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Week 8 Pakistan Studies

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Beaconhouse School system

Allama Iqbal Town Senior Campus Lahore

Curriculum Weekly Planning

Samreen Kapasi
Class IX C
Subject: Pak. Studies
Term: 1
Topic: War of Independence
Date: 28st September to 2nd October
Name of Teacher Samreen Subject Pak Studies

Topic Haji Shariat Ullah Date 28th September to 2nd October

Class IX C Duration 40 Mins

Learning Outcomes To enable the students to: Understand the concept and motive of Faraizi Movement by Haji Shariat Ullah

Content and teacher activity Student activity Time Learning materials and Formative assessment

How are you explaining and demonstrating the topic? What are the students doing to understand the topic? What resources will you use How do you plan to
(The teaching strategies/ methodology selected) that will support the teaching assess learning as it is
and learning activities? happening?
RECAP: Students will answer the question in notebooks Question in Notebook.
Recap: A little feedback with the previous information Why was there a need for Muslim nationalism to spread 10 mins Why were there attempts to Students will be assessed on
discussed about Shah Wali Ullah and Syed Ahmad Islam in the Subcontinent revive Islam in the Sub- their ability to answer the
Shaheed continent during the 18th and question as a test in the
19th Century? notebooks.
Sharing of the main objective of the lesson by the teacher.
Main Activity: Power Point and Board work.
Main Activity: The teacher will discuss about Haji Shariat Students will see a power point (for online students) and Which of the following was
Ullah and Titu Mir through a power point presentation for board work parallel to discuss the details of Haji Shariat the most important in the
online students and board work for students in class. ullah and Titu Mir Spread of Islam during the
17th to 19th Century?
Feedback: Teacher will take the feedback of the students on
note books by making a chart of each of the reformer studied,
discussion his achievements, role and influence Feedback will be collected from the students at random HW. Watch a video
about their learning through discussion. https://www.youtube.com/watc
Key points of the attempted question will be asked from the
students during wrap up.
Name of Teacher Samreen Subject Pak Studies

Topic War of Independence Date 28th September to 2nd October

Class IX C Duration 40 Mins

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to analyse the causes of 1857 War of Independence

Content and teacher activity Student activity Time Learning materials and Formative assessment

How are you explaining and demonstrating the topic? What are the students doing to understand the topic? What resources will you use How do you plan to
(The teaching strategies/ methodology selected) that will support the teaching assess learning as it is
and learning activities? happening?
Question in Notebook
Recap: A little feedback with a quick revision question on RECAP: Students will answer why was there a need for 10 mins Students will be assessed on
the religious reformers Muslim nationalism to spread Islam in the Subcontinent Which of the following was the their ability to discuss the
most important in the Spread of immediate causes of the
Sharing of the main objective of the lesson by the teacher. War.
Islam during the 17th to 19th
Century? Shah Wali Ullah;
Syed Ahmad Shaheed; Haji
Shariat Ullah.

Main Activity: Power Point and Board work.

Students will see a power point (for online students) and 20min
Main Activity: The teacher will discuss the War of
Independence, causes and immediate reasons of the War board work parallel to discuss the details The War of
Independence 1857.
A video will be shared on the class streams to watch as

Feedback: Teacher will take the feedback of the students Feedback will be collected from the students at random
through discussion of their view on the main cause of the about their learning through discussion. HW:
outbreak of the War. 5 Min

Key points of the attempted question will be asked from the https://youtu.be/bFImG_
students during wrap up. 5 Min AkEn0
Name of Teacher Samreen Subject Pak Studies

Topic War of Independence 1857 Date 28th September to 2nd October

Class IX C Duration 40 Mins

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to understand the effects of the war and able to criticize the practices of British that led to the war.

Content and teacher activity Student activity Time Learning materials and Formative assessment

How are you explaining and demonstrating the topic? What are the students doing to understand the topic? What resources will you use How do you plan to
(The teaching strategies/ methodology selected) that will support the teaching assess learning as it is
and learning activities? happening?
Recap: A little feedback with prior knowledge regarding RECAP: Students will recall and give their views on the 10 mins Discussion on the board in class Students will be assessed on
the causes of the War of independence reasons that led to the War and collaborative board with their ability to answer the
online students. Question in class and
Sharing of the main objective of the lesson by the teacher. attempt a quiz as HW on
mbSi0Ky7Lu google Forms.

Main Activity: The teacher will discuss the Practices of the Main Activity: Power Point and Board work.
British East India Company that created a discontent among Students will see a power point (for online students) and 20min
the people of Sub-Continent board work parallel to discuss the new laws and rules that
were imposed on the Indian by the British EIC Multiple Choice Quiz on
Google Forms.
Feedback will be collected from the students at random HW.
Feedback: Teacher will take the feedback of the students on 5 mins rms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXMm
about their learning through discussion. https://youtu.be/MV0fYMIvtyU
note books by making a chart of each of the reformer studied, 9bZHGGgmONUrfPF_A4
discussion his achievements, role and influence PpC-
Key points of the attempted question will be asked from the 5 min wWg/viewform?
students during wrap up. usp=sf_link
Name of Teacher Samreen Subject Pak Studies

Topic Topography of Pakistan-The Baluchistan Plateau Date 28th September to 2nd October

Class IX C Duration 80 Mins

Learning Outcomes To enable the students to: Understand the topography and economic structure of Baluchistan Plateau, Potwar Plateau and desert Areas

Content and teacher activity Student activity Time Learning materials and Formative assessment

How are you explaining and demonstrating the topic? What are the students doing to understand the topic? What resources will you use How do you plan to
(The teaching strategies/ methodology selected) that will support the teaching assess learning as it is
and learning activities? happening?
Question in Notebook.
Recap: A little feedback with prior knowledge the RECAP: Students will label the map to mark the points 10 mins Map worksheet Students will be assessed on
topography of Northern and Western Mountain askes on the Map of Pakistan their ability to answer the
related questions.
Sharing of the main objective of the lesson by the teacher.

Main Activity: Power Point and Board work. Describe the drainage
Main Activity: The teacher will discuss the plateaus of 20min features of the Potwar
Pakistan 1. Students will see a power point (for online students)
and board work parallel on the Plateaus of Pakistan Plateau.
2. Map Work on Plateaus 10 min Map work-Label the regions of Worksheet.
3. Discuss the Desert regions of Pakistan through Power the plateaus
point and board discussion 20 min
4. Map Work on Plateaus Map work-Label the regions of
10 min the deserts

Feedback: Teacher will take the feedback of the students on 5 min

note books by making a chart of each of the reformer studied, Feedback will be collected from the students at random
discussion his achievements, role and influence about their learning through discussion.

Key points of the attempted question will be asked from the 5 min
students during wrap up.
Key Questions on the War of Independence
1. Was the introduction of the “Doctrine of lapse” in 1852 the most important reason for the war of
Independence in 1857? Explain your answer.
2. Why did the war of Independence fail? Or “The War of Independence of 1857 achieved nothing”. Give
reasons why you might agree and disagree with this statement.
3. “The introduction of social reforms by the British, such as education, caused the War of Independence
in 1857.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.

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