Indian Standard: Industrial Radiographic Testing - Code of Practice
Indian Standard: Industrial Radiographic Testing - Code of Practice
Indian Standard: Industrial Radiographic Testing - Code of Practice
Indian Standard
(Second Revision)
ICS 77.040.20
@BIS 2008
NEW DELHI 110002
This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Non-destructive Testing Sectional Committee had been approved by the Metallurgical Engineering Division
This standard was first published in 1963 as a guide to industry for carrying out radiographic testing satisfactorily
and subsequently revised in 1978. The recommendations made in this Code are based on accepted current practice
for enabling the best results to be achieved. It is hoped that the use of this Code shall ensure a more unified
practice and help in attaining satisfactory sensitivity in radiographic testing.
As the practice of radiographic testing involves hazardous materials, it is mandatory that the following Atomic
Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) Guides are referred and complied with, to avoid statuto~ violations:
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 2595:2008
Indian Standard
(SeconcLRevision )
This standard covers the basic rules of industrial 5.1 The test arrangements consist of the radiation
radiography using X-rays and gamma rays for flaw source, test object and the film or film-screen
detection purposes, using film techniques applicable combination in a cassette. It depends on the size and
to metallic product and materials. shape of the object and the accessibility from both
2 REFERENCES sides of the object for the area to be tested. Generally
one of the arrangements illustrated in Fig. 1 to Fig. 7
The following standards contain provisions, which
should be used, Fig. 1 being the most usual case.
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions
indicated were \alid. All standards arc subject to
revision and parties to agreements based on this
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility
of applying the most recent editions of the standards
indicated below:
fs No. Title d
2478:1991 Glossary of terms relating to
industrial radiography
3(}57 : ~9;18 Radiographic image quality
indicators (first revision)
For the purpose of this standard, the definitions given
in IS 2478 shall apply.
S = radiation source with an effective optical focus size ~
4.1 The radiographic techniques are divided into the B= film
following techniques, which can be employed only for d = source-to-object distance
components having both sides access: r = material thickness
a) Technique A —- It is a general technique, b= distance between film and the surface of the object nearest
adequate for most applications; and the source
IS 2595:2008
NOTE—One advantage of this technique is, that the whole circumference may be radiographed in one exposure.
This arrangement ispreferred toarrangernents 11(Fig. 2), IV (Fig, 4) and V (Fig. 5).
IS 2595:2008
A’ /
v//////-/////y/ ////,)
—. —.
NOTE—For some applicationsthe radiationbeam might
be used at a different angle (not perpendicular to the centre THESAMEORDIFFERENTSPEEDS
of film).
5.2 The beam of radiation should be directed to the 7.2 In general permanent markers on the test object
middle of the section under examination and should be shall provide reference points for the accurate
normal to the surface at that point, except when relocation of the position of each radiograph. Where
especially seeking certain flaws which it is known are the nature of the material and its service conditions
best revealed by a different alignment of the beam. render stamping impossible, other suitable means for
When radiographs are taken in a direction other than relocating the radiographs should be sought. This may
normal to the surface, it should be specified in the test be done by paint marks or by accurate sketches.
7.3 Location markers for identification like that of lead
5.3 Double wall techniques may be used only, if outside must be placed on the part exactly on the marked
diameter (OD) of tube is less than 90 mm. surfaces of specimens and NOT on cassettes. This
would help in identifying an area of interest in case !
When the OD of the pipehube is less than or equal to
of occurrence of defect. If a repaired part is re-
89 ~ the weld shall be radiographed by double wall
radiographed, it is advisable to use letter ‘R’ to i
double image technique (DWDI). In this technique (as
designate the repaired area and with suffixes 1,2,3 etc,
shown in Fig. 6), the source shall be suitably offset;
to ‘R’ to indicate number of repairs.
such that both the top and bottom weld appear on the
radiographic image (as ellipse) with suitable separation 8 TECHNIQUESIWR MARKING RADIOGRAPHS
and are evaluated. 8.1 The ability to detect flaws on a radiograph depends 1
on the viewing conditions and on the photographic !
density differences (contrast) and the sensitivity.
