Asme Sec V B Se-1030

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(Identical with ASTM Specification E 1030-00)

1. Scope 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all

of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use.
1.1 This test method provides a uniform procedure
It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to
for radiographic examination of metallic castings using
establish appropriate safety and health practices and
radiographic film as the recording medium.
determine the applicability of regulatory limitations
1.2 Due to the many complex geometries and part prior to use.
configurations inherent with cast products, it is necessary
to recognize potential limitations associated with ob-
taining complete radiographic coverage on castings. 2. Referenced Documents
Radiography of areas where geometry or part configura-
tion does not allow achievement of complete coverage 2.1 ASTM Standards:
with practical radiographic methods shall be subject to E 94 Guide for Radiographic Examination
mutual agreements between purchaser and supplier. The E 155 Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Alumi-
use of alternative nondestructive methods for areas that num and Magnesium Castings
are not conducive to practical radiography shall also E 186 Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled [2 to
be specifically agreed upon between purchaser and 41⁄2-in. (51 to 114-mm)] Steel Castings
supplier. E 192 Reference Radiographs for Investment Steel Cast-
ings for Aerospace Applications
1.3 The radiographic method is highly sensitive to E 272 Reference Radiographs for High-Strength Copper-
volumetric discontinuities that displace a detectable Base and Nickel-Copper Alloy Castings
volume of cast material. Discontinuities that do not E 280 Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled [41⁄2 to
displace an appreciable volume of material, however, 12-in. (114 to 305-mm)] Steel Castings
such as cracks or other planar-type indications, may E 310 Reference Radiographs for Tin Bronze Castings
not be detected with radiography unless the radiation E 446 Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings Up to
beam is coincidentally aligned with the planar orienta- 2 in. (51 mm) in Thickness
tion of the discontinuity. In view of this limitation, it E 505 Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Alumi-
may be considered appropriate to use the radiographic num and Magnesium Die Castings
method in conjunction with additional nondestructive E 543 Practice for Agencies Performing Nondestructive
methods that maintain reliable detection capabilities for Testing
these types of discontinuities. The use of additional E 689 Reference Radiographs for Ductile Iron Castings
methods shall be specifically agreed upon between the E 746 Test Method for Determining Relative Image Qual-
purchaser and supplier. ity Response of Industrial Radiographic Film
E 747 Practice for Design, Manufacture and Material
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be Grouping Classification of Wire Image Quality Indica-
regarded as standard. tors (IQI) Used for Radiology


