations in order to prevent or delay decay caused by fungi or ter-
mites, especially in Australia, New Zealand and the United States 2.2.2. Leachates characterization
[5]. CCA contains 38–45% chromium, 23–25% copper, and 30–37% The leaching of wood waste is studied by using the TCLP extrac-
arsenic and these elements can react during the cement hydration tion methods to obtain the leachate solution. The samples are
reaction. Some studies show that CAA treatments can sometimes reduced to a particle size of less than 1 cm. Subsequently, the lea-
increase the properties of the final products as compared to virgin chate is prepared according to the TCLP standard, the waste was
wood [5]. This phenomenon is due to the acidic washing of the added to a determined extraction fluid and mixed during 18 h at
wood associated with the CCA treatment which removes a part 30 rpm at room temperature. Thereafter, the solution is filtrated
of the extractives present in the wood and reduces their water sol- through a 0.6–0.8 mm glass fiber filter. The leachate obtained is
ubility [30]. Moreover, since the early 2000s, several countries analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-
around the world and particularly in the EU set up severe regula- MS) in order to measure the concentration of heavy metal and
tions regarding CCA and wood waste recycling, due to leaching of other potential contaminants released by the wood.
heavy metals and arsenate poisoning [18,19,21,31]. Therefore, a
huge amount of CCA treated wood still remains in service world- 2.2.3. Isothermal calorimetry
wide and will be concerned about disposal and recycling applica- The hydration kinetics is studied by isothermal calorimetry
tions. Furthermore, an environmental study is needed in order to with a TAM Air Isothermal calorimeter set at a constant tempera-
analyze if these hazardous elements are a direct problem when ture of 20 °C for 72 h. The wood samples and the binder were first
the CCA treated wood is used in composites. well mixed in an ampoule before the water was added. After the
Additionally, other cleaner wood waste streams can be used, addition of water, the mixture was mixed for 3 min before being
such as pallet waste, which represents 19% of the total wood waste loaded in the calorimeter. The heat evolution rate data were cali-
F. Berger et al. / Construction and Building Materials 260 (2020) 119786 3

brated by subtracting the heat evolution of ampoules with water as span of 15 cm. Three samples of each W/S ratio are tested. As ref-
a baseline. erence values, the dimensional stability has to be satisfied, by a
maximum thickness of 15 mm and a minimum bending strength
2.2.4. Mechanical properties of the wood strands of 1.7 MPa, according to the BS EN 12089, Thermal insulating prod-
Mechanical properties of wood strands are measured by using ucts for building applications standard.
an Instron 5967 bench equipped with a 2530–100 N load cell
and 2710-111 wedge grip with rubber jaw faces. Tensile tests are
2.2.7. Thermal conductivity measurement
conducted in displacement control with a crosshead speed of
Thermal conductivity is measured on WWCB by a heat transfer
5 mm/min. More than 15 samples for each condition are tested.
analyzer ISOMET 2104. As a reference, commercial WWCBs with a
Tensile strength (cN/tex) and Young’s modulus (N/tex) are mea-
thickness between 15 and 30 mm have a thermal conductivity
sured as a function of the linear density of the strand (tex) by mea-
range of 0.08–0.11 W.m 1.K 1 according to the BS EN 12089, Ther-
suring the length and the weight of each strand prior to analysis.
mal insulating products for building applications standard.

