8101-05-06-Congruency Proofs-Student Guide

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Congruency Proofs

Student Guide

Geometric Proofs
Logical, deductive reasoning requires a systematic way of thinking that outlines steps of mathematical
statements to take given information and prove a mathematical statement. This form of reasoning is the
backbone for geometric proofs, utilizing definitions, postulates, theorems, and other properties of
geometric figures to show that a statement is true. Many geometric proofs involve congruency
statements, to be proven using isometric transformations or congruency theorems.

Translation Reflection Rotation

A A' C' A

B C A'
B' C'
B C B' C' B' B C


As you complete the task, keep these questions in mind:

How can rigid transformations be used to prove congruency? How can congruency theorems be
used to prove congruency?
In this task, you will apply what you have learned in this unit to answer these questions.

Complete each of the following tasks, reading the directions carefully as you go. Be sure to show all work
where indicated, including inserting images of graphs. Be sure that all graphs or screenshots include
appropriate information such as titles, labeled diagrams, etc. If your word processing program has an
equation editor, you can insert your equations here. Otherwise, print this activity sheet and write your
answers by hand.
In addition to the answers you determine, you will be graded based on the work you show, or your
solution process. So, be sure to show all your work and answer each question as you complete the tasks.
Type all your work into this document, or print the document and show work by hand, so you can submit it
to your teacher for a grade. You will be given partial credit based on the work you show and the
completeness and accuracy of your explanations.
Your teacher will give you further directions about how to submit your work. You may be asked to upload
the document, e-mail it to your teacher, or print it and hand in a hard copy.
Now, let’s get started!

Copyright © Edgenuity Inc.

Student Guide (continued)

Part 1: Use transformations to prove congruency.

´ ∥ ED
1. Given: CB ´ ≅
´ ; CB ´

Prove: CBF ≅ EDF using isometric (rigid) transformations.



Outline the necessary transformations to prove CBF ≅ EDF using a paragraph proof. Be sure to
name specific sides or angles used in the transformation and any congruency statements.

Copyright © Edgenuity Inc.

Student Guide (continued)

Part 2: Use congruency theorems to prove congruency.

1. The congruency of MNO and XYZ can be proven using a reflection across the line bisecting
´ . However, this congruency can also be proven using geometric postulates, theorems, and
definitions. Prove that the triangles are congruent using a two-column proof and triangle
congruency theorems.

Given: ∠M ≅ ∠X
∠N ≅ ∠Y
´ ≅ NZ
YO ´

Prove: MNO ≅ XYZ



Copyright © Edgenuity Inc.

Student Guide (continued)

2. Use the diagram and given information to answer the questions and prove the statement.

Given: ∠X ≅ ∠Z
XY ≅ ZY´
´ ≅ BX
Prove: AZ ´


a) Re-draw the diagram of the overlapping triangles so that the two triangles are separated.

Copyright © Edgenuity Inc.

Student Guide (continued)

b) What additional information would be necessary to prove that the two triangles, XBY and
ZAY, are congruent? What congruency theorem would be applied?

c) Prove ´ ≅ BX
AZ ´ using a flow chart proof.

Copyright © Edgenuity Inc.

Student Guide (continued)

Part 3: Choose a proof method.

´ is the perpendicular bisector
1. Use a paragraph, flow chart, or two-column proof to prove that ZX
of side ´ .

Given: ∠WZX ≅ ∠YZX; ZW

´ ≅ ZY
´ is a perpendicular bisector of
Prove: ZX ´

Copyright © Edgenuity Inc.

Student Guide (continued)

2. Use a paragraph, flow chart, or two-column proof to prove the angle congruency.
Given: ∠CXY ≅ ∠BXY
´ ≅ AB
AC ´

Prove: ∠XCY ≅ ∠XBY


Copyright © Edgenuity Inc.

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