I Semester Examination (ICM)

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Paper: IX (ICM)
Time: 80 Minutes Date: 27-09-2020

1. All are symptoms of Gastrointestinal disease except 11. This is not a function of insulin
a. Pain abdomen a. decreasing glycogenolysis
b. Nausea b. lipogenesis
c. Vomiting c. gluconeogenesis
d. Swelling lower limbs d. Glycogenesis
2. Which of the following investigation is helpful for 12. Effects of hypothyroidism include all but this
diagnosis of UGI bleeding? a. Diarrhoea
a. CXR b. Lethargy
b. Liver function test c. Anorexia
c. UGS abdomen d. Weight gain
d. UGI Endoscopy 13. This hormone is responsible for “fight-or-flight”
3. All are RNA virus Except response
a. Hepatitis B virus a. Thyroxine and melatonin
b. Hepatitis C virus b. insulin and glucagon
c. Corona Virus c. epinephrine and norepinephrine
d. Hepatitis A virus d. oestrogen and progesterone
4. All are causes of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia Except 14. This is not an endocrine gland
a. Gilbert’s Syndrome a. Adrenal
b. Crigler- Najjar Syndrome b. Pituitary
c. Hemolytic Anaemia c. Lacrimal
d. Dubin - Johnson Syndrome d. Thyroid
5. Which of the following Liver Function Test indicates 15. This hormone is not secreted by Hypothalamus
Cholestasis? a. PRH
a. ALT b. FSH
b. AST c. CRH
c. ALP d. TRH
d. Bilirubin 16. An organ or structure that is not a component of the
6. Which of the following is a viral disease? urinary system is the:
a. Tuberculosis a. Urethra.
b. Typhoid b. Urinary bladder.
c. Influenza c. Ureter.
d. Diphtheria d. Adrenal gland.
7. All are communicable diseases except. 17. The tuft of capillaries in the renal corpuscle is called the
a. Tuberculosis a. Podocytes.
b. HIV b. Glomerulus.
c. Hypertension c. Calyx.
d. Malaria d. Renal pyramid.
8. Which is not a part of clinical examination? 18. Which of the following is the proper sequence of
a. Inspection structures in the nephron?
b. Palpation a. Glomerulus, proximal convoluted tubule, distal
c. Auscultation convoluted tubule, nephron loop.
d. X-ray b. Glomerulus, nephron loop, proximal convoluted
9. Human values are tubule, distal convoluted tubule.
a. Respect c. Glomerulus, proximal convoluted tubule, nephron
b. Truth loop, distal convoluted tubule.
c. Love d. Proximal convoluted tubule, glomerulus, nephron
d. All of the above loop, distal convoluted tubule.
10. Which of the following is an emerging infection at 19. The location of the kidneys in relationship to the
present with the greatest global impact? peritoneal lining of the abdominal cavity is referre to as
a. H1N1 a. Retroperitoneal.
b. Tuberculosis b. Retroabdominal.
c. SARS COV-2 c. Posterior.
d. HIV d. Dorsal.
20. Where does the fertilization usually takes place? 32. A polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN):
a. Cervix a. Is a bone marrow stem cell.
b. Vagina b. Is closely similar to a mast cell.
c. Uterus c. Contains microbicidal cytoplasmic granules
d. Oviduct d. Is not a professional phagocytic cell.
21. The process of sperm production takes place in 33. Acute inflammation characteristically involves
a. Epididymis a. Constriction of arterioles.
b. Vas deferens b. Capillary endothelial cell enlargement.
c. Prostate glands c. Influx of neutrophils.
d. Seminiferous tubules d. Influx of macrophages.
22. Where do the female gonads(paired ovaries) lie? 34. The branch of biology, which involves the study of
a. Pelvic cavity immune systems in all organisms is called_________.
b. Thoracic cavity a. Zoology
c. Scrotal sacs b. Microbiology
d. Abdominal cavity c. Immunology
23. Which one of the following causes the mammary glands d. Biotechnology
to enlarge during puberty? 35. Which of the following immunity is obtained during a
a. Testosterone lifetime?
b. Progesterone a. Acquired immunity
c. Estrogen b. Active immunity
d. Oxytocin c. Passive immunity
24. The power house of the cell is d. None of the above.
a. Nucleus 36. How many types of antibodies are there?
b. Cell membrane a. Five.
c. Mitochondria b. Three.
d. Lysosomes c. Two.