2.2.5. Manufacture of the composites

WWCB composites are manufactured following the so-called 3. Results and discussion
dry method, which is currently applied in the production plant of
various manufacturers. Wood strands are pre-soaked with water 3.1. Wood waste characterization
and then sprinkled with a dry binder. Then, these strands are
mixed with PC in a plastic bucket. The mixture is then placed into In order to characterize the two streams of wood, microscopy
a steel mold (30  60 cm) and pressed for 24 h, using a mechanical and isothermal calorimetry are performed. The micrographs in
press. Successively, the sample is cured in a plastic sheet for 7 days Fig. 2 shows the surface of spruce (in the form of strands) and pal-
and then left drying at ambient conditions for another 3 days. In let wood (waste strands). These two kinds of wood are closed to
order to achieve the same moisture content before testing, the each other and depict the same microstructure and surface aspect.
boards are dried in the oven for 2 h at 50 °C. In order to evaluate Tubular cell walls are visible for both types of wood and the
the mechanical performances of the composite according to differ- lumens (red arrows) have the same shape and almost the same
ent Wood waste/spruce wood ratio (called W/S ratio in this study), size, with around 7 mm for the pallets wood and 5 mm for the
WWCBs are manufactured with 10 different chosen ratios (0.1 to spruce. Additional cell walls are visible with the wood waste (blue
1), named PW/S0.1 to PW/S1.0 for pallets wood. Fig. 1 shows the arrows) indicating some heterogeneity. In addition, the pallet
cross-section of the reference sample, showing the characteristic wood shows no noticeable signs of contaminants at its surface.
interface between the cement and the wood strand: This later is Moreover, as compared to the reference, the surface of the wood
covered with a thick layer (50 mm) of cement which acts as a min- waste seems to have less wax and lignin. These observations indi-
eral adhesive in this open composite. cate a potential good wood/cement compatibility. A very similar
structure also indicates that the manufacture of WWCB with wood
2.2.6. Mechanical performances of the composites waste from pallets would be not problematic because a similar
The bending strength is measured at 10 days by a three-point pore size means the same water demand and the same cement
flexural test (Instron 5967) on a sample with dimensions of coating during the process.
5  20  1.5 cm, using a testing speed of 5 mm/min, and a support However, wood waste from construction and demolition (C&D)
sites seem more problematic, even if its structure remains quite
closed to the spruce because its cell walls and its surface show
the presence of contaminants (Fig. 3). These particles can be heavy
metals such as chromium or inorganics substances that have been
mixed with the wood wastes. These substances can disturb the
manufacturing process by delaying the hydration reaction of the
cement, reducing the wood cement compatibility, or limiting the
range of applications due to health and environmental issues
involved by the leachates.

3.2. Compatibility with cement

Results of the calorimetry of the three kinds of wood are

depicted in Fig. 4, showing the chemical compatibility between
the wood and the cement. From the results, the two types of wood
waste (building and pallets) are really close to each other. As com-
pared to the reference, the hydration peaks have been delayed by
1.5 h due to the presence of the wood waste. A probable hypothesis
is that the wood waste is slightly degraded, especially at its surface,
as it can be seen by SEM (i.e., lack of matrix at the surface of the
wood). The hemicellulose degradation creates monosaccharides
and polysaccharides that are mixed in the cement paste and can
delay the cement hydration. However, this retardation is not very
important and indicates that both wood wastes have a low sugar
content and will not affect the manufacturing process nor the final
properties of the WWCB. In addition, the maximum released heat
Fig. 1. Cross-section of a WWCB. The cement layer is visible in white around the is 20% lower in the presence of wood inside the cement paste. This
porous spruce strand. decrease does not have a significant impact on the reaction as it
4 F. Berger et al. / Construction and Building Materials 260 (2020) 119786

Fig. 2. SEM microscopy of wood waste from pallet and spruce strand, which is used in WWCB manufacture.

Fig. 3. SEM microscopy of C&D wood.

remains low and also it can be explained by the presence of sugars

involved by wood wastes.
From these results, it appears that both types of wood waste
have good chemical compatibility with cement. Moreover, the
wood waste from pallets is surprisingly close to the spruce strand
and would be a perfect candidate to replace it due to its similar
microstructure. Therefore, in this study, only wood waste from pal-
lets is to be turned into strands and used in WWCB.

3.3. Pallet wood strand manufacture

Strands made of pallets are manufactured on a laboratory scale

using thin layers of pallet cut with a ribbon saw and then turned
Fig. 4. Isothermal calorimetry of the 2 wood streams as compared to the reference
into strands with a wood plane. Fig. 5 depicts the process, which
(i.e., white cement), showing the effects of the wood wastes on the cement resulted in wood wool with a very similar aspect than regular
hydration. wood wool manufactured from spruce (Fig. 5-C).
F. Berger et al. / Construction and Building Materials 260 (2020) 119786 5

Fig. 5. Pallet wood strand manufacture. A: Pallet is cut into pieces, washed; B: wood is sanded and dried; wood is cut into 10–15 cm strands.

3.4. Mechanical properties of wood strands Table 1

Summary of the mean results of the tensile tests.

