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Republic of the Philippines


Baras, Palo, Leyte


Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the

Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road


The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Regional Office VIII, Baras, Palo,
Leyte seek to develop its pipeline of road transport projects nationwide for implementation
and/or possible external financial assistance in their implementation. As part of the initial
stage in the project development cycle, feasibility studies assessing the technical, economic,
environmental, and social impacts of the project are required.

Hence, the conduct of consultancy services for the feasibility study of proposed Capoocan –
Leyte, Leyte Road to be outsourced by the DPWH, Regional Office VIII, Baras, Palo, Leyte
with the assistance of the Project Preparation Division, Planning Service (PDD, PS),
Department of Public Works and Highways Head Office, Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila.
The output of the consulting service shall be used for the proposed Construction of
Capoocan – Leyte-Leyte Road Project. The output of the feasibility study is expected to
determine the extent and nature of the construction essential but not limited to the
economic and technical justifications, environmental and social impacts of the project.
Further, the overall findings of the study are intended for use by the DPWH not only for
programming purposes and local financing/external sources but much especially, for its
timely implementation, if determined to be feasible.

The proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road is a road opening of 27 kilometers long and 60
meters wide for the construction of a four (4) lane road including drainage canal and slope
protection. The road project will approximately begin between K0969 + 000 and K0970 +
000 along Palo – Carigara - Ormoc Road and will end up along the Leyte – Biliran Road
between K1004 + 000 and K1004 + 778.

Construction of this proposed road is expected to be economically beneficial to the

municipalities of Capoocan and Leyte, Leyte. This project will contribute to the growth of
economy and at the same time will also improve the quality of road condition connecting to
Biliran Province, and will serve as an alternate route for motorists and riding public coming
from nearby places going to Biliran and vise-versa.

[Date] 1
Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte


The objective of the service is to prepare the feasibility study of the proposed Capoocan –
Leyte, Leyte Road project based on DPWH Standards.


The Consultant shall comply with the following requirements in undertaking the services:

• The Consultant must accomplish all obligated tasks without delay, keeping the DPWH
R8 advised of all progress in terms of consulting services preparation, execution and

• All detailed design works shall be performed based on DPWH RO 8 standard


• The work shall be implemented under the supervision of DPWH.

• The Consultant shall not commence the work in field without receiving the Notice to
Proceed from the DPWH RO 8.

• The progress of the work shall be reported to the DPWH RO 8 Office.

• The Consultant shall attend meetings with other line-agencies, concerned

stakeholders and organization with DPWH when required.

• To identify and quantify the benefits inherent to the implementation of the project;

• To identify the technical feasibility in terms of optimum level of project design

employing the value engineering principles;

• To assess the economic and financial viability of the proposed project including the
approach roads.

• To examine the consistency of the proposed project with the Comprehensive Land
Use Plan (CLUP), regional Development Plans (RDP), Provincial Development Plans
(PDP), and other related documents, and produce an in depth socio-economic profile
of the study area;

• To determine the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) in major and abutting roads
sections relevant to the project influence area;

• To assess the existing and future condition of the relevant road network based on
capacity and safety measurements such as Level of Service (LOS) and other network
performance parameters or factors;

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Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

• To establish trip patterns based on zones¹ and/or existing and future land use in the
study area and identify volume distribution in major and abutting road sections
during peak and non-peak hours;

• To establish Traffic Growth Rate (TGR) based on ecological factors such as

population distribution, average income per family and product consumption per

• To develop an updated travel-based vehicle operating cost (VOC) and running cost
based on transportation related expenditures such as a productivity cost, fares,
vehicle (or any part of) acquisition cost, fuel cost, etc.;

• To determine the soil profile at the project site to identify possible geological and
geotechnical hazards and recommend appropriate structural and non-structural
measures to mitigate if not to reduce the effects of these hazards;

• To prepare house-mapping with the list of identified possible Project Affected


• To estimate at 80% accuracy, the principal quantities and total cost of each project
component taking as reference the recent bids under similar Government Projects;

• To determine the viability of the project based on technical and economic merits and
recommend to the government the best possible alignment/structural configuration
in consideration of the construction cost, impact on the environment, social
safeguard and other relevant factors such as on-going and proposed projects of
other private and government agencies.

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Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte


The scope of consulting services will involve the preparation of Feasibility Study Reports that
covers the most rational alignment including Environmental Impact and Social Assessment,
Gender Responsive, Preliminary Resettlement Action Plan (Pre-RAP), house-mapping
reflected in the Road Strip, subject of the Terms of Reference (TOR).

The Consultant’s scope of work will cover but not necessarily limited to the items listed

• Examine available baseline data and other documents relevant to the project areas
on transport infrastructure and its development aspects.

• Perform field reconnaissance of the study area to obtain basis of analysis and plan
for detailed field investigation with regard to:

➢ The existing situation in the project area particularly within the probable sites of
the proposed coastal road and bridges under study;
➢ Identification of alternative bridge sites, types of structural design and structures;
➢ Locally available data on social and economic activities in the project area;
➢ Existing and potential development in the project area;
➢ Appropriate location of traffic survey stations with reference to those established
by DPWH in the Road and Bridge Information Application (RBIA) and Road Traffic
Information Application (RTIA) derived under the National Road Traffic Survey
Program (NRTSP);
➢ Traffic trends, vehicle fleet composition and characteristics to be utilized as basis
for the estimation of vehicle operating costs based on the guidelines as
established in the latest Highway Planning Manual (HPM) of DPWH;
➢ Preparation of Traffic Management Plan;
➢ Road Safety Audit;
➢ Potential likelihood of environmental issues, disaster risks, and flooding; and
➢ Application of value engineering.

• Coordinate with the Planning and Design Division of DPWH RO 8 through its Director
for the on-going/completed road/bridge project and relevant data from Road and
Bridge Information Application (RBIA), Road Traffic Information Application (RTIA),
Pavement Management System (PMS), Bridge Management System (BMS), etc.
should be utilized appropriately in the study;

• The Consultant shall perform field investigations of the study area with regard to:
➢ Additional information on the existing situation of the relevant road network in
relation to the coastal road and bridge project;
➢ Supply and quality of transportation facilities in the area;
➢ Identification of alternative improvement levels and/or bridge sites including
proposed network capacity expansion;
➢ Location of additional traffic survey stations;

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Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

➢ Passenger and cargo trip characteristics;

➢ Resource base and economic development potentials; and
➢ Applicability of value engineering.

• The Consultant shall identify at least three (3) alternative sites and conduct multi-
criteria analysis at the initial stage of the study to determine the most viable option
for detailed analysis and investigation and present to the proponent for final
selection and approval of the project alignment.

• The feasibility study shall also include the report on the present environmental
condition of proposed project location including the environmental impact and
mitigation implementation plan to address any possible adverse effects of the project
in all its phases.

• The Consultant shall conduct validation through baseline surveys and investigations
as to the accurateness and updates of the data taken from the Government
databases which may be used by the proponent during the planning and
implementation of the project.

• The study shall be performed in accordance with accepted professional standards

utilizing sound engineering and economic evaluation practices and environmental
and social requirements. The Consultant shall adopt any of the accepted evaluation
models which are being used by DPWH.