Visible surface irregularities which might adversely Overall radiographic sensitivity depends on the
affect evaluation of the radiograph should be removed following factors:
before radiography is carried out, In special cases it
may be advantageous to remove excessive surface a) Radiation source and energy,
roughness before the test. b) Scattered radiation,
7 IDENTIFICATION AND MARKING c) Type of film and screens,
7.1 Markers in the form of letters or symbols should d) Type of filter,
always be affixed to each section of a test object being .,,i
e) Materials and specimen thickness, and ,:
radiographed. The image of these markers should
appear in the radiograph to ensure unequivocal f) Processing conditions.
identification of the section, as well as the position of 8.2 Choice of Film and Intensifying Screens
the area being examined. The use of a film imprinter or
8.2.1 Film Types
other means prior to development is also permitted.
Identification or location markers should not mask the The types of X-rays films suitable for industrial
area of interest in radiograph. radiography are given in Table 1.
IS 2595:2008
Table 1 Classification of Radiographic Fihns In the double film technique (see 8.5.2
(Clause 8.2.1) and 8.5.3), intermediate screens should be used.
iii) 250 to 400 kV 0.100 -O.150 0.125 Ug=(Jt)/d ........................................... ..... . ... ..J$)
iv) 1 to 6 MeV 0.150-0.250 0.250 In case of DWDI technique, ,for the calculation of
geometric unsharpness, ‘t’ refm to the W of piptd
v) 6 to 15 MeV (Iridium) 0.1-0.15 0.125
0.15-0.25 0.25
tube. Hence for DWDI equation i can be mmwktcn ax
vi) Gamma rays 0.100 -O.250 0.125 Ug=f(OD ofpipehube)hi .......... ......... ...............(2) In calculation of the minimum source-to-objeet Fluorescent/@uoro-metallic screens
distance, the effective optieai focus size (~) shall be as
[n general for a given source of radiation, fluoresced given below for the different shiipes of focus ( see
fluoro-metallic materials should be used o~y when the Fig,10)
exposure necessary without them would be
f= u for a square focus where ‘a’ is the length of
prohibitively long. In any event, if such fluorescent/
each side of the square.
fluoro-metallic screens should be ‘used, they have
proven capable of achieving the required quality level. U+&
Good screen-film contact is essential for the successful f=7 Ma rectangular focus where ‘a’ and ‘b’
use of fluorescent/fluoro-metallic screen. arethe length of the sides of the rectangles.
IS 2595:2008
‘-56~d4io 2 3 i+ s 6?89{00 200 mm
d= source to object distance in mm,
f= effective optical focus size in mm, and
t= material thickness in mm.
I 00 I
[ 80 E
E 6
IS 2595:2008
f= ‘d’
for circular focus where ‘d’ is the diameter of and acceptable short exposure time. An increase in d
the surface. shall generally produce an improvement in flaw
f= — ~ for elliptical focus where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are 8.3.2 Object-to-Film Distance
the major and minor axes of the ellipse.
The cassette should be in close contact with the surface
The focal spot shall be determined by the pinhole of the test object whenever possible. If.this is not
method. The size of the pinhole shall be one order less possible and when the distance between the film and
than” the size of the focal spot as quoted by the the surface of the object nearest to the sor,irce (b) is
manufacturer. The pinhole shall be made in a high Z very iarge compared to the thickness t,t should be
material such as lead with a thickness which is at least replaced by b on the abscissa of Fig. 8.
three HVLS for the given radiation energy.
8.3.3 Special Rules for Objects with Curved Test Areas
Table 3 Range of Material Thickness (in mm) for Which Different Radiation Sources are Suitable
(Claases 8.4.1 and8.4.3)
1, See 8.4.3.
z) For 40 to 60 mm, 1),4 to 0,7 mm front and back screens of steel (alloyed Or unalloyed) or copper have to be used.
! 1111
IS 2595:2008
8.4.2 There are only a few gamma-ray radio-isotopes 8.5 Thickness Latitude
with characteristics suitable for industrial radiography
For some applications, where the thickness or the
and only two of these — Iridium 192 and Cobalt 60 —
absorption of the specimen changes rapidly over a small
are widely used. Tantalum 182, Ytterbium 169 and
area, so that the thickest and thimest sections may
Thulium 170 are used in special cases.
not be rendered with adequate contrast on a single
film it is desirable to use a modified or a special
8.4.3 If the use of X-ray equipment with respect to
radiographic technique to ensure that the range of
accessibility is technically impossible or if there exists
thickness required to be examined falls within the usefid
larger probability of flaw detection due to more
film density region. Any of the five techniques listed
advantageous direction of radiation-beam, it is
below may be used.
recommended to use radioactive source instead of
X-ray tubes in the thickness ranges given in Table 3 8.5.1 Use a higher X-ray kilovoltage than shown in
within brackets, although image quality of radiographs Fig. 11 together with filter on the X-ray tube, close to
taken with radioactive sources is not as high as that of source. Filters are ako used for improving contrast
radiographs taken with X-ray equipment in these
thickness ranges. a) By decreasing undercutting when the obj ect size
is smaller than the radiation field, and
8.4.4 Radiographic Equivalence Factors
b) By reducing the scattered radiation.