The tensile test of strands highlights the variation of the Sample Modulus [cN/tex] Tensile strain [cN/tex]
mechanical properties between the pallet wood and the spruce Pallet strands 770 812
in the form of strands. These results average 30 tests on each type Spruce strands 1332 663
of wood strands and are displayed in Fig. 6 and Table 1.
The tensile strength of the pallet strands is slightly lower than
the spruce one, with a decrease of approximately 20%. On the other of the strands. The spruce strands are made thanks to an industrial
hand, the modulus of elasticity is almost 50% lower. Many phe- process, using wood logs whereas the pallet strands have been
nomena can affect the mechanical behavior of the strand (e.g., made differently because the conventional process is not applica-
external degradation, differences in morphology or composition. . .) ble for a recycled material due to the variation in terms of shape
but here, SEM characterization has shown that spruce and pallet and size. The industrial process is specially developed to obtain
woods are very similar. the greatest mechanical properties for each strand, following the
First of all, it is unlikely that the pallet wood is degraded. SEM cell walls of the wood, with an optimum orientation of the cellu-
characterization has shown very clean wood and isothermal lose fibrils.
calorimetry has shown almost no impact on cement. If the wood SEM microscopy of the pallet wood strand confirms these
would have been degraded, the tensile strength of the strand observations. It does not show matrix degradation and support
would have been critically affected since the degradation would the fact that the microstructure of both wood sample is the same
have affected the wood structure. Here, only the modulus of elas- (as compared to Fig. 3). However, the structure of the wood (fol-
ticity of the pallet wood is significantly different, and this charac- lowing the black arrow in A) is slightly tilted as compared to the
teristic is directly related to the cellulosic fibrils within the cutting direction (in the box), which can explain the low modulus
structure of the wood [33]. Therefore, the difference between the of elasticity. As shown in Fig. 7, spruce strands are well oriented
two types of wood can be explained by an internal degradation alongside the right axis, in order to have the cellulose in the tensile
of the cellulose but also by the orientation of the cellulose fibrils direction (red box) whereas the pallet wood strands are heteroge-
depending on the cutting axis of the strands. The first hypothesis neous because it was cut randomly. Therefore, the anisotropy of
is very unlikely, because the isothermal calorimetry shows no real wood causes a difference in Young’s modulus. But this significant
difference between the two types of wood, and degradation of the decrease is not very problematic in the composite strength because
cellulose would also mean a major hemicellulose degradation, WWCBs are tested in flexural mode, and the rigidity of the boards
thereby inducing a critical amount of polysaccharide in the system. is not a requirement in the existing standards.
A more probable explanation would be that these differences
can be related to the manufacturing process or the morphology 3.5. Mechanical properties of WWCB

Flexural strength of WWCB containing 10–100% of pallet wood

strands (as replacement of spruce) is measured, as well as the den-
sity of these boards. The results are shown in Fig. 8 and Table 2.
On average, WWCB made industrially with spruce have a flexu-
ral strength of 2 MPa, for low-density range (300–400 kg/m3).
When wood waste is added to spruce in WWCB, results can be
regrouped into three groups.
Between 10 and 30% of wood waste (light grey dashed lines),
WWCBs are always above the acceptable limit since all tested
specimens have a flexural strength above 1.7 MPa. An important
standard deviation is visible for the PW/S0.3 board but only
because some specimens have shown extraordinary results, which
are not representative.
When more than 30% of wood waste is added to spruce (dark
Fig. 6. Average stress/strain curve of the two types of strands. grey, horizontal lines), results are acceptable. PW/S0.4 average
6 F. Berger et al. / Construction and Building Materials 260 (2020) 119786