• The Consultant shall coordinate with the Flood Control, Social and Environmental
Section, Planning and Design Division (FCSES – PDD) of the DPWH RO 8, with
regards to the environmental and social impact assessments of the project listed in
this TOR. Further, the Consultant shall take into consideration all environmental and
social issues during their technical and economic evaluation including the Gender
Responsiveness of the project based on the revised Harmonized Gender and
Development Guidelines.

• The Basic Design shall be executed based on the result of the basic planning and
shall include but not limited to the following:

➢ Road Design includes layout plan, sections, longitudinal profiling, approach

design and auxiliary facilities.
➢ Construction Procedure study, including material for construction and equipment.
➢ Cost estimate for the implementation of the project.

[Date] 5
Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte


In the conduct of the Study, the Consultant shall perform the work, but not
necessarily limited to the following:

Traffic Surveys

1. The Consultant shall undertake the following traffic data gathering:

- Conduct 12-hour manual classified volume count, directional volume counts

on relevant midblock sections and intersections within the projects influence
area at identified traffic stations for at least 3 consecutive days consolidated
every hour (see Annex 1.2), 2 days during the midweek and 1 day during the
weekend (Survey forms provided in Annex 2.1);

- Conduct 12-hour origin-destination survey at identified stations and establish

trip patterns based on vehicle type, trip purpose, vehicle occupancy, etc., for
at least 2 consecutive days consolidated every hour (see Annex 2 and/or
Annex 2.2). The Consultant must provide details on the results of the OD
Survey in the report together with a concise description of vehicular
movement on the established zones;

- Conduct Travel Time Survey during peak and non-peak hours at significant
segments in the area to determine causes of delay ant the average travel
speed required using the existing routes of current road network
configuration. The summary of information shall adopt bur not limited to the
minimum information set by Project Preparation Division of Planning Service,
Department of Public Works and Highways (see Annex 1.3 and Annex 2.3);

- Conduct 16-hour intersection traffic count at identified stations for at least

two (2) consecutive days consolidated every hour (see Annex 1.2 and forms
provided at Annex 2.1);

2. The Consultant shall analyse and process all traffic data collected and prepare
the required data inputs using the prescribed format in Annex 2 – Annex 2.3. The
Consultant shall utilize the survey forms provided in Annex 2 – Annex 2.3. The
Consultant shall adhere to the methodology prescribed in Annex 3.

3. Collect and review previous traffic data on road sections within the study area
from the Department of Public Works and Highways Traffic Database and/or
other credible sources, and develop traffic daily factors and seasonal factors. The
consultant shall utilize the obtained adjustment factors together with the results
of the required surveys in section 3.1.1 to determine the Annual Average Daily
Traffic on major and abutting road sections relevant to the project;

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Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

4. The Consultant shall establish the traffic adjustment factors if there is no

available data in DPWH’s RTIA 20km from the project area.

5. The Consultant shall establish the Annual Average Daily Traffic in the relevant
roads sections for the analysis and evaluation of the project.

6. Use any available traffic forecasting/ network analysis models such as the JICA –
STRADA, VISSIM, TRANSPORT, CUBE or its equivalent in the traffic demand
forecasting and network analysis. The Consultant shall prepare the necessary
data inputs and comprehensively provide all the information required to run the
model and clearly illustrate the output needed to evaluate the project;

7. Based on the selected model, compare implementation alternatives and illustrate

the resulting volume accumulation and other technical indicators such as vehicle-
kilometres, vehicle-hours, congestion level, and transport cost which will serve as
basis for the subsequent economic comparison and evaluation;

8. Assess information on national and regional macro-economic growth

development plans and trends and economic sectors (services, industry,
manufacturing, agriculture, etc.) and how the Project will have impact on these.

Socio-Economic Survey

The Consultant shall undertake the following data gathering for socio-economic

9. Examine the consistency of the proposed project with Comprehensive Land Use
Plan, Regional Development Plans, Provincial Development Plans and other
related studies such as national, regional, metropolitan and transportation
infrastructure plans which have relevance to the project.

10. Collect primary data, assess and forecast development trends such as population
growth and distribution, average income generation per family, extent of
urbanization, land area/use, employment, poverty threshold, etc. in the influence
area of the Project.

11. Establish Transport Demand Elasticity (TDE) and Traffic Growth Rate (TGR)
based on demographic characteristics and other information gathered in section
3.7, and develop updated travel time-based Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) and
running cost based on but not necessarily limited to the minimum parameters set
by Statistics Division of Planning Service, Department of Public Works and

12. Prepare a complete socio-economic profile of the study area which contains
description of population distribution, income generation, product consumption,

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Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

infrastructure, existing land use, poverty incidence and all economic and social
activities including agriculture, fishery, labor and employment, etc.

Topographical Survey

13. The Consultant shall identify at least three (3) possible alignments considering
the technical, financial, impact on the environmental and social aspects of the

14. Present to the Implementing Office, Planning and Design Division, the three (3)
possible alignments and seek approval as to the best alignment or structural
configuration based on the appropriate and agreed selection method (multi-
criteria analysis) for approval, using geographic information system (GIS) maps
(referenced to WGS 84).

15. The Consultants shall undertake topographical survey along the selected
alignment and establish reference points at appropriate locations as key control
points of the survey. These points shall be used as benchmarks for identification
and use during the subsequent engineering surveys (“Geo-tagging”).
The levelling shall be tied to the existing Government benchmarks in the area.

16. Conduct profiling with cross-sections taken at fifty (50) meters interval, unless
local conditions require cross-section at closer intervals² so as to provide the
necessary details for earthworks, quantity calculations with accuracy of twenty
percent (20%) of the final quantities. Profiles and cross-sections shall be
determined one hundred (100) meters beyond construction limits.

17. Prepare topographic maps with contours at 185-meter interval and coordinates
and vicinity plans shall be prepared by the Consultants. All survey plans shall be
prepared on reproducible materials of high quality.

18. River/creek profile and river/creek cross sections shall be surveyed for 500
meters each upstream and downstream sides from the centerline of the bridge.
Cross sections shall be measured at 50-meter interval.

19. Conduct preliminary inventory for potential road slope disasters in the road
section under study. The road slope disasters in the road shall be determined and
classified as soil collapse, rock slope collapse, landslide, road slip, debris flow,
river erosion and coastal erosion.

Hydrological Survey

20. Undertake preliminary hydrological investigation in the areas traversed to

determine the location of appropriate culverts and bridges and to properly
provide adequate drainage, flood protection against erosion and scour forces
both for road formations and bridge foundations, and countermeasures for

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Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

potential road slope disasters such as soil collapse, road slip, landslide, rock fall,

21. All available data (physical and geological maps of the territory, climatology
reports, hydrological maps, local drainage system plans, flood control projects
plan, etc.) related to the Project shall be collected by the Consultant. These data
shall be integrated with information collected directly on site and from local
authorities and other offices. These shall include trend of water course, stream
velocity and maximum flood levels, flood prone areas, existing drainage system
characteristics and conditions and design discharge for 50 and 25 years return
period for bridges and box culverts, respectively.