25. Genetic information of nuclear DNA is transmitted to the d. Four.
site of protein synthesis by 37. Which of the following cells is involved in cell-mediated
a. rRNA immunity?
b. mRNA a. Leukaemia
c. tRNA b. T cells
d. Polysomes c. Mast cells
26. A deficiency of Iron leads to d. Thrombocyte
a. Megaloblastic anemia 38. Which of the following protects our body against
b. Aplastic anemia disease-causing pathogens?
c. Pernicious anemia a. Respiratory system
d. Hypochromic microcytic anemia b. Immune system
27. This is a rich source for Vitamin C: c. Digestive system
a. Milk d. Respiratory system
b. Lemon 39. Hepatitis is an example of _______.
c. Rice a. Subunit Vaccine
d. Egg b. Killer Vaccine
28. Which part of the brain has a blood-brain barrier? c. Toxoids Vaccine
a. anterior pituitary d. Recombinant Vaccine
b. posterior pituitary 40. Which of the following statements is true about the IgM
c. pineal body of humans?
d. area postrema of the fourth ventricle a. IgM can cross the placenta
29. The central nervous system includes all the following b. IgM can protect the mucosal surface
components, except :- c. IgM is produced by high-affinity plasma cells
a. spinal cord d. IgM is primarily restricted in the circulation
b. medulla oblongata 41. Interferons are
c. autonomic ganglia a. Cytokine barriers
d. Diencephalon b. Physical barriers
30. The sensory system is involved in all the following, c. Cellular barriers
except :- d. Physiological barriers
a. initiation of reflex movements 42. Which of the following cells of the immune system do
b. initiation of voluntary movements not perform phagocytosis?
c. learning processes a. Macrophage
d. initiation of emotional response b. Neutrophil
31. Which of the following does not protect body surfaces: c. Eosinophil
a. Skin d. Basophil
b. Mucous
c. Salivary amylase
d. Gastric acid
43. Monocytes differentiate into which kind of phagocytic 54. A hematoma in the skin appears as
cells? a. an overall blue discoloration of the skin
a. Neutrophil b. black and blue marks
b. B cell c. an overall reddish discoloration of the skin
c. Macrophage d. an localized brown pigmentation
d. T cell 55. Which of the following cells function as sensory
44. The tendency of an offspring to resemble its parent is receptors for touch?
known as a. Merkel cells
a. Variation b. Melanocytes
b. Heredity c. Keratinocytes
c. Resemblance d. Langerhans cells
d. Inheritance 56. Which of the following cells is part of the immune
45.Who is known as the “Father of Genetics”? system?
a. Morgan a. Melanocyte
b. Mendel b. Keratinocyte
c. Watson c. Merkel cell
d. Bateson d. Langerhans cell
46. Homozygosity and heterozygosity of an individual can be 57. Acromion process is located on:
determined by a. Ilium
a. Back cross b. scapula
b. Self-fertilization c. Humerus
c. Test cross d. Ulna
d. All of the above 58. Which of the following is NOT a part of mandible?
47. Cystic fibrosis is a. Alveolar process
a. Sex-linked recessive disorder b. Mental foramen
b. Autosomal dominant disorder c. Glabella
c. Autosomal recessive disorder d. Mental protuberance
d. Sex-linked dominant disorder 59. Coracoid process is on:
48. The smallest unit of genetic material which produces a a. Humerus
phenotypic effect on mutation is b. scapula
a. Muton c. Femur
b. Gene d. pelvic girdle
c. Recon 60. The purpose of the rib cage is to...
d. Nucleic acid a. provide an object to which the lungs can attach
49. The alternate form of a gene is b. protect the spinal cord
a. Alternate type c. protect the heart and lungs
b. Recessive character d. provide an object to which the lungs can attach
c. Dominant character 61. What makes bones so strong?
d. Allele a. Silica
50. Sympathetic innervation of the liver regulates which b. Cartilage
function? c. Blood and marrow
a. Formation of glucose from glycogen d. Calcium and phosphorous
b. Bile synthesis and production 62. What is the difference between cartilage and bone?
c. Iron storage a. Bone is rubbery, and cartilage is firm.
d. Endocrine function b. Cartilage is rubbery, and bone is firm.