E 802 Reference Radiographs for Gray Iron Castings Up standard used and its applicable revision shall be speci-
to 41⁄2-in. (114 mm) in Thickness fied in the contractual agreement between the using
E 999 Guide for Controlling the Quality of Industrial parties.
Radiographic Film Processing
5.1.3 Requirements — General requirements (see
E 1025 Practice for Design, Manufacture, and Material
8.1, 8.2, 8.5, and 8.7.4) shall be specified.
Grouping Classification of Hole-Type Image Quality
Indicators (IQI) Used for Radiology 5.1.4 Procedure Requirements (see 9.1, 9.1.1, 9.3,
E 1254 Guide for Storage of Radiographs and Unexposed and 9.7.7) shall be specified.
Industrial Radiographic Films
E 1316 Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations 5.1.5 Records — Record retention (see 12.1) shall
E 1815 Test Method for Classification of Film Systems be specified.
for Industrial Radiography
2.2 ASNT/ANSI Standards: 6. Apparatus
SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Personnel Quali- 6.1 Radiation Sources:
fication and Certification in Nondestructive Testing
CP-189 Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive 6.1.1 X Radiation Sources — Selection of appro-
Testing Personnel priate X-ray voltage and current levels is dependent
upon variables regarding the specimen being examined
2.3 Other Standards:
(material type and thickness) and economically permissi-
MIL-STD-410 Nondestructive Testing Personnel Quali-
ble exposure time. The suitability of these X-ray parame-
fication and Certification
ters shall be demonstrated by attainment of required
NAS 410 National Aerospace Standard Certification and
penetrameter (IQI) sensitivity and compliance with all
Qualification of Nondestructive Test Personnel
other requirements stipulated herein. Guide E 94 con-
tains provisions concerning exposure calculations and
3. Terminology charts for the use of X-ray sources.
3.1 Definitions — For definitions of terms used in 6.1.2 Gamma Radiation Sources — Isotope
this test method, see Terminology E 1316. sources, when used, shall be capable of demonstrating
the required radiographic sensitivity.
4. Significance and Use 6.2 Film Holders and Cassettes — Film holders and
cassettes shall be light-tight and shall be handled prop-
4.1 The requirements expressed in this test method
erly to reduce the likelihood that they may be damaged.
are intended to control the quality of the radiographic
They may be flexible vinyl, plastic, or any durable
images, to produce satisfactory and consistent results,
material; or, they may be made from metallic materials.
and are not intended for controlling the acceptability
In the event that light leaks into the film holder and
or quality of materials or products.
produces images on the film extending into the area
of interest, the film shall be rejected. If the film holder
5. Basis of Application exhibits light leaks, it shall be repaired before reuse
or discarded. Film holders and cassettes should be
5.1 The following items shall be agreed upon by
routinely examined to minimize the likelihood of
the purchaser and supplier:
light leaks.
5.1.1 Nondestructive Testing Agency Evaluation —
If specified in the contractual agreement, nondestructive 6.3 Intensifying Screens:
testing (NDT) agencies shall be qualified and evaluated 6.3.1 Lead-Foil Screens:
in accordance with Practice E 543. The applicable
version of Practice E 543 shall be specified in the Intensifying screens of the lead-foil type
contractual agreement. are generally used for all production radiography. Lead-
foil screens shall be of the same approximate area
5.1.2 Personnel Qualification — NDT personnel dimensions as the film being used and they shall be
shall be qualified in accordance with a nationally recog- in direct contact with the film during exposure.
nized NDT personnel qualification practice or standard
such as ANSI/ASNT-CP-189, SNT-TC-1A, MIL-STD- For X-ray voltages between 200 kV and
410, NAS 410 or a similar document. The practice or 1 MeV, front and rear screen thicknesses shall be a

SE-1030 2001 SECTION V

minimum of 0.005 in. (0.127 mm) thick. Below 200 thickness of the markers shall depend on the ability
kV, front screen thicknesses up to 0.005 in. and rear of the radiographic technique to image the markers on
screen thicknesses of at least 0.005 in. should be used the radiograph. As a general rule, markers 1⁄16 in. (1.58
if they improve radiographic quality. For isotope and mm) thick will suffice for most low energy (less than
high-voltage X-radiography (greater than 1 MeV) in- 1 MeV) X-ray and Iridium-192 radiography; for higher
creased thicknesses may be appropriate for improve- energy radiography it may be necessary to use markers
ments in radiographic quality and should be used accord- that are 1⁄8 in. (3.17 mm) or more thick.
ingly. Intermediate screens (between multiloaded film)
6.9 Radiographic Density Measurement Apparatus —
may be used if desired.
Either a transmission densitometer or a step-wedge Sheet lead, with or without backing, comparison film shall be used for judging film density
used for screens should be visually examined for dust, requirements. Step wedge comparison films or densitom-
dirt, oxidation, cracking or creasing, foreign material eter calibration, or both, shall be verified by comparison
or other condition that could render undesirable nonrele- with a calibrated step-wedge film traceable to the
vant images on the film. National Institute of Standards and Technology.