22. Examine available topographical and geological maps and conduct direct
investigation to determine the extent and nature of the catchment basin of
different water sources.

Geological and Geotechnical Investigation and Surveys

23. Collate all existing geologic information/data relevant to the project such as:
Preliminary Geohazard Assessment Report, topographic map, geologic map,
soil/agricultural maps, drilling logs and soil exploration plan.

24. Conduct field reconnaissance to the project site in order to validate the existing
geological data and gather additional information that will affect the proposed
foundation design and boring plan.

25. Gather information such as, accessibility, proposed drill/borehole location,

necessary equipment and conceived difficulties to expect on the conduct of
drilling/boring operation.

26. Conduct site inspection before or during the conduct of soil exploration of a
project and prepare an inspection report containing, among others, the following:
description of the project site, observation, expected site geology and soil type,
topography, vegetation, findings, comments and recommendations, and reasons
for any significant deviation from the geotechnical program, if it happens.

27. Perform testing procedures and analyses in accordance with the DPWH Design
Guidelines, Criteria and Standards (DGCS), Volume 2C (Geological and
Geotechnical Investigation), 2015 Edition and applicable provisions of existing
laws, codes or issuances of the Department in order to come up with the
recommendations and design criteria.

28. Conduct soil sampling along the proposed road alignment subject to road
opening by Auger Boring Test spaced every 500-meter interval or less with a
minimum depth of 1.50 meters, and a maximum of 30 meters’ depth for Soil
Boring Test with SPT of 30 meters. Soil Samples taken shall be subjected to

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Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

natural water content, grain size analysis, mechanical analysis, atterberg limits,
specific gravity, Tri-Axial Test, moisture density relations, unconfined
compression, California bearing ratio and unified soil classification.

29. Conduct one (1) deep drilling at each abutment location and one (1) borehole at
every onshore and offshore pier of each candidate site.

30. Conduct drilling of shallow and deep foundations in accordance with DPWH
DGCS, Volume 2C, 2015 Edition. Soil samples shall be tested for the
determination of soil characteristics (grain size distribution and classification,
natural moisture content, atterberg limits, specific gravity, shear strength test,
etc.) to be used as a geotechnical parameter for foundation design.

31. Conduct deep borings for sections with geological problems in order to provide
information on materials, which may cause problems with respect to stability,
settlement, etc.

32. Subject disturbed and undisturbed soil and rock samples to physical and
mechanical tests and analyses to include shear strength tests necessary for
analysis of slope stability, settlement and subsidence.

33. Delineate and identify geological structure, especially active faults and potential
mass movement areas that might traverse the project area including analysis for
liquefaction potential during earthquake and consolidation due to soft ground.

Right-of-Way Strip Planning Survey

34. To request assistance from the concerned stakeholders in the conduct of

coordination meeting/s with the LGU/BLGU of the affected barangay/s in the
municipality for the conduct of joint-survey for the project’s right-of-way and
alignment to determine the possible Project Affected Families (PAFs).

35. Create/Conduct Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with the concerned stakeholders
of the proposed project to answer the Questionnaire provided in the updated
Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) and that GAD Study
including Sex Disaggregated Data (SDD) shall be incorporated in the Pre-RAP.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (for Environmental Impact


36. Conduct Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) particularly in the selected

alignment or geometric/ structural configuration and determine the possible
impacts as a consequence of the project implementation and the occurrence of
these impacts throughout the entire phase of the project implementation from
pre-construction up to abandonment. The Consultant shall identify, predict, and
evaluate the probable, the extent and the significance of the changes.

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Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

37. Prepare a stand-alone/separate document either Initial Environmental

Examination (IEE) Checklist, Project Description (PD), Environmental
Performance Report (EPR) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) guided
by DAO 2003–30 and its revised procedural manual, and the first level scoping/
screening checklist issued by the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for the purpose
of obtaining an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC).

Make its services available to clarify issues both with the client, issuing authority,
and the public which have special interest in the project.

Disaster Risk Reduction Measures

38. Shall conduct preliminary inventory for potential road slope disasters in the road
section under study. The road slope disasters in the road shall be determined and
classified as soil collapse, rock slope collapse, landslide, road slip, debris flow,
river erosion and coastal erosion.

39. Collect information regarding road slopes on the road under study for proper and
practical risk assessment. They shall complete the five (5) types of templates
prepared for at the Preliminary Inventory Survey (PIS) level. The PIS shall be
undertaken to identify disaster prone slopes and assess the disaster frequency of
the slopes.

40. Identify disaster prone areas, assess the potential frequency of road closure
disaster per year (if applicable), assess the magnitude of disaster and prepare
preventive countermeasure plans with the corresponding estimate.

Preliminary Resettlement Action Plan (Preliminary RAP) Survey

41. The objectives of the Preliminary RAP are as follows:

▪ To determine the number of PAFs affected by the project and identify the
extent of its impact on their properties/assets and the measures to mitigate
these impacts;

▪ To determine an estimated compensation and entitlements to the PAFs for

their affected properties/assets in accordance to RA 10752 and the DRAM

▪ To determine the budget estimate for use in the conduct of information

dissemination/IECs, public consultation, monitoring and other activities for
RAP implementation;

▪ To provide the timetable, manner of payment and institutional arrangements

for RAP implementation; and

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Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

▪ To ensure public participation in the implementation and monitoring of the


42. The Consultant shall closely coordinate with the Implementing Office and the
Flood Control. Social and Environmental Section – Planning and Design Division,
to monitor the performance and quality of output of Sociologist/RAP Specialists in
all Preliminary RAP activities prior to preparation of the report to ensure that the
RA 10752 (An Act to Facilitate the Acquisition of Right-of-Way, Site or Locations
for National Government Infrastructure Projects and Other Purposes), Applicable
Laws and DPWH Resettlement Policy are properly complied with and adequately

43. The Consultant shall prepare a Gender Responsive Preliminary Resettlement

Action Plan (Pre-RAP) through a Focus Group Discussion (FGDs) formed among
the concerned stakeholders of the identified affected barangay/s. The
questionnaire provided in the update HGDG shall be used to determine the
gender-responsiveness of the proposed project. Likewise, the response
generated from the FGD shall be consolidated and included in the report. (Please
refer to Box 10 of HGDG for the questions).

44. The Consultant shall undertake resettlement action plan through:

• Census and Socio Economic Survey of PAF’s

This includes property owner, renters, lessees, tenant farmers, and informal
settlers living within the corridors of impact. The population census shall
enumerate persons potentially affected by the project, to include basis
demographic data for the individuals in each household; age, gender,
education, primary and secondary occupations, sources of income, ethnicity,
religion with the nature of impact: loss of residence, loss of business
premises, loss of other improvements, loss of trees or crops.

The result of the census shall be properly documented with photographs of

PAFs and affected assets and shall be included in the Pre-RAP report as an

• Asset Identification and valuation

Identify and value the affected assets/properties of the PAF’s. Develop a
benchmark unit cost of the affected assets within the resettlement corridors
of impact. This benchmark unit cost shall be derived from industry standards
and accepted by the DPWH. An example of this is cost per square meter of
floor area of the house or building. Approximate measurements survey shall
be properly documented and shall be included in the Pre-RAP report.

