Portfolio About Cause&effect, Presentation, Giving Information, Report Text

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Portfolio About Cause&effect, Presentation, Giving

Information,Report Text

Name : RaihanFirmani

Class : XII RPL 2

Vocational High School 24 East Jakarta

Report Text


Report text is a type of text that examines the results of research, research, observation, or study

of objects, animals, people, or places. As for the function or purpose of the text of the report

itself is to assess what objects are there.

Generic Structure

a) General Clasification is

General Statement that explains the subject of the report , description and classification

b) Description is

Provide an overview he phenomena that occur,both parts,characteristic,habits or behavior

The point is the translation of the classification presented scirntifically

Unsur Kebahasaan

General noun: a word that refers to something in general. For example, lions are wild. In that

sentence, the lion in question is any lion in general, not specific to one particular lion.

Verbs: use verbs that can describe the state of an object, and / or imply ownership. For example,

birds have wings (describe ownership) or an elephant is a big animal (describe conditions).

Simple present tense: to state a scientific truth or fact. For example, a baby of the blue whale

generally weighs more than 500 kilograms.

Pigeon refers to all birds of the family columbidae and order columbiformes.

They consist of 310 species. Some people may also know them as “doves”. There is no

clear distinction between the use of the word “pigeons” and “doves” until today, but

generally, the word “pigeons” is used to address the species known as the rock dove,

while the word”Doves” is used to address va pigeon that is white

Pigeons exhibit various size and color based on their species. The smallest

speciest may have the size of 15cm and weight 30,9 while the largest species can grow up

to 75cm with the body weight of 2kg.


Presentasion is the activity of submitting a topic,opinion or information to others

Good and correct way of presentation

1. Greetings (Ucapan Pembukaan)

 Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh / Thank you for coming to… / I am

glad to see you all.

  Good morning / afternoon / evening everybody / friends / guys.

  Good morning / Afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It’s an honor to meet you here :)

Example of sentences:

Good morning class, good morning Mr. Lecturer. First, we want to thank you all for your

presence in this class and today’s presentation.

2. Introduce yourself or your group

 Let me introduce myself. My name is… I am from…

  Let me introduce myself and my partner. I am ... and here is my partner is, … . We are

from …

 Let us introduce ourselves. I’m… next to me is… The lady in purple is…

Example of sentences:

Before we begin, let us introduce ourselves. My name is Andra, the lady here is

Araminta, and the man over there is Nick. We are from group 3.
3. Explain the contents, your intentions and objectives in the presentation

 I would like to talk about…

 In this presentation, we will discuss about…

  In this opportunity, i would like to present…

Example of sentences:

So, we realize that not everyone knows and have been wondering about what is and how is

Panda Diplomacy. Extraordinary isn’t it? A Panda to do diplomacy. How can this be? That’s

why we here today to tell you what it is and all you might want to know about Panda Diplomacy.

Let’s start with how it began.

4. Do a question and answer session

 Any question?

  Anybody would like to ask?

  Just feel free to interrupt me if you have something ask.

Example of sentences:

Okay, from everything we’ve told you about Panda Diplomacy and still have your question

unanswered, feel free to ask us here.

5. Conclusion

 In conclusion …

 In summary …

 To summarize …

 To sum up …

Example of sentences:

To conclude everything, we now know that Panda Diplomacy has a role in China’s foreign

policy. In this diplomacy, Panda act as the diplomatic gifts given by China for the other countries

6. Clossing

 Thank you for your attention.

 Thank you very much for your great attention, ladies and gentlemen.

Example of sentences:

It’s been a great discussion with you all, we don’t feel like we are the one who present something

but we all did. Thank you very much for your great attention and active participation throughout

this presentation.

Cause & Effect

When Because about a Situation that mates another Situation Happen.


 Due to, Because of, Owing to,Thanks to, As a consequence of, As a result of, Because.

For, As, Since, etc.

Followed by noun

Signal word/phrase + Cause + Effect

Effect + Signal word/phrase + Cause

Example Dialogue (Because of)

Andy: Have you read today's news?

Billy: Yes, I have. it is about flooding in Jakarta, right?

Andy: Yes, you're right. Flooding has been a serious problem in Jakarta nowadays.

Billy: The government has to put more attention on this problem. It has many negative effects for

those whose houses are sunk by the flood. For example, destruction of houses and its property,

loss of property, illness, and even death.

Andy: I agree with you. But, the flood happens because of human's fault. people often throw the

rubbish in wrong places such as in the river or sewer. it makes the river and sewer full of rubbish

so that the water over flowed into the streets when the rain comes and causes the flood.

Billy: That's not the only cause. People also cut tree illegally. Because of that, there's not water

absorption by the trees. It makes the rainwater goes into the river or sewer directly.

Andy: So, it means the flood is caused by ourselves. it is our fault.

Billy: You're right. We must cooperate in order to solve this problem.

Andy: I think so
Example Dialogue (As a result of)

Ali: Bella, can I ask your help please?

Bella: Sure, Ali. What happened?

Ali: Yesterday, my mother was sick so I had to take care of her in the hospital. As a result of it, I

didn’t finish my Math homework. If you don’t mind, could you teach me how to answer some of

the hard questions?

Bella: Of course! Maybe today after school?

Ali: Sounds good! Thanks a lot Bella.

Bella: No worries

Example Sentences (Because)

Raihan didn’t go to school because he was sick

Giving Information


Requesting and Providing Information is the activity of requesting or providing

information to the speaker (asking and giving permission is important in English)

Example Dialogue:

Customer           : Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find

menswear? (Permisi, Dapatkah Anda memberitahu saya di mana saya dapat
menemukan pakaian pria?)
Shop Assistant : Sure. Menswear is on the second floor. (Tentu,Pakaian
pria adalah di lantai dua)
Customer          : Oh, also, could you tell me where sheets are. (Oh, dan juga,
bisa Anda memberitahu di mana yang satuan).

Shop Assistant: No problem, sheets are on the third floor at the

back. ( Tidak masalah, yang satuan ada di lantai tiga di bagian belakang)
Customer          : Thanks for your help. (Terimakasih atas bantuan anda)
Shop Assistant: My pleasure. (Ya tentu)

Brother  : When does the movie start? ( Kaopan Film akan dimulai?)
Sister     : I think it’s at 9. ( ku pikir pada jam 9)
Brother  : Check, will you? ( maukah kanu memeriksanya?)
Sister     : You’re so lazy. Just a second. ( kamu sangat pemalas)
Brother : Thanks sis. ( terimakasih kak)
Sister     : Yes, it starts at 9.  ( iya filmnya mulai jam 9)

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