Cloud Computing

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1. Kai Hwang, Geoffrey C. Fox, Jack G. Dongarra, “Distributed and

Cloud Computing, From Parallel Processing to the Internet of
Things”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2012.
2. Rittinghouse, John W., and James F. Ransome, ―Cloud
Computing: Implementation, Management and Security, CRC
Press, 2017.
3. Rajkumar Buyya, Christian Vecchiola, S. ThamaraiSelvi,
―Mastering Cloud Computing, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2013.
4. Toby Velte, Anthony Velte, Robert Elsenpeter, “Cloud Computing –
A Practical Approach, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2009.
5. George Reese, “Cloud Application Architectures: Building
Applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud: Transactional
Systems for EC2 and Beyond (Theory in Practice), O’Reilly, 2009.
✓ Introduction:
✓ Introduction to Cloud Computing – Definition of
Cloud – Evolution of Cloud
✓ Computing – Underlying Principles of Parallel
and Distributed Computing
✓ Cloud Characteristics – Elasticity in Cloud – On-
demand Provisioning.
Scalable Computing Over the Internet
❖ Evolutionary changes that have occurred in distributed and cloud
computing over the past 30 years, driven by applications with
variable workloads and large data sets .
❖ Evolutionary changes in machine architecture, operating system
platform, network connectivity, and application workload.
❖ Distributed computing system uses multiple computers to solve
large-scale problems over the Internet. Thus, distributed
computing becomes data-intensive and network-centric.
❖ The emergence of computing clouds
instead demands high-throughput computing (HTC) systems built
with distributed computing technologies.
❖ High-throughput computing (HTC) appearing as computer
clusters, service-oriented architecture, computational grids, peer-
to-peer networks, Internet clouds, and the future Internet of
The Hype of Cloud:
❖ Gartner in 2009 – Cloud computing revenue will
soar faster than expected and will exceed $150
billion by 2013. It will represent 19% of IT spending
by 2015.

❖ IDC in 2009: “Spending on IT cloud services will

triple in the next 5 years, reaching $42 billion.”

❖ Forrester in 2010 – Cloud computing will go from

$40.7 billion in 2010 to $241 billion in 2020.

❖ Companies and even federal/state governments

using cloud computing now:
Many Cloud Providers:
• AWS: Amazon Web Services
– EC2: Elastic Compute Cloud (upload and run
arbitrary OS images, pay per CPU hour used)
– S3: Simple Storage Service (store arbitrary
datasets, pay per GB-month stored)
– EBS: Elastic Block Storage
• Microsoft Azure
• Google Compute Engine / App Engine (develop
applications within their App Engine framework, upload
data that will be imported into their format, and run)
• Rightscale, Salesforce, EMC, Gigaspaces, 10gen,
Datastax, Oracle, VMWare, Yahoo, Cloudera
• And 100s more…
Customers Save: Time and Money
❖ “With AWS, a new server can be up and running in three minutes
compared to seven and a half weeks to deploy a server internally
and a 64-node Linux cluster can be online in five minutes
(compared with three months internally.”

❖ “With Online Services, reduce the IT operational costs by roughly

30% of spending”

❖ “A private cloud of virtual servers inside its datacenter has saved

nearly crores of rupees annually, because the company can share
computing power and storage resources across servers.”

❖ 100s of startups can harness large computing resources without

buying their own machines.
➢ The ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
computing curricula in 2005 defined “Computing” as:

➢ A mean to solve any goal oriented activity

➢ It includes designing and building hardware & software
system for a wide range of purposes
➢ Making computing systems intelligent using
➢ Finding & gathering information from relevant to any
particular purpose and so on.
Introduction to Cloud [Contd.]
➢ What is Cloud?
➢ The term Cloud refers to a Network or Internet.

➢ In other words, we can say that Cloud is

something, which is present at remote location.

➢ Cloud can provide services over public and private

networks, i.e., WAN, LAN or VPN.