A separate stand-alone Preliminary RAP documents shall be prepared by the

Consultant in compliance with D.O. 5, series of 2003 that requires the

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Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

preparation of such document for every infrastructure project of the

department (see Annex 4 for RAP Report Outline).

45. The Contract Cost/Budget shall be inclusive of all expenses related to the
preparation of the document including the following:

• Reproduction of the interview schedule for the perception survey and report;
• Conduct of focused group discussion (FGDs), meeting, workshop and their
• Travels of field researchers/interviewers;
• Communication expenses;
• Health and travel insurance and other contingent liabilities of the field
• Survey, baseline gathering and sampling laboratory test; and
• The report to be prepared by the Consultant shall determine the key potential
environmental and social impacts of the project (see Annex 5 for the Outline).

Cost Estimate

46. Prepare the cost estimate using the unit price analysis method for various
improvement alternatives. The estimates shall include the initial cost of
construction, detailed engineering, supervision, acquisition of right-of-way and
resettlement compensation. EMP/IMP cost and environmental monitoring cost,
price escalation and contingencies.

47. Classify, if necessary, the cost items into local and foreign currency components
and the corresponding taxes. The foreign currency component (distributed into
direct and indirect) shall include, inter alia, such items as depreciation or rental
rates on equipment, materials and supplies for which the Philippines is a net
importer, wages of foreign personnel and overhead and profit of foreign firms to
be employed while the local currency component shall include the acquisition of
right-of-way, cost of local materials and supplies, local wages, etc.

48. Calculate the quantities of each work item of the different types of work to be
carried out.

49. Estimate the maintenance cost in the same manner as the construction cost.

Economic Evaluation

50. Conduct additional traffic surveys as required and/or update traffic data if these
are not covered in the DPWH central database or is deemed out-of-date,
respectively, including but not limited to traffic counts, origin-destination studies,
and shall establish traffic projections based on traffic generating sources related
to the national, regional and sector plans, including plans for other transport
modes and other factors to include:

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Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

a) Population growth and changes in rural and urban population

b) National and regional economic growth and per capita income growth;
c) Development of agricultural and forestry resources;
d) Development of the tourism industry, considering likely future growth
and prospects as well as public and private plans for tourism
infrastructure development of various locations with the project area
and their impact on traffic and induced benefits;
e) Development of manufacturing and processing industries and mineral
f) Development potential in areas with available and untapped
g) Likely traffic diversion from other transport modes/routes to the
project road (including existing roads within the network but not
directly included in this Study) as it affects traffic generation and
assignment for the project.

51. Characterize the existing and future supply of transport facilities in the area in
order to establish the inter-linkages among the modes i.e. land, water and air.

52. Determine basic vehicle operating costs under ideal road and traffic conditions
based on the established values by DPWH.

53. Establish actual vehicle operating costs for different vehicle types, considering
the present road condition as well as the proposed improved condition.

54. Establish traffic projections based on demographic characteristics, agricultural

and industrial production by sector, economic development forecasts and local
resource base in the project area.

55. Conduct road network analysis considering the effect of completing the coastal
road and bridge project in the road network, specifically in the traffic flow
behaviour, by adapting an acceptable transport model in the analysis.

56. Consultant shall submit an assessment of transport costs by other modes of

transport for possible traffic diversion to the new route/mode via the coastal road
and bridge project taking into consideration both the competitive and
complementary characteristics of the entire road section where the bridge project
will be connected in relation to other highways and other components of the
transportation system (including sea and air transport routes).

57. Based on the factors mentioned above, undertake economic analysis of the
project using appropriate opportunity cost of capital (10% to 12%) to determine
the size and timing of execution by comparing the estimated economic costs (as
distinct from the financial costs) with the economic benefits expected to be

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Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

derived throughout the economic life/project horizon of the bridge project for the
each of the alternative improvement level.

58. Assess and calculate economic benefits accruing to the road network
improvement with the implementation of the project to include inter alia:

(i) reduction in road user transport cost and travel time broken down into
normal, diverted and generated traffic components;
(ii) improvement in efficiency of the network (decongestion), capacities
and other related measurements; and
(iii) Savings on improvements in road maintenance and repair cost, if any,
and in consideration of the frequency of intervention.

59. Benefits accruing to the government and society such as traffic safety, accident
reduction, carbon monoxide reduction, improved land use, decongestion of
central business districts, etc.

60. Submit a comparative economic analysis on a “with project” and “without

project” basis under the following indicators shall include inter-alia, the following
for both individual project items as a whole and, where necessary, phased

(i) Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR);

(ii) Net Present Worth (NPW);
(iv) NPW/cost; and
(v) Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR)

61. For the purpose of economic evaluation, shadow pricing shall be applied for both
costs and benefits. However, the economic costs, benefits and economic
feasibility indicators shall be presented with and without shadow pricing
elements. The Consultants shall solely be responsible for these analyses but
should consult with the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA).

62. Costs to be determined shall include, but not be limited to:

a) Estimates of future vehicle operating costs;

b) Estimates of economic and financial construction costs, and
c) Estimates of future costs of routine and periodic maintenance of the
coastal road including road approaches.

Benefits to be derived shall include, inter-alia, the following:

a) Reduction in road user transport costs including higher load capacity

for goods carrying vehicle for all traffic (suitably broken down into
normal, diverted and generated traffic components), including and
excluding savings in travel time for passenger traffic;

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Province of Leyte

b) Reduction in road maintenance and repair costs; and

c) Generated traffic benefits as a result of increase in income due to
traffic cost savings.

63. Undertake sensitivity assessments of key parameters such as traffic growth

factors, traffic volume, and diverted traffic of sufficient range and detail to permit
rational examination of possible implementation alternatives.
64. Traffic growth rates shall be estimated for the project adopting applicable
parameters and employing regional estimates of transport demand income

65. All economic indicators and all basic parameters (i.e., traffic growth factors,
project costs, vehicle operating costs, etc.) shall be subjected to sensitivity
analyses of sufficient range and detail to permit rational examination of possible
implementation alternatives (both of scale and timing).

66. Evaluation of stage construction, where appropriate, for six-lane or four-lane

road should also be carried out, taking into consideration the applicability of
Department Order No. 40, Series of 2014.

67. Define both quantifiable and non-quantifiable and discuss the significance to the
national economy and socio-economic objectives of the Government, with
particular emphasis to the areas influenced by the proposed coastal road and
bridge project. In this context due consideration shall be given to the social,
environmental and economic impact of the bridge project particularly in the
aspects of:

a) Identified beneficiaries,
b) Relative income status and socio-economic characteristics of the
c) Pattern of distribution of benefits; and
d) Any other element/s having important influence on the well-being of
the population in the project area. In particular, the Consultant shall
provide a clear distribution of these benefits focusing mainly to small
farmers/fishermen (including tenants) and landless labor and other
under-privileged groups such as in the form of improved access to
and from markets for fishery/agricultural products and inputs,
increased employment (from additional industrial/ commercial and
eco-tourism activities) and mobility and improved access to health and
educational facilities, etc.