It is that factor by which the thickness of the material Generally filters will be placed at closer locations to
should be multiplied in order to determine what radiation source thus, minimizing the size of the filter
thickness of a standard material shall have the same and at times they are used betsveen the object and film
attenuation. Radiographic equivalence factors of (cassette) to absorb scattered radiation from the object.
several common metals are given in Table 4 with
aluminium taken as the standard material and arbitrarily Suitable filter thicknesses are:
given factor of 1.0 at 50 and 100 kV and steel for higher
For 200 kV X-rays 0.5 mm lead
voltages. This may be used :
For 400 kV X-rays 1.0 mm lead
a) To determine the practical thickness limits for 8.5.2 Expose two films of the same speed in one ,;,
radiation sources for metals other than the cassette, each to have density at the minimum value
standard materials, and specified in 10.1 under the thinnest part of the specimen.
Superimpose the two films to examine the thicker region. i
b) To determine exposure factors for one metal from This position shall be recorded on both films, either of ‘1
exposure charts compiled for other metals. which may be viewed alone.
SI Metal 50-kV 100-kV 150-kV 220-kV 400-kV lMeV 2MeV 4 to Gamma Ray
No. X-Ray X-Ray X-Ray X-Ray X-Ray X-Ray X-Ray 25 meV A
X-Ray ~r-192 CS-137 CO-60’
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) %(9) (lo) (11) (12) (13)
iv) Steel — 12.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
v) 18.8 stainless steel — 12.0 1.0 1,0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
vi) Copper — 18.0 1.6 1.4 1.4 — . 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1
— — —
vii) Zinc 1.4 1.3 1.3 — 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 ,’
viii) Brass’) — — 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1
ix) lnconel alloys — 16.0 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1:3 1.3 1.3
NOTE — In this table, aluminium has been taken as the standard material for 50 and 100 kV X-rays, and steel in all other cases.
IS 2595:2008
/ “
350- -
kv I \l A A I I I I 1 . I
175 I
1 ,,)~ ‘/’ ,: ; :’5 ‘
80 –
/ 1=
I I I I I I I I I I I 1
1 2 46 8 10 15 20 30 40 50 100 200 300
8.5.3 To produce acceptable film densities on the image 8.7 Precautions Against Scattered Radiation
of the thickest part of the specimen on the faster film
and on the thinnest part of the specimen on the slower 8.7.1 Scattered radiation reaching the film is an
film. important cause of reducing image quality, particularly
with X-rays between 150 to 400 kV. Scattered radiation
8.5.4 Use a special film with extremely fme grain and may originate both from inside the specimen and
single side coating. outside. In order to minimize the effect of scattered
8.5.5 Reduce the minimum permissible density to 1.0 radiation, the radiation beam should be restricted to
for Technique A and to 1.5 for Technique B. the area of interest. This is normally done by restricting
the primary cone of the radiation beaw either with a
NOTE — The techniques mentioned in 8.5.4 and 8.5.5
physical cone or with a diaphragm on the tube head.
lead to a poorer flaw sensitivity than would be obtained
with a normal technique. The film should also be shielded from radiation
scattered from other parts of the specimen or from
8.6 Exposure Charts
objects behind or to the side of the specimen. This may
Exposure charts relating to the material thickness, be done by using a back intensi@ng screen of extra
kilovoltage and exposure are usually tirnished by the thickness or by using a sheet may be inside the
manufacturers of radiographic equipment for use with cassette or be placed immediately behind the cassette.
their units. The exposure charts apply to a set of specific Depending on the set-up, typical lead thicknesses are
conditions such as: in the range of 1 to 4 mm.
a) The radiation sources used, 8.7.2 If the edge of the specimen is within the radiation
b) A certain focus to film distance, field, a method of reducing undercutting scatter
is generally necessary, Fig. 12 shows two typical
c) A particular type of film and screen, methods.