➢ Applications such as e-mail, web conferencing,

customer relationship management CRM execute
on cloud.
Introduction to Cloud [Contd.]
➢ What is Cloud?
• Advances in virtualization make it possible to see the growth of Internet
clouds as a new computing paradigm. i.e. dramatic differences between
developing software for millions to use as a service versus distributing
software to run on their PCs.”
➢ History:
• In 1984, John Gage Sun Microsystems gave the slogan, “The network is the
• In 2008, David Patterson UC Berkeley said, “The data centre is the
• Recently, Rajkumar Buyya of Melbourne University simply said: “The cloud
is the computer.”
• Some people view clouds as grids or clusters with changes through
virtualization, since clouds are anticipated to process huge data sets
generated by the traditional Internet, social networks, and the future IoT.
Introduction to Cloud
➢ What is Cloud?
➢ A single-site cloud (as known as “Data-center”) consists of
• Compute nodes (grouped into racks) Switches, connecting
the racks
• A network topology, e.g., hierarchical Storage (backend)
nodes connected to the network
• Front-end for submitting jobs and receiving client
requests (Often called “three-tier architecture”) Software
➢ A geographically distributed cloud consists of
• Multiple such sites
• Each site perhaps with a different structure and
• services
Introduction to Cloud Computing
➢ What is Cloud Computing?
➢ Cloud Computing refers to manipulating, configuring,
and accessing the hardware and software resources
➢ It offers online data storage, infrastructure, and
History of Cloud Computing
➢ The concept of Cloud Computing came into existence in the
year 1950 with implementation of mainframe computers,
accessible via thin/static clients.
➢ Since then, cloud computing has been evolved from static
clients to dynamic ones and from software to services.
➢ The following diagram explains the evolution of cloud
Cloud Computing [Contd.]
➢ What is Cloud Computing?
➢ Cloud computing offers platform independency, as the software
is not required to be installed locally on the PC. Hence, the Cloud
Computing is making our business applications mobile and
➢ Cloud Computing provides us means of accessing the applications
as utilities over the Internet.
➢ It allows us to create, configure, and customize the applications
➢ Basic Concepts
➢ There are certain services and models working behind the scene
making the cloud computing feasible and accessible to end users.
➢ Following are the working models for cloud computing:
a) Deployment Models
b) Service Models
Parallel Computing and Distributed
➢ Parallel Computing:
❖ In parallel computing multiple processors performs multiple tasks
assigned to them simultaneously.
❖ Memory in parallel systems can either be shared or distributed.
❖ Parallel computing provides concurrency and saves time and
➢ Distributed Computing:
❖ In distributed computing we have multiple autonomous
computers which seems to the user as single system.
❖ In distributed systems there is no shared memory and computers
communicate with each other through message passing.
❖ In distributed computing a single task is divided among different
Parallel Computing
➢ Advantages of Parallel Computing over Serial Computing are as follows:
❖ It saves time and money as many resources working together will reduce the
time and cut potential costs.
❖ It can be impractical to solve larger problems on Serial Computing.
❖ It can take advantage of non-local resources when the local resources are
❖ Serial Computing ‘wastes’ the potential computing power, thus Parallel
Computing makes better work of hardware.
➢ Types of Parallelism:
1. Bit-level parallelism
2. Instruction-level parallelism
3. Task Parallelism
➢ Applications of Parallel Computing:
❖ Data bases and Data mining.
❖ Real time simulation of systems.
❖ Science and Engineering.
❖ Advanced graphics, augmented reality and virtual reality.
Distributed Computing
❖ A distributed database is basically a database that is not
limited to one system, it is spread over different sites, i.e,
on multiple computers or over a network of computers.
❖ A distributed database system is located on various sited
that don’t share physical components.
❖ This maybe required when a particular database needs to
be accessed by various users globally.
❖ It needs to be managed such that for the users it looks
like one single database.
✓ Homogeneous Database:
✓ Heterogeneous Database:
Difference between Parallel Computing
and Distributed Computing
Many operations are performed System components are located
simultaneously at different locations
2. Single computer is required Uses multiple computers
Multiple processors perform Multiple computers perform
multiple operations multiple operations
It may have shared or distributed
4. It have only distributed memory

