Facts at Your Fingertips-201102-Control Valve Position Sensors

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Control valve

position sensors
Department Editor: Scott Jenkins

he precise monitoring and control of The Hall effect is created Limit Switch Options
valve position is essential for efficient au- when a magnetic field is
tomation of both discrete and continuous applied perpendicular to
processes. Measurement of valve position the current direction.
provides the data required for the use of A sensor using the
advanced control strategies and predictive Hall effect is a trans-
maintenance algorithms. ducer that returns a volt-

More effective monitoring of valve posi- age output according to
tion has been an area in which consider- changes in the magnetic

able progress has been made in improving field. For valve position
the performance and reliability of control sensing, an integrated
valves. Modern electrical valve-position Hall-effect sensor and
indicators offer either mechanical or non- magnet assembly detect
contact switching. The position indicators the presence, absence
are typically mounted either directly on a and orientation of a
magnetic trigger. The Mechanical Solid state Reed proximity
valve actuator or work indirectly using a switch sensor switch
non-contact remote feedback device. sensor is powered by
a constant current, and
Mechanical switches develops a varying
Most mechanical-switch valve positioners electrical potential
(Figure, top left) utilize some type of rotary that is proportional to
potentiometer for converting linear to rotary the flux density of a
feedback. These widely used devices are magnetic field applied
similar to variable resistors. perpendicular to the
Rotary potentiometers have an arched coil axis of the sensor.
of wire, over which an arm, called a wiper, Hall-effect proxim-
slides. The wiper is attached to the valve ity sensors used for
cam shaft, and as it moves across the coil of valve positioning offer
wire, a differing voltage output is produced. increased reliability in
The voltage output is proportional to the extreme environments.
angle at which the wiper is oriented. These sensors eliminate
Mechanical switches include contact link- all mechanical contact
ages that are subject to wear over time. The between the valve actua-
wear can eventually degrade performance. tor and the transmitter.
Because there are no
Non-contact proximity positioners moving parts within the
Non-contact technology approaches to Hall-effect sensor and magnet, the life Improved reliability — Safety integrity level
valve positioning can provide accurate expectancy is improved compared to a (SIL) ratings are higher with non-contact
valve-position data without the need for the traditional electromechanical switch. sensors and low-power solenoids. SILs are
linkages or levers required by traditional a measure of safety system performance.
systems. Avoiding mechanical contact in the Reed switches Higher SIL numbers mean better safety
valve positioning system addresses some Some non-contact valve positioners are performance and higher confidence in the
of the performance and cost challenges based on reed switches. A reed switch is field device.
associated with control valves, including an electrical switch that is operated by an Lower costs — Non-contact valve position-
mechanical wear, environmental hazards, applied magnetic field. Reed switches have ers have a lower overall total cost of own-
human error and inaccurate readings. a pair of electrical contacts on ferrous metal ership than conventional devices, thanks
Many non-contact proximity positioners reeds in a hermetically sealed glass enve- to the precise positioning capabilities that
(Figure, top right) incorporate a control- lope. An applied magnetic field moves the can be customized by valve application.
loop feedback mechanism based on an reeds, causing the contacts to either touch Also, the cost of ownership is lowered by
analog PID (proportional integral deriva- or move apart. The contacts can either be ease of calibration and service, and rich
tive) algorithm that has been updated for a open normally, closing when a magnetic diagnostics for predictive maintenance
digital device. The algorithm incorporates field is present, or closed normally, opening signatures.
the Ziegler-Nichols (Z-N) tuning procedure, in the presence of a magnetic field. Bifur- Increased versatility — Non-contact valve
a well-known method for tuning automatic cated reed switches can be used in applica- positioners are designed to be compatible
controllers. It is a two-step tuning approach tions where ultralow power or capacitive with most standard industrial communica-
that adjusts how agressively the valve con- discharge consideration are in effect. tions protocols, including HART, Foundation
troller reacts to errors between the process Fieldbus, AS-I, Modbus, DeviceNet and
variable and the desired setpoint. Benefits Profibus. These devices can help engineers
Significant benefits for non-contact valve take advantage of the cost savings and in-
Hall-effect sensors positioners, include the following: creased diagnostic capabilities of networks,
A number of non-contact proximity position- Greater flexibility — Non-contact position- along with the advantages offered by
ers are based on the solid-state Hall effect, ers utilizing Hall-effect sensors provide improved position sensors.
and are used to help improve monitoring feedback on valve position without link-
and control of production processes. The ages, levers or rotary or linear seals. This Notes
Hall effect refers to a potential differ- allows a remote sensor-head assembly to This edition of “Facts at Your Fingertips” was
ence, known as the Hall voltage, between be mounted a considerable distance from adapted from Jack DiFranco’s article, entitled Ad-
the electronics enclosure, giving engineers vances in Valve Position Monitoring, that appeared
opposite sides of an electrical conductor in the December 2007 issue of Chemical Engineer-
through which an electric current is flowing. increased flexibility and improved safety. ing, pp. 46–50.

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