51. Stimulation of which one of the following receptors c. Bone is a more primitive tissue than cartilage
causes vasoconstriction? d. Bone is inside the body, and cartilage is outside.
a. β1adrenoreceptor 63. Muscles are made of ...
b. β2 adrenoreceptor a. Silica
c. α-adrenoreceptor b. polyester threads
d. Nicotine receptor c. calcium and phosphorous
52. Which of the following describes salbutamol, a β2- d. groups of cells called fibres
adrenoceptor agonists? 64. What is the function of a tendon?
a. Direct acting sympathomimetic. a. To link bones to bones
b. Indirect acting sympathomimetic. b. To link muscles to bones
c. Direct acting parasympathomimetic. c. To link muscles to ligaments
d. Indirect acting parasympathomimetic. d. To bind the cells in compact bone closer together
53. An injection is administered through the skin using a 65. ANS is a part of which nervous system?
hypodermic needle. Identify the first integumentary a. central nervous system
structure through which the needle will pass. b. somatic nervous system
a. papillary layer c. peripheral nervous system
b. hypodermis d. all of the above
c. reticular layer
d. epidermis
66. How do the two divisions of ANS work? 73. Continued consumption of a diet rich in butter, red meat
a. works with similar effects and eggs for long period may cause?
b. works with opposite effect a. Toxicity
c. does not work together b. Kidney stones
d. both a. and b. c. Hypercholesterolemia
67. Which of the following is the part of sympathetic d. Urine with ketone bodies
division? 74. An obstruction in bile duct causes ____________
a. sympathetic preganglionic neuron a. Jaundice
b. trunk ganglia b. Malaria
c. sympathetic postganglionic neuron c. Cholera
d. all of the above d. Acidity
68. Which of the following structure is supplied with 75. Gall stones or alcohol abuse can lead to _________
parasympathetic division? a. Pancreatitis
a. sweat glands b. Cystitis
b. blood vessels of skeletal muscle c. Pancreatic cancer
c. skin d. None of the mentioned
d. none of the above 76. How many types of viral hepatitis is present?
69. Which of the following statement is true? a. 5
a. Sympathetic ganglia is also known as thoracolumber b. 6
outflow c. 3
b. prevertebral ganglia is a parasympathetic ganglia d. 4
c. Otic ganglia is a trunk ganglia 77. Diarrhea takes out too much of water and minerals
d. during sympathetic stimulation, kidney increases which causes _________
urine secretion a. Lack of energy
70. Which of the following is not the type of prevertebral b. Dryness
ganglia? c. Hunger
a. celiac ganglia d. Dehydration
b. ciliary ganglia 78. Which of the following cause a hiatal hernia?
c. renal ganglia a. Increased intrathorasic pressure
d. superior mesenteric ganglia b. Weakness of diaphragm muscle
71. Pellagra is caused due to deficiency of ___________ c. Increased esophageal muscle pressure
a. Niacin d. None of the mentioned
b. Pantothenic acid 79. In gastric acid perforates, which of the following actions
c. Tocopherol should not be included in the immediate management?
d. Cyanocobalamin a. Antacid administration
72. A patient is advised to include more meat, lentils, milk b. Fluid and electrolyte replacement
and eggs in diet only when he suffers from _________ c. Blood replacement
a. Maramus d. Nasogastric tube suction
b. Thyroid 80. Which of the following test is used to diagnose ulcers?
c. Osteomalacia a. Upper GI endoscopy
d. Kwashiorkar b. Barium swallow
c. CT scan
d. X ray

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