Computer communicate with

Processors communicate with
5. each other through message
each other through bus

Improves system scalability, fault

6. Improves the system performance tolerance and resource sharing
Working models for Cloud Computing
➢ Deployment Models:
➢ Deployment models define the type of access to the cloud,
i.e., how the cloud is located?
➢ Cloud can have any of the four types of access: Public,
Private, Hybrid, and Community.
Working models for Cloud Computing
➢ Deployment Models:
➢ Cloud can have any of the four types of access: Public, Private, Hybrid,
and Community.
a) Public Cloud
➢ The public cloud allows systems and services to be easily
accessible to the general public.
➢ Cloud infrastructure is provisioned for open use by the general
public. It may be owned, managed, and operated by a business,
academic, or government organization, or some combination of
them. It exists on the premises of the cloud provider.
➢ Public cloud may be less secure because of its openness.
➢ Examples of Public Cloud:
➢ Google App Engine
➢ Microsoft Windows Azure
➢ IBM Smart Cloud
➢ Amazon EC2 Source:Marcus Hogue,Chris Jacobson,”Security of Cloud Computing”
Working models for Cloud Computing
➢ Deployment Models:
➢ Cloud can have any of the four types of access: Public, Private, Hybrid, and
b) Private Cloud
➢ The private cloud allows systems and services to be accessible
within an organization.
➢ The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single
organization comprising multiple consumers (e.g., business units). It
may be owned, managed, and operated by the organization, a third
party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off
➢ It is more secured because of its private nature.
➢ Examples of Private Cloud:
➢ Eucalyptus
➢ Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud - UEC
➢ Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)
➢ VMware Cloud Infrastructure Suite
➢ Microsoft ECI data center.
Working models for Cloud Computing
➢ Deployment Models:
➢ Cloud can have any of the four types of access: Public, Private, Hybrid, and
c) Community Cloud
➢ The community cloud allows systems and services to be accessible by a
group of organizations.
➢ Cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a specific
community of consumers from organizations that have shared concerns
(e.g., mission, security requirements, policy, and compliance
considerations). It may be owned, managed, and operated by one or
more of the organizations in the community, a third party, or some
combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises.
➢ Examples of Community Cloud:
➢ Google Apps for Government
➢ Microsoft Government Community
➢ Cloud
Working models for Cloud Computing
➢ Deployment Models:
➢ Cloud can have any of the four types of access: Public, Private, Hybrid,
and Community.
d) Hybrid Cloud
➢ The hybrid cloud is a mixture of public and private cloud, in
which the critical activities are performed using private cloud
while the non-critical activities are performed using public
➢ The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more distinct cloud
infrastructures (private, community, or public) that remain unique
entities, but are bound together by standardized or proprietary
technology that enables data and application portability.
➢ Examples of Hybrid Cloud:
➢ Windows Azure (capable of Hybrid Cloud)
➢ VMware vCloud (Hybrid Cloud Services)
Working models for Cloud Computing
➢ Service Models:
➢ Cloud computing is based on service models.
➢ Each of the service models inherit the security and management
mechanism from the underlying model, as shown:
➢ These are categorized into three basic
service models which are –
a) Infrastructure-as–a-Service (IaaS)
b) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
c) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
➢ Anything-as-a-Service (XaaS ) is yet
another service model, which includes :
❖ Network-as-a-Service,
❖ Business-as-a-Service,
❖ Identity-as-a-Service,
❖ Database-as-a-Service

❖ Strategy-as-a-Service.
Working models for Cloud Computing
➢ Service Models:
➢ Cloud computing is based on service models.
➢ These are categorized into three basic service models which are –
a) Infrastructure-as–a-Service (IaaS) :
➢ IaaS provides access to fundamental resources such as physical machines,
virtual machines, virtual storage, etc.
➢ Ex: Amazon Web Services (AWS: EC2 and S3), OpenStack, Eucalyptus,
Rightscale, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud.
b) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
➢ PaaS provides the runtime environment for applications, development
and deployment tools, etc.
➢ Ex: Google’s App Engine (Python, Java, Go)
c) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
➢ SaaS model allows to use software applications as a service to end-users.
➢ Ex: Google docs, MS Office on demand
Benefits of Cloud Computing
➢ Cloud Computing has numerous benefits. Some of them are
listed below -
Benefits of Cloud Computing
➢ Cloud Computing has numerous benefits. Some of them are
listed below –
❑ One can access applications as utilities, over the Internet.
❑ One can manipulate and configure the applications online at any time.
❑ It does not require to install a software to access or manipulate cloud
❑ Cloud Computing offers online development and deployment tools,
programming runtime environment through PaaS model.
❑ Cloud resources are available over the network in a manner that provide
platform independent access to any type of clients.
❑ Cloud Computing offers on-demand self-service. The resources can be
used without interaction with cloud service provider.
❑ Cloud Computing is highly cost effective because it operates at high
efficiency with optimum utilization. It just requires an Internet connection
❑ Cloud Computing offers load balancing that makes it more reliable.
Advantages of Cloud Computing
➢ Cloud Computing has numerous advantages. Some of them are listed
below –
a) Lower computer costs:
❖ No need of a high-powered and high-priced computer to run cloud
computing's web-based applications.
❖ Since applications run in the cloud, not on the desktop PC, your desktop PC
does not need the processing power or hard disk space demanded by
traditional desktop software.
❖ When you are using web-based applications, your PC can be less expensive,
with a smaller hard disk, less memory, more efficient processor.
❖ In fact, your PC in this scenario does not even need a CD or DVD drive, as no
software programs have to be loaded and no document files need to be
b) Improved performance :
❖ With few large programs hogging your computer's memory, you will see
better performance from your PC.
❖ Computers in a cloud computing system boot and run faster because they
have fewer programs and processes loaded into memory.
Advantages of Cloud Computing
➢ Cloud Computing has numerous advantages. Some of them are
listed below –
c) Reduced software costs:
❖ Instead of purchasing expensive software applications, you can get
most of what you need for free
❖ better than paying for similar commercial software
d) Unlimited storage capacity:
❖ Cloud computing offers virtually limitless storage.
❖ Your computer's current 1 Tera Bytes hard drive is small compared to
the hundreds of Peta Bytes available in the cloud.
e) Improved document format compatibility:
❖ You do not have to worry about the documents you create on your
machine being compatible with other users' applications or OS.
❖ There are less format incompatibilities when everyone is sharing
documents and applications in the cloud.
Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
➢ Some of them are listed below –
a) Requires a constant internet connection:
❖ Cloud computing is impossible if you cannot connect to the Internet.
❖ Since you use the Internet to connect to both your applications and
documents, if you do not have an Internet connection you cannot
access anything, even your own documents.

