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The key takeaways from the document are that deepwater drilling presents many challenges due to complex temperature profiles, narrow pore pressure-fracture pressure windows, and unconsolidated reservoirs. Managed pressure drilling combined with casing drilling can help address some of these challenges but more development is needed to accurately simulate the process.

Deepwater environments present challenges such as high pressures and temperatures, narrow pore pressure-fracture pressure windows, shallow unconsolidated reservoirs with high overburden, and combinations of complex lithologies.

Managed pressure drilling can help in deepwater drilling by maintaining a relatively constant bottom hole pressure when the tolerance between formation pressure, wellbore pressure and fracture pressure is very small. This can reduce drilling problems and costs compared to conventional overbalanced drilling techniques.

SPE 128602

Cost Effective Deepwater Well Construction - A Case for

Managed Pressure Drilling with Casing

Oyeneyin, M. Babs, SPE, School of Engineering , The Robert Gordon University, UK

Copyright 2009, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper presents the unique algorithms
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 33rd Annual SPE International developed to simulate the MPD process and to
Technical Conference and Exhibition in Abuja, Nigeria, August 3-5, 2009.
analyse the effects of soft issues on the wellbore
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following
review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
flow and pressure regimes and impact on
of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum torque/drag.
Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as
presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum The algorithms developed have been validated
Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE meetings are subject
to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
with live well data including pump rates, fluid
Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for properties and especially PWD and pump
commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum
Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract pressure data. The predictions and actual data
of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must
contain conspicuous acknowledgement of where and by whom the paper was
have been found to be in very close agreement.
presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, The results of algorithm validation are presented
U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
to illustrate how the simulator can be utilised for
real time design as well as process optimisation
Abstract especially for casing drilling versus standard
Engineers now face increasing challenge of drillstring scenario. . Highlights of the effects of the
drilling in Ultra Deepwater environments which complex relationships between eccentricity,
form the cornerstone of future field developments. rotation and fluid rheology at bottom hole and riser
The deepwater environments are characterised by conditions are also presented to illustrate the
complex temperature profiles and geological drilling process optimisation. The paper is
features such as High Pressure-High Temperature concluded with guidelines on MPD operating
(HP-HT) with very narrow pore pressure-fracture windows for different scenarios and a brief
pressure window; Shallow unconsolidated description of the system architecture of the MPD
reservoirs with very high overburden; Combination Simulator – The MPDEEP.
of ‘’flexible’’ lithologies. In these environments the
use of overbalanced drilling techniques becomes Introduction
difficult as the tolerance between formation
The deepwater environments from 2000 metres to
pressure, wellbore pressure and the pressure at
over 3000 meters in some areas such as the
which the formation will fracture becomes very
Atlantic Margin in Europe, Gulf of Mexico, Campos
small. This can lead to severe drilling problems
Basin in Brazil and Gulf of Guinea in the West
with attendant increase in drilling costs to possible
loss of well control itself. These deepwater African Subregion as well as the Arctic Regions,
environments can benefit from Managed Pressure form the cornerstone of many future oil/gas field
Drilling (MPD) when effectively combined with developments. The deepwater environments for
casing drilling technique but its uptake has been example are characterised by very hostile sea
rather slow. conditions and very complex geological features.
Additionally there are still huge reserves in most of
For the industry to develop a managed pressure the mature fields around the world which still need
drilling capability that will allow today’s generation to be exploited with MPD to enable improvement
of complex wells to be drilled safely with casing, it in recovery factors.
is necessary to develop models that will accurately
simulate the MPD process and to embed these Economic viability of mature and marginal fields
models within an easy to use, intuitive well design around the world as well as the challenging deep
package for pre-planning and as a real time tool to water environment requires the depletion of the
monitor, diagnose and optimise downhole reservoirs with a minimum number of wells. To
operations and provide forward simulations based achieve this, there is the increasing trend towards
on rig and downhole data. the use of long horizontal, extended reach and
multilateral wells. Besides the potential to
2 M. B. Oyeneyin SPE 128602