68. The Consultant shall incorporate social benefits (with appropriate weightage) in
the determination of socio-economic feasibility indicators. However, the
economic indicators shall also be shown including efficiency pricing. It is
expected that the Consultant shall provide an in-depth review and evaluation of

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Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

the relevant information in this regard and its effect on scope, timing and scale of
the recommended feasible roads in this Project undertaking.

69. The Consultants shall recommend the mode of financing for the ensuring projects
e.g., local fund, ODA and Private-Public-Partnership (PPP). Likewise, they should
include recommendations to the Government as to the utilization of its budget
strategy and loan negotiation potentials.

Implementation Plan

70. Explore project implementation under a short, medium, and long term plan and
integrate in the study;
71. establish and recommend a suitable construction phasing and packaging taking
into consideration the schemes/ scenarios proposed or realistic and accost-
effective implementation;

72. evaluate and recommend the most appropriate construction method and traffic
management plan during the construction of the project;


Relative to engineering studies, the Consultant shall undertake the following:

73. Review the existing DPWH standards for geometric, structural designs and
construction methodology and propose any modification which may be required
for discussion with the Project Team, taking into consideration the applicability of
Department Order No. 40, Series of 2014, to meet the requirements of the future
traffic and economic consideration of the project;

74. Initiate and conduct the necessary field investigations including topographic,
hydrographic, pavement, geological and geo-technical investigations to gather
data to be used as basis for the basic engineering design and preparation of cost
estimates. Further, go over and examine any available updated data from the
DPWH relevant to the aforementioned surveys may be utilized if deemed

75. Investigate the availability of suitable construction materials, including suitable

embankment materials aggregates, etc.;

76. Propose alternative construction methods that may be suitable for the project
including labor-intensive methods, which might be relatively advantageous for
the project area. The Consultants shall recommend on the optimum construction
method suitable for the project area, considering application of value

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Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

77. Review/study the extent to which the areas within the site are subject to
geological hazards and ensure that probable adverse effects, if any, are taken
into account in formulating design standards and recommend provision of
appropriate design to resist defy and/or mitigate such forces;

78. Undertake preliminary hydrological/hydraulic investigation and analyze data,

thereof in the areas traversed and provide appropriate recommendations and
design criteria, i.e., such as the type and location of appropriate bridge structure
to properly provide adequate protection against erosion and scour forces for
bridge foundations, and countermeasures for potential disaster such as soil
collapse, etc.;

79. All available data (topographic and geologic maps of the territory, climatology
reports, hydrologic maps, local drainage system plans, flood control project
plans, etc.) related to the Project shall be collected and examined by the

80. Study the hydrological/hydraulic conditions (including available data) in the area
and provide appropriate recommendations and design criteria for the size and
location of the project and to properly provide flood protection against erosion
and scour forces for project foundation, and countermeasure for potential slope
disasters such as soil collapse, and hydrographic/liquefaction.

81. Undertake topographical survey within the project site including setting out and
establishment at appropriate locations of reference points for key controlling
points of the survey line and sufficient benchmarks and GPS stations for
identification and use during the subsequent engineering surveys.

82. The levelling shall be tied to the existing Government benchmarks in the area.
Cross-sections shall be taken at fifty (50) meter intervals, unless local condition
require cross-section at closer intervals in order to provide the necessary details
for earthwork, quantify calculations with an accuracy of ten percent (10%) of the
final quantities.

All survey information and data shall be recorded and preserved in standard
survey forms (including e-copies) and notebooks subject to the review/checking
by the DPWH. Upon completion of the works, all original survey notes shall
become the property of DPWH.

Relative to the data gathered, satisfactory harmony between the horizontal and
vertical geometry should be established to complement with the existing terrain.

Design criteria recommendations are based on the projected traffic volume

wherein the type of highway and geometry features shall be dependent.

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Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

Geometric design features used shall be consistent with speed selected; in

accordance with the DPWH Design Guidelines and AASHTO Design Standards
(Green Book Latest Edition).

83. Supervise the setting out and establishment, at appropriate locations, of

reference points for key controlling points of the survey line and sufficient bench
marks for identification and use during subsequent engineering surveys.

84. Review/study the geological conditions in the areas traversed and, on the basis
of geotechnical investigations performed (and also utilizing all available data),
provide appropriate recommendations and design criteria to permit proper
foundation design for the bridge.

85. Undertake geotechnical investigations along the proposed road alignment in

accordance with DPWH Guidelines and Standards including soils and materials
survey. The Consultant shall perform analysis and testing on disturbed and
undisturbed soil samples accordance with AASHTO and ASTM.

In particular, the soil samples along the approach roads alignment for pavement
design will be conducted with test pits for soil classification and CBR (California
Bearing Ratio), respectively.

Test pitting conducted at 120 meter intervals with maximum depth of 30 meters
will be done for:

▪ Grain size and classification according to the ASTM method; and

▪ Atterberg limits natural moisture content, dry density moisture content
relationship and determination of bearing capacity by the CBR test on
representative samples of different soil types.

86. At the selected road site, deep drilling with standard penetration test (SPT) for
the structures shall be conducted. Minimum depth shall be determined based on
the confirmation of hard/dense strata or bed rock suited as bearing layer. The
soil samples for foundation design shall be tested for the determination of the
main characteristics (grain size distribution and classification, moisture content,
Atterberg limits, shear strength, etc.).

At proposed material sources, 2 test pits shall be conducted and sufficient

samples should be taken for laboratory testing. The Consultants shall
identify/determine the quantity of proposed sources of borrow, aggregates and
other construction materials required by the Project. The materials samples shall
be tested for, but not limited to, the following:

▪ Grain size distribution and plasticity characteristics

▪ Unit weight and water absorption write
▪ abrasion

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Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

▪ Soundness

87. Geological structures, especially active faults that might traverse the area, should
be delineated and potential mass movement areas should be identified, analysis
for Liquefaction Potential during earthquake and consolidation due to soft ground
should be included.

All geological geotechnical investigation results and reports shall be subjected for
review and evaluation in conformity with the DPWH Design Guidelines, Criteria
and Standards.

88. The Consultant shall prepare a drainage design for proposed drainage structures
adopted for the approach roads. Collection of data shall be performed to
determine the proper size/types of drainage structures to suit actual field
conditions relative to the road terrain and other necessary factors.

89. Estimate to feasibility level of accuracy (+20%) the principal quantities and total
cost of each component of the projects, taking as reference the recent bids and
award of similar projects in the DPWH. The preparation of the cost estimate
using unit price analysis method for various improvement alternatives include
initial cost of construction, detailed engineering, supervision, acquisition of right-
of-way and contingencies. Bridge maintenance costs, categorized into routine
and periodic costs, shall also be calculated and appropriately distributed within
the economic life time of the project bridge. Likewise, maintenance strategies
shall be determined by the Consultant vis-à-vis actual condition.

90. For economic evaluation purposes, the improvement costs (construction costs,
final engineering, supervision and right-of-way acquisition costs) should be in
constant prevailing prices and shadow priced while annual maintenance costs
shall be estimated on a “with project” and “without project” basis. Economic
costs should be included in the evaluation analysis as separate items;

91. Classify the cost items into local and foreign currency components and taxes.
The foreign currency component (distributed into direct and indirect) will include,
inter alia, such items as depreciation or rental rates on equipment, materials and
supplies for which the Philippines is a net importer, wages of foreign personnel
and overhead and profit of foreign firms. The local currency component shall
include the acquisition of right-of-way, cost of local materials and supplies, local
wages, etc.

