Special Report: School Formation Readiness Assessment Checklist

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Special Report

School Formation Readiness Assessment Checklist ;

Are your school founders procedural, and financial operational efficiency, and
ready for the challenge? strategies may be required to the achievement of their
make your vision a reality. The vision and
The mechanics of school results will help you to better goals. We Halladay
formation can be challenging to identify solutions to the provide Education
any group of dedicated school challenges related to achieving a innovative Group is a
founders. With proper world-class school. services leading
preparation in place over a including: consultancy
project’s life cycle, founding The Checklist will also help strategic providing a full
groups can be better prepared to guide group discussion around planning; board range of
form the school of their vision, your organization's formation governance; customized
and manage costs and project readiness. Ideally this group Head operations
development efficiently and discussion should include key evaluations; and
effectively, establishing the decision makers including executive management
foundation for a legacy school. founders, board members, searches; services for
and/or other valued volunteers school Independent
and visionaries. However, it is formation; Schools, Non-
also suitable as a self- institutional Profits, &
assessment tool for anyone assessments; International
Halladay Education Group’s associated with the organization. publications Development
design and Projects.
Readiness Checklist helps
school founders measure the Please complete and fax the development;
preparedness of their Checklist to 1-866-472-873 or e- surveys; curriculum,
mail an attachment to educational materials, and
organization in relation to
independent school formation info@halladayeducationgroup policy development; and
and their own unique .com. You will receive a FREE management of
consultation assessing your international development
circumstances, as well as to
clearly understand the steps readiness for school formation. projects.
necessary in the formation of We will analyze the data with
you and recommend solutions to Best regards,
their independent school. The
evaluation tool is available to close the gap.
you in a PDF format so that you
can print and fill it out, and then I hope this report has been
submit for a free confidential useful to you. HEG works Douglas Halladay
evaluation and consultation. with non-profit CEO’s and President
Using it will enable you to Boards to improve their
identify where organizational, organization's
effectiveness and Visit
to see more about the services we

Halladay Education Group Inc.

4316 Arthur Drive, Delta, BC, V4K 2W8
Phone: 1- 604-868-0002 Fax: 1-866-472-8737
Email: [email protected] www.halladayeducationgroup.com
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School Formation Readiness Assessment
Name: Title:
School/Organization Name: Facsimile:
Phone: Email:

Using the five-point scale, rate your school formation readiness on the following statements:
1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree 0 = Don’t Know
Your organization has: Score
1. Developed a clear, shared, meaningful vision of what you want your school to be, including: grades, gender,
curriculum, projected enrollment growth, & staffing needs.
2. Developed a strategic planning tool that involves the process of community consultation.
3. Developed a clear, meaningful written statement of your mission, vision, & core values that reflects your
fundamental purpose as a school & communicates in a compelling way a picture of your future success.
4. Developed a clear, written goals & action plan for the “school formation stage.”
5. Developed your goals & action plan for the first 3-5 years of “school operation stage.”
6. Developed a strategic business/operations plan that encompasses the details of school formation, including,
but not limited to:
i. ► A cost benefit and cost effectiveness assessment
ii. ► Marketing, communication, and evaluation
7. Programs that are congruent with the mission, vision, & values as identified in the strategic plan.
8. Ongoing needs assessments & analysis for possible revision of plan.
(A) Sub-total
Your Organization: Score
1. Is aware of, & able to clearly articulate your needs and vision of the school.

2. Has the essential skill sets in place to move the project to opening the doors.

3. Have the profile, stature, & trust within your community.

4. Is large enough to take on the all encompassing tasks.

5. Is committed to the school over the next three to five years.

6. Is willing to make a financial commitment of their own.

7. Have leaders who are risk-takers & pioneers in reaching unique innovations.

8. Has individuals who are champions for independent education & can promote these values and bring others in.

9. Is aware of organizational dynamics between innovators and resistors.

10. Has established collaborative partnerships.

11. Exhibits healthy board behavior and conduct.

12. Has a school whose niche is viable and “sellable” within their community
(B) Sub-total

Halladay Education Group Inc.