minimise the problems associated with fluid flow shales/wellbore instability, difficulty in running
there is the added benefit of reducing field casing and increased drilling costs. These
development costs. problems can be minimised with coupled
managed pressure drilling with casing. Well
In many oil industry well construction operations, construction time is reduced and tripping time is
the overbalanced drilling method using jointed also massively reduced if not eliminated.
pipe connections called drillstrings is the most
popular drilling method adopted. In this process The deepwater environments can benefit from the
high density drilling fluid is circulated through the enabling Managed Pressure Drilling techniques
rotating drillstring and returns come through the especially when effectively combined with casing
drilling annulus at a rate that allows drilled cuttings drilling but its uptake has been rather slow.
to be circulated out of the hole as well as maintain Many MPD campaigns are still largely reactive
wellbore pressure above the formation pressure rather being proactive such that the rig
during drilling among other functions. selection/layout, fluids, drilling and casing
Well Engineers now face increasing challenges of programmes are adapted to MPD from outset.
drilling Ultra Deepwater wells characterised by Potential benefits especially when combined with
complex temperature profiles and geological casing drilling include total depths objectives being
features such as High Pressure-High Temperature reached with fewer casing suites, quality gauge
(HP-HT) reservoirs with very narrow pore hole with casing drilling, fewer mud weight
pressure-fracture pressure window; Drilling fluids changes and better well control .
rheology subjected to alternate HP-HT profile in Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) is an adaptive
the wellbore followed by HP and cold temperature drilling process and step change technology that
(HP-CT) in the riser section exposed to the employs a collection of tools and techniques to
relatively cold sea level; Shallow unconsolidated precisely control the annular pressure profile
hydrocarbon reservoirs with very high overburden throughout the wellbore. The objectives are to
prevalent for example, in the Gulf of Guinea; ascertain the downhole pressure environment
Combination of complex ‘’flexible and unstable ’’ limits and to manage the annular hydraulic
lithologies such as the ‘’flexible’’ Zeichstein pressure profile accordingly. It is the intention of
overlaying platen dolomite in the Atlantic Margin, MPD to avoid continuous influx of formation fluids
or the sub-salts in Gulf of Mexico. to the surface. MPD may allow faster corrective
In these environments the use of overbalanced action to deal with observed pressure variations.
drilling technique becomes difficult as the The ability to dynamically control annular
tolerance between formation pressure, wellbore pressures facilitates drilling of what might
pressure and the pressure at which the formation otherwise be economically unattainable prospects.
will fracture becomes very small. This leads to an Any formation fluid influx incidental to the
increase in drilling costs due to expensive mud operation can be safely contained using an
losses, pipe sticking to possible loss of well appropriate process.
control itself. Overbalanced drilling of extended
reach wells become more complicated by the In a typical drilling campaign, a combination or
complex trajectories and drilling annulus variation of the MPD techniques can be applied
geometry and the effects of drilled solids transport before reaching total depth as long as it is
in a complex non-Newtonian drilling fluid in the economical to do so and the objectives of the
eccentric wellbore annulus. The rheology is also MPD campaign are met.
heavily affected by prevailing high pressure and
temperature as well as solids loading. Managed Pressure Drilling Techniques

Management of pressure hot spots in complex There are a number of MPD techniques.
geological features such as massive naturally Examples include:
fractured stratigraphic features as in Sirte Basin in (i) Underbalanced Drilling – This is a
Libya, high overburden pressure conditions hydrocarbon reservoir focussed drilling
coupled with shallow unconsolidated reservoirs in technique designed to protect the pay sand
deep water environments offshore West Africa or from potential damage and encourages
HP-HT wells with narrow pore pressure-frac hydrocarbon production while drilling. In this
pressure operating windows pose further technique, the fluid programme and drilling
problems of losses, differential sticking leading to campaign are designed to deliberately make
non-productive time, poor hole quality, sloughing the wellbore pressure lower than the lithology
3 Cost Effective Deepwater Well Construction – A Case for Managed Pressure Drilling with Casing SPE 128602

