Unit 3 Two Marks - QB
Unit 3 Two Marks - QB
Unit 3 Two Marks - QB
Unit III
1. Write short notes on disuniting of structures?
In prefabrication many elements of prefabricated are assembled (or) united (or) jointed to
form a single structures.
The solution of problems connected with transportation and placing of structures demans,
as a rule their disuniting into smaller members.
9. How does the material used in construction affect the design of element?
The materials for the construction are classified as homogeneous and compositre based on the
number of different material used in prefabrication.
12. Distinguish between rigid and hinged joint with reference to prefabrication?
The rigid joints are of adequate (sufficient) strength,in addition to bearing of tensile,
compressive and shear force and for resisting bending moment.
The hinge joint is those which can transmit force passing through the hinge itself allow
sudden motion and rotation.
Joints are at corners i.e. at points of maximum moment values, so forming the joint is difficult.
Joints must be over dimensioned to cope with insitu concreting. And one alternate solution to
replace moment resistant joints by hinged connection.