Activity Sheet PR

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Activity 3.


1. What is your highest and lowest rating? What are your reasons for giving yourself such ratings?
2. Overall, do you think you are ready for presentation of your research paper? Explain your answer.

Activity 2. Let’s go online

Visit the following links to further enhance your written problem and to improve your preparation
for presentation.

What I Have Learned

1. What the new learnings you have gained from this module in terms of skills, content, and attitude
in identifying and stating the research problem?
2. How will you improve your research writing skills in quantitative research?

What I Can Do
Direction: Get ready for presentation of your written statement of the problem. The rubrics below will
serve as a guide on how you will be rated by your teacher. The 4C (content, coherence, creativity,
communication) technique will be used so that you can easily remember.

Rubrics for Written Statement of the Problem

5 4 3 2 1
Content (35%)
 The title is concise and understandable.
 The Problem is relevant and well-explained.
 Research gap was established.
 The scope and delimitation of the study is clearly stated and explained.
 Overall content is comprehensive.
Coherence (25%)
 Cohesive of devices are effectively used.
 Organization of ideas is smoothly presented.
Creativity (25%)
 Writer’s voice is showcased.
 Paper uses variety of sentence structures.
 Uses appropriate language.
Communication (15%)
 Sentences are well structured
 Grammatical conventions are observed.
 Correct spelling and proper research format is followed.
Legend: 5 – to a very great extent, 4 – to a great extent,
3 – to some extent, 2 – to a little extent, 2 – not at all

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