pore pressure to invite influx of formation fluid (vi) Subsea Pumping/ or Annular pump
while drilling. There are a number of evacuation – This is a variation of the dual
challenges in this process including for gradient method. It involves the annular
example the maintenance of constant level of evacuation of the mud returns using subsea
underbalance from toe-to-heel of horizontal mud pumps. So instead of natural returns via
wells among other problems. the riser system the mud is continuously
(ii) Constant Bottom Hole Pressure – This evacuated from the sea floor through a
technique is well suited for very narrow pore- flexible flow line back to the rig. This more or
fracture window environments but can apply less makes it a riserless MPD drilling
to any scenario. The technique involves operation6.
predetermining the wellbore pressure to be (vii) Circulating Friction – This involves
as close as possible to the pore pressure. controlling the dynamic frictional pressure
The At-Balance technique is the most losses in a wellbore annulus and the
popular in this group. The key driver here is corresponding bottom hole pressure.
to avoid exceeding the fracture pressure (viii) Return Flow Control or HSE as it is
when drilling ahead. It can also be applied to generally known involves closing the mud
well control. A combination of regular manual, returns on the rig floor for the expressed
semi-automatic or fully automatic choke and purpose of enhancing the health and safety of
flow control is desirable and are now the environment issues.
available1,2. (ix) Reverse Circulation – This technique
(iii) Pressurised Mud Cap Drilling3 - This involves drilling with relatively high level of
method is generally suitable for dealing with overbalance with cuttings free drilling fluid in
major variations in lithology pore pressures the open hole. In this technique the mud is
where reduction in number of casing suites pumped through the annulus and the
and mud density changes would be desirable returns[mud and cuttings] flow back up the
without compromising on severe losses or drillstring bore with the bit nozzles removed.
influx control. It can also be useful for A particular benefit of this technique with
challenging lithologies with extensive natural casing drilling is the small annular clearance
fractures, cavernous vugs like the Sirte Basin and relatively larger bore for outflow. Quality
in Libya or the Asia pacific regions3,4. In this gauge hole can result from the combination of
method, a heavy mud cap is placed at a casing and reduction in erosion rate of open
predetermined column height in the drilling hole hole exposed to cuttings free mud
annulus. One technique is not to take mud system. Slow rate of cuttings offload
returns but to dispose of the return mud in a especially in extended reach wells may
‘’throw-away ‘’ zone. The alternative is to take reduce penetration rate and drilling of short
returns below the mud cap possibly through a lengths at a time so as to avoid cuttings
modified BOP mud return line. In either buildup in the lateral sections .
scenario back pressure regulation is required
plus addition of mud cap fluid limiting annular The development of appropriate strategy for the
returns including cuttings and gas migration. management of MPD operations including
(iv) Dual Gradient [Variable Density] drilling - engineered choice of which technique to use for
This is an MPD method with dual or multiple well specific conditions required to ‘’realise the
mud weight columns in the drilling annulus. It limit’’ is rather complex and requires an integrated
is particularly suitable for drilling of ultra deep approach to finding the optimum solution to
wells, deepwater wells or wells with a large solving the problem. This requires integration of
range in pore pressure regimes as well as key aspects of wellbore hydraulics, casing string
shallow sediment condition with weak frac or drillstring dynamics and impact on string
gradient and high overburden as obtained in eccentricity, string rotary speed, effect of bottom
deepwaters of offshore West Africa. hole conditions on rheology and pressure regimes
(v) Back Pressure regulation -This is a back The integration of all these factors that allows for
pressure regulation with choke and rotating effective planning, well specific MPD process and
BOP combination. A modern version is a optimisation plus real-time monitoring and
closed pressurisable circulating mud system diagnosis is the specific objective of the planned
which includes a rotating BOP, Drilling Choke MPD Simulator.
and a drillstring non-return valve. Back In the preceding papers on the subject matter ,
pressure is regulated by choking the annular attempts were made to introduce the key
returns . parameters affecting the MPD process and how
4 M. B. Oyeneyin SPE 128602