92. The Consultant shall calculate the quantities of the different types of work to be
carried out. The Consultant shall use a unit price analysis for each work item
based on prevailing prices in the project area. The Consultant shall draw up
detailed unit price analysis (DUPA) of each work items which includes:

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Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

a.) Direct Costs

▪ Cost of materials (cost at sources, transport, handling, storage,
miscellaneous expenses and allowances for wastage);
▪ Costs of construction plant and equipment including depreciation or
rental rates, wages of operators, fuel, oil and lubricants and
maintenance; and
▪ Cost of labor, including salaries, wages, cost of living allowances and
all fringe benefits.

b.) Indirect Costs

▪ Overheads, contingencies and miscellaneous
▪ Profits
▪ Mobilization/Demobilization
▪ Taxes

Each unit price analysed shall be broken down into foreign currency, local currency
and tax component.

Based on the results of the unit price analysis, construction cost shall be estimated.
Moreover, maintenance cost shall be estimated in the same manner as the
construction cost.

93. Provide a realistic time schedule for implementing the various components of the
project. This shall include sufficient lead time for procedural matters, design
solicitation and award of tenders as well as for construction of the various project


94. The Consultants shall conduct an initial environmental examination/survey for all
projects in accordance with the prescribed EMB-DENR standards.

95. The Consultant shall follow the environmental impact assessment (EIA) Process
contained in the DAO 2003-30 Procedural Manual to maintain consistency in the
conduct of the EIA. The Consultants shall utilize a host of appropriate
methodologies to be able to properly integrate its requirements. The Consultant
shall make its services available to clarify issues both with the DPWH, the issuing
authority, and other public stakeholders which have special interests in the
project. During the engagement, they shall closely coordinate with the
Environmental and Social Safeguards Division- Planning Service DPWH (ESSD-PS-
DPWH), and monitor the performance and quality of output of their
environmental specialists (from data acquisition through field surveys to analysis
and report preparation and integration to ensure that the procedural and
substantive requirements of DAO 2003-30 are properly complied with and
adequately met.

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Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

96. The Consultant shall coordinate with the ESSD during the initial meeting and
request relevant data that are already on file. All other constraints or problems
which may arise during the performance of the services including additional field
surveys to be conducted (if data are insufficient) as may be required during the
First Level Scoping shall be identified and brought to the attention of the ESSD-

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Activities:

The activities discussed herein address the various requirements prescribed in
DAO 2003-30 that will be the basis of evaluation by the EMB-DENR.

Consistent with the requirements of this project, the following activities shall be
undertaken: scoping sessions, baseline and impact assessment works, household
surveys, public information and communication, preparation of the EIS, defense
of the EIS, public hearing and other support services.

The study modules of the EIS, depending on the result of the First Level Scoping
that shall be initiated by the Consultants in coordination with the FCSES–PDD–
DPWH8 and EMB–DENR together with its EIA Review Committee Members
(RevCom) shall cover among others of the following:

▪ Scoping with EMB/MGB/Stakeholders;

▪ Project Description;
▪ Meteorology and Hydrology;
▪ Water Quality;
▪ Air and noise Quality;
▪ Environmental Risk Assessment;
▪ Abandonment Plan;
▪ Marine/Freshwater Biology;
▪ Wildlife and Habitation;
▪ Socio-Economics;
▪ Culture and Archaeology;
▪ Public Health;
▪ Perception/Household Surveys;
▪ Public Information and Communication;
▪ EIS integration, Editing and Packaging;
▪ Printing of EIS;
▪ Public Hearing; and
▪ Defence of EIS and Support Services

Preliminary Resettlement Action Plan:

The Consultant shall prepare a separate Pre-RAP using the outline below which may
include but not limited to:

• Executive Summary (Includes Summary of Compensation Cost)

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Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

• Introduction
• Legal Framework
• Policy of Eligibility for Compensation and Other Entitlements
• Description of Adverse impacts
• Socio-Economic Profile of PAFs
• Public Information, Consultation and Participation Framework
• Entitlements Matrix
• Budget Requirements
• Grievances Redressal
• Institutional Arrangement
• Monitoring Mechanism
• Indigenous People action Plan (if necessary)


The Transportation Infrastructure Sector in the Philippine Plan for Gender Responsive
Planning (PPGD) and NEDA Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines for
Project Development, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation outlines responses
to make road infrastructure project’s gender responsive.

Chapter 15 of the PPGD spells out the Gender and Development Plan for
infrastructure development. It states that “the plan shall pursue the integration of
women in all phases of infrastructure development through the encouragement of
women’s participation and recognition of their actual and potential contributions.”
The specific gender goals and objectives of PPDG for infrastructure development are

▪ Promote and increase participation of women in policy formulation decision-

making, planning, implementation, operation and maintenance activities in
the infrastructure sector;
▪ Consider and integrate the specific needs of women in infrastructure
development; and
▪ Develop and expand information generation and dissemination within the
sector to encourage greater participation and provide a database for policy
formulation and decision-making particularly as it affects women.

In the NEDA Harmonized GAD Guidelines, target gender equality results for the
infrastructure sector are listed, to wit:

▪ More time for rest, productive, or reproductive activities due to shorter travel
time to and from the market, basic service facilities, or sources of water and
▪ Improved women’s access to safe and affordable public transport services
and infrastructure;
▪ Greater inputs of women to the design and operation of the infrastructure;

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Province of Leyte

▪ Increased capacity of women and their organization to influence decisions

about the design, operation, and maintenance of public services and facilities;
▪ Increased employment of women at all levels (actual construction, technical,
and management) in infrastructure projects or services;
▪ Increased number of women employed in non-traditional occupations; and
▪ Improved capacity of infrastructure agencies to plan, design, implement and
monitor programs and projects that address gender issues and the concerns
of different groups of women users or women resettled involuntarily.

To implement the required responses to make the project gender responsive, the
Consultant in coordination with the DPWH ESSD and COGAD shall perform the
following activities:

1. Undertake environmental planning (+ resettlement action plan) through

public consultation or multi-stakeholder’s forum and identity gender issues
and concerns in the involvement of women, youth, senior citizens and
disabled persons in infrastructure development. Women should constitute at
least 30% of the total participants.

2. Ensure that all data that will be gathered for the study concerning the
affected population groups are sex-disaggregated.

3. Conduct gender analysis with the aim to develop gender-based information

on the following:

▪ Trend of employment of women at all levels (actual construction,

technical and management) in infrastructure projects or services;
▪ Capacity of women, women’s groups, and gender equality institutes and
NGOs located in the proposed project area who can be consulted to
influence decisions about the planning design, operation and maintenance
of infrastructure facilities;
▪ The number of families, men, women, boys and girls, as well as the
number of female headed household’s resettlement of as a result of the
construction of the infrastructure; access of women to water, health and
transport services, etc. It is noted that the involvement of women in
infrastructure development is very limited.
▪ Identify appropriate sites for public restrooms along the stretch of the
road project and recommend O & M measures for these restrooms.
▪ Identify appropriate sites for children’s crossings, pedestrian walkways,
bike lanes, guardrails, footbridges, lane markings, guard houses, and
other road safety facilities and structures.