6.3.2 Fluorescent or Fluorometallic Screens:

7. Reagents and Materials Fluorescent or fluorometallic screen may
be used. However, they must be capable of demonstra- 7.1 Film Systems — Only film systems having cogni-
ting the required penetrameter (IQI) sensitivity. zant engineering organization (CEO) approval or meet-
ing the requirements of Test Method E 1815 shall be Screen Care — All screens should be used to meet the requirements of this test method.
handled carefully to avoid dents, scratches, grease, or
dirt on active surfaces. Screens that render false indica-
tions on radiographs shall be discarded or reworked to 8. Requirements
eliminate the artifact. 8.1 Procedure Requirement — Unless otherwise spec-
6.4 Filters — Filters shall be used whenever the ified by the applicable job order or contract, radiographic
contrast reductions caused by low-energy scattered radi- examination shall be performed in accordance with a
ation or the extent of undercut and edge burn-off written procedure. Specific requirements regarding the
occurring on production radiographs is of significant preparation and approval of written procedures shall
magnitude so as to cause failure to meet the quality be dictated by a purchaser and supplier agreement. The
level or radiographic coverage requirements stipulated procedure details should include at least those items
by the job order or contract (see Guide E 94). stipulated in Appendix X1. In addition, a radiographic
standard shooting sketch (RSS), Fig. X1.1, shall be
6.5 Masking — Masking material may be used, as prepared similar to that shown in Appendix X1 and
necessary, to help reduce image degradation due to shall be available for review during interpretation of
undercutting (see Guide E 94). the film.
6.6 Penetrameters (IQI) — Unless otherwise specified
8.2 Radiographic Coverage — Unless otherwise spec-
by the applicable job order or contract, only those
ified by a purchaser and supplier agreement, the extent
penetrameters that comply with the design and identifi-
of radiographic coverage shall be the maximum practical
cation requirements specified in Practice E 747 or
volume of the casting. Areas that require radiography
Practice E 1025 shall be used.
shall be designated as illustrated in Figs. X1.2 and
6.7 Shims and Separate Blocks — Shims or separate X1.3 of Appendix X1. When the shape or configuration
blocks made of the same or radiographically similar of the casting is such that radiography is impractical,
materials (as defined in Method E 1025) may be these areas shall be so designated on drawings or
used to facilitate penetrameter positioning. There is no sketches that accompany the radiographs. Examples
restriction on shim or separate block thickness provided of casting geometries and configurations that may be
the penetrameter and area-of-interest density tolerance considered impractical to radiograph are illustrated in
requirements of are met. Appendix X2.
6.8 Radiographic Location and Identification Mark- 8.3 Radiographic Film Quality — All radiographs
ers — Lead numbers and letters are used to designate shall be free of mechanical, chemical, handling-related,
the part number and location number. The size and or other blemishes which could mask or be confused


with the image of any discontinuity in the area of may be performed prior to heat treatment and in the as-
interest on the radiograph. If any doubt exists as to cast, rough-machined, or finished-machined condition.
the true nature of an indication exhibited by the film,
9.1.1 Penetrameter (IQI) Selection — Unless other-
the radiograph shall be retaken or rejected.
wise specified in the applicable job order or contract,
8.4 Radiographic Quality Level — The applicable penetrameter (IQI) selection shall be based on the
job order or contract shall dictate the requirements for following: if the thickness to be radiographed exceeds
radiographic quality level. (See Practice E 1025 or the design thickness of the finished piece, the penetrame-
Practice E 747 for guidance in selection of quality ter (IQI) size shall be based on a thickness which does
level.) not exceed the design thickness of the finished piece
by more than 20% or 1⁄4 in. (6.35 mm), whichever is
8.5 Acceptance Level — Radiographic acceptance
greater. In no case shall the penetrameter (IQI) size
levels and associated severity levels shall be stipulated
be based on a thickness greater than the thickness to
by the applicable contract, job order, drawing, or other
be radiographed.
purchaser and supplier agreement.
8.6 Radiographic Density Limitations — Radio- 9.2 Surface Preparation — The casting surfaces shall
graphic density in the area of interest shall be within be prepared as necessary to remove any conditions
1.5 to 4.0 for either single or superimposed viewing. that could mask or be confused with internal casting
8.7 Film Handling:
9.3 Source-to-Film Distance — Unless otherwise
8.7.1 Darkroom Facilities — Darkroom facilities specified in the applicable job order or contract, geomet-
should be kept clean and as dust-free as practical. ric unsharpness (Ug) shall not be greater than one
Safelights should be those recommended by film manu- percent of the maximum part thickness being interpreted
facturers for the radiographic materials used and should on the radiograph, or 0.070 in. (1.8 mm), whichever
be positioned in accordance with the manufacturer’s is less. Geometric unsharpness values shall be deter-
recommendations. All darkroom equipment and materi- mined as specified in Guide E 94.
als should be capable of producing radiographs that
are suitable for interpretation. 9.4 Direction of Radiation — The direction of radia-
tion shall be governed by the geometry of the casting
8.7.2 Film Processing — Radiographic film pro- and the radiographic coverage and quality requirements
cessing shall be controlled in accordance with Guide stipulated by the applicable job order or contract.
E 999. Whenever practicable, place the central beam of the
8.7.3 Film Viewing Facilities — Viewing facilities radiation perpendicular to the surface of the film. Appen-
shall provide subdued background lighting of an inten- dix X2 provides examples of preferred source and film
sity that will not cause troublesome reflections, shadows, orientations and examples of casting geometries and
or glare on the radiograph. The viewing light shall be configurations on which radiography is impractical or
of sufficient intensity to review densities up to 4.0 and very difficult.
be appropriately controlled so that the optimum intensity 9.5 Back-Scattered Radiation Protection:
for single or superimposed viewing of radiographs may
be selected. 9.5.1 Back-Scattered Radiation — (secondary radi-
ation emanating from surfaces behind the film, that is,
8.7.4 Storage of Radiographs — When storage is
walls, floors, etc.) serves to reduce radiographic contrast
required by the applicable job order or contract, the
and may produce undesirable effects on radiographic
radiographs should be stored in an area with sufficient
quality. A 1⁄8-in. (3.17 mm) lead sheet placed behind
environmental control to preclude image deterioration
the film generally furnishes adequate protection against
or other damage. The radiograph storage duration and
back-scattered radiation.
location after casting delivery shall be as agreed upon
between purchaser and supplier. (See Guide E 1254 9.5.2 To detect back-scattered radiation, position
for storage information.) a lead letter “B” [approximately 1⁄8 in. (3.17 mm) thick
by 1⁄2-in. (12.7 mm) high] on the rear side of the film
holder. If a light image (lower density) of the lead
9. Procedure
letter “B” appears on the radiograph, it indicates that
9.1 Time of Examination — Unless otherwise speci- more back-scatter protection is necessary. The appear-
fied by the applicable job order or contract, radiography ance of a dark image of the lead letter “B” should be

