H22 CSC458 - Final Review

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Professor Yashar Ganjali

Department of Computer Science

University of Toronto

[email protected]
Final Review
• Final exam logistics
• Review of principles
• Where next?

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Final Exam Logistics
• Examination aids allowed:
— Non-programmable calculators
— 1 double-sided page of notes

• No cell phones allowed

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Final Exam
— Part I – Multiple choice
— 1 correct answer for each question
— Part II – Definitions
— 4-5 sentences each
• Part III – Longer Questions
— Might need more time than Part I & II
— Still very simple problems
— Similar to midterm and problem sets

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Final Review
• Final exam logistics
• Review of principles
• Where next?

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Review of Basic Concepts

Application FTP Application

Presentation ASCII/Binary

Network IP Network

Ethernet Link

The 7-layer OSI Model The 4-layer Internet model

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Example: FTP over the Internet
Using TCP/IP and Ethernet

1 App “A” U of T “B” Stanford 20 App

2 19
3 OS 18 OS
4 17
Ethernet Ethernet

5 14 R5
11 15
R1 6
7 89 R2 R3 12 16
10 R4

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Review of Basic Principles
— Basic ideas:
— Packet switching, statistical multiplexing, layering,
— Link Layer:
— Channel capacity, encoding and clock recovery, error
detection/correction, Ethernet switching
— Network Layer:
— Fragmentation, Bellman-Ford, Dijkstra, addresses and
lookups, BGP, IGP

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Review of Basic Principles – Cont’d
— Transport Layer:
— Flow control, congestion control, retransmissions and
sliding windows, congestion avoidance (RED)
— Miscellaneous:
— Queuing mechanisms, middleboxes, peer-to-peer,
software-defined networking, and network security

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Final Review
• Final exam logistics
• Review of principles
• Where next?

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Where Next?
— Courses to take:
— CSC2203: Packet Switch & Network Architectures
— CSC2229: Software-Defined Networking
— CSC309: Programming on the Web
— CSC2231: Special Topics in Computer Systems
— Online Social Networking Systems
— Internet Systems and Services

— CSC2206: Systems Modeling and Analysis

— CSC2221: Theory of Distributed Computing
— CSC2415: Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing
— CSC2720: Systems Thinking for Global Problems
— Individual study courses
— CSC494 and CSC495

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Thank You!

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