b) Stored data might not be secured

c) Stored data can be lost!

d) Does not work well with low-speed connections

Risks related to Cloud Computing
➢ Although cloud Computing is a promising innovation with
various benefits in the world of computing, it comes with risks.
Some of them are discussed below:
a) Security and Privacy:
• It is the biggest concern about cloud computing.
• Since data management and infrastructure management in cloud is
provided by third-party, it is always a risk to handover the sensitive
information to cloud service providers.
• Although the cloud computing vendors ensure highly secured
password protected accounts, any sign of security breach may result
in loss of customers and businesses.
b) Lock In:
• It is very difficult for the customers to switch from one Cloud Service
Provider CSP to another.
• It results in dependency on a particular CSP for service.
Risks related to Cloud Computing
➢ Although cloud Computing is a promising innovation with various
benefits in the world of computing, it comes with risks. Some of them
are discussed below:
c) Isolation Failure:
• This risk involves the failure of isolation mechanism that separates storage,
memory, and routing between the different tenants.

d) Management Interface Compromise:

• In case of public cloud provider, the customer management interfaces are
accessible through the Internet.

e) Insecure or Incomplete Data Deletion:

• It is possible that the data requested for deletion may not get deleted. It
happens because either of the following reasons:
– Extra copies of data are stored but are not available at the time of
– Disk that stores data of multiple tenants is destroyed.
Characteristics of Cloud Computing
➢ There are four key characteristics of cloud computing. They are shown
under the category On Demand Self Service: Cloud Computing allows the
users to use web services and resources on demand. One can logon to a website
at any time and use them.
Characteristics of Cloud Computing
a) Broad Network Access:
• Since cloud computing is completely web based, it can be accessed from
anywhere and at any time.
b) Resource Pooling:
• Cloud computing allows multiple tenants to share a pool of resources.
• One can share single physical instance of hardware, database and basic
c) Rapid Elasticity:
• It is very easy to scale the resources vertically or horizontally at any time.
• Scaling of resources means the ability of resources to deal with increasing or
decreasing demand.
• The resources being used by customers at any given point of time are
automatically monitored.
d) Measured Service:
• In this service cloud provider controls and monitors all the aspects of cloud
• Resource optimization, billing, and capacity planning etc. depend on it.
Q. No. Questions Marks BL
1 Explain the Cloud Computing Concept? 2 BL-4

2 Explain the Evolution of Cloud Computing and its challenges? 5 BL-5

3 Explain the Infrastructure as a Service in cloud computing? 5 BL-6

4 What are cloud computing characteristics? Explain in detail about Elasticity in 5 BL-4
5 Explain different cloud service deployment models? 5 BL-5

6 Explain parallel and distributed computing in detail. 5 BL-6

7 Define cloud computing. Enlist and explain the different types of service 10 BL-4
8 Explain in detail about various types of Cloud. 5 BL-5

9 What pros and cons of Cloud computing in comparisons of Distributed 10 BL-6

10 How many types of deployment models are used in cloud? Which one is best 10 BL-5
and why?

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