SE-1030 2001 SECTION V

disregarded unless the dark image could mask or be block conforming to the requirements of 6.7 may
confused with rejectable casting defects. be used.
9.6 Penetrameter (IQI) Placement — Place all pene- The penetrameter (IQI) shall be no closer
trameters (IQI) being radiographed on the source side to the film than the source side of that part of the
of the casting. Place penetrameters (IQI’s) in the radio- casting being radiographed in the current view.
graphic area of interest, unless the use of a shim or
separate block is necessary, as specified in 9.7.6. The radiographic density measured adja-
cent to the penetrameter (IQI) through the body of the
9.7 Number of Penetrameters (IQI’s): shim or separate block shall not exceed the density
measured in the area of interest by more than 15%.
9.7.1 One penetrameter (IQI) shall represent an The density may be lighter than the area of interest
area within which radiographic densities do not vary density, provided acceptable quality level is obtained
more than +30% to −15% from the density measured and the density requirements of 8.6 are met.
through the body of the penetrameter (IQI). The shim or separate block shall be
9.7.2 When the film density varies more than
placed at the corner of the film holder or close to that
−15% to +30%, two penetrameters (IQIs) used as
part of the area of interest that is furthest from the
follows will be acceptable: if one penetrameter (IQI)
central beam. This is the worst case position from a
shows acceptable sensitivity representing the most dense
beam angle standpoint that a discontinuity would be in.
portion of the exposure, and the second penetrameter
(IQI) shows acceptable sensitivity representing the least The shim or separate block dimensions
dense portion of the exposure, then these two penetrame- shall exceed the penetrameter (IQI) dimensions such
ters (IQIs) shall qualify the exposure location within that the outline of at least three sides of the penetrameter
these densities, provided the density requirements stipu- (IQI) image shall be visible on the radiograph.
lated in 8.6 are met.
9.7.7 Film Side Penetrameter (IQI) — In the case
9.7.3 For cylindrical or flat castings where more where the penetrameter (IQI) cannot be physically
than one film holder is used for an exposure, at least placed on the source side and the use of a separate
one penetrameter (IQI) image shall appear on each block technique is not practical, penetrameters (IQI’s)
radiograph. For cylindrical shapes, where a panoramic placed on the film side may be used. The applicable
type source of radiation is placed in the center of the job order or contract shall dictate the requirements for
cylinder and a complete or partial circumference is film side radiographic quality level (see 8.4).
radiographed using at least four overlapped film holders,
at least three penetrameters (IQIs) shall be used. On 9.8 Location Markers — The radiographic image of
partial circumference exposures, a penetrameter (IQI) the location markers for the coordination of the casting
shall be placed at each end of the length of the image with the film shall appear on the film, without interfering
to be evaluated on the radiograph with the intermediate with the interpretation, in such an arrangement that it
penetrameters (IQIs) placed at equal divisions of the is evident that the required coverage was obtained.
length covered. For full circumferential coverage, three These marker positions shall be marked on the casting
penetrameters (IQIs) spaced 120° apart shall be used, and the position of the markers shall be maintained
even when using a single length of roll film. on the part during the complete radiographic cycle.
The RSS shall show all marker locations.
9.7.4 When an array of individual castings in a
circle is radiographed, the requirements of 9.7.1 or 9.9 Radiographic Identification — A system of posi-
9.7.2, or both, shall prevail for each casting. tive identification of the film shall be provided. As a
minimum, the following shall appear on the radiograph:
9.7.5 If the required penetrameter (IQI) sensitivity the name or symbol of the examining laboratory, the
does not show on any one film in a multiple film date, the casting identification number, and whether it
technique (see 9.11), but does show in composite is an original or subsequent exposure.
(superimposed) film viewing, interpretation shall be
permitted only by composite film viewing for the 9.10 Subsequent Exposure Identification — All repair
respective area. radiographs after the original (initial) shall have an
examination status designation that indicates the reason.
9.7.6 When it is not practicable to place the Subsequent radiographs made by reason of a repaired
penetrameter(s) (IQI) on the casting, a shim or separate area shall be identified with the letter “R” followed