4. Prepare standard gender-sensitive design of infrastructure and facilities that

caters to the practical needs of women, aged people and children, as well as
people with dis-abilities and special needs (according to the requirements of
the accessibility law), such as wider space on restrooms of women, provision

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Province of Leyte

of ladders in the abutments of bridge and dikes, wider walkways/sidewalks in

urban area, etc.

5. Incorporate in the plan such gender-sensitive needs and structures as may be

cost-effectively needed; and

6. Formulate gender equality cost and benefits in the economic evaluation.


The Consultants shall be composed of qualified staff with experience in the conduct and
preparation of infrastructure feasibility studies including preliminary design, traffic, and
social, economic and environmental impact assessment.

It shall provide the required expertise for proper conduct of engineering, traffic, social,
economic and environmental impact assessment. It shall provide expertise in all fields of
specialization required in the conduct of the study such as highway and bridge engineering,
transportation and traffic planning, economics and environment necessary in the satisfactory
and quality performance of the services covered in this TOR following sound quality.

The Consultant shall provide the following key staff and the job description and required
qualifications are prescribed below.

No. of
Position Job Description Required Qualifications
Prepares operation plan and
supervises all aspects of the
project to ensure
1.Project compliance with the Registered/Licensed Civil
Manager/ objectives and maintain 6 Engineer or equivalent, with
Highway Engineer progress in accordance with extensive experience in
the contract time schedule. pavement design, bridge design,
Performs preliminary and alignment planning and
engineering design of related areas as international
project roads which codes such as TRL/AASHTO.
includes pavement design
and slope protection

2.Traffic Registered/Licensed Civil

Engineer/ Plans, supervises and 3 Engineer or equivalent, with
Modeler coordinates all aspects of specialization in transportation
traffic engineering for the planning/engineering. He/she

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Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

project. must have extensive experience

with traffic modeling, and optimal
Plans, supervises and
route planning. He/she must be
coordinates all aspects of
equipped with traffic/transport
traffic surveys and traffic
modeling software. Minimum of 5
years of experience in the related
Makes field investigations
and evaluation of probable Registered/Licensed
bridge sites with reference Civil/Structural Engineer or
3.Bridge/ to necessary repairs or equivalent with specialization in
Structural replacement and prepares 3 bridge design. He/she must have
Engineer standards for the extensive experience with bridge
preliminary engineering structures. He/she must be
design of necessary erosion equipped with bridge modeling
control structures to avoid software. Minimum of 5 years of
washout of highway experience in the related field.
embankment and bridge

Responsible for the conduct Registered/Licensed Civil

4.Hydrologist/ of hydrologic investigations Engineer or equivalent with
Drainage and/or drainage related 3 specialization in drainage design.
Engineer surveys for the design of Minimum of 5 years of experience
roads. in the related field.

Registered/Licensed Civil
Engineer or Bachelor’s Degree in
Responsible for developing Economics and Business. He/she
preliminary civil works must have a minimum of 5 years
construction plan and of experience in field of roads
5.Cost/Quantity/ obtaining bill of quantities design development. He/she
Specifications for all types of project must have experience in
Engineer costs. 3 conducting BOQ analysis for at
least two major road projects.
Prepares prequalification
He/she must adept in the use
documents, bid schedule,
and manipulation of engineering
general specification and
and economic data. He/she must
other relevant documents
be familiar with current unit cost
regarding the tender
of materials, services and other
cost items.

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Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

Registered/Licensed Geodetic
Engineer or equivalent with
experience in the field of
6.Geodetic Undertakes topographic surveying. He/she must be
Engineer survey and provides the 3 familiar and adept with state-of-
necessary topographic the-art technologies in surveying
maps. and research work. Minimum of 5
years of experience in the related

Analyze result of field and Registered/Licensed Civil

laboratory test of soils and Engineer or equivalent with
7.Geotechnical materials survey and 3 experience in geotechnical
Engineer prepares recommendations engineering. Minimum of 5 years
on structure foundation and of experience in the related field.
road pavement.

Identifies location of
potential road slope Registered/Licensed Geologist or
disaster/failure, prepares equivalent with experience in
8.Geologist countermeasure plan and 3 subsurface exploration. Minimum
conducts indicative of 5 years of experience in the
feasibility study of the related field.
selected countermeasure.

Bachelor’s Degree or higher in

Economics and/or Business.
He/she must have a minimum of
9.General Responsible for conducting 5 years of experience in the field
Economist economic analysis called for 3 of infrastructure development
in feasibility study and the and evaluation. He/she must
implementation program. have experience in conducting
economic analysis for at least two
feasibility studies. He/she must
be adept in economic modeling
and reviewing.

Responsible in the conduct 1. Have conducted Environmental

10.Environmental of the Initial Environmental 3 Impact Assessment (EIA) and
Specialist Examination (IEE) and prepared an Environmental
Gender Related Surveys. Impact Statement (EIS).

2.With at least 5 years work

experience of which at least 3
years in design consulting in

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Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

infrastructure in the Philippines,


3. Familiar with current best

practices in environmental

4. Licensed EIA Planner and

Accredited preparer by the DENR.

Analyze gender situation in

the working areas and 1. Have conducted Resettlement
identify measures to be Action Plan and study.
taken to remove factors
11. Sociologist/ impeding socio-economic 2. With at least 5 years work
RAP Specialist rights, Support the 3 experience of which at least 3
establishment of linkages years in design consulting in
between service providers infrastructure in the Philippines.
and beneficiary households
for public services essential
for family welfare.

Analyze gender situation in

the working areas and 1. Have conducted Gender and
identify measures to be Development Assessment and
taken to remove factors 3 study.
12. Gender and impeding socio-economic
Development rights, Support the 2. With at least 5 years work
Specialist establishment of linkages experience of which at least 3
between service providers years in design consulting in
and beneficiary households infrastructure in the Philippines.
for public services essential
for family welfare.

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Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte


5.1 Final results will be presented to the Planning Service and Planning and Design
Division of the Regional Office concerned.

5.2 During the contract period, coordination meetings with the District Engineering Office
and Regional Office concerned must be conducted to:

(a) Initiate agreements,

(b) Discuss the progress of the work and preliminary output;
(c) Make comments and suggestions on a timely basis; and
(d) Resolve problems and issues that may be encountered.

5.3 Further, aside from the specified scope of works mentioned above, the Consultant
may propose additional works to enhance the study. The scope of any additional
proposed works by the Consultant shall be established within the first two (2)
months of the study, subject to the approval of the DPWH.