the combined effects have been analysed condition with weak frac gradient. The key
especially for Circulating Friction method. A recent questions for this technique for example are:
paper9 attempts to highlight the importance of (i) How do we successfully manage dual
casing drilling and impact on the MPD hydraulics. gradient drilling in deepwater?,(ii) Is having
This paper goes further to present the case by heavier mud on top and lower gradient mud
case hydraulics model and useful factors to below different from having lower mud
consider. gradient mud on top in the complex annulus?
(iii) Is it possible to successfully manage more
Key Challenges than two drilling fluid gradients? The benefits
The key drivers for any MPD technique are to are theoretically tremendous in a multi-
ascertain the downhole pressure environment gradient drilling fluid system in the wellbore
limits and to manage/optimize the annular annulus. The challenges of such a system are
hydraulic pressure profile accordingly and daunting. Is the risk worth the reward? (iv) Is it
efficiently irrespective of which MPD method is possible to successfully alter the point of
used. It is the intention of MPD to avoid constant pressure at any given depth in a
continuous influx of formation fluids to the surface. wellbore while drilling? Can we manage a well
Any influx incidental to the operation should be control incident with multiple mud weights in
safely contained using an appropriate process. the annulus and still hold a point of constant
MPD process employs a collection of tools and pressure in the open hole? Is any MPD
techniques which may mitigate the risks and costs applicable in HP-HT prospects? One
associated with drilling wells that have narrow important downhole tool that be used for
downhole environmental limits, by proactively multiple fluid gradient spotting is the downhole
managing the annular hydraulic pressure profile. jetsub split flow control device.
MPD may allow faster corrective action to deal • What would be the cuttings transport
with observed pressure variations This is usually phenomena in different MPD process
done with for example, automatic control of choke environments
opening and pump rate. The use of MPD helps to • What should be the downhole drilling fluid
limit the number of expensive casing suites to run condition? Will the MPD process and its
in the well, less drilling flat times, fewer mud optimisation benefit from the automation of
weight changes and potentially better well control. downhole fluid management?
Therefore the ability to dynamically control annular • MPD technique has allowed us to extend or
pressures facilitates drilling of what might eliminate casing seats by drilling closer to the
otherwise be economically unattainable prospects. pore pressure and delaying the depth at which
Therefore the planning of MPD operation is more we are forced to set casing to avoid a kick
elaborate and requires more precise and accurate tolerance issue or break down of the previous
models to simulate and diagnose the MPD casing seat.The question therefore is can we
process including precise definition of the use casing to drill instead of conventional
operating window and the optimisation of the jointed pipe drillstring in an MPD environment?
combined process parameters. These pose a Casing drilling system enables a well to be
number of challenges. Attempts to date have been drilled and cased simultaneously using
to adopt the physics of current conventional standard oilfield casings as the drillstring. The
overbalanced drilling technology to defining the casing provides hydraulic and mechanical
MPD process and use automatic control of some energy to a retrievable drilling assembly
select operations such as back pressure choke suspended from a profile nipple located near
control and rotating blowout preventers and mud the bottom of the casing. The profile nipple
pump rates with mixed results. has the same drift diameter as the casing and
can be used to land cementing equipment
The key questions for a successful proactive MPD once the drilling assembly is removed.
operation are: • The MPD flow hydraulics and the
• What is the appropriate fit-for-purpose MPD corresponding pressure profiles in the
technique to use for a given well and how can wellbore annulus are highly affected by the
the techniques be optimised on a well-by-well complex geometry and conditions in the
basis? For example Dual Gradient drilling was annular environment. These include soft
created to enhance drilling of ultra deep wells, issues such as (i) the string eccentricity
deepwater wells or wells with a large range in profile; (ii) effect of string rotation on the
pore pressure regimes and shallow sediment multiphase and multi gradient pattern in a
5 Cost Effective Deepwater Well Construction – A Case for Managed Pressure Drilling with Casing SPE 128602

drilling annulus; For example what is the effect n

of RPM on the multiphase flow pattern for a ∑ PHia = PH3 + PH 4 + PH5 + ...PHn ..…(6)
three phase fluid flow in a drilling annulus? (iii) i
the rheology of the multiphase drilling fluids This is the sum of of the hydrostatic heads
and the response to downhole high pressure – imposed by each fluid column in the annulus and it
high temperature and the high pressure-low is a function of the mud weights at prevailing
temperature environment in the marine riser bottom hole pressure(P) and temperature(T), and
section due to riser exposure to cold sea corresponding column heights in the annulus.
water .
∑ ΔPLOSSj , ∑ ΔPLOSSja = Total frictional loss in
• There are some key drilling parameters which
would affect the circulating bottom hole
the string bore and annulus respectively. These
pressure. Some of these parameters are
depend on
controllable at the surface and some are not.
(i) Flow velocity in each bore and annular
The question is how to use measured
section which is a function of pump rate,
parameters some of which can be controlled
string bore and annular size
in order to obtain optimum cuttings transport
(ii) Fluid density at prevailing downhole P & T
performance, pressure distribution, and
(iii) Rheology as a function of fluid rheology
optimum MPD hydraulics
behaviour at prevailing downhole pressure
and temperature, shear rate, eccentricity
MPD Hydraulics and RPM.

