Prevalence of Somatic Symptoms in Patient With Depression (A Hospital Based Study)

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The study aims to find the prevalence of somatic symptoms in patients with depression and study the association of socio-demographic factors with somatic symptoms. Majority of patients with high somatic symptoms were females from rural areas.

The aims of the study are to find the prevalence of somatic symptoms in patients with depression and to study the association of socio-demographic factors with somatic symptoms in patients with depression.

According to WHO, depression is the third leading cause of global disease burden accounting for 4.3% of total disability-adjusted life years and the lifetime prevalence of depression is 17% with women being more affected than men.

Volume 5, Issue 12, December – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Prevalence of Somatic Symptoms in Patient with

Depression (A Hospital Based Study)
Sajid M Wani1, Ajaz A Suhaff*1,Abdul W Khan2, Abdul M Gania3,
1. Senior Resident Department of Psychiatry SKIMS Medical College Bemina.
2. Prof.&Head of the department Department of Psychiatry SKIMS Medical College Bemina.
3. Associate prof. Department of Psychiatry SKIMS Medical College Bemina

Abstract:- Somatic symptoms are mostly associated with

depression.[5] Number of terms are used to describe
 Aims And Objectives:- somatic symptoms in depression: somatic, somatlzed,
To find the prevalence of somatic symptoms in physical, bodily, somatoform, painful, psychosomatic,
patients with depression. medically unexplained etc.[6] “As per DSM-IV somatic
symptoms for major depression are disturbances in sleep,
 Materials And Methods:- disturbance in appetite and fatigue, while as per ICD-10
This descriptive study was conducted in patients disturbances in sleep and appetite, loss of libido and
attending psychiatry OPD of SKIMS Medical College, ammenorhea are the somatic symptoms considerd to be a
Bemina Srinagar for period of one year. Subjects with dignostic significance of major depression.[6,7]Various
the diagnosis of depressive episode were taken into the studies evaluated somatic symptom by using PHQ-15 and
study. Patients were diagnosed by using ICD-10. were having low energy, pain in arms and legs, pain in
joints, nausea, gas and indigestion, feeling that heart is
 Summary And Conclusions:- racing and trouble falling sleep.[8]Depression can present
The importance of this study was to find out the with other physical co-morbid illnesses, it is very important
relationship of somatic symptoms with depression. In to rule out the possibility of somatic symptoms of
our study the majority of our patients were in the age depression because it can not only lead to poor outcome and
group of 35-55 years. Most of the patients who scored diagnostic difficulty but it also effects quality of life.In
high rates for somatic symptoms were females, married primary care setting the prevalence somatization in the
belonging to rural background. Clinicians especially general population is 5% to 7% while as 20% to 25% of
psychiatrists need to be focus on somatic symptoms in patients who present with acute somatic symptoms may
patients suffering from depression for early better develop a chronic somatic illness.[9,10]
treatment. It is also important to for the researchers for
extensive population based follow-up studies in this field. Various studies shows that patients with depression,
attending to different treatment settings like primary care,
I. INTRODUCTION medical outpatient and psychiatric outpatient clinics,
respectively, have high prevalence of somatic symptoms
One of the major mental health problems is depression across these different treatment settings.[11]
which can be described as a group of symptoms continuing
over a period of at least 2 weeks. This problem involves There have been many studies which focused on
notable changes in mood, thinking, behaviour, and somatic symptom in depression from different parts of India.
activity[1].“World Health Organisations`(WHO) But there are very few such study from the Kashmir and our
International Classification for Diseases and Related study was focused on the prevalence of somatic symptoms
Disorders (ICD-10) describes the criteria for a depressive in depressed patients who attend psychiatric OPD.
episode, where at least four items, such as loss of interest in
activities, lack of emotional reactions, sleep disturbance,  Aims And Objectives
decreased appetite, decrease in motor activities, weight loss,  To find the prevalence of somatic symptoms in patients
loss of libido, and decreased energy are present for a with depression.
duration of two weeks (World Health Organization”.[1]  To study the association of socio demographic factors
with somatic symptom in patients with depression
According to WHO one of the major health threat of
21st century is depression which is thethird leading cause of II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
global disease burden accounting for 4.3% of total
disability-adjusted life years.[2,3] The life time prevalence This descriptive study was conducted in patients
of depression is 17% and women being more affected than attending psychiatry OPD of SKIMS Medical College,
men.[4] Bemina Srinagar for period of one year. Subjects with the
diagnosis of depressive episode were taken into the
study.Patients will be diagnosed using ICD-10 (International

