Build Your First App: You Earned The First

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1/10/2021 Build your first app | Android Developers


Build your first app

This section describes how to build a simple Android app. First, you learn how to create a
"Hello, World!" project with Android Studio and run it. Then, you create a new interface for the
app that takes user input and switches to a new screen in the app to display it.

Before you start, there are two fundamental concepts that you need to understand about
Android apps: how they provide multiple entry points, and how they adapt to different devices.

Apps provide multiple entry points Apps adapt to different devices

Android apps are built as a combination of Android allows you to provide different
components that can be invoked individually. resources for different devices. For example,
For example, an activity is a type of app you can create different layouts for different
component that provides a user interface screen sizes. The system determines which
(UI). layout to use based on the screen size of the
current device.
The "main" activity starts when the user taps
your app's icon. You can also direct the user If any of your app's features need speci c
to an activity from elsewhere, such as from a hardware, such as a camera, you can query at
noti cation or even from a different app. runtime whether the device has that hardware
or not, and then disable the corresponding
Other components, such as broadcast
features if it doesn't. You can specify that
receivers and services, allow your app to
your app requires certain hardware so that
perform background tasks without a UI.
Google Play won't allow the app to be
installed on devices without them.
After you build your rst app, you can learn
You earned the First
more about the other app components at
After you build your rst app, learn more
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about device con gurations at Device
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compatibility overview


With these two basic concepts in mind, proceed to the next lesson to build your rst app! 1/2
1/10/2021 Build your first app | Android Developers

Create an Android project  (/training/basics/ rstapp/creating-project) 

Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License (/license). Java
is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its a liates.

Last updated 2020-11-18 UTC.

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