The Impact of Using Gadgets Among Stem Students
The Impact of Using Gadgets Among Stem Students
The Impact of Using Gadgets Among Stem Students
Presented by:
September 2020
In today’s generation, most people specifically people in the Philippines are highly attached
in regards to using of gadgets such as mobile phones, tablets and computer desktops. These
serves as pastime for some in order to escape boredom but by the time that people are diverted
into such devices, they tend to forgot the excessive use of gadgets which will lead into bad effects
in our health. The usage of gadgets among for stem students has its advantages and
disadvantages, As the advantages it has a positive impact of the stem students learning, they
would have greater access to information just like research, online class just like todays
happening, important information and other kinds of learning that are suitable for stem students
using gadgets. However, the effects of using gadgets for stem students are not always positive or
advantages only there are some disadvantages of excessive use of gadgets might lead to
addiction which will cause physical and mental problems for stem students. However, gadgets are
more useful in these days specially to stem students who taking online schooling not only for
online schooling also for module learners since we are suffering a kind of pandemic a COVID-19
we can’t undergo a face to face learning that’s why gadgets are important for us specially to us
students. In the other country like Indonesia the presence of gadgets provides convenience and
comfort to the people in the world including school, age, children and adult. The entertainment
presented that gadgets makes people addicted and makes it consistent in its use. Gadgets more
and more sophisticated technology and application that makes children, students and adults, even
The problem of this study or research if focusing to the impact of using a gadget among
stem students. Therefore, the researchers would like to ask some question or make some
experiment on how The Impact of using gadgets among stem students works.
1.What are the different impacts of using gadgets for stem students?
This study aims to determine what is the impact of using technology among stem students.
This will serve as an eye-opener to the said students in order to control and lessen the negative
effects brought by the said equipment. The said study will be beneficial for the following personas:
Students. This study would benefit the students as it would help them to understand
Parents. It will serve as an indication for them to give their children limitations upon
using gadgets.
Future Researchers. It will supply them informations that would serve as their
The study will be conducted to know what are the impacts of using gadgets and how it
The senior high school stem students of Maryknoll College of Panabo Inc. as the
The study would consume the whole semester for the coverage of this paper and
the researchers would gather information through the method of collecting data from
During the gathering of data, the students will be distributed with questionnaires during their
leisure time if they have no class to attend to avoid the interruption of their respective
Definition of Terms
Stem Students – The respondents of the study and will be the source of information
Addiction – This is the disadvantage of using too much of gadgets that could lead to bad