d) Processing conditions used, and 8.7.3 When X-rays of 6 MeV energy or more used
e) The film density on which the chart is based. without back intensifying screens, shielding against
radiation is not necessary, unless there is scattering
Only if all the conditions used in making a radiograph material close behind the film.
are kept the same as in the preparation of the exposure
chart, values of exposure maybe read directly from the 8.7.4 In general, with X-rays between 150 and 400 kV
and with gamma rays, if a beam restrictor may not be
chart. Any change will require application of correction
factors. used, such as when panoramic exposures are being
IS 2595:2008
‘nadt. threxposure sshouldb emadeina slarg eat-earn shielding is to be given. Length of lead letter should be
IS.possible, so that extraneous scatter is attenuated by minimum 10 mm
.il,wince, the specimens, whenever possible, should 9 INL4GE QIJAUTYINDICATORS
i e v.ell abo-~refloor level and the floor near the specinwn
~. I The quality of the radiograph shall be determined
;Ii(-!ul{j & covered with lead.
by an image quality indicator conforming to IS 3657.
?. ~.. I-ocl:eckt hepresenceo fbackscatteredr aviation, 9.1.1 The general quality level required using image
J !eaJ le~ter(0.32 cm thick) maybe attached to the back quality indicators (IQI’s) shall be equal to 2 percent of
;Jf :he cassette and the radiation made convention’ lly. material thickness unless a higher or lower quality level
~.f :he :n-mqe of the lead letter ‘B’ appears on the is agreed upon by supplier and purchaser. I
~?oct:ssed rad~ograph as a lighter density image ‘than 9.2 The image quality indicator sensitivity which may
‘be background, it indicates that the protection against he expected lo be obtained with Class A and Class B
back scattered radiation is insufficient and additional techniques is given in Table 5.
i) 3 — 2.4 5.1
IS 2595:2008
9.3 The image quality indicator (IQI) selected shall be maximum turn out of exposed films. Though the interior
of the same radiographically similar material as the of the processing room should be coloured suitably to
object being radiographed. In case, IQI’s of the same avoid any reflection of light, it should in no case be
or radiographically similar material are not available. coloured black. It should be clean and fresh air is an
IQI’s of the required dimensions but of lovwr absorption important factor. Air conditioning the processing room
material with equivalent thickness (calculated using is recommended which could profitably be utilized for
radiographic equivalence factor) may be used. the storage of X-rays films properly.
9.4 The IQI shall be placed during radiography on the 11.2 Illumination
source side and in the least favorable location. In case,
As far as possible, the general illumination should be
due to object configuration or other constraints, it is
indirect. For light in specific sections of the processing
not possible to place the penetrameter on the source
roo~ such as the loading bench, processing tank, etc,
side, the IQI maybe kept on the film side. In such cases,
the choice and arrangements vary depending on the
a letter F shall also be placed to indicate that the IQI is
amount and angle of illumination desired. For general
on the film side. The selection of IQI shall be made as
illumination, a white light is provided at a place away
per IS3657.
from the loading bench.
11.3 Safety of Illumination
10.1 The exposure conditions shall be selected such Screen-type films are more sensitive and hence liable
that the background density including fog density of to fogging from safe lights. The checking of the safe
the radiograph in the area of the specimen being light therefore plays an important role in eliminating
examined is 1.8- 3.0 for Technique A, and 2.00 to 3.00 fogging of films.
for Technique B. Higher density maybe permitted if
adequate film viewing conditions are provided. A simple method of checking the safety of illumination
is to cover part of a film with black cover and expose
10.2 Radiographic film should be checked periodically the remainder for different lengths of time at the loading
for fog density which should not be exceed 0.3 for GI, bench and then to subject the test film to standard
GII and GII1 types of tilu and 0.4 for GIV type film. development. If no density shows on the portions that
10.3 In the case of multi film tec~ique with composite received a reasonably long exposure, as compared with
viewing, the minimum density in the area of interest in covered part, the illumination may be assumed to be
each film shall be 1.3 and the maximum density when safe.
both the films are superimposed on each other during 11.4 Processing
viewing shall be 3.0. Higher densities maybe permitted
provided suitable illuminators and adequate film “Only the general technique of processing is given
viewing conditions are provided. below irrespective of the type of processing chemicals
used. In regard to the specific conditions, such as time
11 FILM PROCESSING temperature development schedules, replenishment or
11.1 Layout of Processing Room renewal of solutions, specific practices for certain films,
etc, the recommendations of the manufacturers of
Unless the pocessing room is completely equipped in radiographic supplied should be followed.