4316 Arthur Drive, Delta, BC, V4K 2W8
Phone: 1- 604-868-0002 Fax: 1-866-472-8737
Email: [email protected] www.halladayeducationgroup.com
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Your Organization Has: Score
1. Prepared a detailed, written pro forma of the “school’s formation” budget that considers expenses
and revenues.
2. Developed a comprehensive, written operating budget for the first 3-5 years of operation.
3. A written financing plan in place to support school formation and first 2 years of operations.
4. Developed an accounting system, financial reporting, & audits.
5. Completed an assessment of your community to determine streams of capital for financing formation
& early stage operational deficits.
6. Established sourcing and supervising procurement process for equipment etc.
7. Developed school profit centers (e.g., school store, advertising, camps, uniform sales, vending
8. Prepared an interim & permanent facility plan, design, schedule, & contractors, for the development
&/or expansion of the school.
9. Developed a Campus Master Plan & space needs analyses based on a feasibility study
(C) Sub-total


Your organization/school concept: Score
1. Is well known within your community.
2. Has a viable & proven market niche for your school’s concept.
3. Fully understands the demographics of their market in terms of their student base & parent
4. Have clear short- & long-term pricing strategies for tuition (e.g., fees, bursaries, scholarships).
5. Has an inclusive identity package & written marketing plan with supporting resources to promote
your school’s identity to drive enrolment and friend/fundraising.
6. Has developed the admissions process/requirements, including staffing, preparation of admissions
forms, policies, & procedures etc.
7. Has received unsolicited inquiries about enrollment or employment.
8. Has a clear positioning strategy that creates value in the minds of its target audience.
(D) Sub-total

Your Organization Has: Score
1. Identified staffing needs, infrastructure, flow chart, and advertised/recruited key staff (e.g.,
administration, faculty, non-teaching) needed for initial phase of school formation and operation
(e.g., Business Manager, Receptionist, Janitors).
2. Established job descriptions, contracts, policy, evaluation criteria/process, and compensation levels
(e.g., salary, benefits).
3. Evaluated and interviewed administration (Department Heads), teaching staff, and other staff.
4. Establish procedures for payroll, accounts receivable/payable, etc.
(E) Sub-total

Halladay Education Group Inc.

4316 Arthur Drive, Delta, BC, V4K 2W8
Phone: 1- 604-868-0002 Fax: 1-866-472-8737
Email: [email protected] www.halladayeducationgroup.com
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Your Organization Has: Score
1. Prepared policy manuals for the school, including: students, parents, society bylaws, constitution, &
2. Met requirements of legislation applicable to opening of the school.
3. Developed a student schedule, school calendar, & school routines (e.g., school day schedule,
student/staff meetings, timetable).
4. Provided an educational program that meets State/Provincial requirements.
5. Developed forms & procedures for financial aid (e.g., scholarships, bursaries).
6. Developed a framework & terms of reference for Parent Volunteer Group.
7. Designed the School’s Curriculum (e.g., IBO, Montessori, AP, International/ESL, unique alternate
programs such as Learning disabilities, daycare, preschool, summer school) & framework (e.g.,
academics, athletics, visual & performing arts, citizenship and service).
8. Developed student houses, levels/indicators for student achievement (awards, honor roll).
9. Determined the school’s extra-curricular programs (e.g., athletic program, outdoor education, clubs,
10. Acquired technology, library materials, & learning resources.
11. Identified critical traditions & schools events based on the mission and values of the school (e.g.,
graduation ceremonies, AGM, related celebrations).
12. Developed systems for student record storage & retrieval, accounting and reporting.
13. Established student support programs & a structure for student council and leadership program.
(F) Sub-total


Your Organization Has: Score
1. Prepared a Fundraising &Financial Feasibility Study.
2. Developed an Annual Campaign & related procedures.
3. Developed a Capital Campaign & related procedures.
4. Identified major school fundraising events (e.g., Fall Fair, Golf Tournament, Gala Dinner/Dance,
5. Developed Endowment Growth Plan.
6. Developed a system for Program Audits.
7. Established a Foundation.
(G) Subtotal

A ____ + B ____ + C ____ + D ____ + E ____ + F ____ + G____ =

Please complete and submit this Readiness Assessment by fax to 1-866-472-8737 or as an attachment to
an e-mail message to [email protected] and you will receive a FREE response report
assessing your readiness to engage in the formation of an independent school.

Halladay Education Group Inc.

4316 Arthur Drive, Delta, BC, V4K 2W8
Phone: 1- 604-868-0002 Fax: 1-866-472-8737
Email: [email protected] www.halladayeducationgroup.com
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