Experiment-5 (Frequency Modulation & Demodulation) : Simulink Based Experiments
Experiment-5 (Frequency Modulation & Demodulation) : Simulink Based Experiments
Experiment-5 (Frequency Modulation & Demodulation) : Simulink Based Experiments
( ECE )
Name: Harsh Pallav Govind Rao Lecture Group: 3EC5
Apparatus Required-
a) Hardware Tools: Computer system
b) Software Tool: MATLAB 7.0 and above version
Frequency modulation is a technique or a process of encoding information on a particular signal (analog or digital) by
varying the carrier wave frequency in accordance with the frequency of the modulating signal. As we know, a
modulating signal is nothing but information or message that has to be transmitted after being converted into an
electronic signal.
Much like in amplitude modulation, frequency modulation also has a similar approach where a carrier signal is
modulated by the input signal. However, in the case of FM, the amplitude of the modulated signal is kept or it remains
Frequency modulation has more noise resistivity when compared to other modulation techniques. That’s why
they are mainly used in broadcasting and radio communications. And we are all well aware that radio
communication use mainly frequency modulation for transmission. We know that noise will occur mainly to
the amplitude of the signal. In frequency modulation, amplitude is made constant and only frequency is varied,
so we can easily find out the noise in the amplitude by using a limiter.
The frequency modulation is having greater resistance to rapid signal strength variation, which we will use in
FM radios even while we are travelling and frequency modulation is also mainly used in mobile communication
For transmitting messages in frequency modulation, it does not require special equipment like linear amplifiers
or repeaters and transmission levels or higher when compared to other modulation techniques. It does not require
any class C or B amplifiers for increasing the efficiency.
Transmission rate is good for frequency modulation when compared to other modulation that is frequency
modulation can transmit around 1200 to 2400 bits per second.
Frequency modulation has a special effect called capture effect in which high frequency signal will capture the
channel and discard the low frequency or weak signals from interference.
In the transmission section, we don’t need any special equipment but in the reception, we need more complicated
demodulators for demodulating the carrier signal from message or modulating signal.
Frequency modulation cannot be used to find out the speed and velocity of a moving object. Static interferences
are more when compared to phase modulation. Outside interference is one of the biggest disadvantages in the
frequency modulation. There may be mixing because of nearby radio stations, pagers, construction walkie-
talkies etc.
To limit the bandwidth in the frequency modulation, we use some filter which will again introduce some
distortions in the signal.
Transmitters and receiver should be in same channel and one free channel must be there between the systems.
The message signal is modulated and detected successfully using frequency modulation technique.
In FM signals, the efficiency and bandwidth both depend on both the maximum modulating frequency and the
modulation index.
Compared to AM, the FM signal has a higher efficiency, a larger bandwidth and better immunity to noise.
Apparatus Required-
a) Hardware Tools: Computer system
b) Software Tool: MATLAB 7.0 and above version
Spectrum analysers are instruments that are used for analysing waves in frequency domain. It measures the spectrum of
periodic waveforms. The most common type of spectrum analyser contains a super heterodyne receiver. A different
type of spectrum analyser that has had increasing popularity is called a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) spectrum analyser.
The FM spectrum is considerably more complicated. The spectrum of a simple FM signal looks like:
Spectrum of an FM signal
Here, the carrier is 65 Hz, the modulating signal is a pure 5 Hz tone, and the modulation index is 2. What we see are
multiple side-bands (spikes at other than the carrier frequency) separated by the modulating frequency, 5 Hz. There are
roughly 3 side-bands on either side of the carrier. The shape of the spectrum may be explained using a simple heterodyne
argument: when we mix the three frequencies (fc, fm and Df) together you get the sum and difference frequencies. The
largest combination is fc + fm + Df, and the smallest is fc - fm - Df. Since Df = b fm, the frequency varies (b + 1) fm above
and below the carrier.
Frequency domain analysis of FM signals.
Simulink Model-
The bandwidth of a frequency modulated signal varies with both deviation and modulating frequency.
Increasing modulating frequency increases the frequency separation between sidebands.
Increasing modulating frequency for a given level of deviation reduces modulation index. As a result, it reduces
the number of sidebands with significant amplitude. This has the result of reducing the bandwidth.
The frequency modulation bandwidth increases with modulation frequency but it is not directly proportional to