The story follows Lindy, a girl adopted from Vietnam by an Australian family. She receives a surprise letter from her biological father in Vietnam, who tells her about her past and his plans to visit her. When he arrives, Lindy enjoys spending time with her extended Vietnamese family. However, her adoptive mother is worried about losing Lindy. Her father tries to convince Lindy to return to Vietnam with him, but she decides to wait two more years to consider it, which he respects.
The story follows Lindy, a girl adopted from Vietnam by an Australian family. She receives a surprise letter from her biological father in Vietnam, who tells her about her past and his plans to visit her. When he arrives, Lindy enjoys spending time with her extended Vietnamese family. However, her adoptive mother is worried about losing Lindy. Her father tries to convince Lindy to return to Vietnam with him, but she decides to wait two more years to consider it, which he respects.
The story follows Lindy, a girl adopted from Vietnam by an Australian family. She receives a surprise letter from her biological father in Vietnam, who tells her about her past and his plans to visit her. When he arrives, Lindy enjoys spending time with her extended Vietnamese family. However, her adoptive mother is worried about losing Lindy. Her father tries to convince Lindy to return to Vietnam with him, but she decides to wait two more years to consider it, which he respects.
The story follows Lindy, a girl adopted from Vietnam by an Australian family. She receives a surprise letter from her biological father in Vietnam, who tells her about her past and his plans to visit her. When he arrives, Lindy enjoys spending time with her extended Vietnamese family. However, her adoptive mother is worried about losing Lindy. Her father tries to convince Lindy to return to Vietnam with him, but she decides to wait two more years to consider it, which he respects.
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On loan was written by Anne Brooksbank who is an Australian author.
The story begins with the girl
names Lindy. She is being adopted by an Australian family; she’s living with her adoptive parents whose names are, Mr Geoff and Marj and also Danny who is her little brother. Lindy had a best friend name Julie. She was an amazing daughter and friend, she got so much affection and caring from her adoptive family, which she was so thankful for. Lindy celebrated her birthday with her friends and family around March. She did receive a lot of gifts from her parents and friends, but she was not really happy about celebrating at all because she and her parents were not sure whether it was her actual birthday or not. On an autumn day, Lindy received an unexpected letter sent from Vietnam to her from her biological father; she was shocked to receive such a letter. Le, Lindy’s father, wrote the first later to clarify that his daughter did obtain the letter, told her about her mother’s death and mentioned to her that he managed to save enough to visit Lindy in Australia. Then Lindy wrote back seeking for more explanation about her real parents and the country, Vietnam. After weeks passed, her father wrote back, giving the old picture of Lindy and her family. He even mentioned her real name Mai. He briefly told her about her family; he told her he was going to visit her in Australia soon. Her parents especially her mother was not happy about the letters and his upcoming visit. Marj was afraid of losing Lindy he beloved daughter. Geoff and Lindy went to take Le from the airport; he then sent him to People’s palace. Geoff and Le had quite a good conversation; however, it ended up with frustration and curiosity why Le came to Australia. In the early morning, Le went to his brother’s house in Cabramatta with Lindy. Lindy had a great time with her Vietnamese family at his uncle house; Lindy and her father decided to stay at her uncle house for night due to her aunt’s suggestion. The next day they left with warm welcome. On the way home, Le tried to persuade Lindy insistently to go to Vietnam with him, but Lindy could not really decide yet. Lindy’s adoptive parents were upset about that; Marj kept reminding Lindy how she and her husband raise her and how dangerous it could be to go with the man she barely knew. Julie her best friend suggested Lindy to wait till she’s old enough to decide things; she agreed with the idea. On her journey to Blue mountain Le, she told him she could not accompany him to Vietnam for time being, and told him to wait another 2 years until she turned 16. Her father respected her decision and headed back to Vietnam waiting another 2 years.