every detail, it is impossible to get highest possible
photographic quality in the exposed radiographs. The 11.4.1 General Considerations
layout of the processing room should be compact, floor The most common method of processing industrial
space occupied being as small as practical and the radiographs is the tank processing system. The
arrangement of different equipment should be suitably processing solutions are contained in tanks that are
planned. In assigning the space for the processing deep enough for the largest film to be hung in them
roo~ proper consideration should be given to the total vertically. The temperature of the processing solutions
quantity of work to be processed, and the processing is kept at 200C and is controlled by regulating the water-
tanks, namely, developing tank bath, fixing and washing bath in which the processing tanks are immersed.
~znks, should be designated accordingly, A loading
11.4.2 Developing
bench for handling of films and other things should be
provided on the other side of the room away from the With only the safe light on, the exposed films should
processing tanks and within its convenient reach racks be taken out of the cassettes and mounted on the
should be provided for hangers, cassettes, exposure developing hangers. The number of films to be
holders, clamps, etc. A small lead-lined foam storage developed at a time should be such that a minimum
bin should be provided for storing films for daily use. separation of 25 mm exists between hangers. The
The room should either have a double door room hangers should then be lowered as one unit smoothly
adj scent to the radiographic room with lead-protected and carefully into the developer without any splashing
film transfen-ing cabinet in the wall which serves for of the developing solutions. The films shall not touch
IS 2595:2008
The films should then be next transferred to a washing 13.2 To ensure precaution against the exposure of
tank. The hourly flow of water should be not less than personnel engaged in the use of industrial radiation
4 times nor more than 8 times the volume of the tank sources, the safety requirements given in AERB SG/
and the time of washing should be at least 20 min. The IN- 1 and AERB SG/IN-2 shall be followed.
film should be placed in the washing tank near the outlet
end. As more films are put in the washing tank, those 14 REcoMMENDATIONS CONCERNING
,,,, ‘
After the film is thoroughly washed, to make the water a) Marking of the object to be radiographed,
drain off evenly from the film and also by facilitating
b) Class of radiographic technique,
uniform drying, the film is dipped in a tray with wetting
agent for about 30-60s. c) Radiation source,
IS 2595:2008
d) Tyjx(jffilm and screen, radiographs and the length of time they are required to
be preserved should be agreed to between the
e) Film plt\nmd size,
contracting parties.
/) llll:i:e c[u:ility indicator, 15.2 Reports
g) Test .u-rangernent, and When written reports on radiographic examination are
h) Maximum difference in material thickness for each required, these should include the following, in addition
exposure. to such other items as may be agreed to between the
contracting parties:
a) Job number,
b) Heat number,
15.1 Records
c) Identification number,
A log book should be maintained in the radiographic
section wherein complete record of each job examined d) Material — Specification/type,
shou]d be entered. The record should include such
e) Material thickness,
details as: (a) Job numbers; (b) Identification of the
parts, matcritils or area radiographer; (c) Date of 9 IQI and sensitivity achieved,
exposure; (d) Complete X-ray equipment or gamma ray
g) Number of films with size,
source, type of film and screen, focus (source) to film
distunce, kilovoltage, tube current, exposure time, h) Source of radiation used X-ray/gamma-ray,
markin: system; and (e) Any other special
j) Source/Focal spot size,
ci!-cums[ances which would allow a better
understanding of results. If any rectification or repair k) Source to film distance,
and re-ex:imination is done on the job, this should ;.IISO m) Radiography technique, and
}ie entered In the log along with the interpretation and
observations on the r~diographs with interpreter’s n) Acceptance standard suggested.
initials for each job, 15.3 Identification of Accepted Material
The radiographs should be properly wrapped in folders If radiography is used for acceptance or rejection of
and kept serially in a filling cabinet. The job number, materiul, all parts and material which have been
[he identification of the job, date of exposure, etc, accepted should be marked permanently to indicate
should be written on the folders so as to correspond the face of radiographic acceptance to the final
with the record kept in the log book. The custody of inspectors.
BIS is a statutory iustit@ion established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications maybe reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in course of implementing the standard,
of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be
addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to ‘standards as the need arises on the-basis ‘of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed fromDoc: No. MTD 21 (4650).
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