Lesson Plan in English For COT No 2 Past Form of Verbs

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Lesson Plan in English 4


I.Content Standard:
G-The learner demonstrates an understanding of English grammar and usage in speaking and
A- The learner demonstrates an understanding of nonverbal cues to communicates with others
Performance Standard:
G- The learner uses the classes of words aptly in oral and written disclosure
A- The learner uses paralanguage and nonverbal cues to respond appropriately
G-Use the past from of regular verbs EN4G-IIg-3.2

Using the past form of regular verbs
III.Learning Resources:
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages: TG pp. 179,182
2.Learner’s Materials pages: LM pp. 194-195
3.Textbook pages: Fun in English Language 4 pp. 164 167
English for you and Me Language TX pp.130- 134 ; TM. pp 148-148
4.Additional Resources from Learning Resources (LR) Portal:
5. Other Learning Resources: PPTx, activity sheets, , meta cards, charts. video clip
B. Curriculum Link: Science, Art, Health, EsP
C. Values Integration: Teamwork, Cooperation, Cleanliness
A. Review previous lesson or presenting the new lesson.
Pronunciation Drill ( Indicator No. 2-literacy Skills)
/t/ /d/ /id/
Asked Ruled Hooted
Laughed Loved Planted
Kicked Chattered Dusted
Picked Hummed Ended
kissed Called visited

B. Establishing the purpose to the lesson

Show picture of a monkey.
Ask: Have you read stories about monkey? What do you know about monkey?
Say: Today, I’m going to tell you a story about monkey.
(Indicator no. 5)
Ask: What are the things to be remembered when listening to the story?
Tell the story “King Unggoy and the Mosquitoes”.
C. Presenting instances/examples of the new lesson
Ask questions about the story.
1. When did the story happen?
2. Why did the animals love King Unggoy?
3. Why did King Unggoy call the animals to a meeting?
4. Why are they very noisy?
(Indicator no.3)
5. How do you feel when the mosquitoes buzz around your ears? Why?
6. Are the mosquitoes dangerous? Why?
7. What would you do to make your surroundings free from mosquitoes ? (Indicator no. 1-Health)
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1 (Indicator no. 2)
Have the pupils read the following sentences.
1. He was loved by the animals.
2. They called him King Unggoy.
3. The mosquitoes hummed in our ears.
4. We are all frightened.
5. King Unggoy laughed.
Ask: What do you call the underlined words? What syllables are added to the verb? What
form or tense of verb are they?
Say: In order to deepen your understanding about the past form of the verb, let us watch the
video clip. (Indicator no. 8)
Ask: What are things to be remembered when watching the video clip? (Indicator no. 5)
Ask: What does the video clip about ? How do we form the past tense of verb?
E.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #2
1. Let the pupils do the activity by group . (Indicator No.6)
Group I- Write a five-sentence story about the picture using the past form of verb.
Group II- “ Interview Time” - “What did you do? “
Interview your group mate and talk about the things he/she did at a certain period of
time. (Indicator no. 4)
Group III – Draw pictures. Write sentences about the pictures using the past form of verb.
(Indicator no. 1-Art)
Group IV- Compose a song using the past form of verb. (Indicator no. 2- Music)
Group V- Write 5 sentences using the past from of verbs. (Indicator No. 2)
2. Processing of the pupils’ output.
F.Developing mastery (Leads to formative assessment)
Independent Practice:
Get a metacard and read the word. Then use its past form in a sentence. (Indicator no. 2)
G.Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living.
What activities did you do in your house this morning? Yesterday? What did your parents
feel when you did those activities? (Indicator no. 1-EsP)
H.Making generalizations of concepts and skills in daily living.
Ask: How are the regular verbs form their past form?
I.Evaluating learning (Indicator no. 9)
Directions: Complete the sentences by using the past form of the verb.
1. Every morning Mother cooks breakfast. This morning, Mother ____________ some delicious
2. We always play after classes. Yesterday, we ___________ skipping rope.
3. We trim the grass every month. We __________ it last week.
4. Bryan waters the plants every day. He __________ the plants last night.
5. We listen to Grandma’s stories before going to bed. Last night, we __________ to a beautiful
fairy tale.
H. H. Additional activities for application or remediation.
Write five sentences using the past form of regular verb.

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