IJISRT20DEC257 1152

Volume 5, Issue 12, December – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Classification of Disease, 10th edition) classification of
mental and behavioral disorder. Tools used:
ICD-10 (International Classification of Disease, 10th
Inclusion criteria:- edition) classification of mental and behavioral
 Patients of Age 18 years and above disorders.[12]
 Patients who will give consent to participate in the study Patient Health Questionnaire Physical Symptoms (PHQ-
 Diagnosed case of Major depressive disorder. 15)[13]

Exclusion Criteria:- Scoring and Interpretation

 Patients of Age less than 18 years. PHQ-15 is rated on a 3-point scale (0=not bothered at all;
 Patients who refused to participate in the study 1=bothered a little; 2= bothered a lot).
 Patients having depression with
i) Bipolar disorders, The severity of somatic symptoms ranges from 0 to 30
ii) schizoaffective disorders, with higher scores indicating greater severity. During the
iii) substance use disorders and clinical interview clinicians are asked to review the score of
iv) Organicity. each item. The raw scores on the 15 items should be
v) Comorbid medical conditions summed to obtain a total raw score and interpreted using the
Statistical Analysis:All data thus collected was tabulated
and analysed statistically using SSPS software version 20.0
under guidance of a statistician and conclusions were drawn.

Table for the PHQ-15 Somatic Symptom Severity scale:

Levels of Somatic Symptom Severity PHQ-15 Score

Minimal 0-4
Low 5-9
Medium 9-15
High 16-30


Table 1: Sociodemographic profile

Age (years)
Frequency Percentage
20-34 80 21
35-55 240 63
≥ 55 60 16
Total 380 100
Male 132 34.7
FEMALE 248 65.3
Rural 235 61.8
Urban 145 38.2

Employed 90 23.6
Unemployed 290 76.3
Marital status

Married 315 82.3

Unmarried 75 19.7

IJISRT20DEC257 1153

Volume 5, Issue 12, December – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Table 2: Prevalence of Somatic symptoms in patient with depression

Symptoms Frequency Percentage
Present 234 61.6
Absent 146 38.4

Table 2 shows that out of 380 patients, Somatic symptoms were present in 234(61.6%).

Table 3: Levels of Somatic Symptom Severity

Frequency Percentage
Minimal 0-4 24 10.2
Low 5-9 38 16.2
Medium 10-14 74 31.6
High 15-30 98 42

Table 3 shows that Out of 234 patients high level of somatic symptoms were present in 98(42%), medium in 74(31.6%),
low in 38(16.2%) and minimal in 24(10.2%).

Table 4: Showing association of somatic symptoms with age and gender in Somatic symptoms
patient with depression. No. %age
20-34 74 31.6
Age (years) 35-55 98 41.9
≥ 55 62 26.5
Male 74 31.6
Female 160 68.4

Table 4 The above results show that the majority of patients with Somatic symptoms were in age group of 35-55
years(41.9%) and as far as gender more in female individuals 160(68.4%) than males74(31.6%).

Table 5: Showing association of somatic symptoms with residence Somatic symptoms

and marital status in patient with depression. No. %age
Rural 158 41.5
Urban 76 20
Married 203 53.4
Marital Status
Unmarried 31 9

Table 5 shows that Somatic symptoms were more present in patients belonging to rural areas 158 (41.5%) patients and more
in married individuals 203(53.4%).

IV. DISCUSSION al.[20] In our study it was found that patients high level of
somatic symptoms were present in 98(42%), medium in
In this study sample size of patient with depression 74(31.6%), low in 38(16.2%) and minimal in 24(10.2%).
was 380 patients thatwas almost similar to study by Paritala
et al.[14]In this study most of patients were females In this study, females were* seen to have more somatic
248(68.3%) than males 132(34.7%), it may be because symptomsthan males, that correlated earlier studies by
depression is more common in females than males, similar Gautam and Kapur et al[15], Kroenke and Spitzer et[16] al
results were found by Gautam et al[15] and Kroenke et and Minhas et al[21]that females patients exhibited a higher
al.[16]In this study most of the patients were from rural area prevalence of somatic symptoms. In our study majority of
235(61.8%) similar results were found by Geil et al[17] the patients were in age group 35-55years 240 (63%) and
because SKIMS Medical college hospital caters most of the reported more somatic symptoms 98 (41.9%) than other age
patients from rural areas. In our study it has been observed groups, but various studies from India[1], Trivedi et al[22]
that about 61.6%of depressed patients had somatic that shows that majority of subjects were between 26 to 35
symptoms, almost similar findinghave reported by previous years of age, with mean age of 28.75 years. This finding
studies(Kroenke 2003[18]; Greco et al.2004[19]; Illanes et could be the reflection that females in that age group being

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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