A recent study has used the U-Tube analogy to Develped Algorithms

simplify the analysis of the MPD hydraulics9. This For Circulating Friction [Fig. 1]
same analogy has been adopted for casing drilling BHP in the wellbore annulus at depth is :
scenario as presented in Figures 1 to 3 [See
Appendix]. Irrespective of the MPD technique, the BHPa = PHa + ∑ ΔPLOSSai + Psa ..(7)
following equations represent the overarching i
hydraulics equation for a typical well[Figure 1] : Psa = Surface pressure for the annulus
For return flow into Shaker, Psa = 0
For flow into mud gas separator, Psa = Separator
BHPA [PA] = BHPB[PB] .....(1) pressure
PA & PB are the bottom hole pressures at specific For CBHP[See Fig. 2]
depths in string bore and annular section BHP in the wellbore annulus at depth is :
BHPa = PHa + ∑ ΔPLOSSai + Psa ...(8)
For Figure 1, i
Psa = Mechanically applied back pressure
n n usualling via a drilling choke.
PA = Ps1 + ∑ PHi − ∑ ΔPLOSSj .....(2)
i j ∑ ΔPLOSSai = Sum of the frictional losses in the
n i
∑ ΔPLOSSj = ΔPLOSS1 + ΔPLOSS2 + … + ΔPMOTOR string annular sections
+ ΔPBIT + ΔPSurface ….(3) For Pressurised Mud Cap[See Fig. 3]
n BHP in the wellbore Annulus
∑ PHia = PH1 + PH 2 + ...PHn ….(4)
n n
This is the sum of of the hydrostatic heads BHPa = Ps 2 + ∑ PHia + ∑ ΔPLOSSja ….(9)
imposed by each fluid column in the annulus. It is i j
a function of the mud weights at prevailing bottom n
hole pressure and temperature, and ∑ PHia = PH3 + PH 4 + ...PHn
corresponding column heights in the string bore i ….(10)
PH3 = 0.052 * ρ P, T * H 3
n n
PB = Psa + ∑ PHia + ∑ ΔPLOSSja ....(5)
i j Where:
PH = Hydrostatic head, psi
6 M. B. Oyeneyin SPE 128602

ρP,T = Mud weight at prevailing depth pressure and 2π

temperature, ppg Where Ω = Angular velocity = * RPM
H3 = Fluid true vertical column height in annulus, 60
ft ...(14)
d = bore diameter of string
The same analogy can be carried out for each of vm = average fluid velocity through the string bore
the other techniques.
Effect of Downhole Pressure and Temperature
Recent publications have presented the effects of Effect of wellbore pressure and temperature is
the soft issues such as RPM, ccentricity and compensated for in terms of the effect on drilling
prevailing pressure and temperature at depth8,9. fluid rheology..
These are presented as :
Thus at prevailing wellbore pressure and
temperature the fluid shear stress as measured at
Effect of RPM
room temperature is corrected as follows :
The analysis of the effect of string RPM is based
on the premise that string rotation will exert a
τ@ P, T = CF *τs ...(15)
tangential velocity [a function of angular velocity]
on the fluid flow over and above the average fluid
velocity. Thus there is a vector sum velocity here τ = Fluid shear stress at defined pressure and
defined as: temperature
τs = Fluid shear stress at standard temperature
(60oF) and standard pressure (15psi)
VT = v 2 + vM2 ....(11) CF = Correction factor which is a function of
pressure and temperature.
Where vM = Fluid mean velocity
Studies on the effect of HP-HT on multiphase fluid
v2 = Fluid tangential velocity.
density is being initiated as part of a future
These velocities impose corresponding shear
rates on the drilling fluids thus generating
corresponding effective viscosities. Effect of Eccentricity
It is recognized from outset in this programme of
Depending on the fluid rheology the corresponding work that in order to accurately predict the
effective viscosities appropriate models have been pressure profile in a wellbore, it is essential to
custom developed for Bingham Plastic, Power predict the prevailing drillstring eccentricity.
Law and Herschel-Buckley Fluids. Appropriate
corrections are also made for the effect of The string eccentricity is here analysed based on
prevailing wellbore temperature and pressure the string loading and wellbore trajectory and the
effect on the rheology using purposely developed corresponding pressure regimes. Appropriate
HP-HT models for fluid rheology. models have been purposely developed and
For pseudoplastic fluids for example, The flow procedures developed to establish the eccentricity
regime and effective viscosities in drillstring bore profiles throughout the measured length of
can be predicted using the following equations: wellbore trajectory.
ρvM d
Re = Analysis of the effect of eccentricity is thus carried
μeff ...(12) out using the following equation :

μeff = Kγ n −1 ΔPEccent = R * ΔPConc.