by the respective repair cycle (that is, R-1 for the first 11. Reference Radiographs
repair, R-2 for the second repair, etc.). Subsequent
11.1 Reference Radiographs E 155, E 186, E 192,
radiographs that are necessary as a result of additional
E 272, E 280, E 310, E 446, E 505, E 689, and E
surface preparation should be identified by the letters
802 are graded radiographic illustrations of various
“REG.” casting discontinuities. These reference radiographs may
be used to help establish acceptance criteria and may
9.11 Multiple Film Techniques — Two or more films also be useful as radiographic interpretation training
of equal or different speeds in the same cassette are aids.
allowed, provided prescribed quality level and density
requirements are met (see 9.7.2 and 9.7.5).
12. Report
9.12 Radiographic Techniques: 12.1 The following radiographic records shall be
maintained as agreed upon between purchaser and
9.12.1 Single Wall Technique — Except as pro- supplier:
vided in 9.12.2, radiography shall be performed using 12.1.1 Radiographic standard shooting sketch,
a technique in which the radiation passes through only
one wall. 12.1.2 Weld repair documentation,
12.1.3 Film,
9.12.2 Double Wall Technique — For castings
with an inside diameter of 4 in. or less, a technique 12.1.4 Film interpretation record containing as a
may be used in which the radiation passes through minimum:
both walls and both walls are viewed for acceptance Disposition of each radiograph (accept-
on the same film. An adequate number of exposures able or rejectable),
shall be taken to ensure that required coverage has If rejectable, cause for rejection (shrink,
been obtained.
gas, etc.),
9.13 Safety — Radiographic procedures shall comply Surface indication verified by visual
with applicable city, state, and federal regulations. examination (mold, marks, etc.), and Signature of the film interpreter.

13. Precision and Bias

10. Radiograph Evaluation 13.1 No statement has been made about either the
precision or bias of this test method since the result
10.1 Film Quality — Verify that the radiograph merely states whether there is conformance to the
meets the quality requirements specified in 8.3, 8.4, criteria for success specified in the procedure.
8.6, 9.5.2 and 9.7.
14. Keywords
10.2 Film Evaluation — Determine the acceptance
or rejection of the casting by comparing the radiographic 14.1 castings; gamma-ray; nondestructive testing; ra-
image to the agreed upon acceptance criteria (see 8.5). diographic; radiography; x-ray

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(Nonmandatory Information)