flexural strength of 1.7 MPa and PW/S0.5 is always slightly above strands are very heterogeneous, and the strand orientation is not
the limit. It proves that up to 50% of spruce can be replaced with optimal. It means that some strands have the tendency of being
wood waste, without causing issues. curled as compared to spruce wood strands which are always
However, above 50% of wood waste (black dots), the flexural straight (see Fig. 9-A). Besides, the relationship between the den-
strength of WWCBs significantly decrease, with an average value sity and the strength is clear in Fig. 9-B, showing that the
from 1 to 0.6 MPa. Increasing the weight fraction of wood waste macrostructure of the board has a greater effect than the wood
also leads to a decrease in the density of the boards. This phe- strength itself, as it was characterized by other methods such as
nomenon is explained by the expansion of boards after compres- tensile strength of the strands.
sion during the manufacturing process: Boards with more than
50% of wood are 1–2 cm bigger than boards made with more than 3.6. Thermal properties of WWCB
50% of spruce wood. As it was explained before, pallet wood
Thermal conductivity of WWCB containing 10–100% of pallet
wood strands (as replacement of spruce) is measured and the aver-
age results are shown in Fig. 10.
The first observation is that the thermal conductivity of all the
manufactured boards is way below the acceptable limit (0.11 W.
m 1.K 1), which can be explained by the low density of all the
boards, due to the selected recipe design.
Moreover, the differences in the thermal conductivity are
mostly due to the density difference, as Fig. 10 shows some corre-
lation between these two properties. Since the microstructure of
the two kinds of wood is very close, only the porosity and the
macrostructure of the composite can explain this phenomenon.
Besides, it is also noticeable that using a higher fraction of wood
waste help to decrease the thermal conductivity because of the
higher porosity formed by the curled-strands in the structure, as
shown in Fig. 10.

3.7. Environmental assessment

Leaching analysis of the wood waste is performed on its lea-

chate and the results are shown in Table 3, showing heavy metal
contaminants as well as some alkali ions and earth alkali. From
the EU 2009/894/EC legislation, when recycled wood is used in
wood-based materials, some elements such as arsenic, lead or cop-
per should not exceed a limit value, indicated in the table.
Here, leaching values of all elements are far below the limit,
which means that the wood can be used freely in WWCB. More-
over, these values are measured prior to manufacturing meaning
Fig. 7. SEM microscopy wood strand made of pallet. The cell direction is indicated
with the black arrow (A). The cutting direction is indicated in B, with scratching that the concentration of the WWCB leachate would be even lower,
marks. due to the complexation of some elements with cement.

Flexural strength (MPa)



10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Fig. 8. Flexural strength of WWCB containing 10 to 100% of wood waste (mixed with spruce wood). The dashed line is set at 1.7 MPa, which is the acceptable limit for boards.

Table 2
Density measurement of the different WWCB containing 10 to 100% of wood waste (mixed with spruce wood).

PW content 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Board density (kg/m3) 314 302 361 309 341 286 235 294 262 295
F. Berger et al. / Construction and Building Materials 260 (2020) 119786 7


Flexural strength (MPa)




200 300 400
Density (kg.m-3)

Fig. 9. A) WWCB made of 100% of wood waste. In the red box, a strand is curled, explaining the higher porosity of WWCBs containing a high fraction of wood waste; B) Graph
showing the quasi-linear relationship (R2 = 0.73) between the density of the WWCBs and their flexural strength. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 10. Average thermal conductivity of WWCB as well as the boards’ density.

Table 3
Element concentration (mg/L) in wood waste leachate.

Element concentration (mg/L) As Al Ba Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Li

0.031 0.200 0.163 – – 0.022 0.115 0.085 0.021
Limit values from EU 2009/894/EC 25 – – 50 40 25 40 – –
Element concentration (mg/L) Ni Pb Sr Ti Zn Na K Mg Ca
– 0.057 0.218 0.007 0.971 100 50 30 100
Limit values from EU 2009/894/EC 100 90 – – – – – – –

4. Conclusions wood from construction and demolition sites is more challeng-

ing, because this wood is more heterogeneous (i.e., more than
In this study, wood waste has been used in order to replace con- one type of wood is used in this kind of application) and can
ventional spruce wood in wood wool cement boards (WWCB), a be contaminated.
composite that is used for ceilings or walls. Following the experi-  Wood waste is quite compatible with white cement, which is
mental results, the following conclusions can be drawn: used in the production of WWCB. Measured by isothermal
calorimetry, the effect of wood waste on cement is not signifi-
 Wood from pallets is an excellent candidate for WWCB because cant. Moreover, the environmental assessment made on wood
its structure is very similar to the spruce industrially used in the waste shows no traces of contaminants in wood, paving the
manufacture of these composites. On the other hand, using way for its usage in composites.
8 F. Berger et al. / Construction and Building Materials 260 (2020) 119786

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