, ...(16)
2 +γ 2
γ = γ ax tan R = Pressure Gradient Ratio
8v ⎡ 3n + 1 ⎤ ….(13)
γ ax = m ⎢
d ⎣ 3 n ⎥⎦ This R represents the eccentricity correction factor
and it depends on fluid rheology and fluid flow
γ tan = regime.
ΔPConc = Pressure profile for concentric case
ΔPEccen = Pressure profile for eccentric case.
7 Cost Effective Deepwater Well Construction – A Case for Managed Pressure Drilling with Casing SPE 128602

For lamina flow of pseudoplastic fluid for example

R can be computed from the following equation:
Table 1: Casing vs Drillstring Drilling – 120
RPM[300 F]
0 . 8454 Casing Drilling Drillstring Drilling
e avg ⎡d ⎤
R Lam = 1 − 0 . 072 * *⎢ 1 ⎥
n ⎣d2 ⎦ Conc. 50% Conc. 50%
Eccent Eccent.
0 . 1852
⎡d ⎤ ECD 13.5 12.5 9.93 9.78
− 1 .5 * e 2
avg n⎢ 1 ⎥ [ppge]
⎣d2 ⎦ SPP, psi 2415 1998 1584 1519
0 . 2527
⎡d ⎤
+ 0 . 96 * e avg
* n *⎢ 1 ⎥
⎣d2 ⎦ Effect of RPM , Eccenctricity and Temperature
...(17) [Tables 2 to 4 and Figs.6 & 7]
eavg = Average string eccentricity as illustrated in Generally pressure conditions increased with
the Figure 4 [See Appendix] increase in RPM but contrary to expectations,
increase in temperature led to decrease the ECD
It is essential to define the prevailing eccentricity in and corresponding BHP across the board for most
each section of the wellbore annulus. This has pseudoplastic fluids analysed.
been analysed here for every 100ft length of each
string component based on drillstring dynamics. Table 2: Effect of RPM & Eccentricity
Conc Casing 50%Ecc Casing
Highlights of Results
ECD[ppge 13.1 13.5 12.4 12.5
The major highlights from the simulation results for
SPP, psi 2322 2415 2019 1998
circulating friction method are presented in Tables
1 to 4 and Figures 5 to 7.
Table 3: Effect of Temperature[Drillstring]
The combined effects of the key parameters
120oF 300oF 400oF
and soft issues affecting MPD operation were
ECD[ppge] 10.68 9.93 9.7
found to be complex and in some cases
SPP, psi 2109 1584 1420
counterintuitive depending on hole geometry,
type of string used or fluid, bottom hole
conditions to name a few. Table 4: Effect of Temperature[Casing drilling]
120oF 300oF
Casing vs Conventional drill string [Table 1 ECD[ppge] 16 12.76
and Fig. 5] SPP , psi 3773 2101
The ECD and standpipe pressures for casing
drilling as expected are higher than the drillstring
results at the same pump rate. These are largely
due to the higher dynamic pressures as a result of MPD Simulator – The MPDEEP
higher friction. A net benefit of this is that it is
much easier to attain a minimum annular velocity The MPDEEP is the product name of a new MPD
for casing drilling at a much lower pump rate than simulator being developed for deepwater
it is with drillstring systems. Frictional pressures applications.
are therefore more easily manipulated with casing The MPD Simulator is a work in progress that is
drilling. For the scenario considered with Power expected to build on the gains of its predecessor –
Law Fluids, eccentricity was less of a problem in The VisWell8. It will be made up of two versions :
terms of pressure buildup.
1. MPDEEP-DTS - This design version has
the following functionalities :
a. Drilling operation design
b. Design optimisation
8 M. B. Oyeneyin SPE 128602