X1. RADIOGRAPHIC STANDARD SHOOTING with castings and the corresponding variations in tech-
SKETCH (RSS) niques for inspection of any particular one. The RSS
provides a map of location marker placement, directions
X1.1 The radiographic standard shooting sketch (RSS)
for source and film arrangement, and instructions for
provides the radiographic operator and the radiographic
all other parameters associated with radiography of a
interpreter with pertinent information regarding the ex-
casting. This information serves to provide the most
amination of a casting. The RSS is designed to standard-
efficient method for controlling the quality and consist-
ize radiographic methodologies associated with casting
ency of the resultant radiographic representations.
examination; it may also provide a means of a purchaser
and supplier agreement, prior to initiation of the exami- X1.2 The RSS usually consists of an instruction
nation on a production basis. The use of a RSS is sheet and sketch(es) of the casting: the instruction sheet
advantageous due to the many configurations associated specifies the radiographic equipment, materials, and





technique-acceptance parameters for each location; the X1.2.1.2 Casting identification including:
sketch(es) illustrate(s) the location, orientation, and the (a) Drawing number,
source and film arrangement for each location. Figs. (b) Casting identification number,
X1.1-X1.3 of this appendix provide a typical instruction
(c) Descriptive name (for example, pump casting,
sheet and sketch sheets. As a minimum, the RSS should
valve body, etc.),
provide the following information. All spaces shall be
filled in unless not applicable; in those cases, the space (d) Material type and material specification,
shall be marked NA. (e) Heat number, and
(f) Pattern number.
X1.2.1 The instruction sheet should provide the
X1.2.1.1 Company preparing RSS and activity X1.2.1.3 Surface condition at time of radiogra-
performing radiography. phy (as cast, rough machined, finished machined).

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X1.2.1.4 Spaces for approval (as applicable). (i) Required penetrameter (IQI) quality level,
(j) Radiographic acceptance standard, and
X1.2.1.5 Radiographic Technique Parameters
(k) Applicable radiographic severity level.
for Each Location:
(a) Radiographic location designation,
(b) Source type and size, X1.2.2 The sketch(es) should provide the fol-
(c) Finished thickness, lowing:
(d) Thickness when radiographed,
(e) Penetrameters, X1.2.2.1 Location marker placement.
(f) Source to film distance,
(g) Film type and quantity, X1.2.2.2 Location of foundry’s identification pad
(h) Film size, or symbol on the casting.


X1.2.2.3 Designation of areas that require radiog- posed technique parameters and a corresponding set of
raphy (as applicable). pilot radiographs to the purchaser for review. Purchaser
approval of the technique shall be addressed in the
X1.2.2.4 Designation of areas that are considered applicable job order or contract.
impractical or very difficult to radiograph (see 1.2
and 8.2).
X1.2.2.5 Radiographic source and film arrange- ALIGNMENT FOR FLANGE
ment and radiation beam direction for each location. RADIOGRAPHY AND EXAMPLES OF
NOTE X1.1 — The RSS should designate the involved locations IMPRACTICAL TO RADIOGRAPH
and stipulate that the technique for those locations is typical, for
sections of the casting on which a continuing series of locations are X2.1 Preferred Source and Film Alignment for Flange
to be radiographed with the same basic source and film arrangement Radiography — The effective use of radiography for
for each location.
assessing material soundness in casting areas where a
flange joins a body is somewhat limited by the source
X1.2.3 Fig. X1.1 of this appendix provides a and film alignment that the geometric configuration of
sample RSS that has been developed for a typical these areas require. The following figures describe
production application, and Figs. X1.2 and X1.3 provide source and film alignments that can be employed and
sample RSS sketches that have been developed for a discusses the limits and benefits of each.
typical production application.
X1.2.4 The RSS may not provide what is consid- X3. EXAMPLES OF AREAS THAT ARE
ered to be the most effective means of technique control CONSIDERED TO BE IMPRACTICAL TO
for all radiographic activities, but, in any event, some RADIOGRAPH
means of technique standardization should be employed. X3.1 Certain casting geometry configuration are inac-
As a general rule, it is a beneficial practice for the cessible for conventional source and film arrangements
supplier to solicit purchaser approval of the radiographic that will provide meaningful radiographic results. These
methodology prior to performing production radiogra- areas generally involve the juncture of two casting
phy. This generally entails the demonstration of the sections. The following illustrations provide typical
adequacy of the methodology by submitting the pro- examples of such areas.


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