Journal Writing 2 : Chhun Venyuory A2.2 First Draft
Journal Writing 2 : Chhun Venyuory A2.2 First Draft
Journal Writing 2 : Chhun Venyuory A2.2 First Draft
Topic: Social media effects on young people (Cause/Effect Essay)
The number of people using social media is increasing dramatically across the world.
According to studies, teenagers and young adults are the most activist users of social network.
Social network plays an essential role on young adults’ lives. CNN’s report shows that today,
teenagers spend 9 hours a day using the social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube,
Instagram. These sites have enormous impacts on teenagers. Using social network, young people
Social media has varieties of positive effects on young people’s lives. Education is
one of the most significant benefits for teenagers when it comes to using social network. Social
media sites provide a platform where young people can create groups and share things that relate
to their studies. On the other hand, teachers find it convenient to collaborate and communicate
with students. Furthermore, social media is site where young adults are able to get ultimate
information about study programs, scholarship opportunities, study tips or strategies. For
instance, On Facebook, there are many pages offering fruitful knowledge related to tips to win
scholarship, scholarship opportunities from across the world. The information itself is accessible
and advanced.
globally by social media. Millions of young adults visit the social media sites every single day,
so they are aware of what is happening to the world. Young adults rarely read newspaper, watch
TV, listen to the radios or visit news websites; in contrast, they visit social media sites. Most of
the news is reported and posted daily on social media. News on social network spreads faster
than other media; as a consequence, young people are likely to be informed about what is going
on around them. Perceiving different types of news, young people are well-informed and
Having positive effects, social media also brings out many negative effects on young adults’
lives. Social media tends to bring people together through the sites; however, it creates social
isolation instead. Spending too much time on social network, youths barely have face-to-face
interaction. Young adults will face losing communication with people around them, for instance,
communication, youths will suffer from solitude. Furthermore, social isolation can lead to severe
mental and psychological problems such as anxiety, depression or isolation. Youths even use
social media during meal time or when they spend time with their friends or families. Social
media obviously gets young adults to stay away from the relationships with friends and families.
youths have to go to school or have to work. As they contribute too much time on social media,
they start losing track of their priorities. Most young people can easily get distracted by social
media while they are doing their works. Young people tend to procrastinate and wait until the
last minute to do the assigned works because of social media. For example, while a student was
doing a research for assignment, her friend chatted to her. They had quite a long conversation;
the student forgot about the assignment and kept checking the social media sites. According to
the example, social network is such disturbance that keeps young people away from what they
are doing.