c. Looking ahead capability in virtual Nomenclature

BHP = Bottom Hole Pressure
2. MPDEEP-RTS – This has the following d1 = Hole size or Casing ID, in
functionalities: d2 = String OD, in
a. Real-time shadowing and d = String bore diameter, in
monitoring of MPD process eavg = Average string eccentricity
b. Real-time wellbore problem H = True vertical column of fluid, ft
diagnosis K = Power Law Fluid consistency
c. Pressure hot spot identification index, eq.cp
d. Real-time MPD optimisation with n = Power law fluid flow index
virtual reality capability. ΔPconc = Concentric annulus pressure
drop, psi
MPD Guidelines ΔPEccent = Eccentric annulus pressure drop,
1. It is important to identify the appropriate fit-for- R = Eccentricity factor
purpose MPD technique for each drilling campaign r = String bore radius, in
planning and execute a real-time optimisation of RPM = String rotary speed, revs/min
any MPD technique through detailed risk SPP = Stand pipe pressure, psi
assessment. TD = Total Depth of well
2. This selection process should access and utilise vm = mean fluid velocity, ft/sec
accurate models for the planning of MPD μeff = Effective drilling fluid viscosity, cp
operation is more elaborate than conventional ρ = Drilling fluid density, ppg
drilling technique. τ = Fluid shear stress, dynes/cm2
3. The planning and execution should be proactive γax = Fluid axial shear rate, sec-1
rather than reactive. γtan = Fluid tangential shear rate, sec-1
4. In theory any of the MPD techniques can be Ω = Angular velocity, rad/sec
used with casing. Nevertheless for the example
lithology column presented in Figure 8, the
pressurised mud cap and dual gradient techniques
would be most appropriate if the entire drilling References
campaign is to be concluded to TD before setting 1. Reistma, Don: ‘’Development and Application
casing. of combining a Real-Time Hydraulics Model
5. Switching from one technique to another would and automated choke to maintain a relatively
depend on defined operating window and the constant bottom hole pressure while drilling’’,
proposed MPDEEP should help achieve the IPTC No 10708, 2005.
process optimisation in real-time. 2. Reistma, D and E. van Reit: ‘’Utilizing an
automated annular pressure control system
Conclusions for Managed Pressure Drilling in mature
offshore oilfields’’, SPE Paper No. 96646,
In this paper an attempt has been made to 2005
introduce the concept of Managed Pressure 3. Terwogt, J.H:, L.B. Makiaho and N. van
Drilling with emphasis on casing drilling. Beelen: ‘’Pressurised Mud Cap drilling from a
Results of casing drilling versus conventional semi-submersible drilling rig’’, SPE Paper No
drillstring drilling technique are presented together 92294 , 2005.
with the effects of RPM and eccentricity. The 4. Urselmann, R.I., Cummings, J., R.N. Worral
combined effects of the parameters and soft and G.House : ‘’Pressurised mud cap drilling:
issues affecting MPD operations are complex and Efficient drilling of high pressure fractured
counterintuitive. In order to optimise the process a reservoirs’’, SPE Paper No. 52828, 1999.
new engineering tool for MPD operations 5. Forrest, Neil., Tom Bailey and Don Hannegan:
simulation – the MPDEEP is being developed for ‘’Deepwater drilling using dual gradient mud
deepwater risk assessment as part of an ongoing system’’, SPE Paper No. 67707, 2001.
project in the School of Engineering at The Robert 6. Hannegan, D: ‘’Case Studies-Offshore
Gordon University. The Simulator is expected to Managed Pressure Drilling’’, SPE Paper No
extend the scope and depth of application of its 101855, 2006.
predecesor – The VisWell .
9 Cost Effective Deepwater Well Construction – A Case for Managed Pressure Drilling with Casing SPE 128602

7. Tessari, R.M, and Gareth Madell‘’Casing

Drilling – A revolutionary approach to
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Figure 3: U-Tube Analogy for Pressurised
Mud Cap Drilling

Bore Annulus

Figure 1: General U-Tube Analogy

for Casing Drilling

Figure 4 : Illustration of Eccentricity

Figure 2: U-Tube Analogy for

Constant BHP
10 M. B. Oyeneyin SPE 128602




ECD, ppge


6 Zeichstein

120oF 300oF
Bottom HoleTemperature
Fig 5: Casing Drilling vs Drillstring Drilling



13.4 Fractured
ECD, ppge



Silver Plate

Figure 8 : Example Lithology
Figure 6 : Effect of RPM and Eccentricity on





ECD, ppge


120oF 300oF
Bottom HoleTemperature

Figure 7 : Effect of Downhole Temperature on


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