6.1 A total of five (5) copies of the following reports presented in legible manner and all
in English language shall be submitted by the Consultants to DPWH:

The major output of the study will be:

a.) Traffic Survey and Analysis Report

b.) Preliminary Highway Engineering Design and Studies/Assessment Report
(Roadway Section, Summary of Quantities, Table of Reference of Horizontal and
Vertical Control)
c.) Plan and Profile with the Final Alignment incorporated in the
topographic/Hydrographic Plans
d.) Cost Estimate using the unit price analysis method
e.) Project alignment (road strip) reflecting the project affected structures captioned
as House Mapping to be used in the RAP Report
f.) Preliminary RAP Report and Gender and Development (GAD) Report
g.) Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report
h.) Laboratory Test Accomplishment Report
i.) Geo-tagged Photographs of the Alignment
j.) Latest Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP), comprehensive Development Plan
(CDP) and other related plans of all municipalities within the project’s influence
k.) Raw and Processed Data of Traffic Survey (Manual Count, Origin-Destination, and
Travel Time Survey)
l.) Map of Alignment (including Shape File Format)

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Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

6.2 INCEPTION REPORT to be submitted to the implementing office within one (1)
month after the commencement of the consulting services. It shall outline a detailed
work program for the undertakings and briefly describe the methodologies and
project schedule of activities (GANTT and S-Curve) proposed to meet the terms of
reference. The report shall include the initial findings as well as preliminary layout of
the forms to be used for various investigations and calculations. Inception Report
shall be submitted in soft-bound copy with title of the report written at the spine.

6.3 PROGRESS REPORT to be submitted to the implementing office every two (2)
months thereafter starting not later than the 15th day after the end of the second
month following the submission of the Inception Report. The report shall include
status report, physical and financial as well as developments, issues, and findings as
of report period.

6.4 DRAFT FINAL REPORT to be submitted to the implementing office within five (5)
months from the commencement of the Consultant’s services giving details of the
Consultant’s findings and recommendations based on the scope of work outlined in
the terms of reference. The report shall include all relevant information, which
supports the conclusions in sufficient detail to enable the calculations to be verified
and allow re-calculation with modification of the key assumption without the need for
supplementary data.

6.5 All Draft Final outputs shall be submitted a month before the allotted schedule to
complete prior to the contact expiration and be subjected to review and evaluation of
the Implementing Office, PDD, ESSD, and other relevant offices as deemed

6.6 FINAL REPORT to be submitted within thirty (30) days of receipt from Government of
comments on the draft final report incorporating all appropriate revisions and
clarifications. Final Report shall be submitted in soft-bound copy with title of the
report written at the spine.

6.7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY to be submitted together with the Final Report. It shall
contain a brief statement of the project covered in the final report, background
information, and results of the analysis, conclusion and recommendation/s. The
Executive Summary shall be submitted in soft-bound copy with the title of the report
written at the spine.

6.8 Reports in appropriate electronic file format (i.e. Microsoft Office, Adobe PDF,
AutoCAD, transport model input and output files, etc.) of the draft and final report
containing inceptions, all reports, technical assessments, drawing, key data, etc.,
systematically organized in traceable and auditable formats shall be prepared in DVD
and/or CD disk, five (5) copies each. Shape files of the missing gap projects shall be
submitted along with the Final Report. In addition, Power presentation for the
project shall be included in the submitted e-copy of the Report.

[Date] 30
Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte


The following logistics are necessary for the conduct of the Feasibility Study:
▪ Project Office;
▪ Office Furniture, Equipment and Supplies;
▪ Desktop Computers, laptops and Microsoft Office License;
▪ A3/A4 Printers;
▪ Traffic Forecast and VOC Analysis Software with License (CUBE)
▪ Service Vehicle
▪ Communication Facilities;
▪ Preparation and Printing of FS Draft Final Reports and FS Final Reports
▪ Printing and Reproduction of Preliminary Engineering Plans A1 mylar for original print
and two (2) blue prints;
▪ Preparation of Required NEDA-ICC, RDC, and DENR Requirements in Hard Copy and
3-file with the Necessary Computations and Assessment with Traceable and
Verifiable Format.
▪ Survey Equipment
▪ Service Vehicles – 2 nos. 4x2 Pick-up


8.1 Advance Payment

1. Upon a request of the Consultant which shall be submitted as a Contract

document, make an Advance Payment to the Consultant in an amount not to
exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the Contract Price, to be made in lump sum. The
advance payment shall be subject to the following prerequisite:

A written request of the Consultant and submission of the Inception Report.

2. The Advance Payment shall be made only upon the submission by the Consultant
to and acceptance by the implementing office/procuring entity of an irrevocable
standby letter of credit of equivalent value from a commercial bank, a bank
guarantee or a surety bond callable upon demand, issued by a surety or
insurance company duly licensed by the Insurance Commission and confirmed by
the procuring entity.

3. The advance payment shall be repaid by the Consultant by deducting, from the
periodic progress payments to be made to the Consultant, a percentage equal to
the percentage of the total Contract Price used for the Advance Payment.

4. The Consultant may reduce its standby letter of credit or guarantee instrument
by the amounts refunded by the Monthly Certificates in the Advance Payment.

[Date] 31
Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte

8.2 Progress Billing

1. The Consultant shall submit to the Procuring Entity/Implementing Office a

Progress Billing showing the amounts which the Consultant consider itself to be
entitled, to cover:

a.) The cumulative value of the Works it executed to date, based on the
items in the Bill of Quantities; and
b.) Adjustment made for the approved variation Order executed.

2. Progress billing will be based on the reviewed and accepted data (reports)
submitted by the Consultant to the Implementing Office, per Item of Work,
particularly the reports, surveys and investigations, with analysis and write-up.

3. Since all of these payments shall be subject to the usual government accounting
and auditing requirements, the Consulting Firm is expected to be familiar with
the Government Accounting and Auditing Manual (GAAM).

8.3 Retention Payment

1. No retention payment shall be withheld.

8.4 Liquidated Damages

1. Where the Consulting Firm refuses or fails to satisfactorily complete the work within
the specified contract time, plus any time extension duly granted and is hereby in
default under the contract, the Consulting Firm shall pay for liquidated damages, and
not by way of penalty, an amount, as provided in the conditions of contract, equal to
at least one tenth (1/10) of one (1) percent of the cost of the unperformed portion
of the works for every day of delay. Should the amount of liquidated damages reach
fifteen percent (15%) of the contract amount, the implementing office shall at its
own discretion terminate the contract without prejudice to any further action it may
take to recover whatever losses incurred due to non-performance of the Consulting

2. To be entitled to such liquidated damages, the implementing office does not have to
prove that it has incurred actual damages. Such amount shall be deducted from any
money due or which may become due the Consulting Firm under the contract and/or
collect such liquidated damages from the contract amount or other securities posted
by the Consulting Firm whichever is convenient to DPWH.

[Date] 32
Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for the Conduct of Feasibility Study of the
Proposed Capoocan – Leyte, Leyte Road
Province of Leyte


The Feasibility Study shall commence within seven (7) days from the receipt of DPWH
Notice to Proceed (NTP). The duration of Feasibility Study from commencement of the
study up to submittal of Final Report is six (6) months/180 calendar days.

Prepared by: Checked/Reviewed by:

Engineer II OIC – Chief, Planning Section

Submitted by:

OIC – Chief, Planning and Design Division

Recommending Approval:

Assistant Regional Director


Regional Director

R08.1 gca/NGN/FTPJ/AMB

[Date] 33

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